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Chapter 131 The Extreme Fear Brought By Reynold, The World Will Crawl At My Feet! (Please Subscribe)


Sengoku, Kong, and the three Five Elders all roared in fright and fury, followed by a feeling of coldness all over their bodies and chills in their bodies and minds.

Green Gu's tragic death struck deep in their hearts, making them extremely frightened.

Vice Admiral Garp, Marine Three | Admiral were all silent at this moment.

Kizaru even remembered the fear of being dominated by Reynold, and subconsciously wanted to use the awakening technique Flash Clone to escape from the battlefield immediately.

The surviving Marine soldiers on the battlefield all turned their heads, not daring to look at the bloody scene again.

Many people turned their heads in front of the live broadcast camera at that moment, but after it ended, many people dared to continue watching the live broadcast, and some people covered their eyes with their hands and looked carefully through the gaps between their fingers.

In short, hundreds of millions of people in the world want to see the final fate of the demon Green Gu.

After seeing him being tortured and killed by Reynold, countless people felt extremely happy and delighted.

"Well, it's a good death, it's a great death."

"This devil finally got his comeuppance."

"The executioner whose hands are stained with the blood of innocent people should end up like this!"

High in the sky, Reynold was holding onto Green Gu, who had turned into a sheep and scorpion. His eyes were still open, and deep in them were full of resentment, hatred, unwillingness, and a sense of fear.

At the last moment, Green Gu finally felt unprecedented fear.

He fears not his own death, but the dark future of the Celestial Dragons.

In the moment before his death, Green Gu seemed to see a future in which the Celestial Dragons would become extinct.

Reynold Parritt, this man is the nightmare of all Tianlong 21 people!!!

The entire battlefield suddenly experienced a moment of dead silence, as time and space seemed to be frozen, before being broken by the sound of artillery fire.

The red-haired Shanks, who was far away in the unknown sea of ​​the New World, witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Green Gu was tortured and killed by Reynold.

At that moment, Shanks also subconsciously turned his head, not daring to look at the bloody scene.

Reynold said a lot, Green Gu did many evil things, killed countless people, and deserved to die a thousand or ten thousand times.

The world cheered for the death of Green Gu, and hundreds of millions of people were happy and cheered for it.

But for Shanks, he was not so easy to accept.

"Shanks, are you okay?"

Beckman looked at Shanks and found that Shanks's face was extremely pale, his lips were dry and bloodless, and there were a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, as if he was seriously ill.

"I'm fine."

Shanks took a deep breath and accepted the purchase.

He took one last look at the live broadcast and sighed: "Leave me alone for a while, and don't disturb me during this time."

After saying that, Shanks returned to the cabin alone.

The leaders of the Red Hair Pirates looked at each other, not knowing what to say or how to comfort Alex.

They all know Shanks' identity and origin, and Shanks has never hidden it from them.

The live broadcast just now was equivalent to Shanks seeing his father being tortured and murdered with his own eyes.

The captain's father was killed, so logically they should avenge Shanks.

But none of the cadres of the Red Hair Pirates have any thoughts of revenge for Green Gu.

Obviously, they also think Reynolds is right.

Although Reynold's methods were a bit cruel, compared to the innocent people who died at the hands of Greenu, Greene's death was not considered an injustice.

Shanks obviously knew this too, so he didn't yell or clamor for revenge.

Because he didn't have the face to say anything about revenge.

If we really want to take revenge, the families of those innocent victims are the ones who should take revenge the most.

And for Celestial Dragons like Green Gu, death a thousand times or ten thousand times is not enough to pay for their sins.

The Whitebeard Pirates, on the Moby Dick, all the pirates also saw the scene of Reynold executing Greene.

The moment Sheep and Scorpion was born, all the pirates took a breath of air.

Marco shook his head and sighed, "Reynold is indeed Reynold, and his methods are still as ruthless and cruel as ever!"

"Yeah, few people who fall into Reynold's hands end well.

Diamond Qiaozi said in a deep voice with a fearful look on his face.

"It's good to be able to preserve the whole body, but most people have no bones left."

"Marine and the government of the world will be in trouble if they encounter such a murderer.

Foil Bista also felt her hands and feet were cold.

Even Ace, who has always been impulsive, bold, and lawless, was so frightened at this moment that he couldn't even utter a single word.

Reynold's methods made all the pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates remain silent and fearful.

At this moment, all the pirates in the Whitebeard Pirates group silently told themselves that they would never conflict with Reynold in the future.

You must never mess with such a ruthless person!

In the corner of the battlefield, Doflamingo was slashed away by Hawkeye.

He hit his head on the ice continent, blood spurting out from his mouth.

It can be seen that Doflamingo has been seriously injured by Hawkeye, and there is a huge wound on his chest that is bleeding.

But he was not afraid of Hawkeye at all, because if he wanted to escape, he could escape from the sky at any time.

And he believed that Hawkeye would not pursue him.

What Doflamingo is really afraid of is Reynolds, who is hanging high in the sky at this moment, looking down at all living beings.

