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Chapter 70 Reynold’S Extremely Terrifying Strength Kills Admiral Akainu! (Please Subscribe)

Phew! Phew! Phew!

As soon as he finished speaking, Reynold swooped down and headed towards Akainu.

The three Devil Terminators behind him are chasing Qinglong Kaido.

There were a total of five Devil Terminators at the scene, three of them were chasing Kaido, one was dealing with thousands of Marine elites, and the last one was broadcasting the battle footage live to the world.

Through today's battle, Reynolds wants to let the world know.

Not only does he possess a super weapon that destroys the world, but his own strength is also terrifying, and he can crush the Marine Admiral head-on!

Remember, it’s not to defeat, but to crush!

call out!

Reynold's speed was extremely fast. In a flash of light, he teleported in front of Akainu. His huge fist shot out of the air and hit Akainu's chest.

The fist is not only covered with high-density Armament Haki, but also wrapped with Conqueror's Haki. Black-red lightning bursts out from the fist, distorting the space.

The terrifying momentum and pressure suppressed Akainu's murderous intent.

"Don't be too arrogant, Dog-Zhao Honglian!"

Akainu roared, stepped on Moonwalk and flew up. At the same time, his right arm turned into lava, turning into a huge dog head and smashing into Reynolds.

The dog's head roared and roared, its size swelled in the wind, and its mouth opened wide as if it wanted to swallow Reynold in one gulp.


Fists clash!

The terrifying shock wave suddenly exploded and swept in all directions.

The fists of the two did not come into direct contact. An invisible force separated the magma, forming a void space.

The space where the killing move collided was distorted, and countless black and red lightning burst out.


Reynold's Conqueror's Haki exploded, instantly forming a super-large "three-zero" type Conqueror's field sphere that enveloped Akainu.

"Is that all you have? Akainu, then your strength is too weak!"

Reynold roared and punched down hard, shattering Akainu's lava fist in an instant and hitting him hard on the chest.


Akainu's body deformed, his whole body became twisted, his chest was sunken, and his body was squeezed by the invisible Conqueror's Haki.

Akainu felt severe pain coming from all parts of his body. He didn't know how many bones were broken, and all his internal organs were displaced. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face showed a twisted expression of pain.

Even Admiral will feel pain, bleed, and scream when attacked.

The next second, Akainu turned into a red stream of light and flew out, hitting the sea surface heavily.

There was a loud boom and the sea level roared.

At this moment, the sea surface was like a hard steel ground, and a huge hole with a diameter of more than a hundred meters was directly smashed out.

The sea water rises into the sky, forming huge waves, and a large amount of sea water is evaporated by the magma, forming a large amount of water vapor.

Akainu, like Kizaru, also turned into a floating stone, constantly ejecting on the sea level, making huge holes in the sea level.

But this time, Akainu's injury is more serious than Kizaru's, because Reynold's strength is no longer what it used to be!


Akainu continued to vomit blood while flying upside down. He flew several thousand meters and landed heavily on an uninhabited island.

Akainu penetrated the desert island forest directly, and finally smashed a hill into pieces, and the group finally stopped.

All the eyes of the world were on Reynold at this moment. Hundreds of millions of people witnessed with their own eyes that Marine Admiral Akainu was punched thousands of meters by Reynold. His blood spurted out and he was seriously injured.

Reynold's terrifying strength is undoubtedly revealed!

"It's not over yet!"

Blue flames erupted from Reynold's feet, instantly turning into a stream of light and shooting towards the uninhabited desert island.

Observation Haki scanned and found Akainu's aura among the ruins.

Akainu climbed up from the ruins, his feet staggering, his body covered in blood, his consciousness was blurred for a moment, and it was difficult to open his eyelids.

The most important thing is that Akainu's right arm has completely disappeared.

This is not the explosion and disappearance of Lava-Lava Fruit after its ability is activated, but the main body has been irreversibly damaged.

Reynold completely disabled one of Akainu's arms with just one punch.

When Ryuuji spread the scene of Akainu's serious injury to the whole world, countless people gasped.

"You seriously injured Admiral Akainu with just one punch. Are you kidding me?"

"Is Reynold's own strength actually so strong?"

