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Chapter 138 Im Finally Takes Action, And The Power Of The Devil Shakes The World! (Please Subscribe)

"Yes, yes, he must be afraid of death, so he made up this lie to deceive Lord Reynold."

"It's really ugly. You would make up such nonsense just to survive."

"The Celestial Dragons are indeed a group of cowards who are afraid of death. Even the pirates are braver than them."

"It's so ridiculous."

Ordinary humans around the world are watching and simply don't believe the Five Elders' words.

In their opinion, the moment the Five Elders were captured alive by Reynolds, the world government had been completely defeated.

Everything he is doing now, making up lies, is nothing more than a desperate struggle.

"Chief, do you think what the Five Elders say is true? There are stronger people above the Five Elders?"

At the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, a Qianbu asked the leader Long.

"I don't know. According to my information, the Five Elders are already the highest-ranking people in the world's government, and they are also the leaders of all Celestial Dragons."

"But the Celestial Dragons have stood in the world for eight hundred years, and there are too many secrets, many of which are unknown.

"Looking at that guy's tone and demeanor, it doesn't look like he's making up lies."

"The most important thing is Reynold, his attitude is also worth thinking about.

Long kept his eyes fixed on Reynold on the live broadcast screen. He found that Reynold did not refute the words of the Five Elders, as if everything was as he expected.

"Is there really something above the Five Elders?"

Long's pupils suddenly tightened, and at this moment, the live broadcast screen suddenly changed.


Drought thunder suddenly sounded over the Honggang battlefield. There were no dark clouds but thunder sounded out of thin air.

Originally, all the clouds in the sky had been dispersed by Conqueror's Haki, but suddenly strong winds swept through, and large swaths of dark clouds gathered from a distance, gathering together to form a huge black cloud covering the sea area of ​​​​thousands of miles.

The sunlight was blocked, and the clear sky instantly turned into darkness.

The picture of the space satellite live broadcast was also affected. It was pitch black from a high altitude angle and it was impossible to see anything clearly.

The live broadcast of Terminator 297 on the battlefield was also affected, and the screen went completely dark.

Fortunately, with the enhanced lens and intelligent lighting and focusing, the live broadcast picture was barely clear.

But compared with ultra-high-definition images, it is still far behind.

Dark clouds hung high in the sky, as if the sky was about to collapse.

At this moment, all the living people on the battlefield felt an extremely huge pressure. As long as they looked up to the sky, their hearts began to beat very fast, and even their breathing became a little faster.

The black clouds shrouded so wide that not only Red Harbor, but also the Marineford Sabaody Archipelago next door and several surrounding islands were plunged into darkness.

"Hey, what happened?"

"Why is it getting dark?"

"Where is the sun? Where has the sun gone?"

Countless people looked up at the sky and found that there was no light in the sky and the sun had completely disappeared.

"It feels so scary. The weather changes at a moment's notice."

"Isn't what the old man said true? Is there a stronger enemy?"

"What kind of monster can do such a thing?"

Countless people looked at the sky that seemed to be collapsing, feeling fear in their hearts, and their bodies began to tremble uncontrollably.

Even some powerful pirates on the Sabaody Archipelago were feeling panicked and their hands and feet were cold at the moment.

Pluton Rayleigh was sitting on a big tree, holding a flask in his hand but forgetting to drink.

His eyes had been narrowed, with cold light overflowing in them, and he was staring at the sky, as if his sight was going to penetrate the clouds and look into the depths of the clouds.

But there was nothing there.


There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and lightning streaked across the sky, bringing a moment of light and illuminating countless frightened faces.

Among the ruins of the battlefield, the three Five Elders began to laugh wildly.

"Hahahaha, here we come, that adult is finally going to take action."

"Reynold, your end is coming."

"Damn you untouchable, you are going to pay for what you have done.

The battlefield was deathly silent, and the sound of gunfire stopped at some point.

The Terminator army stopped chasing Marine, and the Marine soldiers stopped running for their lives. Everyone looked at the black clouds above their heads.

The terrifying sense of oppression hit them from all directions, making them breathless.


Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted over Red Line.

The eyes of top players such as Reynold, Garp, Kizaru, Aokiji, and Hawkeye turned blood red in an instant.

Their Observation Haki all captured that terrifying aura.

Admiral Fujitora's Observation Haki is also first-rate, and he naturally feels the sudden aura, but he is blind and his eyes cannot turn red.

But his focus is also on the Red Line.

Under everyone's perception, the aura that appeared above the Red Line was simply an unprecedented super beast.

Just the smell made their hair stand on end, their skins crawled all over, and they couldn't help but make defensive postures.

The most important thing is that under everyone's Observation Haki perception, the aura is extremely evil, cold, and bloody.

It is like a fusion of all the evils in the world, making people uncontrollably hostile and even murderous.

"Hey hey hey, what on earth is this?"

A few drops of cold sweat flowed from Admiral Aokiji's forehead.

