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Chapter 21 The Terrifying Power Of Rockets To Wash Away The Ground, Long: I Buy It, Can’T I Buy It?

"It's liquid metal!"

At this time, the dragon spoke.

Obviously, he has seen through the essence of T1000.

The Revolutionary Army also has specialized weapons experts, so Long also knows a thing or two about various materials.

He had heard weapons experts mention it before, but he didn't expect that Reynold could actually make it and make it into a humanoid killing weapon.

He possesses the flowing body of a person with Logia ability, and is not afraid of Armament Haki's attacks.

If you can't find its fatal weakness, you can't kill it no matter how hard you hit it.

This kind of machine soldier is simply an extremely terrifying killing machine on the battlefield.

"How about it? Do you want it?"

Reynold looked at the dragon and smiled playfully.

Long took a deep look at Reynolds, shook his head and said, "One five hundred million beli is too expensive, so let's forget it."

Of course the dragon wants it. Who doesn’t want this invincible killing weapon?

But it was useless no matter how greedy he was. The high price finally made him give up.

With a unit price of 500 million beli each, it is destined that the revolutionary army will not be able to implement large-scale deployment.

It is meaningless to the revolutionary army if it cannot be deployed on a large scale.

"What about the price of steel warships?"

Long looked at Reynolds and asked again.

Reynold said: "A steel warship costs 20 billion Baileys. If you want it, you can leave today."

"Twenty billion Baileys, are you crazy about money?!!!"

Sabo's mouth opened wide, his eyes bulged, and his expression was completely out of control.

He felt that Reynold was really treating them like fat pigs and killing them without any cover-up.

Do you have to empty every coin in their pockets before you give up?

Reynold said with a smile: "My steel warship, both in terms of performance and weapons, far exceeds Marine's highest specification warship by several times or even dozens of times."

"Without the intervention of top experts, a single steel warship can easily destroy a hundred Marine warships of the highest specifications."

This is really not Reynolds' bragging.

The steel warship is equipped with a rocket launcher with a maximum attack range of 500 kilometers. The range alone is enough to crush the Marine warship.

As soon as a Marine warship enters the firing range, they can only be passively beaten.

After several rounds of artillery fire, a hundred Marine warships would be directly sunk if there was no strong person of at least Marine Vice Admiral level to destroy the rockets.

If an electromagnetic rocket launcher is manufactured, its maximum attack distance can exceed two thousand kilometers, and its power is even more exaggerated and terrifying.

"Let you see the power. After you see it, you will know that it is worth the money."

Reynold raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a wall automatically dented, and many small display screens separated to the left and right, and a larger display screen appeared.

The display screen occupies the entire wall, and images begin to play on it.

I saw a Custer Kingdom warship riding the waves on the sea, and suddenly stopped in the middle of the sea.

Then the soldiers on the warship launched ten rocket launchers. The captain gave an order, and the rocket launchers roared like thunder. Countless rockets roared out of the sky, leaving long smoke trails in the sky and disappearing in an instant. .

At this moment, the screen screen split into two parts: left and right.

The picture on the left is still a Custer Kingdom warship, and the right is a rocket flying at high speed.

I saw densely packed rockets falling from the sky and accurately hitting the coastline of a deserted island.

There was a large pirate group having a banquet on the coastline of the deserted island, and thousands of people were instantly covered by super-heavy firepower.

The coastline of the deserted island turned into a sea of ​​fire in the blink of an eye. Thousands of pirates were rolling in the sea of ​​fire, screaming in agony, and were soon burned to charcoal by the fire.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Rockets continued to fall one after another, and the artillery fire continued for ten minutes, until the coastline was completely flattened.

The earth is trembling, the ocean is roaring, raging fire is rising into the sky, and gunpowder smoke is rising thousands of meters into the sky.

Long looked at the terrifying fire coverage on the screen. Although his expression remained unchanged, his twitching eyes and constricted pupils showed his restless heart.

As for Sabo, his expression was out of control and he stood blankly on the spot.

Finally, the artillery fire ended.

After a long time, the smoke finally dispersed, but the fire did not subside.

The coastline was completely shattered, and no trace of the pirates could be found.

"How about it? It's pretty powerful, right?"

Reynold looked at Long and Sabo and smiled: "This is a maritime training exercise of the Custer Kingdom. The Sano Pirates were eliminated. The leader, Captain Sano, has a bounty of 235 million Baileys."

"Under the gunfire of the Custer Kingdom's warships, the entire Sano Pirates were completely wiped out in less than ten minutes."

"By the way, the place where the warship launched this attack is three hundred kilometers away from the location of the Sano Pirates."

"What? Three hundred kilometers away!"

After hearing the last words, even the dragon could no longer remain calm.

He has never heard of any artillery fire that can attack a target three hundred kilometers away. This is simply a fantasy.

"The facts are right in front of you, why don't you believe it?"

Reynold laughed.

Long was silent, having nothing to say.

Taking a deep breath, Long looked at Reynold with burning eyes and asked: "Can this kind of artillery be sold alone? What is the price?"

Reynold said with a smile: "This kind of artillery is called a rocket launcher. It can fire twelve rockets at a time, and its power is terrifying."

"But unfortunately, it's not sold individually."

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