"That's Marine Admiral, Marine's highest combat power, the myth of being undefeated!"

"According to rumors, Akainu is the strongest among the Marine Three | Admiral, but I didn't expect that he would be crushed by Reynold.

"Even Whitebeard, I'm afraid he can't do this, right?"

"Reynold is indeed a monster among monsters, a born king."

"After this battle, the strongest man in the world will be replaced!"

The world was boiling, and countless pirates cheered.

They were extremely excited to see Marine in trouble.

In contrast, Marine was extremely desperate.

"No, Akainu can't hold on any longer!"

Marshal Sengoku, who was far away in the Naval Headquarters, saw this scene and stood up from his chair with a sudden movement, anxious and restless.

Many Marine generals in the large conference room were also anxious.

No one expected that Reynolds' strength was so terrifying.

Akainu is a Marine Admiral. If he dies in battle, it will be a huge loss that Marine cannot bear.

But no matter how anxious they were, it was of no avail because they were far away in the first half of the Grand Line and could not rescue Akainu at all.

"Where's Garp? Where's Garp?"

"Why haven't you arrived at the battlefield yet?!"

Sengoku looked at the adjutant beside him and asked angrily.

"Back to your Excellency, Marshal, Vice Admiral Garp's adjutant just sent a message saying that they were intercepted by humanoid killing weapons and it is no longer possible to rush to support them in a short time.

The adjutant said tremblingly.

"What? There are still more?!!!"

Sengoku's eyes widened, and there was a trace of visible fear deep in his eyes.

When Reynold appeared, there were already five humanoid killing weapons around him.

After actual combat with Kaido and Akainu, Sengoku knew that each of these special humanoid killing weapons had the strength of the four enemy Admirals.

I originally thought five was enough, but I didn't expect there were still more.

Under the premise that Reynold personally dealt with Akainu and Kaido, he was able to divide his forces to intercept Garp.

This was completely beyond Sengoku's expectations.

"No, this can't continue, the Marine fleet will be completely destroyed!"

Sengoku felt a deep uneasiness in his heart, and before he knew it, Sengoku was sweating profusely.

He is now panicked, feeling at a loss what to do, and at the same time shrouded in a sense of powerlessness.


Extremely desperate!

Sengoku racked his brains, but found that he was at his wits end.

"Will Akainu die in this battle?"

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Sengoku's mind, and at this moment, a series of gasps of air suddenly sounded in the conference room.

Sengoku quickly looked at the big screen and saw Reynolds falling from the sky, pulling out an alloy sword from behind and slashing with it.


A giant flying slash had already shot out of the air.

The whole body of the slash is pitch black, but the outer surface is blood red, apparently a combination of the weapon color and Conqueror's Haki.

In the past fifty years, there have definitely been no more than ten great swordsmen in the world who can wield such powerful strikes.

The slash fell from the sky, aiming at Akainu and falling quickly.

Akainu's eyes were about to burst, and his lower body turned into magma and exploded. The powerful impact of the explosion blew Akainu away, and he finally managed to escape the blow.


The slash hit the uninhabited desert island, just like cutting through tofu, easily shattering the earth and going straight into the depths of the ground.

The sword's light flashed vertically and horizontally, and the crack continued to expand, extending hundreds of meters away and being bottomless.

Looking down from the sky, Reynolds' sword seemed to have split the entire desert island in half.

The ultimate swordsman!

All the swordsmen in the world, those with a little bit of experience, all have fiery eyes at this moment, as if they saw faith.

They can confirm with just one look that Reynolds is a peak swordsman with extremely powerful swordsmanship!

Seeing Reynold make this slash made a certain eagle-eyed swordsman with a black sword extremely excited and his blood boiled.

"I really want to have a fight with him!"

Hawkeye looked at Reynolds on the screen, with endless fighting intent in his eyes.

At that moment, Hawkeye no longer hesitated, picked up the black knife and went out.

As the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye's life is nothing but swordsmanship.

Even though he knew that Reynold's strength was terrifying, Hawkeye still wanted to compete with Reynold, even if it cost his life.

