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Chapter 53 Reynold: The Last Words Are Said, It's Time To Send You Off! (Please Collect And Sen

Katakuri looked up and saw another humanoid monster appearing above him at some point.

But unlike Long Er, the new humanoid monster has a human flavor. It is a real human being.

"It's Reynold!"

Although he couldn't see the face inside the armor, Katakuri was certain that the person coming was definitely Reynold himself.

Only Reynold himself has the authority to control such a powerful humanoid killing weapon.

This training operation for the Devil Terminator has ended, and Reynold is here to do the final work.

Although the Devil Terminator is very strong, there is really nothing he can do against a body like Katakuri that can "elementally transform", so he can only take action himself.

"Reynold, you finally dare to come out."

"You killed my family, my mother will not let you go."

"One day, you will pay for what you have done!"

Katakuri roared, and the mighty Conqueror's Haki erupted again, forming a powerful momentum and rushing towards Reynold.

"Those who kill will always be killed."

"I didn't expect that you would still have such naive ideas after being a pirate for so many years."

Reynold opened his helmet visor, looked at Katakuri expressionlessly, and said calmly: "Since you have become a pirate, everything you do must be at the risk of your life. Otherwise, what do you think you are doing?"

"Are you playing pirate house?"

"Do you think that since you are a member of the BIGMOM pirates, you will never be killed? Isn't that ridiculous?"


Katakuri gritted his teeth, he didn't care so much, nothing could happen to his family anyway.

"Okay, I've finished my last words for you, it's time to send you on your way!"

Reynold's voice was indifferent. He was in no mood to waste time with Katakuri.

The propulsion system roared and roared, and Reynold's body swayed and disappeared.

Katakuri's expression changed drastically, and he activated Observation Haki to Ultimate. His eyes were scarlet and seemed to bleed.

But he couldn't see any future pictures, because Reynold's Observation Haki realm was above him.

Reynold can see a more distant future. In that future, no matter what the situation is, Katakuri will die!


The next second, a huge fist landed on Katakuri's chest.

Katakuri's Armament Haki defense was as fragile as tissue paper and was easily shattered.

The fist drove straight in and penetrated Katakuri's chest, bringing out large swaths of blood.

puff! ! !

Katakuri's mouth and nose spurted blood, but he remained silent.

Soon, Katakuri gritted his teeth and grabbed Reynold's arm with his left hand. His right hand instantly turned into a sharp blade and thrust it straight into Reynold's face.

On the verge of death, Katakuri showed no fear or fear, and without any hesitation, he launched a counterattack in an instant.

Katakuri risked everything on this attack, but in the end it had no effect.

There was no way he could break Reynolds' armor defenses.

"Your courage is commendable, but unfortunately, your strength is too weak!"

As soon as he finished speaking, six sharp blades suddenly popped out from Reynold's armor arm, smashing all of Katakuri's internal organs in an instant.


Katakuri spurted out a mouthful of blood, his vitality quickly drained away, his arms hung down weakly, and his pupils became dim and dull.

After saying his last words, he completely lost consciousness.

"Don't worry, BIGMOM won't live for a few more days. She will be with you soon."

"It's best for a family to be neat and tidy."

Reynold threw Katakuri's body away and let it sink into the endless sea.

The battle finally ended. The forwards sent by the Beasts Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates were all killed, and no one survived.

"I think Kaido and BIGMOM already know the news. If they start a war with two Four Emperors at the same time, Naval Headquarters may not be so bold."

Reynold smiled coldly, turned around and flew back to the Custer Kingdom.

Behind him, Long Er and Enel followed closely.

As Enel flew, he asked the doubts in his heart, "Your Majesty, what kind of power did Katakuri use just now? That sudden burst of momentum seems to be a kind of Haki?"

Although Enel doesn't know Conqueror's Haki, he feels that it has many similarities with Armament Color and Observation Haki.

Reynold said calmly: "Indeed, that is Conqueror's Haki. It is a power that only one person in a million can awaken, and it is also the qualification of a king."

"Can I also learn the qualifications of a king?"

Enel asked expectantly.

"You can't do it. Conqueror's Haki is something you are born with and cannot be learned."

Reynold threw cold water on it directly, "If you are born with it, you may be able to awaken it during battle in the future."

"But if not, don't even think about it in this life."

"Tch, it's actually natural."

Enel was a little disappointed when he learned the truth, and then looked at Reynold and asked: "So, does His Majesty the King also have Conqueror's Haki?"

Reynold said without hesitation: "Of course, Conqueror's Haki is the standard equipment of the king, how could I not have it?"

Although Reynold does not have Conqueror's Haki now, he does have money.

Money can make all the difference, even the Lord of Hell can bribe him, let alone Conqueror's Haki.

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