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Chapter 26 One Punch Seriously Injured Admiral Kizaru! (Please Collect, Please Send Flowers)

"Oh, why seek death?"

Reynold in the palace shook his head and slowly stood up. The Adamantium armor instantly covered his body, and the ceiling above his head automatically opened.

boom! ! !

Blue flames shot out from the soles of the armor's feet, and Reynold soared into the sky, reaching the sky above the palace in an instant, and then flew rapidly through the air towards the western sea.

Reynold flew faster and faster, the air exploded, and Mach rings appeared behind him.

Within a few minutes, Reynolds spotted Kizaru.

At the same time, Kizaru also saw the black shadow flying towards him.

"What it is?"

The moment he saw the black shadow, Kizaru subconsciously stopped in mid-air and wanted to launch an attack.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Reynolds was like a rapidly flying intercontinental missile, hitting Kizaru hard.

A fist covered with high-density Armament Haki hit Kizaru right in the heart.

Such a fast attack, even if you use Observation Haki to see the future in advance, you can't avoid it in time.

High-density Armament Haki hardening, coupled with the ultra-high hardness of Adamant alloy, and the impact force generated by supersonic speeds.

The power of Reynold's punch was so terrifying that words cannot describe it.

Even a thousand-meter-high mountain will be smashed into powder by Reynold's punch.


The terrifying power exploded in an instant, and Kizaru flew out involuntarily. He felt severe pain only halfway through the flight.

Kizaru lost control of his body, turned into a golden light and flew backwards quickly, hitting the sea hard, creating a huge hole with a diameter of more than fifty meters in the sea.

After that, Kizaru kept bouncing on the sea like a stone thrown into the water.

Every time the water breaks, a huge hole with a diameter of more than twenty meters is created in the sea.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The sea level keeps exploding, like depth charges exploding one after another.

In the end, Kizaru flew thousands of meters away, and his body exploded, turning into countless golden flashes of light that gathered and formed in mid-air.

"Pfft!!! Cough cough cough!"

Kizaru opened his mouth and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. He bent over and coughed violently while constantly inhaling.

Like a drowning person, constantly sucking in the oxygen in the air.

At this moment, Kizaru is no longer an Admiral, nor a monster, he is just a human being who has an instinct for survival.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?!"

Kizaru clutched his chest, feeling that his sternum was broken, his internal organs were displaced, and severe pain shot from all parts of his body.

Not only that, his heart was still bleeding, and four bloody holes had appeared there.

Reynold's armor has sharp barbs on the outside of his fists.

If you are hit by a punch, you will not only have to withstand the terrifying force of the punch, but the sharp barbs will also tear the flesh and blood, causing secondary damage.

Kizaru activates the Sparkling fruit ability, and the blood hole in the wound is filled with flash, no longer bleeding, and the suit returns to its original shape.

But this is only an emergency measure for the Logia user, and his injuries have not healed.


At this moment, the rapid sound of breaking wind echoed through the sky again, and the cold murderous aura swept in and enveloped Kizaru's body.

Kizaru's face changed wildly, his Observation Haki was warning frantically, and Reynold's second wave of attacks had already arrived.

Because it has not gone through the acceleration phase, this attack is not as fast as the first attack, but its power cannot be underestimated.

Reynold teleports and appears above Kizaru's head, kicking Kizaru's head from high to low.

There are also sharp barbs at the ankles of the armor.

It can be said that Reynold's Adamantium armor is full of weapons.


Hitting Kizaru with one kick, Kizaru exploded into golden light. The extremely fast kick cut through the air, forming a super large vacuum slash that hit the sea below.


The sea level was cut open, and a huge trench with a length of more than 100 meters appeared!

The golden light flashed dozens of meters away, and Kizaru's true form was restored. A crack appeared on Kizaru's face, and blood continued to flow.

"Is this monster also a weapon made by Reynold?"

"No, it's different. What's on the outside is just the armor, but there is indeed a human breath inside."

Kizaru looked at the monster standing in the air with sharp eyes, his expression extremely solemn.

After a battle, Kizaru already understood the strength of the monster in front of him. It was definitely not weaker than him, and even stronger than him.

He was caught off guard and was actually crushed throughout.

At this moment, the monster slowly turned around and looked at Kizaru, its helmet mask automatically opening.

"Kizaru, is this the only level of your strength?"

"If that's the extent of it, that would be a big letdown for me."

Reynold looked at Kizaru and grinned, but his eyes were extremely cold and without any warmth. He looked at Kizaru as if he were looking at a dead person.

Kizaru's pupils tightened, "I didn't expect you to come in person. I thought you would continue to hide in the palace and only send your men out to die."

"Now it seems that you, the king, still have some courage."

Reynold said expressionlessly: "Marine Admiral took action personally, so naturally I have to take it seriously."

"How can I completely deal with this old monkey like you if I don't take action personally?"

In a normal situation like this, Kizaru would definitely say his catchphrase in an exaggerated tone, and even raise his hands in a gesture of surrender to liven up the atmosphere.

But at this moment, he was not in such a mood.

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