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Chapter 91 The Celestial Dragons, Who Are Worse Off Than Dead, Humble Themselves And Beg For Mercy,

"Sister, you..."

The two sisters looked at the pirate empress, only to find that the empress had already burst into tears.

In the eyes of the outside world, this powerful and fierce pirate empress, the famous Seven Warlords of the Sea, revealed her true colors at this moment.

She stared blankly at Reynold on the video screen and the two bloody Celestial Dragons behind Reynold, feeling that most of the fear in her heart had dissipated.

"In this world, there are actually people like that man, who are so bold and brave enough to challenge the gods."

The man the Pirate Empress talks about is the fishman Tiger who climbed up the Red Line with his bare hands, invaded Mariejois, and freed countless slaves.

Before Tiger, there was Rocks. In the past thirty years, Tiger was the only warrior who dared to challenge the authority of the Celestial Dragons.

Because of this, Tiger became the benefactor of countless slaves, and the Pirate Empress and her two sisters were also extremely grateful to him.

It's a pity that Tiger's end was not good. Because of the invasion of Mariejois, he was chased by Marine and finally died.

"This man is different from Lord Tiger. He will not die so easily, Sister."

The green haired Sandersonia spoke.

"Yes, sister, Reynold is much stronger than Tiger, even Naval Headquarters can't do anything to him.

The orange-haired Marigold has already called Reynold "sir", which is a sign of respect.

Nine Snake Island is extremely xenophobic and has almost no favorable impression of men from the outside world, with only a few exceptions.

The first one is the fishman Tiger who rescued them from Mariejois.

The second is Pluton Rayleigh who returns them to Nine Snake Island.

Reynold is now the third one, because he publicly executed the Celestial Dragons and indirectly avenged the Pirate Empress and the others. twenty one

"Lord Reynold, the warrior who dared to execute the Celestial Dragons, I seem to have met him."

The Pirate Empress looked at Reynolds on the video screen, her cheeks turned red, and she actually showed a hint of shyness like a little woman.

"Ah, onee-sama is so beautiful."

The two sisters could not resist Hancock's beauty, their eyes turned into love hearts and they almost fell in love with him.

"Go and prepare the ship immediately. I am going to New World Custer Kingdom to meet Lord Reynold."

Hancock did whatever he wanted and gave orders directly.

Unknowingly, she also called Reynolds "sir" and felt extremely shy when she thought of him.

Hancock couldn't wait to get up close and personal with Reynolds in real life.

"Yes, onee-sama."

The two sisters had not yet woken up from their intoxication, so they nodded directly in response.

However, at this moment, an objectionable voice sounded, "This is impossible, Snake Princess.

I saw a short old woman walking into the palace with a snake crutch, looking at the pirate empress and saying: "Snake Princess, you have to understand your position, you are one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Reynold is now the number one enemy of Marine and the world government. As a Shichibukai, if you come into contact with Reynold in private, you will definitely be regarded as a traitor by Marine and the world government.

"When the time comes, your Shichibukai title will be taken away, and the Naval Headquarters will send troops to attack Kuja Island. Have you thought about the consequences?"

"Grandma New."

When the two sisters saw the old woman coming in, they both shouted coincidentally.

"Huh, so what? I'm not afraid of Naval Headquarters."

Hancock crossed his arms, not caring about the threat from Naval Headquarters.

"Don't be willful, She Ji, you are the emperor of Nine Snakes Island, and you have to be responsible for your people.

Granny New shouted, "Without the intimidation of the name Seven Warlords of the Sea, Nine Snake Island will become an ordinary pirate country, and Marines will invade endlessly. I don't know how many people there will be by then." Death.

"As the emperor, now is not the time for you to be willful!"

Grandma Niu leaned on her crutches and shouted, hating that iron could not become steel.

"Huh, it doesn't matter. Even if it causes the destruction of the country, I will be forgiven by everyone, because I am so beautiful."

Hancock raised his head proudly, resting his chin on the back of his hand, revealing his beautiful face.

Granny New was stunned for a moment, her eyes turned into two little hearts, and she shouted, "Yes, yes, yes, I forgive you."

I don’t know if it’s Hancock’s original beauty or the sweet fruit’s ability bonus. In short, no matter men, women, old or young, they can’t resist the temptation of Hancock’s beauty.

Anyone who cannot resist her beauty will be instantly petrified and killed, even a big pirate with a bounty of over one billion.

There are only a few people in the world who can truly resist Hancock's beauty offensive.

At this moment, there was only a bang, and Granny New was kicked away by Hancock's beautiful long legs and flew directly out of the palace.

Granny New finally woke up and kept shouting, "She Ji, you must not mess around~~~~"

The sound gradually faded away and eventually disappeared.

Fortunately, Granny New was a female warrior from Nine Snakes Island, and her body was still strong even in her old age. Otherwise, she would have been crippled even if she was kicked so far by Hancock.

"Sister, you should be nicer to Granny New in the future. She is old after all."

The two younger sisters opened their mouths to persuade.

"Hmph, no matter what, she won't die anyway."

Hancock was still willful, looking at his two sisters and said: "Go and prepare the ship immediately to warm up and go to New World.

