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Chapter 75 The Horrified Five Elders, Unless Reynold Is Eliminated, We Will Die Without A Burial Pla

"We must have this person with the magnetic fruit ability in our hands.

"That's right. We must make good use of his abilities. He may be a key trump card for us to defeat Reynold."

"People must be sent to South Blue immediately to bring him back without delay."

"If he is captured by Reynold first, the situation will be very unfavorable for us."

Marine Vice Admiral Rear Admiral You looked at me and said something, and the conference room immediately became noisy.

In short, in the eyes of many Marine executives, Kid can no longer escape their grasp.

Whether Kid will agree or not is not at all considered by Marine's top management.

After all, Kid is a pirate, and it is natural for Marine to catch pirates.

After catching Kid, it would be best if Kid is obedient. If not, Marine will ask the science team to transform Kid into an obedient puppet.

In short, Marine must master the ability of the Magnetic Fruit.

"Although the Magnetic Fruit is good, the little pirate is still too immature. With his ability, it is impossible to compete with Reynold in a short time. I can only keep it for emergencies["

"What I really value is not this little pirate, but him!"

While talking, Sengoku asked the adjutant to display a photo on the big screen.

The photo shows a burly man with short hair and a beard around his mouth. The most important thing is that this man has a "703" X-shaped scar on his forehead, running through both eyes.

Yes, this person is clearly blind.

"This man looks so familiar. I think I've seen him somewhere before?"

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way."

"It seems to be in a casino, yes, that's right, I saw it in a casino."

"Nani? As a Marine Rear Admiral, you actually went to the casino. You are really too lax."

"Fart, I went to the casino to catch pirates, okay? I didn't neglect my duty at all."

"Haha, do you think I will believe it?"

"Then why did you go to the casino? Could it be that you were traveling?"

"I...of course I also went to catch pirates, as Vice Admiral the Flying Squirrel can testify."

"Haha, do you think I believe it or not?"

There was a lot of noise in the conference room. Sengoku was filled with anger and veins popped up on his forehead, forming many "#" signs.

"Okay, shut up, we are in a meeting now. Where do you think this place is? How decent is it?!"

Sengoku roared and all Marine Vice Admiral Rear Admiral shut up.

Sengoku winked and said, "This person's name is Yixiao. The Marine Intelligence Department has been paying attention to this person for a long time."

"He is a Paramecia Gravity Fruit user with considerable strength, capable of rivaling Marine Admiral. Marine has recruited him many times, but he has rejected them all.

"Although he was rejected, he has a pretty good attitude towards Marine and has a strong sense of justice in his heart."

“The most important thing is that Yixiao’s Observation Haki is extremely powerful, surpassing anyone here, including me.

"With his Observation Haki, he can definitely intercept Reynold's Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile in advance."

"In order to deal with Reynold, I decided to recruit Yixiao to join Marine at all costs, even if he directly holds the position of Admiral."


As soon as these words came out, the conference room was in an uproar.

Directly serving as Marine Admiral? This has never happened before.

All previous Marine Admirals started from the bottom and rose up step by step based on their merits and achievements. Finally, they were able to assume the position of Admiral due to their overwhelming strength and the recognition of the world's government.

Only by starting from the bottom and making countless contributions can we gain the trust of Marine soldiers and convince all Marine soldiers.

He was appointed Admiral when he first joined Marine. How should Marine, who has fought for Marine for many years, made great contributions, and been through life and death countless times, deal with it?

If his achievements are not enough, no matter how strong he is, he cannot convince all the Marine soldiers.

And for this proposal to succeed, the most critical thing is not within Marine, but the world government.

If you want to serve as Marine Admiral, the most basic condition is to have the approval of the world government.

Otherwise, no matter how much Sengoku talks, it is just empty words and has no effect at all.

"Sengoku, the senior government officials will not agree to such a decision, right?"

Crane Vice Admiral looked at Sengoku and said.

"It doesn't matter, I'll convince them."

Sengoku said with firm eyes: "Now is a critical period. The riots in the sea are about to break out. Marine can no longer stick to the old ways."

"In order to defeat Reynold, Marine must gain stronger combat power."

"Yixiao is extraordinary enough to serve as Marine Admiral. If he can join, he can fill the vacancy left by Akainu's death in battle."

"At the same time, the ability of Yixiao is also an indispensable power to deal with Reynolds, and it must be in hand."

"In order to obtain this power, it is necessary to break the rules.

"I believe those people will agree."

"You know, it's not just our Marines who are anxious now, but the senior officials of the government are even more anxious. They must be restless at this moment."

Sengoku looked out the window with deep eyes.

A storm swept through, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and heavy rain poured down, covering the entire Naval Headquarters.

As Sengoku expected, the top leaders of the World Government were also restless at this moment.

