The Knicks-Bulls backlash continues.

D’Antoni replaced Zhang Luo when he was six minutes into the game.

Zhang Luo’s exit affected the Knicks’ offense to some extent, but fortunately, Lowry is in good shape today.

The Knicks won’t be overtaken by the Bulls right away.

With 1:53 left in the second quarter, the Knicks still had a two-point advantage.

D’Antoni called a timeout and put Zhang Luo back on the field.

The cheers of the Knicks fans at the scene erupted again when Zhang Luo appeared.

Zhang Luo is on the field and not there, the Knicks are two very different teams.

Seeing Zhang Luo coming again, Denagro immediately shouted at the disciples: “Pinch, don’t let him score!!” ”

In order to restrict Zhang Luo, the bulls thought of more than one way, and they tried their best to prevent Zhang Luo.

But if Zhang Luo can easily prevent it, he will not be called a monster.

Lowry dribbled the ball to the front court and gave the ball to Zhang Luo on the right side.

Defending Zhang Luo were Rohr Deng and Sarmons.

Zhang Luo did not pause, directly used a change of direction to shake the rhythm of Cairore Deng, and then leaned over and sprinted through the right side of Salmons.

The Bulls’ defense is coming!

Noa’s defense is coming.


When everyone thought Zhang Luo was going to pass the ball to Gasol Jr. on the inside.

Zhang Luo chose to pull up the golden rooster in the three-person clamp and cast it independently!!

Zhang Luo chose this because Gasol Jr. already has a favorable rebounding position inside, and then he can also have the opportunity to create fouls.

Zhang Luo’s height heel jumping height ensures that he can shoot smoothly without interference.

Noa’s defense was too fierce.

After Zhang Luo finished his shot, he also knocked Zhang Luo down.




The ball goes into the whistle, two plus one!!

52 to 56.


“Nice job!!”

Lowry and Korver pulled Zhang Luo up.

Zhang Luo smiled and patted his chest.

Noah shook his head helplessly.

Zhang Luo hit too much of a thief, and this was Noah’s fourth foul.

Noah was the Bulls’ interior defensive pillar, and although the Bulls bit the score, he got into big trouble.


52 to 57

Zhang Luo enjoyed the MVP’s shouts and steadily sent the ball in.

Zhang Luo’s appearance changed the momentum of the Knicks.

However, Ross was still difficult to block, he just bit the score abruptly, and did not let Zhang Luo easily pull the score to double digits.

The game was quickly played on to the final attack of the first half.

There are 8 seconds left in the game.

Knicks’ possession.

Zhang Luo held the ball and threatened three at the three-point line.

The Bulls did not rashly choose to pinch at this time.

They choose single defense.

Luo Er Deng stood one step outside to defend Zhang Luo.

Zhang Luo held the ball high and thought about the way to attack.

Luo Er Deng has been sweating, and defending Zhang Luo puts a lot of pressure on him.

Zhang Luo’s cutting was like cutting vegetables, which made Luo Er Deng full of frustration.

As the minutes passed, all the defenders of the Bulls were paying attention to Zhang Luo’s position.

The rest of the Knicks desperately opened up space for Zhang Luo and reduced the pressure on defense.

In 5 seconds, Zhang Luo dribbled and Luo Er Deng forced up.

In 4 seconds, Zhang Luo shook Luo Er Deng with a big change, and Luo Er Deng thought that Zhang Luo was going to break through, and he was instantly shaken!

In 3 seconds, Zhang Luo retreated sideways, and Ross on one side rushed over!!!

2 seconds, Zhang Luo laughed, he did not choose a normal shot, but leaned sideways towards Ross, and then pushed three points!!

1 second, “Beep!! ”

The referee raised three fingers and signaled Ross for a foul.

Zhang Luo’s three points are not marginal, and he is running to make a foul on this ball.

Zhang Luo’s foul is different from Harden’s annoying, Zhang Luo is abruptly shaken off the opponent’s defense, the opponent is helpless, can only completely lose body control to rush over to be successfully made by Zhang Luo.

This style of play is similar to Kobe Bryant’s foul.

The defensive players are also very convinced by such fouls!

In the midst of cheers, Zhang Luo’s steady three free throws were all hit!!!

56 to 64.

The Knicks led by eight points.

The Bulls’ long-range three-point last-minute run in the last 1 second didn’t hit the frame.

The Knicks are back in the locker room with an advantage!!

Fans watching the Bulls game as far away as Chicago are anxious.

The Bulls entered the playoffs after many years, but they were forced to this point by Zhang Luo!

As soon as Zhang Luo appeared, it was similar to the effect of James in the Cavaliers, and the team immediately became different at both ends of the offensive and defensive ends.

Zhang Luo frantically cut down 30 points, 6 assists and 10 rebounds in the first half.

It looks like it’s going to 60+20 again.

Back in the dressing room, Zhang Luo’s face did not have much relaxed expression.

An eight-point lead isn’t solid for the Knicks.

Examples of playoffs turning around because of carelessness abound.

The Cavaliers can turn the Warriors 1-3…..

There are too many examples of the second half turning over the first half.

The Knicks are now nowhere near a level where they can play in waves.

The Knicks’ biggest problem now is still the defense against Rose, and although Lowry occasionally has bright performances, he is generally suppressed by Rose.

The price of the Knicks’ lead is that Zhang Luo went crazy early.

The last game was very expensive for Zhang Luo, and this game was played like this, Zhang Luo’s consumption was greater than the last game.

The 1-day rest time is far from allowing Zhang Luo’s consumption to completely replenish it.

If Zhang Luo’s fitness declines in the second half, then the Knicks will be in big trouble.

Of course, Zhang Luo himself is ready to play the second half of the game, as long as he can play, he will stay on the field.

As for whether he is tired or not, that is not a matter of his consideration.

Noa’s foul was good news for the Knicks.

The Bulls’ interior defense relies heavily on Noa.

D’Antoni also focused on letting Zhang Luo attack inside when he laid out his tactics for the second half.

Noah is not there, Zhang Luo and Gasol Jr. will be unbeatable in the Bulls penalty area!!


“The Bulls are in trouble inside, and in the second half they are expected to be bombed in the box.”

“The Knicks are above the Bulls offensively and defensively, and I believe the Knicks will win this series.”

“Come on Zhang Luo, come on 60+20 again!!”

“Another 60+ is really far ahead of Jordan.”

Zhang Luo’s performance in the first half made domestic fans extremely excited.

This game proves that Zhang Luo entered the playoffs and is still a super giant who can stabilize output!!

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