But with Hawkeye’s coffin boat, I want to row to the Custer Kingdom. I don’t know how long it will take?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Magma continued to explode in the sky. Akainu turned his lower body into magma and escaped at high speed with the back thrust of the magma explosion, just like a rocket...

After the confrontation just now, Akainu knew that he was no match for Reynolds.

If the fight continues, he will definitely die, so he no longer hesitates and directly chooses to escape.

Reynold's eyes were cold, Observation Haki locked his eyes firmly on Akainu, and immediately turned into a stream of light and chased after him.

Reynold won't let the cooked duck fly away.

"Red Dog, don't even think about escaping, you will definitely die today!"

Reynold roared and launched his killing move again.

The alloy sword cut through the sky, creating a series of flying slashes that flew towards Akainu, enveloping Akainu like a dense network of firepower, blocking all his escape routes.

"If you want to kill me, you're still far away!"

Seeing that he had no way to retreat, Akainu had no choice but to turn around and fight back.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Akainu used his remaining left arm to release a large amount of lava fists, and neutralized Reynold's flying slash.

With the continuous violent explosions, the sky instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and nothing could be seen with the naked eye.

However, at this moment, a stream of light instantly passed through the sea of ​​magma and fire at lightning speed, and appeared behind Akainu as if teleporting. It was Reynolds.

Akainu's Observation Haki didn't notice at all.

Whether it is the weapon color or Observation Haki, Reynolds is superior to Akainu, directly crushing him.

This is Observation Killing, a trick that Reynold naturally mastered after his Observation Haki transformation.

This move can block the enemy's Observation Haki, making him unable to sense Reynold's aura and traces.

"One sword flow·cutting the sea and crossing the sky!"

Reynold slashed down with his sword angrily, hitting Akainu in the back.

The huge black-red slash directly broke through Akainu's body, splitting it in half!


Akainu, whose body was torn apart, vomited blood and showed an expression of great pain.

The two halves of the magma body hit the deserted island heavily, like two meteorites falling, causing a violent explosion.

The raging fire spread, completely igniting the forest on the uninhabited island and turning it into a sea of ​​fire.

In the sea of ​​fire, a huge figure with a damaged body slowly stood up.

I saw that Akainu's right arm had disappeared, and there was a huge incision on his back that penetrated into his internal organs. Blood continued to gush out, and was then evaporated by the magma.

Akainu's body already has a big part

The points disappeared, and red liquid was flowing all over his body. It was no longer clear whether it was blood or magma.

Phew! Cough cough cough!

Akainu kept vomiting blood and coughing continuously, breathing rapidly, and his life breath was extremely weak. He was obviously at the end of his strength.

With such a serious injury, an ordinary person would have died ten thousand times.

The Akai 1.2 dog can still maintain consciousness and is worthy of being a monster among monsters.

"Nothing more than that!"

Reynold sneered disdainfully, breathed fire from his feet, and dived down.

"It's time to hit the road, Akainu."

"It is your supreme honor to die by my sword!"

Reynold flew over at extremely high speed, with black and red lightning visible to the naked eye surrounding him, and finally they all converged on the alloy sword.

"One sword flow·The other side of the underworld!"


The sword light shot out of the air, Conqueror's Haki field exploded instantly, and the terrifying aura instantly enveloped the area of ​​10,000 meters in radius.

The heaven and earth changed color, the space seemed to freeze, and all sounds disappeared without a trace.

Rounds of black and red torrents of sword light cut through the sky, leaving long-lasting traces in the void, passing Akainu's neck in an instant.

Reynold teleported behind Akainu, swung his sword, made a beautiful sword flower, and slowly inserted it back into the scabbard behind him.

The next second, only a pop was heard, and Akainu's head rose into the sky.

Akainu's eyes were still open, glaring with anger. There was no fear in his eyes, but only endless anger and unwillingness.

As a Marine Admiral, Akainu has no fear of death.

The moment before his death, Akainu was still angry because he did not kill Reynolds and eliminate this evil element.

He is unwilling to die in Reynold's hands. He has not yet killed all the pirates in the world and has not yet achieved his absolute justice.

A pillar of blood rose into the sky, and the smell of blood instantly filled the surrounding air.

This time it is no longer magma that flows, but real human blood.

Marine Admiral Akainu, died in battle!.

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