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Chapter 51 Katakuri Kills Enel Instantly, And The Devil Terminator Ryuji Finally Takes Action! (Plea

"The people who die fastest in the New World are often those with Logia abilities."

"Arrogant and arrogant, without knowing how high the sky is, the final outcome is often extremely miserable."

"Idiot, you're still far away!"

Katakuri spoke coldly, and at this moment his words overlapped with Reynolds's.

"Tch, so what if you know how to be armed? As long as you can't hit me, you can't do anything to me."

Enel still spoke harshly, but before he could finish his words, he heard a pop and a bloody hole appeared on Enel's shoulder.

Before Enel had time to react, a jelly bean penetrated his shoulder.

The jelly beans fired by Katakuri, after covering Armament Haki, are hundreds of times more powerful than ordinary bullets.

Combined with Katakuri's Observation Haki, who can predict the future, he can hit wherever he points, and everything will be missed.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Katakuri waved his hand, and countless jelly bean bullets shot out, like a network of intertwined firepower, which had blocked all Enel's escape routes, leaving him with no way to retreat.

"God's sanction!"

Enel's arm became elemental and he fired a giant thunderbolt, destroying all incoming jelly bean bullets.

But suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind Enel. It turned out that Katakuri had teleported behind him at some point.

"Cut, cut, rice cake!"

Katakuri's right arm turned into a rice cake and expanded. The surface was covered with sharp barbs like a mace. It was also covered with high-density Armament Haki and hardened, and hit Enel's back hard.


The terrifying force turned into a shock wave and penetrated Enel's chest. Enel immediately spat out a mouthful of blood and his eyes were blank for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Enel turned into a cannonball and shot out. Three Mach rings appeared behind him, and he fell towards the sea at a speed of more than three times the speed of sound.

Cough cough cough!

Enel vomited blood while flying. His back was covered with blood holes and his flesh was a blur. It felt like all the bones in his body were broken, all his internal organs were displaced, and severe pain hit him from all parts of his body.

Enel has not yet learned Armament Haki, so the full power of Katakuri's move is borne by his body.

With just one move, Enel was seriously injured and completely lost his ability to fight.

It is already rare to be able to maintain the last trace of consciousness.

"Damn you bastard, are all the monsters in New World so strong?"

The image of being killed by Reynold that day flashed in Enel's mind. How similar is today to that day?

"Sure enough, my strength is too weak, pitifully weak."

Enel looked unwilling, he had never hated his weakness so much.

"Suffer death!"

The black shadow flashed past, and Katakuri appeared in front of Enel again. His huge mace arm cut through the sky and hit Enel's head.

If this move hits, Enel will definitely die.

At the critical moment, a laser beam fell from the sky and shot at Katakuri at lightning speed.

It was Long Er who took action, and he couldn't just watch Enel die in front of him.

Katakuri's eyes were red. He had already seen the scene of the laser beam penetrating his head, and he subconsciously made dodge movements.

In this way, Katakuri avoided the laser attack, but also lost the chance to kill Enel.


Long Er roared over, grabbed the fallen Enel and flew high into the sky again.

Enel vomited blood, took a deep breath, and finally recovered.

"How is it? You're not dead, are you?"

Long Er's voice was still cold, but there was a hint of schadenfreude in it.

Enel spat out a mouthful of blood-stained saliva and said expressionlessly: "I won't die yet. I owe you a favor this time, and I will pay it back to you in the future."

"It's better to forget it. You are too weak and have no chance to return the favor to me."

After Ryuuji finished speaking, before Enel could open his mouth to retort, his whole body turned into a stream of light and shot towards Katakuri below.

"So fast!"

Katakuri's pupils tightened, images of the future appeared in his mind, and his body subconsciously turned into glutinous rice, similar to the elemental transformation of a Logia user.

The next second, Ryuuji punched through Katakuri's chest, and the powerful shock wave of the punch even exploded Katakuri's body.

But soon, the scattered pieces of rice cake reunited and merged, turning into the entity of Katakuri.

Katakuri was not injured, but his expression changed wildly.

Because he saw in the future scene, after Long Er punched him, his speed increased instead of decreasing, rushing towards the pirate ship below.

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

Katakuri roared angrily, and the sound was like thunder, echoing in the ears of Charlotte Daifuku and others.

Unfortunately, it was too late. With the speed of Long Er's explosion, they couldn't escape at all.

Ryuji fell from the sky and punched Charlotte Dafu hard on the chest. The fist penetrated directly through Dafu's chest, pushing Dafu's body forward, and finally completely blew it apart.

Charlotte Daifuku, the senior leader of the BIGMOM pirates, was dead without even a scream.

After blasting Dafu with one punch, Long Er's fist remained powerful and hit the deck of the pirate ship hard.

The terrifying punch force instantly penetrated the entire pirate ship, and the shock wave spread in all directions, immediately smashing the pirate ship into pieces.

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