
“Bell, congratulations to the host for winning the NCAA championship and awarding 20 honor points.”

“Bell, congratulations to the host for getting the MOP, reward 10 honor points.”

“Bell, congratulations to the host for breaking…”

Being able to hear the constant prompts of the system in my head has been rewarded.

But now Zhang Luo didn’t have time to think too much, he needed to deal with the reporters around him.

After the ceremony, the reporter surrounded Zhang Luo, Ross and other popular rookies.

There are more reporters around Zhang Luo than Ross, and many of these reporters are Asian.

Zhang Luo accepted Su Jun’s interview, which was broadcast live for domestic fans.

“Arlo, congratulations on winning the MOP and winning the final championship, do you have anything to say about it?”

“Thank you to the fans who have been supporting, thank you to the staff of the team…”

“What was going on in your mind when you shot that three-pointer?”

“I was thinking, it’s time to end this game!”

“Will you be in the draft this year?”

“Yes, I can’t wait to challenge myself in the NBA.”

“What do you expect your draft pick to be?”

“It’s hard to say, after all, I’m running for the first time.” Zhang Luo is very low-key.

“Do you expect anything from the NBA?”

“I hope to become better!”

“Which NBA team do you like?”


“So who do you think will win this year?”

“The Lakers, even though they will be tough against the Celtics, I still support the Lakers.”

“Arlo, there is news that the basketball association has invited you to participate in the national team training camp for this year’s Olympic Games, will you participate?”

“Definitely, I’m honored.”


Zhang Luo was unhurried, answering Su Jun’s questions one by one, this is not the first time he has faced the camera, after passing the initial tension, Zhang Luo showed his mature mentality.

Domestic fans looked at Zhang Luo’s answer, and many people were posting comments such as “this guy will become a big deal”.

Zhang Luo is quite pleasing to fans.

Temperament, temperament, many times I think this guy can succeed.

Zhang Luo has already discussed the draft with his teammates and coaches, and the matter of participating in the draft does not need to be kept secret, and it will be announced again when the time comes.

The interview lasted about 20 minutes, and after the interview, Zhang Luo happily walked to the locker room passage.

For Zhang Luo, everything tonight was perfect enough.

After returning to the dressing room, coach Calipari introduced Zhang Luo to an agent.

Calipari cared about Zhang Luo very much, and when he learned that Zhang Luo wanted to participate in the NBA, but was distressed that he did not meet a reliable agent, he made the introduction.

As the head coach of the NCAA school, Calipari has a deep network in the basketball circle, and if he wants, he can even help some players be directly selected by NBA teams, of course, not who can let Calipari use his connections.

This is also the benefit of playing at an NCAA school, and there will be a lot of extra help if you want to enter professional basketball.

In the corner of the dressing room.

“Zhang, hello, I’m Jeff Austin of Octagon Athlete Agency, I heard the coach talk about your situation, I think we can talk in detail when we have time.” Jeff Austen smiled kindly and took out his business card.

Austin is a middle-aged white man who is Sven, and although Zhang Luo did not have much impression of him in his previous life, this was introduced by the coach, and he should not be a liar.

Zhang Luo is open to contact with agents, who he needs to help run his draft.

Zhang Luo accepted the business card and nodded: “I’ll call you later, sorry, now I have to go back to celebrate.” ”

Zhang Luo pointed to his teammates who were surrounded in the center of the locker room.

Jeff Austen also smiled and left.

Tonight is championship night, Zhang Luo doesn’t think about NBA things, he just wants to celebrate with his teammates!!

After celebrating in the locker room, Coach Calipari directly took a sum of money for everyone to go to the nightclub to continue the celebration!

If you win the championship, it will be easier to apply for various funding with the school, and as an NCAA champion team, you will not be critical in this regard.

All night was crazy!!

The next day, Zhang Luo got up groggily, and the whole team had to fly back to Memphis early in the morning, and today they had to attend the championship ceremony held at the school.

On the plane, Ross next to him was still sleeping to catch up on sleep.

Last night this guy Ross got drunk and missed a beautiful affair….

And Zhang Luo, who was sitting, was reading the latest issue of the newspaper.

The newspaper wrote all about last night’s University of Memphis championship win, as well as about the draft prospects of Zhang Luo, Ross and others.

For potential rookies, the NCAA is over, the NBA career is about to begin, and the time for ordinary players is over.

The next spotlight will focus on their group of heavenly heroes.

In the seat, Zhang Luo took out the business card given by Jeff Austin last night and carefully recalled the name.

He carefully recalled that if he remembered correctly, this guy was the agent of the future Curry and Alphabet brother…

Curry and Brother Alphabet have done an excellent job in both business operations on and off the court, and this aspect is certainly inseparable from the credit of the agent.

“This guy should have good vision and ability.” Zhang Luo thought to himself.

While thinking about it, Zhang Luo’s fingers also kept moving and sent a message to Austin: “Mr. Austin, hello, I think we can find time to have an interview.” ”

Austin’s message replied quickly: “Okay, Zhang, see when it’s convenient for you, my side is always available.” ”

Zhang Luo replied, “You are also in Memphis? ”

Austin replied, “I arrived last night, and I know you’re going to continue celebrating tonight, so I want to go to your dorm again in the early hours of the morning to find you, I don’t want you to be signed by someone else.” ”

Zhang Luo appreciates Austin’s professional attitude.

This guy is really attached to himself.

“You can rest assured that my commission is definitely more competitive than other brokers, and it will only need to be paid after you sign the contract.”

“I will cover your expenses during the trial, which will be an investment in our company.”


Austin’s attitude is very good, and the impression on Zhang Luo is also very good, he will take the initiative to send a lot of text messages over, and introduce everything about himself to Zhang Luo as much as possible.

Zhang Luo could feel that Austen had begun to take the initiative to consider him in many things.

This guy has a very suitable personality as an agent, is very service-minded, and has strong professional ability.

Zhang Luo and Austin meet tomorrow noon at a restaurant outside the University of Memphis campus.

The college career is over, Zhang Luo is ready to enter the NBA!

After chatting with Austin in a simple text message, Zhang Luo closed his eyes and entered the system, ready to see last night’s reward.


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