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Chapter 135: Killing Kong, The Five Elders Are Terrified! (Subscribe)


Many Marines looked at this scene in despair and couldn't help but let out heart-rending roars.

There were even Marine soldiers kneeling on the ground, with tears and runny noses running down their faces, and their hearts were filled with despair.

"The warships...the warships were all destroyed.

"We can't escape."

"Haha, we're dead, we're dead."

"That bastard Reynold has completely cut off our chance of survival.

The Marine soldiers were crying and laughing. Many of the emotionally out-of-control soldiers had begun to go crazy because they were too stimulated.

They were incoherent and seemed to be crazy, almost exactly like the lunatics in the mental hospital.

"Damn it, are you really not going to fight and give Marine the last chance to survive?"

Kong and Garp were shaking with anger. They had never hated their own weakness so much.

If they had been stronger, Marine wouldn't have fallen to where it is today.

"Kill, leave no one behind!"

Reynold gave the order indifferently, and all the Devil Terminators guarding the sky swooped down to start the final massacre.

"Reynold, stop!"

"Let me be your opponent!"

Suddenly, a roar spread throughout the battlefield, and a huge Titan ape was seen beating his chest. It was Kong.

Kong officially invited Reynold to fight.

"Haha, do you still want to be clever when you are about to die?"

Lei "Three Seven Zero" Nord smiled sarcastically.

On the sea, there is an unwritten rule, that is, when two forces go to war, once the leader of one party challenges the leader of the other party, the challenged party cannot refuse.

This is the so-called king to king, overlooking!

This is about a person's honor, a man's dignity, and the face of a strong man.

The reason why Kong did this was simply to hold off Reynolds and give the other Marines time to retreat.

This proves that Kong is determined to die.

He wanted to sacrifice his own life to fight for Marine's illusory hope of survival.

From this point of view, Kong, the newly appointed Marine Marshal, is quite competent.

"Kong, you alone are no match for him, butcher will come too!"

On the battlefield in the distance, Garp let out a long roar.

"No, don't come over here, Garp."

"This is my fight with Reynold."

Kong stopped Garp's request, looked at Reynold with burning eyes, and growled: "Hurry up Reynold, if you are a man, come and fight me to the death!"

Reynold looked at Kong calmly and said calmly: "Although I know you are stalling for time, I don't care about the loser's cry."

"Since you want to die, I will naturally fulfill your wish."

"bring it on!"

"Let me see how much you, a bad old man, still have!"

Reynold slowly landed on the ground from the sky, hooking his fingers in a provocative gesture.

"Suffer death!"

Without saying a word, Kong rushed towards Reynolds.

The huge body of the Titan ape rampaged across the battlefield, leaving huge footprints with every step it took.

The crumbling ground of Hong Kong began to shake violently.

"King Kong Mingwang Po!"

Kong punched Reynold, the huge fist was burning with red flames, and the high-density weapon color and the domineering color Haki were perfectly blended together.

Before the terrifying punch power completely exploded, the fist wind had already torn apart the space, causing the space to be slightly distorted.


Black and red lightning burst out from Kong's body, and the Conqueror's field instantly formed, covering the Qiancai area.

"How dare you come out to work outside your own classroom and do tricks even though you have a small skill?"

"Fist conquers the world!"

Reynold raised his eyebrows and responded with the same attack.

The jet-black fist shot out of the air. Although it was not as big as the Titan ape's fist, its power was far superior to that of Kong.

The same black and red lightning, the same Conqueror's field, the moment when King Haki broke out, the sky and the earth changed color, and dark clouds swept across the sky, causing lightning and thunder.


The two fists collided, and the terrifying shock wave of punch force exploded in an instant.

The ground beneath their feet collapsed and sunk inch by inch.

The shock wave tore through the earth, leaving huge and bottomless ravines.

The shock wave sets off a hurricane, which can destroy even tall buildings in an instant.

A huge black hole appeared out of thin air and suspended over the Red Harbor. All the surrounding Marine soldiers lost consciousness and fell into a coma.


The sky split into two, but suddenly, a shock wave rushed into the sky, completely piercing the deep clouds, and then tore them apart.

The sky suddenly turned dark clouds, and the sun began to shine on the world again.

"Is that all there is to it?"

Reynold's roar rang out from the center of the battlefield. With the whole world watching, Reynold punched down, crushing Kong's punch in an instant.

The titan ape's huge body staggered, took a step back, and its fists deviated from the direction.

It was this momentary flaw that Reynolds caught.

Reynold punched Kong on the chest, and his sharp fingers tore through the flesh, instantly leaving four bloody holes in Kong's chest.

Urgently, his fist dug deep into his chest, leaving a big bloody hole.

The shock wave of the punch penetrated Kong's body, flew out from his back, and directly tore the earth, leaving a huge bottomless ravine.

Wherever the punch shock wave hit, whether it was Marine soldiers or Terminator soldiers, they were all crushed into slag!