Just for a moment, his murderous intention was almost out of control.

Aokiji has never had the intention to kill something he has never seen before, not even Reynolds.

Admiral Kizaru's body flashed, turning into a golden light and teleporting to the back of the battlefield.

He didn't know why he was running away, it was all a subconscious reaction.

When he came to his senses, he was already far away from the center of the battlefield.

"Can I actually be so scared?"

Kizaru smiled bitterly.

Even when facing Reynold, Kizaru has never been so scared.

Although Reynold can crush him, he still has a high chance of escaping as long as he uses his ultimate awakening skill, Flash Clone.

But the sudden appearance of this monster made Kizaru feel an unprecedented fatal crisis.

Obviously the monster hasn't appeared yet.

The live broadcast camera is pointed at the black sky above the Red Line. Hundreds of millions of people around the world are watching the live broadcast. Some people even forget to breathe. Their eyes are staring, not daring to blink, for fear of missing any detail. .


Strong winds swept through, and the black clouds high in the sky were blown away.

Suddenly, two groups of red lights appeared in the clouds.

As time passed, the red light (cbci) became brighter and brighter, and finally took shape.

Only then did everyone see Hong Guang’s true face.


The seriously injured Vice Admiral Garp lay on the ground, but still turned his head to look at the sky.

His pupils were constricted, his voice was hoarse, and he was full of disbelief.

"Hey, hey, no, you're lying, right?"

Admiral Aokiji was covered in cold sweat, beads of sweat rolled down his face, and his clothes were instantly soaked.

"This is really terrible."

Admiral Kizaru made a fighting stance, keeping his whole body elemental and not daring to show his physical form.

"What on earth is this?"

"Monster, unprecedented super monster!"

In the Whitebeard Pirates, all the pirates had lost their voices. They were all covered in cold sweat, and some were even so scared that they slumped down on the deck.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a monster hidden inside the world government!"

Whitebeard's expression was extremely serious, and the knuckles holding the knife turned white, obviously he had used all his strength inadvertently.

"Shanks, do you know this monster exists?"

Red Hair Pirates, Shanks is pulled from the cabin by Beckman.

They looked at the two groups of red lights on the live broadcast screen, and their expressions were extremely shocked.

The pirates of Red Hair Pirates were all dumbfounded and stood still on the spot.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world fell into fear at this moment, and many people were so frightened that they fell into coma and lost consciousness.

Just because the moment the black cloud and red light revealed their true face, no one could accept the reality.

The two red lights were not anything else, but two super huge eyes.

The line of sight stretches outward, covering the sky, the Red Harbor and the sea within the picture.

You can see two huge blood-red eyes appearing in the sky, looking down, staring at the Red Harbor battlefield below.

The two blood-red eyes were devoid of any warmth or human emotion, and they lacked the greed and bloodthirsty of tigers, leopards and jackals when they stare at their prey.

Some are just indifferent, as if looking at a group of dead people, a pile of corpses.

"Hahahaha, that adult finally took action."

"Reynold, you're done, you're dead."

"Go to hell, you will die soon without a body intact."

"This is the price of challenging the world government and the Celestial Dragons.

"It is your supreme honor that a mere untouchable can die in the hands of an adult!!!"

Three Five Elders were screaming wildly.

The moment those blood-red eyes appeared, all the fear in their hearts disappeared, and they returned to their previous aloof posture.

"Shut up to me!"

Reynold's foot was so strong that he crushed the head of Mercury Topman Vacciuli.

Facing the gaze of the sky's blood-red eyes, Reynolds didn't have any fear in his heart, only a cold murderous intention.

After fighting for so long, that guy who hid his head and tail finally showed up.

Reynolds thought that guy would hide forever.


At this moment, the pupils of the two blood-red eyes in the sky suddenly moved, and their sights were directed towards the Moon Five Elders.


There was no movement, just two eyes glowing red.

The red light enveloped the entire Red Harbor battlefield, but did not cause any substantial damage.

However, the three trapped Five Elders suddenly let out a scream, and then their bodies exploded completely, turning into countless pieces of flesh and flying everywhere.


Hundreds of millions of people around the world saw this scene and gasped.

No one expected that the first thing he would do after the monster appeared was not to kill Reynold, but to kill his own men.

However, this was not the end. After the bodies of the three Five Elders exploded, all the scattered pieces of flesh and blood suddenly emitted wisps of strange aura.

Black flames burned on the minced meat, and then all the minced meat was suspended in the air, and finally gathered together.

The three Five Elders were reborn, but their postures were completely different from before.

They did not activate the fruit ability and still maintained their human bodies.

However, their eyes became blood red, which was completely different from the redness of Haki's eyes.

Their teeth became sharp and sharp, and they had four sharp fangs, and two black wings actually grew out of their backs, just like the legendary demons.

At the same time, strange black lines appeared on their faces, necks, and arms, covering their entire bodies.

The body was also wrapped in strange black flames.

Their aura increased several times and became more evil. .

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