The Knicks’ changes on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends are clear.

Improving their attributes in all directions is too critical.

The Knicks are now full of fighting spirit.

After the pause ends.

The Magic still chose to play Howard as a tactical fulcrum.

Techcoglu was well organized, and after consecutive pours from the perimeter, he managed to hang the ball to Howard.

Howard played Gasol Jr. to take advantage and smash the ball on the floor, and Howard stuck Mark Gasol’s tough turn.

Howard turned around, only to find Zhang Luo coming again.

Zhang Luo’s speed is fast, and in this game, Howard will see Zhang Luo every time after getting rid of Gasol Jr., which makes him very uncomfortable.

Howard’s layup was big to avoid Zhang Luo’s block.

The rebound was collected by Gasol Jr.

Gasol Jr. forcefully used his shoulder to knock away Lewis, who wanted to save, and protected the defensive rebound.

Gasol Jr. gives the ball to Zhang Luo nearby.

Zhang Luo’s hand is now great, hitting a variety of difficult goals, and Gasol Jr. also has great trust in Zhang Luo’s personal state.

Lewis forced Gasol Jr. to no avail, and immediately went to follow Zhang Luo.

Zhang Luo first dribbled with one back and then dived and rushed over from Lewis’s right side.

Zhang Luo’s dribbling ability is very good, and Lewis’s pressing has no effect on him.

Zhang Luo beckoned Gasol Jr. for cover.

After covering, he changed defenses, and Howard singled Zhang Luo.

Howard yelled at Zhang Luo: “Don’t think about scoring three more points!” ”

Howard roared as he leaned up.

Zhang Luo didn’t have the idea that if you don’t let me shoot three points, I will shoot.

Howard’s movements were very slow, and the result of his defense on the outside was that he was stepped by Zhang Luo.


Zhang Luo didn’t even need to change direction, and directly accelerated to the right and rushed past Howard.

Without Howard’s inside line, Zhang Luo is not much different from sharks entering it.

Zhang Luo grabbed the ball with one hand and set fire to the sky!!!

The left step to the right, the speed is extremely fast, Lewis does not even have much reaction time to watch Zhang Luo come in.

Instinctive retreat.

Zhang Luo jumped high, grabbed the ball with one hand and smashed the basket in front of the three-second zone!!!


79 to 79.


“There is no solution to this step.”

“Dwight shouldn’t have gone out!”

“We underestimated Dwight’s influence on Zhang Luo on the inside, and we didn’t expect that Dwight was not there, and Zhang Luo would be so terrifying on the inside.”

The magic fans at the scene broke out in a cold sweat.

When Howard was guarding the inside, they also felt that Zhang Luo was very strong, but not to such a perverted extent.

Now as soon as Howard comes out, Zhang Luo seems to have no one to prevent on the inside.

Van Gundy shouted from the side: “Dwight, go in, get in, you don’t go to defend the three.” ”

Barkley also laughed: “Dwight Howard won’t think that if he wins the best defensive player, he can prevent Zhang Luo, right?” ”

Smith said: “Be honest and stay on the inside, otherwise the Magic’s inside line will be out of luck.” ”

Zhang Luo opened his hands and high-fived his passing teammates in celebration.

Magic attack.

The Magic finally scored points.

It was Tekcoglu who came out.

Turkoglu used Howard’s block and then hit a long two-point shot from mid-range.

79 to 81.

The Magic’s lead was reclaimed.

The Magic’s three-point game is limited by the Knicks, and the means by which they can score are mid-range.

Mid-range is D’Antoni’s way of encouraging opponents to attack, and defensively, D’Antoni emphasized to Knicks players that mid-range can be put on to an appropriate degree as long as they are not shooters.

The Knicks have gradually begun to lead other teams at the small-ball tactical level.

The Knicks went on the offensive.

Zhang Luo did not rush to attack himself this time, but first hung the ball to Gasol Jr.

Gasol Jr.’s efficiency in the face of Howard has dropped greatly, and naturally he cannot be expected to attack, he is only a tactical response point.

Knicks players keep cutting inside, but Howard’s guard on the inside doesn’t give Knicks players a good chance to cut inside.

Howard’s interior deterrent is great.

After successive conduction balls, the ball was given to Zhang Luo.

Defending Zhang Luo were Turkoglu and Lewis.

The magic bag came up, and Zhang Luo also decisively attacked.

Zhang Luo’s dribbling ability ensures that he can still maneuver with two big men in between.

Zhang Luo came to the right side of Lewis, and first made a fake movement that came and went.

Immediately after pulling back, Lewis’s whole person was shaken by Zhang Luo to the bottom line on the right side.

Then Zhang Luo leaned against Tekcoglu, and then turned to the left.

Howard did not dare to come out to assist in defense this time, standing dead on the inside line waiting for Zhang Luo’s impact.

But Zhang Luo did not rush in, but chose to collect the ball and retreat to jump on the ground with one foot outside the three-point line!

Golden Rooster Independent Beyond the Three-Point Line!

Golden Rooster independence is now also Zhang Luo’s signature long-term throwing means.

His shot point is high, as long as he shakes a little position, he can lean back to complete the shot!!

It’s just that this location is farther than usual!!

Ultra-high arc.


82 to 81.

“Fak, it’s all!”

“Such a big man, leaning back from outside the three-point line, who can prevent it?”

“I can feel the desperation of Tekoglu and Lewis, Zhang Luo is definitely a defender with the height of the inside.”

From being 10 points behind, to now overtaking one point.

The bars and homes watching the game in New York immediately boiled and screamed.

The fans watching the game hi.

Zhang Luo’s trick is too cool.

The golden rooster outside the three-point line is independent!!

“Hahaha, if Zhang Luo uses this trick outside the three-point line, the magic will be desperate.” Barkley said.

“Now that they’re desperate, it’s rare in this league to have a big man with such a consistent three-point shooting percentage.” Kenny Smith said.

To be honest, the magic players on the court are indeed a little afraid of Zhang Luo now.

After entering the fourth quarter, Zhang Luo’s scoring explosiveness instantly exploded.

As long as the basketball is in Zhang Luo’s hands, it is like Zhang Luo equipped an eight-fold mirror on a sniper rifle, pointing where to hit.

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