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Chapter 68 The Shock Caused By The Nuclear Bomb Explosion, The Four Emperors Were Frightened, And Ma

In addition to the tens of thousands of BIGMOM pirates who died in the nuclear explosion, there were also countless underwater fish and Sea Kings.

The surrounding seawater was overturned by strong shock waves, splashing high water columns, forming huge tsunamis.

The tsunami rolled in the air, and the waves were tens or hundreds of meters high, spreading around like moving walls, as if they were going to swallow the entire world.

Wherever the tsunami passed, everything was submerged.

Everything within the explosion range was completely destroyed.

Wherever the shock wave went, the ocean collapsed and was completely swallowed up.

The uninhabited desert island in the distance was also affected by the shock wave. The coastline disappeared instantly and the trees were uprooted.

Then the tsunami kept coming, washing away the ruins into a mess.

High-temperature air waves swept across the entire sea area, and the seawater was heated to boiling and evaporated, forming patches of high-temperature steam.

If humans were exposed to it, they would be burned to charcoal in an instant.

The sky in the distance was also dyed red, as if the end was coming.

Fortunately, there were only a few uninhabited desert islands around the location where Reynolds chose the nuclear explosion. Otherwise, the number of human beings who died in this nuclear explosion would be a basic unit of 100,000.

The aftermath of this nuclear explosion will last for several hours or even longer, and the shock wave created by the nuclear explosion can spread to every corner of the world.

Space satellites clearly captured all the scenes of the nuclear explosion and broadcast them simultaneously to the whole world.

At this moment, everyone who saw the nuclear explosion scene was stunned, their hearts were extremely shocked, and their brains went blank.

The world was silent, and time seemed to be frozen.

Awe, fear, disbelief, all kinds of complex emotions flashed through the eyes, intertwined.

"Is this the power of Shinigami weapons?"

"The power of a god? Is Reynolds a god?"

"The BIGMOM Pirates were all wiped out, and the Four Emperors BIGMOM died like this? They died without any resistance?"

"Instant kill! No, even Nagisa couldn't hold on!"

"Even the Four Emperors pirates can't withstand the Shinigami weapon, who else can resist it?"

"The world's most powerful weapon is born!"

"Reynold, the King of Arms, truly deserves his reputation."

"King of arms? No, Reynold can definitely become the king of the world with this weapon!"

"Reynold, the king of the world, deserves the title!"

"The world is about to undergo great changes. What kind of future will the sea go to?"

"Big news, this is really big news!!!"

Journalists all over the world went crazy and called the newspapers desperately.

This is a historic moment. As Reynolds183 said, historians all over the world will start from this day to divide human history into two parts.

And they who report the news are all witnesses and writers of history.

After the fear, the world was completely boiling!

Not only ordinary people, but also big figures in the world can no longer remain calm.

New World, Whitebeard Pirates, on the Moby Dick.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding me? What cannonball can be so powerful?"

Zhixiang Marco stood next to Whitebeard, muttering to himself with a dull expression, pale lips, and a look of disbelief on his face.

He didn't realize at all that his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

The moment the atomic bomb exploded, Marco felt the crisis of death even though he was just across the screen.

In the face of that terrifying explosion, the infinite regeneration ability given to him by the Phoenix Fruit became a joke.

"Yes, this can't be true. There is absolutely no way there is such a terrifying weapon in this world."

"Reynold must be lying, that's it."

"Hahaha, I must have drunk too much today. I am dreaming now, yes, I am dreaming."

"Which one of you will slap me!"

Bang, a slap in the face, I woke up from my dream.

All the pirates in the Whitebeard pirate group were swallowing furiously, feeling their mouths were dry.

Many people's hands and feet even began to tremble uncontrollably, and they even became unsteady in their stance.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates are all powerful warriors who can defeat hundreds of people. They have experienced many cruel dangers in the New World. They originally thought that they were no longer afraid of death.

But at this moment, in front of the intercontinental nuclear missile, they all felt unprecedented fear.

It is a biological instinct that cannot be suppressed by independent consciousness.

"Dad, is BIGMOM dead?"

Fire Fist Ace looked at Whitebeard and asked tremblingly, with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

Even Ace, who was fearless, was extremely frightened at this moment.

"Ah, dead, dead."

Of those present, only Whitebeard could remain calm.

