UCLA is the strongest team in the NCAA, and no team has more championships than UCLA.

But Kansas is more noble than its status in the NCAA.

That’s because the history of the Kansas Pine Eagles is about the same as the history of basketball!

One hundred years ago, Dr. Nye Smith brought the sport of basketball to Kansas.

Then came Frister Allen, Adolph Rapp, Adolf Miller, Dean Smith, Larry Bron passed on from generation to generation, and finally created the towering tree of the NCAA.

In 1957, Wilt Chamberlain’s Pine Eagles played all the way to the third overtime of the NCAA finals against North Carolina, only to end in a narrow 54-53 victory for Kansas, which is considered the greatest game in NCAA history.

It was also in Kansas that basketball emperor Chamberlain embarked on an unusual basketball path.

In 1988, Kansas won its second NCAA championship under Larry Boulang, when Danny Manning, the core of the team, became the NBA champion, and Larry Clothon became the only coach to win both the NCAA and NBA championships.

However, Kansas’s glory also ended in 1988, and since then, although Kansas has still produced stars, such as Pierce, Rafrenz, and Hinrich, Roy Williams has also led the team to the NCAA Final Four four times and reached the championship twice, but always missed the championship.

Bill Scheff, who had been an assistant to Larry Brom for a long time in Kansas in ’03, took over the coaching whip, but it is a pity that Kansas has not been able to make it to the NCAA Final Four since then.

Roy Williams is widely believed to be the best coach who has not won a championship, while Schev is the best coach who has not reached the Final Four, and since coaching Kansas, Schev has not led the team to the Final Four until this year.

He then eliminated Roy Williams’ North Carolina in the Final Four to reach the final.

Although he didn’t get good results before, Schev is still a well-known coach, and his recruitment ability was reflected in Ilinoi’s college years, and he put together the three musketeers of Hyde, Delon and Dee Bulang.

This year, he put together a deep lineup for the University of Kansas.

Rasul Robinson sits along with Mario Chamos and Brandon Rush at the back, with strong striker Daryl Orsel and two big seniors Darnell Jackson and Kaune up front.

Although only Chalmers and Rush have NBA prospects, they must not underestimate others.

Unlike Roy Williams’ traditional fast-attack system, Schev, who has always learned Larry Bulang, likes to fight slowly, fast positional battles, and every attack and defense at the University of Kansas is a hand-to-hand fight with the opponent.

Kansas also doesn’t have an absolute core, the whole team plays in many people, and they are the Pistons on the NCAA field.

This is Kansas.

That’s the University of Memphis’ last opponent in the NCAA this season!


April 8th!

The small city of San Antonio has become very lively, and basketball fans from all over the United States are flocking to the city.

These basketball fans aren’t here to watch Spurs games, they’re here for the NCAA Finals.

Tonight, the NCAA finals of the Memphis Tigers vs Kansas Pinehawks will be played at the Alamo Arena.

Zhang Luo followed the team to San Antonio two days early for closed training.

The city may be small, but the basketball atmosphere is very strong, and the whole city is talking about the NCAA, talking about hot rookies such as Ross, Zhang Luo, Rush and so on.

For this final, the NBA also chose to make way for the NCAA!

When the game officially started, there was no NBA game on TV, only the NCAA, and the Finals attracted hundreds of millions of fans.

Zhang Luo, Ross, Roberts and others did not care about the discussion of them from the outside world, and they devoted themselves to training.

Even Zhang Luo will be a little nervous when he encounters such a final, which is the first finals he has participated in in his life.

Zhang Luo’s brilliant play in the elite eight and final four will undoubtedly attract enough defensive targeting for him.

How will Kansas, known as the NCAA Pistons, deal with Zhang Luo? No one knows.

However, Coach Kalipari, who was watching the training, was full of confidence in Zhang Luo.

Zhang Luo has many scoring means and comprehensive functions, and it is not so simple to hold him down, at the very least, Calipari can’t think of anyone in the NCAA who can prevent Zhang Luo.

The morning training is less intense, more about warming up, so that everyone can ensure that they are in the best physical condition.

“I can’t stress enough how important the game is at night.”

“This will be the last college game for many of you, and the last time you’ll fight together!”

“Some people will go into the NBA to be opponents, some will leave professional basketball, there are other developments.”

Calipari swept past Ross, Zhang Lo, Roberts, Dorsey and a bunch of senior faces.

Year after year, finally leaving, Kalipari paused.

“But we’ve been fighting together for so long, and we’ve overcome one strong opponent after another to get here, so let’s see each other off with tonight’s victory!!”

“Coach, don’t be so sensational, Dorsey is crying.”

“Hey, I didn’t…”

“Liar, there is, hahaha.”

A group of five-year-old boys all fought around Dorsey.

Everyone knows how important tonight’s game is, they’ve made final preparations, and this fight is just to hide their tensions.

Zhang Luo was nervous and enjoyed such a game.


The University of Memphis players boarded buses from their hotels and headed for the Alamo Arena.

Arriving at the stadium, conducting pre-match interviews, entering the dressing room, changing gear, warming up…

The pre-match preparations are in order!

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