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Chapter 64 Bloodbath On Cake Island, The Charlotte Family Is Wiped Out, Leaving No One Behind! (Plea

The so-called founding of Wanokuni does not simply mean establishing contact with the outside world, but destroying the huge wall surrounding Wanokuni.

After destroying the huge high wall, Pluton can be taken out from the ground from the side, thus saving Wanokuni.

"Long Er, you stay and drill an entrance from here to a depth of 10,000 meters underground."

Reynolds looked at Long Er behind him and issued an order.

"Yes, Master."

Long Er responded, jumped up suddenly, put his head down and clasped his hands, his two fists rotated rapidly, like two drill bits, and began to clamp the ground.

The propulsion system under his feet provides powerful power, allowing Long Er to continue going deep underground.

"The Wanokuni underground rock formation is extremely hard. It will take a lot of time to drill through 10,000 meters. It seems that Kaido can only come back after solving the problem."

Reynold has the ability to analyze weapons. As long as he touches any weapon, he can know all the principles and manufacturing methods.

Although Pluton cannot be taken out in a short period of time, as long as Reynold goes 10,000 meters underground, he can touch Pluton and obtain Pluton's manufacturing method and powerful weapon technology, which can greatly improve Reynold's combat effectiveness.

Leaving Long Er digging a hole, Reynolds took Long back to the ground of the General's Mansion.

With a thought, the armor's signal connected to the Terminator army in the distance. It would take them another day to fly to Wanokuni.

Kyoshiro and Kozuki Hiyori are no longer in the Shogun's mansion. It seems that they have already contacted the samurai hiding in the dark.

Reynold believes they will make the right choice.

At the same time that the Beasts Pirates suffered a devastating blow, Cake Island, far away in the sea of ​​​​all nations, also suffered a devastating blow.

Dragon Four, Dragon Five and Dragon Six, three devil terminators, are three Admiral level battle histories.

They passed directly through the layers of blockades in the Sea of ​​All Nations, broke through from the sky, and reached Cake Island directly.

Because BIGMOM took away most of the elite members of the pirate group, the number of troops left on Cake Island was severely lacking.

The strongest one is Charlotte Cracker, one of the Four Dessert Stars.

But no matter how strong Cracker is, there is only one person, and he can't stop the three devil terminators from pushing across.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Balls of fire exploded in the Cake Island forest, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

I saw countless biscuit soldiers being penetrated by laser rays, and their bodies were blown into ashes.

Cracker's biscuit soldiers are originally very hard, but when exposed to water, they become very soft and cannot block the Terminator's laser rays.

"Damn Reynold, he actually sent troops to invade Cake Island while mom was away."

"I have to inform my mother about the situation here, otherwise Cake Island will fall repeatedly.

Cracker looked ugly and kept running wildly in the forest. While avoiding the laser rays, he took out his phone and wanted to contact BIGMOM and ask her to come back for rescue.

Unfortunately, the entire Cake Island's radio signals have been blocked, making it impossible to contact the outside world.

Seeing that the phone could not get through, Charlotte Cracker's heart sank and she became more and more desperate.

"Charlotte Cracker, target confirmed!"

A cold voice sounded in Cracker's ears. Cracker turned around suddenly and found a demon ending behind him.

Phew, a laser beam shot out and instantly penetrated Cracker's shoulder.


Cracker let out a scream, and his whole body was blown away. He fell to the ground and rolled around seven or eight times before stopping.

Before he could get up, another Devil Terminator had already fallen from the sky, and the sharp alloy sword slashed down angrily, directly taking Cracker's head from his neck.


Cracker fought back desperately, waving the long sword in his hand, covering the high-density Armament Haki wanted to block the blow.


The swords clashed, and a loud sound spread throughout the forest.

There is no stalemate, no rivalry, only a fleeting flash of sword light.

Cracker's Armament Haki could not withstand the terrifying power of the Devil Terminator, and the long knife in his hand was cut off directly.

Also split apart was Cracker's body!

"Mom... won't let you go."

Cracker's expression was dull, his eyes were dull, and he said his last words intermittently.

Immediately afterwards, a blood line appeared on Cracker's body, and finally it split in half from the middle.

Charlotte Cracker, died in battle!

"The target has lost signs of life, erasure completed!"

The Devil's Terminator stepped over Cracker's body and continued toward the center of Cake Island.

Countless laser rays fell into the forest, igniting the entire forest. Raging fires shot into the sky, and gunpowder smoke rose thousands of meters into the sky.

Wherever the Devil Terminator goes, it leaves behind a mess.

As long as they were pirates from the BIGMOM pirate group, they were all ruthlessly wiped out by the Devil Terminator.

The members of Charlotte's family who stayed on Cake Island kept dying tragically, even the children.

Reynold would not kill civilians indiscriminately if necessary, let alone children.

But BIGMOM's children are different.

All the children born by that old woman are monsters. You cannot let them go just because they are young, otherwise they will become a big problem in the future.

If you cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

What Reynolds wants this time is genocide.

In order to avoid future troubles, we must kill him!

After a whole day of killing, the entire Cake Island was almost reduced to ruins.

The BIGMOM Pirates' lair was completely destroyed!

After that, one Devil Terminator was left to search for the treasures on Cake Island, while the other two Devil Terminators went to sweep other islands in the sea of ​​nations [to ensure that all members of the Chonglot family were wiped out.

