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Chapter 45 The Rapidly Expanding Custer Kingdom Can Be Destroyed With Just A Snap Of A Finger! (Plea

In New World, there are two countries standing on a large island, namely the Kingdom of Milese and the Kingdom of Sargar.

The Kingdom of Milese accounts for 80% of the land area, and the Kingdom of Salgar only accounts for 20%.

In the past few decades, the Milese Kingdom has gradually encroached on the land of the Salgar Kingdom, and is now on the verge of fully annexing the Salgar Kingdom.

The royal family and nobles of Milese Kingdom originally thought they were sure of victory, but unexpectedly the situation reversed overnight.

The Salgar Kingdom got a batch of powerful weapons from nowhere, and there was also a group of powerful mercenaries to help the Salgar Kingdom.

In just one night, the Kingdom of Milese was completely defeated, and the entire army was wiped out overnight.

The royal family and nobles of the Kingdom of Milese were captured alive, and were finally publicly executed by King Salgar, and they were all killed on the execution platform.

The young king of Sargar led his people to regain the lost land and finally fulfilled the last wish left by the previous generation and the previous kings.

On the ruins of the battlefield, each T800 Terminator was holding a Vulcan Gatling, searching for fish that had slipped through the ruins.

As soon as any soldier of Milese Kingdom shows his head, he will be shot in the head by the Terminator, or even beaten to a pulp.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty Reynolds."

In the Salgar Palace, a young king looked at the Reynold three-dimensional projection in front of him with a humble and respectful expression. This person was King Salgar VI.

Although both of them are kings, their status is completely different.

"You deserve this. You paid enough. I will solve the problem for you. It's a fair deal and I'm honest."

Reynold responded with a smile.

"I understand that I will abide by my previous agreement. From today on, all the mineral veins in the Salgar Kingdom belong to the Custer Kingdom."

"Also, I formally invite Lord Reynold to station troops in the Salgar Kingdom to provide us with protection."

King Salgar VI said respectfully.

"You will not regret your decision today, and you will soon know how wise your choice was today."

"With the protection of my Kingdom of Custer, no one will dare to invade the Kingdom of Salgar from now on."

Reynold sat on a chair and raised his glass to drink with King Salgar VI from afar.

After a final conversation, the call ended.

Reynold, who was sitting on the sofa in the palace, put down his wine glass with a smile on his lips.

After capturing the Salgar Kingdom, Reynolds' territory expanded again.

This time, unlike the Kingdom of Tania, Reynold did not send troops to invade. Instead, he took over the rule of the Kingdom of Salgar by regaining lost territory for King Salgar VI.

Although nominally, the Salgar Kingdom is still ruled by Salgar VI, in fact, Reynold is secretly in control.

This is tantamount to colonization.

The World Government requires each country to join the World Government. After joining, Naval Headquarters will send Marines to provide protection. This behavior is essentially garrison colonization.

Reynolds is using the same approach today.

In addition to the Salgar Kingdom, Reynolds also dispatched his Terminator troops to attack several neighboring countries.

In just one week, three countries have been controlled by Reynold.

Among them, two non-franchised countries were crushed by the Terminator army and directly destroyed.

There is also a country that joins the world government, and Reynold did not send troops to attack it.

Instead, let the T1000 Terminator assassinate the king and all the royal family, and then change into the appearance of the king and the royal family to replace them.

On the surface, nothing about the home has changed.

But in fact, the power of this franchise country has been secretly controlled by Reynold.

The resources of these countries will be used by Reynold and become nutrients for him to increase his strength.

"Your Majesty the King, the treasures of the three countries have been brought back."

At this time, Robin walked up behind Reynold and said softly.

"I know, go ahead and do your work."

Reynold waved his hand, stood up and walked towards the metal wall, then took the elevator to the underground treasure house.

Behind him, the Devil Terminator Long Yi and Long Er followed closely.

After a few days, the empty treasure house was filled with various gold, silver, treasures and diamonds.

"System, scan how much money is there?"

"Ding, the scan is complete. All treasures are worth 30 billion beli."

Countries that are not part of the World Government are generally very poor, and Reynold only plunders the treasures of the royal family and nobles, not the belongings of common people.

Therefore, annexing a non-franchised country can obtain an average wealth of 5 billion Baileys.

The two non-franchising countries add up to 10 billion.

The remaining 20 billion are all from the countries that join the world government.

"Recharge all."

"Ding, after the recharge is completed, the remaining balance of Host is 60 billion."

The golden light of the system swept through, and all the treasures worth 30 billion disappeared.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

At this moment, Long Yi, who was standing behind Reynold, suddenly had red eyes and said, "Master, the swarm drone has tracked the whereabouts of Beasts Pirates Jack and BIGMOM Pirates Katakuri."

"The drone swarm monitors their conversations and has confirmed that they are here for the weapon technology in the hands of His Majesty the King. Do you want to launch an attack to intercept them?"

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