He looked at the mushroom cloud that was still expanding on the virtual screen with complicated eyes.

Many years ago, Whitebeard and BIGMOM were both members of Rocks Pirate, and they were still companions.

Although the relationship between them is not good, they still have friendship.

Now seeing BIGMOM being mercilessly killed with his own eyes, Whitebeard can only lament that the situation is changing and fate is unpredictable.

Looking at the terrifying mushroom cloud on the screen that instantly killed BIGMOM, Whitebeard was not afraid, but he still felt a trepidation.

He lived to be 71 years old. He went to sea since he was very young, fought all his life, traveled across the seas, encountered countless powerful enemies, and saw countless terrifying weapons.

But I have never seen such a terrifying weapon.

Even if he is attacked from the front, he will definitely die and there is absolutely no way he can survive!

"This era is going crazy!"

After a long time, Whitebeard sighed, picked up the wine bowl and drank it all.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates were all silent, and no one dared to laugh at Reynolds anymore.

Before the nuclear explosion, they regarded themselves as old pirates who had been in the New World for many years. They looked down on Reynolds, a newcomer, and thought he was too arrogant and had got carried away.

But now, all they have left is fear of Reynolds.

In the corner, Blackbeard has been suppressing his emotions. His eyes are extremely scarlet, and his eyes exude endless greed.

"I must get this weapon, I must get it."

"As long as I can get this weapon, I can realize my ambition!"

Blackbeard has been lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for many years, hiding his strength and true identity in order to obtain the Dark Fruit.

In the past, Blackbeard thought that only Dark Fruit could help him realize his ambition, but at this moment, Blackbeard discovered that the terrifying weapons made by Reynold could also do it.

In just a short moment, countless ideas and plans flashed through Blackbeard's mind.

In order to obtain intercontinental nuclear missiles, Blackbeard will do whatever it takes, even at any cost!

"Shanks, what do you think?"

On an uninhabited desert island, Beckman held a cigarette between his fingers and calmly asked the red-haired Shanks.

Shanks looked at the huge mushroom cloud in front of him with a serious expression, and said in a hoarse voice: "From today on, if it is not necessary, do not contact Reynolds.

"The world will undergo great changes, and the tide of the times has completely emerged."

"The Naval Headquarters and the world government will never give up. A tragic war affecting the entire New World and even the whole world will soon break out."

"Reynold Parritt, he has become the eye of the storm in the world. No one's threat can surpass him."

Shanks has a special status, and he knows very well that the world government and even the Celestial Dragons will not allow anyone to shake their dominance.

The weapons in Reynolds' hands have threatened their power, and the world's government will definitely try every means to get rid of Reynolds.

White Earth Island, Valdigo.

There was a dead silence in the Revolutionary Army headquarters. All the Revolutionary Army soldiers had expressions on their faces, their mouths were open, and their chins were almost dislocated.

Only the alpha dragon can still maintain his ice face.

"Chief, you went to Custer Kingdom to buy weapons last time. Didn't you see this kind of weapon?"

The commander of the Revolutionary Army's Southern Army, Lindbergh, looked at Long and asked.

"No, it is impossible for Reynolds to sell this kind of weapon to others."

Long said calmly.

"Yes, no matter who has such a terrifying weapon, he will keep it in his hand as a trump card."

"It's a pity that our revolutionary army cannot buy such weapons, otherwise the chances of overthrowing the world's government will be greater."

Lindbergh, commander of the Revolutionary Army's Southern Army, said with some regret.

"Now in the eyes of those in power in the world government, the biggest threat is no longer our revolutionary army, but Reynolds."

"As Reynold said, he possesses such terrible weapons that the whole world will fear him!"

Long had to admit this, because even he felt a little scared.

In the face of that kind of destructive power, human beings are too weak and insignificant.

The first half of the Grand Line, Alabasta.

"Jie hahaha, the legendary Ancient Weapon Pluton is only as powerful as this, right?"

"I didn't expect that when I was plotting Pluton, someone had already created such a weapon that would destroy the world."

"Reynold, the King of Arms, truly lives up to his reputation."

"I just don't know how much it would cost to buy such a Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile?"

"Laozi is not short of money. As long as Reynold is willing to sell it, Laozi can give it to him no matter how much he wants!"

A man wearing a long cloak, with a slicked back hair, and a cigar in his mouth looked at the mushroom cloud in front of him, with endless greed in his eyes.

