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Chapter 61: Stealing Kaido’S Money, Kidnapping Kaido’S Daughter, Gaining Both Wealth And Wealth (Ple

"Don't attack, don't attack, I'll come out right now."

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall figure wearing a Prajna mask and long white hair walked out from behind the boulder.

Reynold knew her, the Four Emperors Kaido's daughter, Yamato.

If you want to say who is the most "filial son" in the world of One Piece, it has to be Yamato.

Yamato's goal in life is to kill his father, Kaido.

"I'm not your enemy. I also want to defeat the Beasts Pirates and I can help you!"

Yamato spoke in a clear and energetic voice, and at the same time took off his Prajna mask, revealing his beautiful face.

Yamato, like Kaido, is a ghost, so he also has two horns on his head.

But Yamato is very good-looking. I really don’t know how Kaido, that muscular man, gave birth to such a good-looking daughter.

If Yamato didn't have ghost blood, Reynolds would have suspected that Kaido had been cuckolded.

"You are from overseas, right? I saw the battle just now. You guys are really strong."

"Jhin and Quinn are both very strong. I didn't expect to be defeated by you so easily!"

Yamato has a cheerful personality and a casual and straightforward style.

Although this was the first time I met Reynold, he seemed very familiar with him and spoke without any restraint.

"Although it is very presumptuous, I have a request that you must agree to. Please take me to sea with you."

Yamato came to Reynold, bent down and saluted, and said sincerely: "My dream since childhood is to leave Wanokuni one day and go to the endless overseas."

"I want to see all kinds of scenery, all kinds of adventures and all kinds of strong people on the sea."

"I have read Kozuki Oden's voyage notes, and just thinking about the adventures mentioned in the notes makes my blood boil."

Yamato said he was high, his face flushed, and he felt like he was taking drugs.

Reynold really doesn't understand why Kozuki Oden, that idiot and useless person, has so much charm.

They have been dead for so many years, and just a sailing notebook left behind can make Yamato become a die-hard fan, even turning against his biological father.

Even the MLM leader is not so charming, right?

"Do you really want to go to sea with me?"

Reynolds looked at Yamato.

"Yes, please take me out to sea. This is my lifelong dream."

Yamato nodded heavily.

"Okay, since you ask me so sincerely, I will naturally not refuse."

"From now on, you are a member of the Custer Kingdom's expeditionary force."

Yamato's strength is not weak. Not only is he a Zoan Phantom Beast Fruit user, he also inherited Kaido's qualifications and is proficient in Conqueror's Haki. He is a proper vice-emperor level combatant.

After subduing Yamato, Reynolds has another strong man under his command.

"It's great, we can finally go to sea."

Yamato jumped up with joy, but suddenly, she frowned and asked in confusion: "Custer Kingdom Expeditionary Force? What is that?"

Reynold said: "The Custer Kingdom is my country, and I am the king. Since you want to go to sea with me, you are naturally a member of the Custer Kingdom."

"I see."

Yamato understood and showed a surprised look.

"By the way, I almost forgot."

Yamato suddenly exclaimed again, pointing to the handcuffs on his hands and said: "Kaido trapped me on this island with explosive handcuffs. As soon as I leave the island, the handcuffs will explode."

"You are so powerful, you must be able to help me unlock the handcuffs, right?"

Yamato looked at Reynolds expectantly.

Reynold nodded slightly and said, "It's just a small problem and can be easily solved."

After saying that, Reynold reached out and grabbed the handcuffs on Yamato's hand. Emission Haki surged, directly destroying the inside of the handcuffs.

With a click, the handcuffs shattered.

Reynold threw the handcuffs into the distance at lightning speed before they exploded.

There was a loud bang, the handcuffs fired a violent explosion, and a huge fireball appeared out of thin air, with a diameter of more than ten meters.

"That damn Minotaur really wants to blow me up."

Yamato looked at the giant Fireball produced by the explosion of the handcuffs, and the last trace of affection for Kaido completely disappeared in his heart.

It has to be said that Kaido is indeed cruel-hearted, and he will be merciless to his own daughter.

"Where are we going next? Are we going to sea soon?"

After untying the handcuffs, Yamato wanted to go to sea immediately and couldn't wait.

Reynold shook his head slightly and said, "I have something to do and I have to go to the Flower Capital. You stay here and search for the treasures on the ghost island with Long San."

"You know Onigashima, this is your first mission, don't let me down."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I will definitely help and find all the treasures."

After saying that, Yamato hurried into Onigashima Palace and helped Ryusan search for the treasure.

"She is so innocent. I really don't know whether she is really stupid or pretending to be stupid."

Reynold looked at Yamato's leaving figure and shook his head slightly.

But no matter what, this trip to Wanokuni is always a big profit.

Not only did he destroy the Beasts Pirates' lair, plunder the treasure left by Kaido, but also kidnapped Kaido's daughter.

When Kaido knows the truth, his expression will be very exciting.

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