Like Wanokuni, a follow-up Terminator army is on the way.

It only takes one day to reach the Sea of ​​All Nations and officially take over that land.

Time passed, and two days flew by.

Above the high-altitude clouds, a huge green dragon is soaring in the clouds and driving the Custer Kingdom into ruins.

But while flying, Qinglong suddenly flicked its tail, and then its head plunged downwards, falling from an altitude of several thousand meters.

After falling two thousand meters at a high speed, Qinglong suddenly raised his head and flew back into the clouds again.

It's not that Kaido's flying skills are bad, it's that Kaido was drunk at this time.

Kaido burped while flying, and finally got into a dark cloud.

There was lightning and thunder inside the dark clouds, and thick bolts of lightning shuttled back and forth like Lion Majesty.

When Qinglong Kaido entered the clouds, these lightning Lion Majesty all found their attack targets and kept hitting Kaido.

However, none of these attacks had any effect on Kaido, as if they were tickling him, Kaido gradually woke up from his drunken state.

"Hiccup, no, I'm actually drunk again."

Qinglong Kaido burped, shook his head, and suddenly accelerated his flight speed after regaining consciousness.

Several thousand meters away, the main swarm drone is monitoring Kaido.

The drone did not dare to follow too closely and flew away at twice the speed of sound.

But there is a space satellite in the sky, which has been monitoring Kaido's whereabouts and transmitting Kaido's images back.

On the other side, there is an uninhabited sea.

This sea area is currently covered by a heavy rain.

The climate of the New World is changeable and weird.

The scale of this rainstorm is completely different from that of ordinary rainstorms, because every drop of rain in the rainstorm is like a cannonball.

Not only is it large in size and fast, its destructive power is also amazing.

The largest raindrops weigh several tons, and they can smash a pirate ship into pieces when they fall from the sky.

…Please give me flowers…

In the midst of the heavy rain, a pirate fleet was advancing rapidly through the heavy rain, and it turned out to be the BIGMOM pirate group.

A series of flying slashes flew out from the pirate ship, splitting all the falling rainwater.

Occasionally, snakes formed from the sea water rose into the sky, trying to attack the pirate ship, but they were also split open by powerful pirates one by one.

If an ordinary pirate group is surrounded by such dangerous weather, it is very likely that the ship will be destroyed and everyone will be killed, and the entire army will be annihilated.

But for the BIGMOM pirates, it is normal and there is no danger at all.


At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from the sky, which was the sound that could only be made by a heavy object flying through the air at high speed.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow enveloped the entire pirate fleet.

All the pirates raised their heads at the same time, their eyes instantly widened and their pupils tightened.

Just because what falls now is no longer rain, but hail.

The size of the hailstone is extremely huge, just like an iceberg, with a diameter of more than one hundred meters.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding?"

Even senior cadres like Charlotte Perospero can't help but feel a little frightened when they see an iceberg falling from the sky.

Let me explain. "

A long-legged beauty stepped forward and pulled out the huge sword on her back.

With a slash of his sword, a huge flying slash shot out of the air, instantly splitting the falling iceberg in half.

After that, several flying slashes flew into the sky, completely breaking the remains of the iceberg into pieces.

The one who took action was Charlotte Smoothie, one of the Four Dessert Stars, with a bounty of more than 800 million Baileys, and the strongest among the many daughters of BIGMOM.

"Well done, well done, my boys."

"But this is still too slow. Let me solve it all at once."

"We can't waste time on the road."

BIGMOM, who had been sitting and eating cake, suddenly stood up, his tall body exuding a strong sense of oppression.


"Yes, Mom."

BIGMOM gave an order, and the hat on her head automatically turned into a big sword and fell into her hands.

This sword was made by BIGMOM with his own soul. Although it is not one of the twelve skills of the Supreme Sharp Sword, it is very powerful.

BIGMOM holds a giant sword, and power surges from his body. After merging with Armament Haki, he slashes the sword into the sky.

"Wei Guo!"


Along with the loud noise, a giant sword energy shock wave rose into the sky and instantly disappeared into the high-altitude clouds.

The deep cloud layer was directly penetrated, a huge hole appeared, and then it exploded.

In an instant, the dark clouds completely dissipated and the sun shone again.

This is a move unique to the giants. Generally speaking, only the giants' tall bodies and powerful strength can use this move.

Although BIGMOM is not as big as the giants, her power is superior to the giants, and the "powerful sword energy" she uses is even stronger than the giants.

"Young men, go at full speed and head towards the Kingdom of Custer!"

"This time we must completely destroy the Custer Kingdom!!!"

BIGMOM stood on the bow of the ship, waving the giant sword in his hand and shouting orders.

The pirates behind them roared angrily, and the speed of the pirate fleet suddenly accelerated.

"They are so spirited. I wonder if they can still be so spirited after knowing that their nest has been destroyed?"

In King Custer's palace, Reynold had a panoramic view of Kaido and BIGMOM's actions through the virtual screen.

"Where's Marine? Where is Marine now."

Reynold asked.

"Back to Master, Marine is currently in the waters of Pylos, and will be able to enter the waters of the Custer Kingdom in about one day."

Long Yi responded and at the same time released a third virtual screen, which showed the Marine fleet. .

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