"As you command, onee-sama!"

Naturally, the two sisters absolutely obeyed Hancock's orders, but the green-haired Sandersonia suddenly said: "Sister, according to rumors, the Kingdom of Custer has now been under full martial law, and the sea area with a radius of 3,000 kilometers has become an absolute restricted area. "

"Without Lord Reynold's permission, let alone meeting Lord Reynold, we may not be able to enter the Custer Kingdom.'

"If Lord Reynold considers it an enemy, it will be sunk directly."

"Yes, onee-sama."

Brown-haired Marigold also nodded in agreement, "Sister-sama is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea after all, and she will definitely be regarded as an enemy by Reynold-sama.


Hancock hesitated, a little at a loss, "What should we do? The country wants to kill Lord Qingnod immediately."

Hancock's willfulness grew, but this time, the two sisters were helpless.

"Let's think of something else."

"It can only be the."

Hancock had no choice but to nod in agreement, and then looked at Reynolds in the video.

Looking at Reynolds' handsome face, Hancock was extremely shy.

Marine's original G1 branch island, Reynold's torture of the Celestial Dragons continues.

The two Celestial Dragons were now covered in blood and their skin was torn apart. Except for the vital parts, there was no intact skin anywhere else.

The two Celestial Dragons' voices became hoarse due to the long period of miserable wailing.

At this moment, their eyes finally looked at Reynolds with a hint of fear.

Fear is the instinct of all living things, an emotion that is present at birth.

The reason why Celestial Dragons don't have it is because the environment they grew up in doesn't make them fearful.

But now, Reynolds' cruel torture has made them know what pain is and what despair is.

The instinctive emotion of fear appears naturally.

"I heard that Celestial Dragons' favorite thing to do on weekdays is to torture slaves, and I will let them have a taste of it today.

"Everyone, watch carefully and study hard. If you can catch Celestial Dragons in the future, you can torture them like me."

"Guaranteed to make them feel great!"

Facing the high-definition camera of the swarm drone, Reynolds smiled and looked elegant, showing his royal temperament.

While speaking, Reynolds snapped his fingers.

Long Yi behind him received the command, and his fingers deformed, turning into two soldering irons. He sprayed flames from his mouth to make them hot, and then pressed them on the chests of the two dragon-slayers.



A puff of black smoke filled the air, followed by the pitiful wails of the Celestial Dragons, who had bitten their lips until they were bloody.

The hot iron cooked the Celestial Dragons' skin, exuding a pleasant stench.

The chest is a vital part of the internal organs, so it is one of the two uninjured parts of Celestial Dragons.

But under the burning iron, the chests and backs of the two Celestial Dragons were completely burned with the iron.

Of course, after the burning, sea water was also poured over the wound to rub salt into it.

Then he broke off his fingers, cut off his ears, and blinded one eye of two Celestial Dragons.

"Ah!!! It hurts so much."

"No, don't torture me anymore."

"Let me go, let me go, I won't dare anymore."

"I won't ask anyone to retaliate against you, absolutely not."

"Please, let us go home."

"I want to go back to the Holy Land, I want to go home.

"Father, mother, where are you?"

"Where's Marine? Why hasn't Marine come yet? Come and save 99 us."

The two Celestial Dragons wailed miserably, cried for their father and mother, and finally began to beg for mercy.

At this moment, they were no longer the aloof Celestial Dragons, but just two lowly dogs.

Their fearful and weak appearance, as humble as dogs, were vividly displayed in front of the world through live broadcasts around the world.

"Begging for mercy, Celestial Dragons begging for mercy!"

"It turns out that Celestial Dragons are also afraid, frightened, and ultimately beg for mercy in the face of death."

"They are no different from ordinary humans. They bleed and are afraid of death."

"They are not gods, they are human beings just like us."

The fear of Celestial Dragons in the hearts of millions of people dissipated at this moment.

And many people who hate Celestial Dragons feel extremely happy when they see the miserable appearance of Celestial Dragons.

"Continue to torture him, Lord Reynolds, and don't let him have a chance to breathe."

"Bind their other eye and cut off their nose."

"And cut out their tongues."

"No, it's better not to cut their tongues. Let them continue to suffer and beg for mercy, and continue to scream and moan."

"Right, that is it."

"Die, evil Celestial Dragons!!!"

"You all deserve to go to hell!"

Public resentment boiled over, and at this moment the hatred and anger in the hearts of countless people was vented.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea, the kings of the underground dark world, and pirates from all over the world are all watching this scene with gloating, waiting to see the joke of the Naval Headquarters and the world government.

Everyone felt extremely happy about this live broadcast to the world. Only the Naval Headquarters and the world government felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Are we just going to watch and do nothing?"

In the large conference room of Naval Headquarters, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel watched the live video and listened to the miserable wail of Celestial Dragons, and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

The same goes for other Marine generals.

Being so humiliated and trampled by Reynold, if Naval Headquarters does nothing, how will it have the dignity to continue to enforce justice in the future?

"Your Excellency, Marshal, give the order quickly [Marine must take the initiative to attack."

A hawkish Marine suddenly stood up and roared loudly. .

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