After dancing with his teammates, Zhang Luo came to the technical table and raised his arm to the fans, shouting loudly: “Ah!!!!!! ”

50+20, Zhang Luo played the best battle of his career!!

Only such a roar can vent his emotions that he has been unable to exert his full strength.




FedEx Arena’s response to Zhang Luo was also very direct.

Fans wearing Tigers jerseys were chanting MVP.

“Fak, this guy stole all the limelight.” Dorsey scolded and said.

“He’s been depressed for a long time.” Ross said.

The teammates pulled Zhang Luo back to the locker room excitedly.


Multiple NBA scouts called their general managers, and the general managers on the floor dialed the bosses.

‘There’s a good player and we can try to get him.’

After this game, there were many NBA teams interested in Zhang Luo.

Zhang Luo’s style of play is suitable for any system and tactics!

In the dressing room passage.

Kalipari specially waited for Zhang Luo at the door of the dressing room, and as soon as Zhang Luo came over, he gave Zhang Luo a high five.

“Zhang, your performance tonight is great!”

Faced with the head coach’s praise, Zhang Luo also replied with a smile: “Thank you for your trust!” ”

Zhang Luo has great respect for Kalipari’s professional ability.

This head coach dares to use people, dare to change formations, will not stick to the rigid lineup, and gives him a lot of opportunities.

If in other teams, Zhang Luo’s situation is likely to be pressed to the bench all the time, rather than playing tactics almost with him as the core of the whole game now.

Zhang Luo enjoys this feeling of being regarded as the core of the coach.

Kalipari was relieved to pat Zhang Luo’s back, his wait was still worth it.

Tonight you can see that Zhang Luo has grown into a good enough player.

“Will you be in the draft? If you still want to play for another year, next season this team will be built with you as the core. Kalipari asked.

Kalipari is well aware of Zhang Luo’s current situation, and if he announces his candidacy, tonight’s match will be enough for him to enter the lottery zone, and he wants Zhang Luo to stay.

Although Zhang Luo respects the coach, he is still very clear about his future.

“Coach, thank you, but there is no point in me staying in the NCAA, I want to go to the NBA.”

“Are you sure?”

“It’s OK!”

“Well, then play the next game well, don’t let your life have regrets.”

After receiving Zhang Luo’s affirmative answer, Kalipari still sighed.

Sure enough, geniuses like challenges, so the Tigers will start all over again next year!

Kalipari never forced others, whether Zhang Luo or Ross, and when they made the decision to run, he would be willing to respect their choice.

“Well, it will, I will do my best to help fight for the championship!!” Zhang Luo said firmly.

After hugging Kalipari, he entered the dressing room, and Zhang Luo came out after taking a shower and was surrounded by reporters.

This was the first time Zhang Luo had enjoyed the siege of so many reporters after the game.

“The first time you cut 50+20, do you have anything to say?”

“What is your real height?”

“Zhang Luo, you don’t have a girlfriend?”

“Zhang Luo, what type of girl do you like?”

“Will you be in the draft this year?”

“If the Z National Basketball Association invited you to play in the Olympics, would you play?”

The reporter asked one question after another, which made Zhang Luo a little busy.

For the first time, Zhang Luo became a real “public figure”


March Madness has come to an end.

The game reached the final four, and the attention of each game was no worse than that of the NBA playoffs.

The NBA regular season is entering its final stage, and fans are a little tired of the NBA stars.

Fans are more about the schools that make it up to the Final Four, as well as the NBA stars in their schools.

Zhang Luo, this is the main topic when discussing hot rookies.

Zhang Luo’s 50+20 data is too shocking!

Zhang Luo became the main research target of the other three teams in the final four, and Zhang Luo’s threat surpassed Ross to some extent.

Ross’s talent seems to have not yet been fulfilled, and Zhang Luo’s power is visible to the naked eye!!

In China, Zhang Luo’s fame is getting bigger and bigger.

There is no shortage of data parties among fans, and when they saw Zhang Luo frantically cutting 50+20 data in the quarterfinals, they had already begun to worship one by one.

The video of this game is also constantly spreading!

For the first time, domestic fans discovered that a big man as tall as the UAE could not just play inside.

Outside dribbling, three-point shooting, the defender can use the move Zhang Luo can all know!

This guy is almost an all-round attacker.

They also began to pay attention to Zhang Luo’s ranking on the draft website.

Many fans are also calling on the basketball association to let Zhang Luo enter the national team to compete in the Olympic Games, and fans hope to see this potential star wearing the national team jersey to compete in the Olympic Games.

With the continuous improvement of popularity, Zhang Luo’s life has changed greatly.

Many fans will secretly photograph him during classes or meals.

The girls’ small notes are still constant, and sometimes Zhang Luo will be attacked sneakily….

There are also some agents who will wait at the door of Zhang Luo’s dormitory, hoping to sign a broker contract with Zhang Luo.

Of course, in addition to fans, girls, and agents, more are journalists.

At first, Zhang Luo was still interested in the interview, but later he found that his words could easily be taken out of context.

Journalists also didn’t play as much of a role in broadcasting his fame, so he cut back on interviews.

Now it’s the journalist who needs him to write the news, not that he needs the journalist to expand his fame.

“Arlo, will you be in the draft this year?” When Zhang Luo was about to enter the dormitory building, a male reporter asked Zhang Luo a question at the door with a Chinese.

If it was an English question, Zhang Luo might not stop, but when he heard that it was a familiar compatriot, Zhang Luo stopped.

Taking a closer look, Zhang Luo found that this reporter was still very familiar.

In his previous life, he was often seen commenting on the Penguin NBA, but I can’t imagine that he is still a reporter now, and I forgot what his name is.

“This will need to wait until the end of the NCAA season.” Zhang Luo replied.

Public is not appropriate to respond to such questions.

“If the basketball association invited you, would you represent your country in the Olympics?”

“I will, it’s an honor!”

Competing in the 08 Olympic Games is the dream of every domestic basketball player, and Zhang Luo will not refuse to cooperate with the strongest men’s basketball team to impact the next medal!

The Dream Team may not be able to do it, but there is still a good chance of destroying other teams.

“Arlo, can you leave a contact information? I would like to conduct an exclusive interview with you when I have time in the future, I am Su Jun of “Vanguard”. Su Jun put away the voice recorder and handed over his business card with both hands.

“Well, I’ll text you when I get back.” After hearing his self-introduction, Zhang Luo finally remembered the reporter’s name.

Zhang Luo accepted the business card, and it was indispensable to deal with him after the basketball circle.

Zhang Luo’s goal is not only to become a basketball player, but also to have his own business empire, and his contacts in all aspects are indispensable.

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