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Chapter 142 Killing The Demon Clone, Im Finally Appears! (Please Subscribe)


The moment he finished speaking, an invisible pressure suddenly appeared, pressing heavily on Reynolds' shoulders.

A giant hole instantly appeared in the deep clouds under Reynold's feet.

Such a huge force can directly crush a large mountain into rubble.

But Reynolds remained unmoved, turning a blind eye to this force that appeared out of thin air.

Reynold was surrounded by an invisible force, and Im's attack had no effect on him.

Im's attack is the external attack of the armed color and Conqueror's Haki, and Reynold's invisible armor is also the external defense of the two-color Haki.

So Imnai can't do anything to Reynold.

"Just a phantom, don't come out and pretend to be a ghost, let me come out!"

"Dragon Breath!"

Reynold gave an order, and the steel dragon at his feet immediately opened its bloody mouth and spit out a giant flame dragon breath, shooting towards Im.

Im slowly raised his palm, and there was a black flame burning in the palm, and there was a barrier formed by Haki, blocking the dragon's breath.


The dragon's breath split into two and shot out from the left and right sides of Im.

Behind Im is Mariejois. The dragon's breath hits Mariejois, instantly piercing the city, melting everything, leaving two long lava trails.

Everything hit by the dragon's breath was completely destroyed.

Im turned a blind eye to the destruction of Mariejois. After all, the holy place can be rebuilt after being destroyed.

In the sea of ​​flames, the hundred-meter demon transformed by Im remained motionless.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​​​fire was broken through, and Reynold appeared out of thin air on the side of Im. The alloy sword in his hand was covered with high-density weapon colors and Conqueror's Haki. The blade was pitch black, and black and red lightning burst out, distorting the space.

"One sword flow·The other side of the underworld!"

Reynold slashed down with his sword angrily, directly taking Im's head from the neck.

Im incited the devil's wings and sped towards Reynold like lightning,

At this moment, Im's devil wings are like sharp swords, as if they can cut through the world!


The killing moves collided, and the space was suddenly distorted.

The power of Conqueror's collision exploded, and a super-large black hole instantly appeared in the sky.

The lightning formed by Conqueror's scattered in all directions, and the loud noise spread in all directions, completely tearing the surrounding clouds apart!

In the blink of an eye, the entire radius around Reynold and Im became a vacuum.

The terrifying Haki and knife energy fill every inch of the void. Once any creature breaks in, its body will be instantly torn apart and turned into blood mist and die miserably!

"A mere clone cannot stop me!"

Reynold roared and pressed down on the alloy sword in his hand.

There was only a click sound, and a crack appeared in Im's Haki armor, and then the crack spread rapidly.

Finally, with a loud noise, Im's Haki armor shattered.


The sword flashed, and the black shadow disappeared in an instant.

Reynold has teleported from Im's left side to his right side.

In the void, the trace left by a long knife lingers for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, a knife mark appeared on Im's neck, and then his head rose into the sky.

"If you win, your head will be chopped off!"

"Great, Lord Nord won.

"A mere demon, nothing more than that, was killed by Lord Reynold with one strike." "

Seeing this scene, countless people around the world cheered.

But he was quickly interrupted.

"Didn't you hear what Lord Reynold said? This is just a clone of the devil."

"You're right, it's too early to be happy now."

"You must defeat me!"

Some people cheered excitedly, while others stayed calm.

Countless people stared at the live broadcast, waiting for Reynolds' next move.

Im's head flew up in the air, but her expression did not change at all.

The blood-red eyes moved in their sockets, and their eyes locked on Reynolds for an instant, and then the severed head began to speak.

"Sinful pariah, you made Mu angry!"



Before Im could finish speaking, Reynolds had already taken action again.

The sword cut through the sky, making a series of flying slashes, cutting Im's head into powder. At the same time, the clone's 100-meter-long body was also split open.


Im's demon clone exploded, and his body was completely shattered and dissipated, becoming invisible.

Only a black flame remained.

But as Reynold's sword fell, even this black flame was cut into nothingness by Reynold.

And at the moment Reynold killed the Yim demon clone, the three Five Elders on the Red Harbor battlefield let out a scream at the same time.

Amidst the heart-rending screams, the black flames on their bodies faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The strange lines covering the surface of the Five Elders' bodies all disappeared, and the demon wings behind them also disappeared.

The blood-red eyes turned back into normal human eyes, and the black flames that were spreading on the battlefield were all extinguished.

"No! No! No!"

"No, how is it possible?"

"Lord Im!!!"

Without the blessing of the devil's power, the three Five Elders' combat experience was greatly reduced.

And they couldn't believe that Reynold could actually suppress Im and let Im take back the power he had given away.

This means that Im will fight with all his strength.

"That bastard Reynold, did you actually find it difficult for Im-sama?"

"How can this be?"

"Lord Im is a god!"

The three Five Elders would rather believe that the world will be destroyed than to believe that Nord will suppress Im.

