“After trailing by 12 points in the second half, the University of Memphis reversed the University of Pennsylvania and advanced to the round of 16.”

“Zhang Luo, who stood up on the bench, became the hero of winning this game.”

“Zhang Luo played 9 minutes, shot 8 of 9, including 5 of 6 from three-point range, 2 of 2 from the free throw line, and combined 23 points, 6 rebounds, 2 assists, 3 steals and 4 blocks…”

“This is the first draft dark horse born in March Madness, and now there are quite a few NBA scouts asking about this guy.”

The commentator splattered his mouth and told everything about the game.

After winning the game, teammates and team staff danced around Zhang Luo, and Zhang Luo’s timely appearance saved the team.


Photographers focus on players, fans, cheerleaders.

A basketball game, you can see the variety of life, this is the charm of the NCAA.

The University of Memphis is reveling, but the University of Pennsylvania is sad.

For many players at the University of Pennsylvania, their basketball dreams are over.

Many big men were holding their heads and crying, and the cheerleading girls cried with makeup.

“Children, hug your opponents in the past, they deserve respect!!” Calipari said to the players after the celebration.


Zhang Luo followed the team to the past and hugged and saluted the opponents of the University of Pennsylvania.

Graham said to Zhang Luo: “Zhang, you have the strength to impact the NBA!” ”

Against Zhang Luo, Graham felt that huge pressure, which was not in line with Ross.

Zhang Luo smiled and said, “Your vision is good. ”

For the NBA, Zhang Luo has full confidence!

After the game, a reporter found Zhang Luo to interview.

Zhang Luo is very cooperative, he knows that if he wants to participate in the draft, he must show his face in the media.

Zhang Luo is different from Ross, who was famous in high school, and he did not lack flashes all the way.

ESPN’s beautiful reporter interviewed Zhang Luo.

“Zhang, did you play guard before?”

“Yes, I played guard in high school, and in college because I became taller, I played forward.”

The reporter seemed to know why Zhang Luo could do such a gorgeous move.

“Would you consider playing center?”

“This depends on the arrangement of the coach, after all, I have not touched that position.”

“Do you think you can get into the NBA?”

“I’m working on it.”

ESPN’s blonde reporter asked a few more questions, and Zhang Luo answered them one by one.

2008 is known as the big year of the draft, if Zhang Luo participates, he needs to have more opportunities to show, and just one ball is not enough.

Ross, Beasley, Mayo, Westbrook, Love…

These people are all hot rookies, they are all popular figures in their respective schools, and Zhang Luo has a much lower status than them, even if he plays an extraordinary game, he still can’t let him be selected immediately, he still needs more games.






“I’m no longer invulnerable!!”

“Kill, haha, you are an internal traitor, dead.”

Derek Rose smiled excitedly: “Zhang, haha, I finally beat you.” ”

Zhang Luo complained, “Your lord’s luck is too good. ”

Ross is very talented in playing Three Kingdoms Killing, and after only learning 5 handfuls, he won Zhang Luo with his luck operation.

Zhang Luo regretted teaching Ross to play Three Kingdoms to kill, this guy is like the son of God, his luck is too good.

Roberts, Dorsey, and Desai looked at the two goods speechlessly, they just came to make up the numbers.

If it weren’t for the fact that the coach forbade the players to party, they would have started playing sports with beautiful girls.

The game Zhang Luo played was too brain-intensive, and they didn’t like to play it.


Last night’s madness is over, the coaching staff at the University of Memphis are preparing the tactical schedule for the Sweet Round of 16, and the players have plenty of time to rest!

After last night, Zhang Luo became famous in a battle.

In the NCAA playoffs, the information that he cut 23 points and 6 rebounds to lead the team to complete the comeback made domestic fans crazy.

Zhang Luo’s bounce is not top-notch, but mainly his height and arm span are center, and his athleticism and shooting feel are the top guard type.

The combination of these qualities in Zhang Luo is enough to impress domestic fans to pay attention to him.

Generally speaking, Zhang Luo’s height in the NBA is to play inside, but Zhang Luo can use his breakthrough and dribbling comparable to guards to pass, which is very scary.

“This guy can gamble with the pick of this round.”

After repeatedly watching the footage of the Round of 32, many NBA scouts gave rough predictions.

Generally, they rarely give predictions just by watching a game.

But no way, Zhang Luo’s physical talent is too good, and he plays the University of Pennsylvania like an adult beating a child, doing whatever he wants.

Even if it comes a few more games, they feel that Zhang Luo can play at the same level.

A big man with a shooter’s feel, top movement speed, top breakthrough ability, not weak confrontation, as long as he plays his own characteristics in the next game, then he is enough to make many NBA teams hungry.

Scouts finally set Zhang Luo’s template as Novitsky.

Of course, there are also many reviews that question scouting.

Their view is mainly that the reference data of the game is too little, in the previous match, Zhang Luo’s data is also very low, if it is really so strong, why did he not have a little sign of playing before?

Scouts also gave their own reasons, if Zhang Luo has been so hot before, it is not a prediction of the second round of the show, but not a problem of the champion…

The scout’s angle is not the same as the fan’s.


After ending the game of Three Kingdoms Killing with a few teammates, Zhang Luo went out to eat with Ross.

“Zhang, do you want to participate in the draft this year?” While eating, Ross asked.

From yesterday’s interview report, Ross saw that Zhang Luo wanted to participate in the draft.

“Well, I want to participate, I don’t want to waste time at school.” Zhang Luo nodded.

“Which team do you want to go to?” Ross asked.

Ross was not surprised by Zhang Luo’s choice, if Zhang Luo maintained last night’s level, he had a high probability of being selected.

“I haven’t thought about it yet, what about you?” Zhang Luo asked rhetorically.

“Chicago Bulls, I’m a Chicagoman, I grew up watching Michael play, and I want to go back there and lead the Bulls back to the top.” Ross said excitedly.

Zhang Luo smiled, if there were no injuries, Ross did have a chance to lead the Bulls back to the stage of the finals.

But it would be too difficult for him to complete his transcendence of Jordan.

Still, it’s good to have dreams.

Looking at Ross’s vigorous appearance, Zhang Luo himself was also inspired!

Where does the future go? Zhang Luo also had to think carefully.

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