He is Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

After losing an arm to Whitebeard, he has been eager to get the Ancient Weapon Pluton for revenge.

Today Pluton is far away, but Reynold's Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile gives Crocodile hope.

"Come here, find Reynold's contact information immediately. I want to contact Reynold in the shortest possible time."

Crocodile gave the order, and a subordinate behind him quickly responded respectfully, "As you command, Mr. 0."

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

"Did my eyes deceive me? Or did Reynolds deceive the whole world?"

In the large conference room of Naval Headquarters, Dajun Aokiji's eyes were blank, staring at the big screen in front of him, and a few drops of cold sweat slipped from his forehead.

He has Logia Frozen Fruit ability and is never afraid of the cold.

But at this moment, Aokiji felt cold both physically and mentally, his hands and feet were cold, and he was breaking out in cold sweat.

After eating Frozen Fruit, Aokiji felt cold for the first time. It was the cold that came from his bones and from every cell in his body.

And hidden under the cold is fear!

"This can't be true, right? Or... it's fake?"

Vice Admiral The flying squirrel couldn't speak clearly, because he was so shocked that his mind went blank at the moment.

Even he himself didn't know what he wanted to say, and he was already incoherent.

"Fake, this must be fake."

"It is impossible for such a terrifying weapon to exist in this world, absolutely impossible."

"I don't believe, I absolutely don't believe that Reynold can create such a terrifying weapon, absolutely!!!"

A Marine roared heartbreakingly, and his pupils had shrunk to a small black dot, which was a sign of extreme panic.

Although he did not admit it with his mouth, his subconscious already admitted that all this was true.

It's just that he was subconsciously deceiving himself.

"Where is BIGMOM? Is BIGMOM dead?"

Vice Admiral Momousagi asked with a pale face.

"Die, die!"

Marshal Sengoku sat back on his chair weakly, resting his forehead on his hands and feeling a splitting headache.

Not only that, Sengoku also felt a deep sense of powerlessness and despair.

The moment he saw Reynold detonating an intercontinental nuclear missile and wiping out the BIGMOM pirates in an instant, Sengoku knew that all his plans and means were behind Reynold.

It loses its effect in front of you.

With such a terrifying weapon in hand, Sengoku's machinations are undoubtedly like a child's play house, extremely childish and ridiculous.

"We still underestimated Reynolds. We didn't expect that he actually hid such a terrifying trump card."

"This little devil is really hiding too deep!"

Sengoku's eyes were scarlet and bloodshot, and his voice was extremely hoarse.

"Sengoku, now is not the time to be discouraged. You must contact Akainu and Garp in New World immediately and ask them to retreat immediately."

Crane Vice Admiral looked at Sengoku and said in a low voice: "We must not provoke Reynold anymore, and Marine can no longer make meaningless sacrifices. "They must be brought back immediately."

"Yes, that's right!"

Sengoku stood up from his chair and quickly took out his phone to contact Garp and Akainu from New World.

At this time, on the battlefield of New World, Otori Akainu was also deeply shocked by the terrifying power of the nuclear bomb explosion.

"Reynold, what do you want to do? Do you want to destroy the entire world?!"

Admiral Akainu stood on the bow of the ship, staring at the Devil Terminator Ryuji above.

It's as if after meeting Long Yi, you can see Reynolds himself behind Long Yi.

Akainu has lost the power of Lava-Lava Fruit, and his arms and fists have returned to their original shape.

Although he was furious at the moment and wanted to kill Reynolds immediately.

But reason tells Akainu that he cannot act rashly now.

If Reynold is angered and launches another so-called "Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missile", he will definitely die here today.

What if Reynold didn't launch towards him, but towards Naval Headquarters, towards Majoia.

The consequences......

Akainu feels chills both physically and mentally just thinking about it!

The blue dragon Kaido, who has been hovering in the sky, no longer has any trace of madness, and some only have lingering fears.

Kaido and BIGMOM have a very good relationship, and they were even called brother and sister.

Kaido knows the strength of BIGMOM best.

But this BIGMOM was killed by a nuclear explosion in an instant.

Putting it into perspective, Kaido has no confidence in resisting a nuclear explosion.

His immortality and absolute defense became a joke in the face of a nuclear explosion.

Kaido is now very happy that Reynold did not target him to realize the power of the Shinigami. .

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