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Chapter 99 The Shock Of The Nuclear Bomb Killing Five Elders, The Four Emperors Were Frightened, And

"It's the Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile!"

"Reynold finally gets to use this Shinigami weapon again."

"It's so terrifying, the absolutely invincible ultimate weapon, enough to kill everyone and everything, and destroy the world!"

"First came the devastating fire strike, followed by the Shinigami~intercontinental nuclear missile.'

"Those two monsters must be dead, right?"

"Yes, he will definitely die this time."

"Even if they are immortal, even if their heads are cut off, they can be resurrected again."

"But in such a huge explosion that destroyed the world, their bodies must have been wiped out, leaving no trace."

"In this case, it is absolutely impossible for even the devil to be resurrected again."

"Reynold is indeed Reynold. Even if he can't be killed, he can still use the Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile."

"Even the Celestial Dragons demon will still fall in front of Reynold!"

"This is the strongest man in the world today!"

Hundreds of millions of people around the world are excited, and the whole world is discussing the explosion of the Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile and the life and death of the two Celestial Dragons.

In their opinion, those two monsters were absolutely dead, so dead that not even the scum was left.

Not only ordinary people think so, but some powerful people also think so.

In the large conference room of Naval Headquarters, Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral Aokiji all had pale faces and said nothing.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely stagnant, extremely depressing, and almost breathless.

"Marshal Sengoku, will the Five Elders be okay?"

A Marine Vice Admiral asked cautiously.

When other Marine executives looked at the huge mushroom cloud on the screen, they felt their mouths were dry and their throats were itchy, so they kept swallowing saliva.

In their view, even if the Five Elders were immortal, it would be very difficult to defeat them under Reynold's first step of firepower.

What's more, there will be more powerful Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missiles in the future.

With such a series of blows, the Five Elders' chances of survival are really slim.

The thought of the Five Elders possibly being killed by Reynold made many Marine executives feel cold and helpless.

Even the timid Rear Admiral was so frightened that he trembled.

"We miscalculated. We didn't expect that Reynold would use the Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile while he was still at the scene."

Admiral Aokiji looked at the mushroom cloud solemnly and said.

"Isn't he afraid of blowing himself up too?"

muttered a Marine Elite Vice Admiral.

"Reynold will do this, so he is absolutely sure that he will escape unscathed."

"He flies very fast. In terms of flight speed, he is definitely the best in the world. Even Kizaru may not be as fast as him."

Vice Admiral Garp crossed his arms and looked serious, without any carelessness.

Although he also hates Celestial Dragons very much, he also knows the serious consequences of killing Celestial Dragons because they are the Five Stars.

"Is it possible that the Five Elders sensed Reynold's attack in advance and evacuated first?"

"Perhaps they have returned to the Holy Land now?"

A Marine Rear Admiral laughed dryly and gave a good guess.

"Yes, the two Five Elders can teleport over long distances. As long as their Observation Haki predicts Reynolds' attack in advance, they can evacuate when they cannot hold on.

Whether it is a railgun or a Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile, they fall very quickly.

However, Five Elders' Observation Haki is extremely powerful and can cover a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

If discovered in advance, we should be able to find opportunities to evacuate.

But this is obviously not the case.

Sengoku looked around at everyone, shook his head and said, "That's impossible. The Five Elders cannot predict Reynold's next attack."

"Why? Isn't there Observation Haki?"

Many Marine generals were puzzled.

"Kill because of what I saw!!!"

Sengoku's face was gloomy as he said these four words one by one.

"Kill on sight? What is that?"

The Marine Vice Admiral Rear Admiral present was all confused.

Only Admiral Aokiji, Fujitora, Garp and Crane Vice Admiral understand what Sengoku means.

"Killing by Observation is a very clever way of using Observation Haki. It can block other people's Observation Haki perception and make Observation Haki ineffective."

Sengoku looked around at everyone and explained slowly.

"Hiss, block Observation Haki's perception and make Observation Haki invalid?"

"You actually have such a method, you've never heard of it?"

"Unheard of."

Everyone gasped after hearing this.

Those present were all Marine senior executives, all masters of Haki's power. Naturally, they knew how helpful Observation Haki was in the battle.

If this power disappears, the war record will be greatly reduced.

"If you want to use Observation Haki, you need to cultivate Observation Haki to an unparalleled level. There are only a few people on the sea who can master it, and they can be counted on one hand.

Vice Admiral Garp sighed slightly and said.

"I didn't expect Reynold's Observation Haki to have reached such a level. It's really difficult to deal with."

Marshal Sengoku, Admiral Aokiji, Fujitora and Garp all felt helpless.

How could such a terrifying monster be born in the sea?

Could it be that it was God’s will that caused the world to change dramatically and change its master?

Looking at General Marine below, Marshal Sengoku issued an order, "Marine must not act rashly until the situation is clear."

