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Chapter 38 The Terrifying Power Of Intercontinental Nuclear Missiles Makes The Aunt Feel Greedy (Ple

"As you command, Master."

Long Er picked up an intercontinental nuclear missile, soared into the sky, disappeared into the clouds and quickly disappeared.

Along with Long Er, there were ten T1000 Terminators and one hundred T800 Terminators.

There were three remaining ones, and Reynold personally took them and hid them on three uninhabited desert islands within the waters of the Custer Kingdom.

Reynold built three nuclear bomb silos and left ten T1000 Terminators and fifty T800 Terminators guarding each place to ensure nothing went wrong.

"Now I can finally feel relieved."

With intercontinental nuclear missiles in hand, Reynolds is no longer afraid of any enemy.

It was too late for Im to destroy him.

Reynold is now not afraid to fall out with anyone, and the Custer Kingdom can finally expand as he pleases.

With the expansion, Reynold will have more and more funds, and the number of intercontinental nuclear missiles will also increase, eventually forming a virtuous cycle.

While Reynold was hiding nuclear bombs everywhere, news and deeds about him had spread around the world with the spread of the reward order.

Sengoku's vicious plan to kill people with a borrowed knife has begun to work, and the Four Emperors pirate group has begun to notice Reynolds' existence.

Although Reynold has sold a large number of arms and weapons in the past year, he is quite famous in the underground world.

But the Four Emperors pirate group did not take Reynolds seriously.

To the Four Emperors, who are aloof from above, the so-called kings of the underground world are no different than ants.

But this time, the news revealed by Marine in the underground world made two of the Four Emperors very concerned.

New World, Sea of ​​All Nations, Cake Island.

"Well, well, well, what is the origin of this brat? The first time he offered a reward, there was actually one billion Baileys."

"Marine's bunch of losers are also depraved. They actually set such a high bounty for a newcomer."

In the huge castle on Cake Island, Four Emperors BIGMOM held Reynold's bounty in his left hand, and ate a huge cream cake in his right hand, with a lot of stomach acid flowing out of his mouth.

Stomach acid is extremely corrosive. When it drips onto the ground, white smoke rises, corroding the ground into small holes.

"He is not a pirate, nor is he a newcomer, but the king of the New World Custer Kingdom."

"Not long ago, Reynold led his troops to destroy a country that was affiliated with the World Government. I heard that he also massacred many Marine soldiers and civilians, so he is wanted."

Next to him, Charlotte Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, said while licking his tongue.

"Reynold's strength is also good. Two years ago, he personally killed the great pirate Roman Ful who had a bounty of more than 800 million. He single-handedly destroyed the opponent's pirate group and massacred more than 2,000 people, so the bounty was as much as 1 billion. "

"To be honest, Reynolds deserves this amount of money."

Charlotte Dafu added on the side.

"If that's all, there's no need for you to show his bounty to me, right?"

"Tell me, what's so strange about him?"

After saying that, BIGMOM swallowed a cream cake, which looked like a human being. She chewed it and let out screams, which sounded a little creepy.

But BIGMOM was eating very happily, so satisfied that he even narrowed his eyes.

"Mom is right. Let's not mention Reynold's strength for now. The key is the weapons Reynold has in his hands, which are worthy of our attention."

The speaker was Katakuri, the crowning masterpiece of the Charlotte family.

"Family intelligence revealed that Reynold is the king of arms who has become famous in the underground dark world in the past year. He has a variety of powerful weapons in his hands, especially humanoid killing weapons, which are of great use to us."

"If we can get this technology, it can greatly enhance the family's strength."

While talking, Katakuri took out a series of photos and showed them to BIGMOM.

BIGMOM glanced at the photo and his eyes widened.

"Well, well, well, I didn't expect anyone besides Germa to be able to create such a super technological weapon."

"It's so interesting."

BIGMOM grinned widely, looking at the humanoid killing weapon in the photo like a favorite toy, with a greedy red light shining in his eyes.

"Send someone to go to the Custer Kingdom. Isn't it very close to us? Bring the technology back."

"If Reynold agrees, I will marry my daughter to him."

"Such a guy must be firmly in my hands, okay, okay, okay."

BIGMOM grinned, showing his teeth, and let out a shrill laugh.

BIGMOM's character is very interesting. Normally, she is like a child. When she sees something she likes, she wants it very much.

If you don't get it, you will lose your temper.

But at certain critical moments, her mind was very smart.

Just like now, she could see the huge power of humanoid killing weapons at a glance and attached great importance to them.

In order to become the unprecedented female Pirate King, BIGMOM has been developing the strength of the Charlotte family.

Whether it is giving birth to children or getting married, they are all ways for her to increase her strength, including, of course, obtaining high-tech weapons.

The Germa family far away in North Blue is the one that BIGMOM has always wanted to win over.

Now there’s another Reynolds on the list.

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