Kong's eyes widened and his pupils dimmed. He lost consciousness for a moment and couldn't help vomiting blood.

Kong only felt an extremely terrifying force rushing into his body, knocking all his internal organs out of place.

The internal organs in his chest were about to explode, and the bones in his body were creaking, as if they would shatter at any moment.

Severe pain hit from all parts of his body, making Kong grit his teeth in pain.

"It's amazing. Is this Reynolds' strength?"

Kong had to lament that Reynolds' strength was well-deserved.

After decades of crossing the sea, this was the first time he encountered such a powerful opponent.

Even Baloric Redfield, the solitary star of the year, only inflicted such serious injuries on him at the end of a desperate battle.

On the other hand, Reynold was seriously injured in the first move of the battle.

"It's not over yet!"

Reynold's voice sounded again. Kong stared and found that Reynold in front of him had disappeared.

The next second, a huge force came from the back of his head.

It was Reynolds. He had teleported behind Kong and kicked Kong in the back of the head.

Whether it is a human or an animal, the brainstem at the back of the head is one of the greatest weaknesses of the human body.

Despite the double defense of Armament Haki and the Titan Ape Fruit, this blow still knocked Kong dizzy and spurted blood from his mouth.

The huge force kicked the Titan's huge body so that it fell face down.

However, at this moment, Reynold appeared below the Titan Ape again and kicked Kong in the stomach.

The shock wave penetrated the body and kicked the huge body of the Titan ape directly into the sky.

Cough cough cough!

Kong vomited blood, his consciousness became increasingly blurred, and his injuries became more and more serious.

He felt that all his internal organs had been exploded by Reynold, and blood flowed out from all his orifices desperately.

"King Kong strangulation!"

Kong forced himself to wake up and opened his hands to grab Reynolds and hang him completely.

But Reynold's speed was too fast, and Kong couldn't catch him at all. He teleported behind Kong again and kicked Kong in the lower back.

There was a crunching sound, and the bones brittle. I don't know how many bones in Kong's body were broken.

His huge body was also completely kicked away by Reynold.

Kong turned into a flying mountain and flew from Red Harbor to the overseas ice continent.

However, before Kong landed, Reynold appeared above Kong's head again and kicked Kong in the head from above.

The shock wave penetrated his head, and Kong's vision went dark. His breath paused for a moment, and his heart stopped instantly, as if he was completely dead.


With his feet facing up and his head facing down, he fell heavily like a sharp sword and plunged upside down into the deep ice.

The upper part of the body was completely covered by ice, leaving only two large separated feet.

This scene looks extremely funny.


Seeing Kong being beaten violently by Reynold and unable to fight back, Garp suddenly became anxious and crazy, wanting to go up and rescue him.

He didn't care about the rules of the duel, he only knew that he couldn't just watch Kong die in front of him.

Sengoku is dead, Kong can't die anymore.

It's a pity that Garp couldn't escape the entanglement of the Devil's Terminator. As soon as he took a step, a laser beam penetrated his chest.

Garp leaned forward, opened his mouth, and spurted out blood. He struggled and staggered a few times, but it was very difficult not to fall down.

"Don't be distracted, Yincuo."

"Faced with being surrounded by three devil terminators, you still have time to worry about others.

"I have to say, you are really arrogant!"

Three devil terminators formed a triangle and surrounded Garp in the middle. Garp in the middle was dripping with blood. Marine's cloak of justice had long since disappeared, and his suit was in tatters.

There was a blood hole running through his abdomen from front to back, and he was bleeding crazily.

Now his chest was pierced by laser rays, causing even more injuries.

Garp's breathing became more and more rapid, and the weakness of the Ninian Man was fully revealed.

"Damn it, is this the end of it for me?"

"Is Marine really going to perish in 4.2?"

"Sengoku, I'm so unwilling to go around the world."

Garp felt extremely desperate and had tears in his eyes.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of Marine's complete destruction.

At this moment, three Devil Terminators attacked Garp again, and the attack became more and more fierce.

In a seriously injured state, Garp's combat power declined rapidly, and his physical strength was no longer enough. He was crushed by three devil terminators and was on the verge of collapse.

At the same time, Reynolds had taken action against Kong again.

The Titan Ape Fruit gave Kong extremely strong vitality. Even after being beaten up by Reynold, the old guy was still alive.

Reynold swooped down, grabbed one of Kong's feet, and pulled it out of the ice.

Then he lifted up the Titan's huge body and smashed it against the ice.

There was a loud rumble, and the ice continent shook violently. A large human-shaped pit appeared, and cracks continued to spread in all directions.

After smashing it once, Reynolds smashed it a second time and a third time.

In this way, under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people around the world, Reynold treated the world's commander-in-chief Kong as a sack and kept smashing it onto the ice.

Again and again, Kong was hit with blood, until the ice surface with a radius of one kilometer was completely smashed.

The ruins of ice have also been completely dyed red with Kong's blood. .

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