"We have to wait for the news from the Holy Land before we make any plans."

Sengoku was also in a state of confusion. It was obvious that he had given up hope on the survival of the two Five Elders.

"Dad, those two Five Elders must be dead, right?"

Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick, Ace looked at the video live broadcast in front of him and muttered to himself.

Compared to the atomic bomb explosion, his Mera-mera Fruit is simply far behind. The two are worlds apart.

Whitebeard was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly, "I don't know either. I can't give you the answer to this question."

Whitebeard has experienced firsthand how difficult it is to deal with the immortality of the Five Elders.

During the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the Rocks Pirates came out in force and "killed" the Five Elders countless times, but in the end they were still alive and well.

In Whitebeard's opinion, there is no one in this world who can kill Five Elders.

But the appearance of Reynolds made Whitebeard change his mind.

If the Five Elders are immortal, then the Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile is the absolute Shinigami.

Which one is strong and which one is weak, Whitebeard really can't decide.

"Just wait and see, Naval Headquarters and the world government will give the answer."

Whitebeard looked towards the sea, seeming to see Naval Headquarters and Mariejois through a distant distance, with a complicated look in his eyes.

"Dad, do you think we should buy a Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile?"

Marco suddenly asked such a question.

As soon as these words came out, all the pirates' eyes lit up.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

"The Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile is extremely powerful, and we must have it too."

"Otherwise, if others have it but we don't, we will be controlled by others.

All the pirates were in high spirits and agreed very much with Marco's suggestion.

"But will Reynolds sell such a terrifyingly powerful weapon to us?"

"If it were me, I would never sell it to anyone else."

"Yes, this is an absolute trump card. Who would give it up to others?"

…please give me flowers…0

"No, Reynold will sell it. There has been news in the underground dark world that Reynold sold the Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile."

"It's just that the price is a bit expensive. It costs 100 billion beli to buy one."

"One hundred billion Baileys?! Is Reynolds crazy? Who can come up with so much money?"

"One hundred billion beli, ten is one trillion, one hundred is ten trillion. If you continue to make money like this, wouldn't Reynolds become the richest man in the world?"

The eyes of many pirates turned into the "Pele" symbol.

As soon as they think of that kind of picture, they almost become idiots.

"Dad, let's buy one too."

"No matter what, we must have this kind of killer weapon.

All the pirates on the ship looked at Whitebeard with burning eyes.

"Gu la la la la, since you all said so, then go buy it."

"But the price is 100 billion beli, can you afford it?"

"Let's talk first, dad, I don't have any money."

Most of Whitebeard's money was secretly sent to his hometown, so he himself didn't have much money.

The pirates naturally knew Whitebeard's situation, and laughed loudly: "But it's only a hundred billion beli, everyone can still make it together."


"If it doesn't work, everyone will grab it together."

"Also, everyone should go to Flower Street less often in the future."

"Dad, drinking is bad for your health. Please stop drinking for a while."

"If we all work together, we will soon be able to reach 100 billion."

The Whitebeard Pirates spend money like water, so they have little savings.

But as long as they want to save money, it is not difficult for them to save a mere 100 billion beli.

The Moby Dick is riding the wind and waves in the sea, and all the pirates are dreaming about having Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missiles in the future.

Laughter filled the pirate ship. Only Blackbeard in the corner had a stiff smile. It could be seen that he was in a bad mood.

"Damn, how did Reynolds rise so quickly?"

"If this continues, it will be none of my business."

"Will Laozi's ambition and Laozi's future be taken away by Reynold?"

"No, I will never allow this to happen."

Blackbeard roared in his heart.

He watched Reynold's rapid rise, destroying the two Four Emperors pirate groups, crushing the Naval Headquarters, and killing the world's five elders, and felt extremely anxious.

If this continues, even if he can get the Dark Fruit, he will not be a match for Reynold at all.

In this way, wouldn't it be wasted that he has been hiding in the Whitebeard Pirates for so many years? It's all in vain.

“Where exactly is Dark Fruit?”

"It's been decades, why hasn't it appeared yet?"

"Am I wrong to be in the Whitebeard Pirates?"

The more anxious Blackbeard felt, the more confused his thoughts became, and he even began to doubt that his original decision was wrong.

Although it is said that in the Whitebeard Pirates, the chance of getting Dark Fruit is the highest.

But it's only the maximum, not 100%.

As long as he fails, he will have nothing.

"I have to hurry up and make a backup plan."

"The time and opportunities left for me have become less and less."

Blackbeard turned his head to look at the sea outside the ship's side, his eyes were deep, and a cold light suddenly flashed through his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Blackbeard quickly lowered his head and returned to his usual good-natured attitude.

On the ship, he didn't dare to show any flaws, let alone let anyone discover his current state of affairs.

He even rarely sleeps to be safe, just to prevent himself from talking in his sleep at night and revealing his true inner thoughts.


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