Looking at the sheep scorpion in Reynold's hand, Doflamingo's hair stood on end, and every cell in his body was warning and releasing fear signals.

He found that he had become extremely afraid of Reynold at some point, and he no longer had the courage to look directly at Reynold.

Perhaps it was because he was a member of the Celestial Dragons. Seeing Green Gu being brutally killed, Tuflamingo also felt a sense of relief.

In the past, he had always dreamed of defeating all Celestial Dragons and pulling Celestial Dragons off the altar.

But now, the Celestial Dragons are about to be defeated, but Doflamingo is afraid.

Because it was not him who ascended the altar, but a monster who hated Celestial Dragons extremely.

Even if he is a fallen Celestial Dragons, he will definitely not escape the aftermath.

"We can't stay here any longer, we must leave immediately!"

Doflamingo's eyes flashed, and he already had a decision in his heart.

At that moment, he no longer hesitated and left the battlefield directly. He ran to a deserted corner to hide himself. When he ran far enough, he immediately used String-String Fruit to connect to the clouds in the sky and escape.

Just as Doflamingo expected, Eagle Eye saw Doflamingo voluntarily leaving the battlefield and did not go after him.

High in the sky, Reynold stood suspended in the air, holding Green Gu's Sheep Scorpion in his hand, and looked up.

"That guy Im still hasn't come out yet. How can you bear it?"

Reynold originally thought that by annihilating the Knights of God and killing Green Gu, he could force Yim out, but he didn't expect that guy to be more calm than he thought.

In this situation, he was still able to stand still.

"Since you won't come out, I will kill your minions first!"

Reynold's eyes flashed fiercely, and he looked down, his murderous intent already locked on the Titan ape and the giant Buddha on the battlefield. They were Kong and Marshal Sengoku.

"Sengoku, I will give you one last chance to surrender."

"Stop committing meaningless acts of death. There is no value in dying for a group of sinful Celestial Dragons."

Reynolds' voice spread throughout the battlefield, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

Reynold threw it casually, and Sengoku's Sheep Scorpion was thrown at Sengoku's feet.

With a snap, the head fell into pieces, and the red and white things were scattered on the ground.

Sengoku's eyes twitched, looking at the corpses scattered around him, he felt like giving up.

As Reynold said, they have already lost this war, and there is no point in continuing to fight.

Sengoku turned around and looked at Vice Admiral Garp from a distance, both of them seeing what the other was thinking.

Surrender may not be a good choice.

However, at this moment, the roar of the sandworm sounded.

I saw a riot on the battlefield, and a huge sandworm raised its head high and said in a human voice, "Stop daydreaming, Reynold, there is absolutely no way Marine will surrender."

"The World Government will not fail, we still have more fighting power."

"That's right. How can a despicable ant defeat the world's ruler?" It's just a delusion.

The giant wild boar also roared, and it turned out to be Mercury Topman Wachuli.

"Despicable human beings, don't confuse people here."

Venus Izanbalon V. Nasshouro also roared from afar.

"Marine soldiers, cheer up, as long as you fight for justice, death is nothing to fear."

"Kill Ray 510 Nord and avenge the soldiers who died in the battle!"

Kong also stepped forward to boost his morale at this time. The Titan ape's roar became even louder, directly vibrating the air and producing substantial sound waves visible to the naked eye.

The moment Kong·Kong's voice fell, fierce shouts of killing came from the rear of the Red Harbor and below the Red Line, and a large army came madly to kill.

The visitors were Mariejois's escort, who finally came down and joined the battlefield.

With the addition of 200,000 candidate troops, Marine, who was on the verge of collapse, immediately cheered up.

"Reinforcements have arrived, we haven't lost yet."

"Kill, kill Reynolds, avenge your dead comrades."

"Reynold is an executioner. He has killed so many of us. We must not surrender to him.

"I would rather die in battle than surrender."

"Everyone come together!!!"


The Marine soldiers screamed for death one after another, tearing the sky apart, and began to fight towards the Terminator without fear of death.

Guns and guns on the battlefield fired into the sky in an attempt to shoot down the swarm of drones in the sky.

The war started again, and this time it was even more brutal.

Seeing this, Sengoku's words of surrender were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say a word.

Garp also had a gloomy look on his face. He was punched away by the Devil's Terminator carelessly and could not help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Both he and Sengoku knew that Marine's best option was to surrender at this time.

Even if 200,000 elites join the battlefield, they will not be able to win the final victory because the top combat power is too small and is completely unequal to Reynolds' side.

Especially Reynold, no one can limit him.

Reynold alone can easily wipe out more than 200,000 people!

The 200,000 elite Marines at the beginning are already less than 50,000. If the fight continues, all the elite Marines will be lost, and they will really exist in name only.

It's a pity that the Five Elders came out to confuse people at the critical moment, which was equivalent to erasing Marine's last chance of survival.

"These damn old bastards want to drag Marine to be buried with them!"

Sengoku gritted his teeth in anger.

Naturally, he knew all about the Five Elders' insidious plans.

At this moment, Sengoku was filled with despair. .

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