But the facts are right in front of them, and they cannot tolerate disbelief.

On the battlefield, all the controlled Marine soldiers collapsed, and large areas fell at the same time like wheat.

The demonic power disappeared, and these controlled prescriptions naturally returned to their original state.


Vice Admiral Garp spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered a few times, and finally hit the ground face down.

The breath of life in his body quickly dropped, his face was as pale as paper, and he was sleeping for three breaths.

Without the blessing of the demonic flame, Garp returned to his previous state of serious injury.

No, his injury is more serious than before.

With the blessing of demonic flames, Ka can fight without any scruples.

But now that there is no demon flame, Garp's injuries will burst out in an instant, causing serious damage to Garp in an instant.

The blood hole in Garp's body was bleeding continuously, and there was no way to stop it.

His strong body suddenly shrank, and he lost dozens of pounds.

"Vice Admiral Garp!!!"

Admiral Aokiji shouted anxiously, but Garp showed a wry smile.

He was lying on the ground now, his whole body was weak, he didn't even have the strength to move, and Garp's vision was very blurry.

Looking at Aokiji for the last time, Garp's vision went dark and he completely lost all consciousness.


Aokiji turned around and stared at the Five Elders, "The murderous intent in his eyes was stronger than ever before.

He doesn't know who to hate?

Should I hate Reynolds? Or should I hate the Five Elders?

Reynold destroyed the entire Marine, and the Five Elders used Marine as cannon fodder.

In short, none of them are good.

Now that Reynolds is gone, Aokiji has no choice but to take it out on the Five Elders.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji rushed towards the Five Elders, already starting to fight with all his strength.

The two Admirals Kizaru and Fujitora are no exception, fighting together with the Five Elders.

However, compared with the battle at Port Rouge, the battle at Mariejois was undoubtedly more intense.

After killing Im's clone, Reynold flew to the center of Mariejois, above Pangu City.


In Reynold's Observation Haki perception, an extremely powerful and evil aura suddenly erupted deep underground in Pangu City.

Streams of black aura seeped out from Pangu City, flew high into the sky, and filled every corner of the surrounding void.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Pangu City was enveloped in black aura.

Immediately afterwards, a dull sound came from Pangu City, like the sound of a heart beating.

Finally, with a shocking loud noise, Pangu City emitted a dazzling black light, blasting the entire Pangu City into powder.

Incomparably rich black light rose into the sky, forming a dazzling light column that shot straight into outer space.

A figure slowly rose in the beam of light, and a terrifying aura emanated from the figure, enveloped the entire Mariejois, and continued to spread in all directions.


The sky and the earth changed color, lightning flashed and thunder roared.

Mariejois is shaking and trembling, huge cracks tear the earth apart, and tall buildings are destroyed, as if the end is coming.

Finally, as the black beam of light slowly dissipated, the figure in the beam of light revealed his true form.

It was a female demon wearing a tall crown inlaid with bright gems.

The devil's wings behind the devil were gently fanned, and a hurricane roared out.

His eyes were blood red, like thousands of years of ice, without any human emotion. Looking at Reynolds was like looking at a corpse.


Seeing Yi Mu's true form, hundreds of millions of people around the world were stunned at this moment.

They never expected that the real master of the world, who was above the Five Elders, would be a woman.

"Are you... kidding?"

"The king who rules all Celestial Dragons is actually a woman?"

"Am I dreaming?"

"No, you see Mr. Reynold's expression is very serious, so this is not a joke."

"This woman is very strong. Just looking at her makes her back feel cold and creepy."

Reynold's Observation Haki has been locked on Im, without letting up for a moment.

At the same time, the alloy armor has sent a signal to intercontinental nuclear missiles around the world, and is ready to launch nuclear missiles at any time to completely kill Im.

call out!

At this moment, Im suddenly disappeared.

Even Reynold's Observation Haki was unable to capture Im's aura and could only subconsciously block and defend.


Im instantly appeared on the right side of Reynold. A dark long sword appeared in his hand and struck at Reynold's head.

Fortunately, Reynolds blocked the sword.

The two swords collided, Conqueror's Haki clashed with each other.

A burst of sword energy passed by Reynold's ear and flew behind him.

With a swish, the sword energy flashed past, and seven or eight high-rise buildings with more than ten floors were reduced to rubble.

Reynold immediately fought back, pushing away Im's demon sword with his sword, and slashed across Im's chest with his backhand, but Im dodged.

The slash shot through the air, cutting seven or eight high-rise buildings in the middle and dividing them into two.

Afterwards, Reynold and Im began to attack each other.

The two of them moved very quickly, attacking each other and moving quickly at the same time.

Phew! Phew! Phew! Phew!

The two figures appeared and then disappeared instantly, causing countless wreckage to appear in mid-air.

Moreover, the aftermath of each battle between the two would completely destroy the buildings around or behind them. .

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