“35 points in a single quarter is the new single-quarter record in the NBA! Crazy Night!!! ”

“In front of Anthony, Zhang Luo completed the surpassing of his record, this is a game destined to be magical!!”

“Arlo did it, he did it.”

Director Zhang shouted a little divinely.

The excitement of the first quarter made him enjoy the whole game.

Zhang Luo gave his sneakers to the female fan closest to the seat after the game.

Zhang Luo walked back to the dressing room with his bare feet and insoles.

NBA players’ insoles are specially made, sneakers can be sent, insoles are generally not sent, that is really expensive!

Back in the dressing room, Zhang Luo high-fived his teammates in celebration.

David Lee and Nate Robinson are both funny and take a photo with Zhang Luo with a handwritten 35 points on A3 paper.

Zhang Luo also satisfied these two goods.

This game was a magical record night for others, but for Zhang Luo, it was just an ordinary game.

Zhang Luo felt that he could do something similar in the future.

Post-match press conference!!

Zhang Luo was surrounded by reporters.

“Zhang, how are you feeling when you scored 35 points in a single quarter in this game?” A hot female reporter from Time Warner asked.

“Not bad.” Zhang Luo’s answer was concise.

A reporter for Fox Sports asked the white reporter: “You broke the record in front of Anthony, what do you want to say to him?” ”

Zhang Luo replied: “I don’t want to say anything, there is nothing to say, we won.” ”

Zhang Luo does not like to belittle his opponent after a match.

Whatever the pre-match dispute and scolding with Anthony, it ended after the game.

Everyone will lose, if you keep biting after the game, you will be ridiculed when you encounter a loss, there is no need to lose too many characters.

“What did you tell him about the record-breaking mid-distance that knocked him down?”

“I just told him I would shoot there.”


The reporters liked Zhang Luo’s pretense.

“Tonight you got another 50+, and the other stars in the league don’t add up to as much 50+ times this season, do you think it’s a decline in the scoring ability of other supergiants?”

Zhang Luo shrugged and said, “I’m young, they just let me.” ”

Zhang Luo is now low-key again.

Journalists don’t like this Zhang Luo, they like Zhang Luo who talks a little.

Why is it so awesome before the game and so low-key after the game?

Isn’t it time to step on Anthony?

Why didn’t you step on it?

Don’t say Anthony Trash?

The journalists felt like a punch on cotton.

Zhang Luo and Anthony have no personal grudges, and if they continue to add fuel to the fire, then there will really be a grudge.

The media needs to create topics and traffic, but it can’t be excessive, just stop.

D’Antoni told reporters directly: “I love him to death, we had a lot of difficulties, we didn’t have two starters, but we still won the game, it was Zhang’s excellent play that helped us win, of course, the others worked hard, we are a great team. ”

George Carr was full of praise for Zhang Luo: “That rookie beat us up, his talent is so good, he was like Cameron in the first quarter, no one could stop him.” ”

George Carr lost his heart, and when he encountered such a super-god player, there was no way at all.

Billups also said: “Obviously, he’s a great leader and he made the Knicks different. ”

When Anthony faced the interview, he was silent.

Without saying a word, he went out of the news interview hall and boarded the team bus directly.

For Anthony, this night he will never forget.

He scored high, but he wasn’t happy at all.

He watched his record be broken, but was powerless to stop it.


On this night, Zhang Luo’s 35 points in a single quarter caused the league to shake.

The Cavaliers also had games today, losing away to the Jazz.

Playing away from home in the West, even the No. 1 Knights in the East won’t get much good.

The knights up and down were very excited, and everyone felt excellent.

James’s shooting didn’t feel good, and he rushed inside and was full of people.

The result was a 20-point defeat on the road for the Cavaliers.

This is James’ third loss this season, and if they lose one more game, their record will be caught up by the Knicks.

James was in a bad mood after the loss, and was asked in an interview after the game about Zhang Luo’s 35 points.

James could only helplessly say: “I will watch Zhang’s game again in the evening, he is very good, very good, I know he can do these things!” ”

James knew what the reporter wanted, and he also gave the reporter an evaluation of Zhang Luo.

James’s emotional intelligence is very high and he knows that journalists like to listen to him bragging about Luo.

Dayao told reporters on a domestic program: “I clearly remember every game in the Olympics, he is a player who is good at miracles, even if you tell me tomorrow that he scored 100 points, I will not be surprised.” ”

Olajuwon said: “Apart from his personality being a little unpleasant, I can’t fault him in other aspects, I like his steps on the field, his strength is enough to lead the team to the championship even without helpers!” ”

Bryant tweeted: “Unbelievable!!! Fantastic Rookie!! New York doesn’t need anyone else!! ”

Barkley also said on the TV show: “If you only watch the news, you may not like Zhang Luo, but if you watch the game, then you will be fascinated by him!! ”

Reggie Miller also said: “It’s hard to believe that he has such a good hand at such a tall height, his feel is no worse than Dirk, and the Nuggets lost this game without any injustice.” ”

Many NBA celebrities and supergiants praised Zhang Luo for the first time after the game.

Zhang Luo’s continuous transmission of various records in the NBA has also caused a sensation in China.

The fans gradually changed from looking forward to Dayao’s game to expecting Zhang Luo’s game.

Dayao’s long-term injury makes fans feel sorry, but Zhang Luo’s birth makes fans feel that there are people in the basketball world!!

Various print media put Zhang Luo on the cover.

“Miracle 35 points in a single quarter” as the title, wearing the No. 25 Knicks jersey Zhang Luo one-handed photo of grabbing the ball!!

Next to it, it was Anthony who was shaken down by Zhang Luo!

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