Holy place Mariejois, Pangea, right between.


There was a loud noise, and a tea table hit the wall heavily, shattering into pieces and scattering on the floor. The wall was also hit with a large dent and covered with spider web-like cracks.

"That damn kid grew up out of control without paying attention."

"How did the situation develop to this point? Why didn't Marine report Reynold's situation?"

The Legal Martial God, Saint Topman Wuchuli kept breathing heavily, his anger rising, and he could hardly control his actions.

The tea table just now was kicked away by him.

"It's too late to say this now. The most fundamental reason is Marine's negligence."

The God of Environmental Martial Arts, Marcus Maz, said expressionlessly: "If Marine hadn't noticed Reynolds' rise in time and nipped it in its bud, we wouldn't be so passive now."

"Sengoku, as Marine Marshal, must bear this responsibility!"

"The government of our world has given Marine the task of suppressing the sea. Now Marine has made such a major dereliction of duty, which has completely broken the balance of the world. Sengoku's crime is unpardonable!

Markas Mazsheng clenched his fists, his eyes were cold, and there was a hint of murderous intent.

"Okay, now is not the time to hold people responsible. The most important thing now is to eliminate that evil kid."

The God of Scientific Defense, Jaygolusia Satan, looked at the other four people and said: "You have all seen with your own eyes the weapons Reynold showed to the world. They are so powerful that it is indescribable."

"According to Reynold's huge ambition and crazy expansion behavior, he will definitely annex surrounding countries and territories until he takes over the entire New World."

"After that, his next target will be Paradise and the Four Seas."

"With Reynold's strength and weapons, no one in New World can stop his expansion, let alone dare to stop it."

"Because the person who stops him is likely to be the next BIGMOM!"

"We must not just watch Reynold's unbridled expansion, otherwise the world's government will be wiped out...

"Satan, you are a scientist and know the most about technology. Do you know what kind of weapon Ruode used?"

The God of Farming and Martial Arts, Saint Shepard Ten Pit looked at Sartan and asked.

"I don't know. I have never seen such a terrifying weapon."

"With the current power of the world government, it is impossible to create it.

"Even Vegapunk, he doesn't have the idea of ​​such a weapon."

Saint Satan shook his head and said.

"But I have a guess."

Saint Satan looked at the other four Five Elders with a solemn expression and said in a low voice: "We can't make such a weapon, but it could have been made eight hundred years ago."

"It's just huge..."

"Shut up!"

Before Satan could finish speaking his holy words, he was interrupted by the scolding of Topgo, the legal warrior god, and his concubine.

"Satan, there are some things that even we cannot say casually."

"That country and that clan have long since disappeared into the dust of history."

"It cannot be resurrected, not even in the middle of a conversation."

"You should know the rules!"

Saint Wuchuli's eyes were extremely sharp, staring at Saint Satan, his eyes filled with cold light.

"I know, I'm just offering a possibility."

"And judging from the current situation, this is the most likely possibility."

Saint Satan said expressionlessly.

"Are you sure? Which clan does Reynolds' weapon really come from?"

Environmental Martial God, Markas Maz Saint asked lightly.

"Now there seems to be no second explanation."

Saint Satan said categorically: "We already know the history of the Custer Kingdom and Reynold's past experience clearly."

"With the power of the Custer Kingdom, it is impossible to develop such a terrifying weapon.

"Reynold alone can never do it."

"Unless Reynold gets the ancient documents left by that clan."

"Although Reynold can't read the historical text, don't forget that Nico Robin is in Reynold's hands.'

"She can read historical texts and can translate ancient documents for Reynold."

Izanbalon V3.3. Saint Nashoulang frowned when he heard this and couldn't help but cursed, "Damn Ohara orphan, it's all Marine's fault for not eradicating the root cause, which resulted in such a serious situation today.

"You can't kill a little girl of several years old. Marine has become more and more useless over the years. She's just a bunch of trash!"

"I really don't know where all the military funds allocated to them by the government every year go!"

"Sengoku, Marshal Marine, is indeed a waste among wastes."

Having said this, the Five Elders couldn't help but curse Sengoku again.

In short, no matter what happened, it was Marine's fault and Marine's responsibility.

As Marine Marshal Sengoku, his guilt cannot be evaded and his crime cannot be forgiven.

If it weren't for caring about Sengoku, he has made great contributions to Marine over the years, and Marine would still be inseparable from Sengoku.

The Five Elders are all considering abdicating Sengoku.

"Nico Robin is certainly one of the reasons, but where did Reynold get the historical documents?"

Saint Topman Wuchuli looked at the other four people and said: "Eight hundred years ago, we destroyed all the information about that family and even completely erased them from history.

"It stands to reason that there should be no historical documents of that clan left, and there are still historical documents about high-tech weapons."

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