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Chapter 125: Marshal Sengoku Was Seriously Injured, And Marine Was At The End Of His Rope, Extremely

"Lord Reynold, look here.

"Ah, Lord Reynold is so handsome."

"I really want to marry Master Reynolds."

Hancock was alone in her infatuation, and everything about fighting was forgotten by her.

Hai Xia Jinbei emerged from an ice hole behind Hancock and looked at Hancock who was alone and crazy, as if he saw a big fool.

"What is Hancock crazy about? Is his brain broken?"

The dull Haixia Jinbei naturally couldn't tell that Hancock had fallen in love at this moment.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it, but kept carefully hiding his traces.

Jinbei has already hid in the sea and can leave the battlefield at any time if he wants to escape.

Looking at the battlefield under heavy gunfire and the Marines whose limbs and arms were flying around and being crazily slaughtered, Jinbei couldn't help but sigh at Reynolds' cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness.

"Marine's losses in this battle are too great."

Not only Jinbei thought so, but also countless people who saw the battlefield situation through the live broadcast also thought so.

"Marine is going to lose, and it won't last long."

Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick, Marco looked at the corpses on the ground on the live broadcast screen and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Other pirates also spoke in agreement.

"Yes, the strength gap between the two sides is too big."

"The Terminator army under Reynold's command has been too terrifying.

"310" "Their Vulcan Gatling heavy machine gun can sweep away a large area, killing people is like cutting wheat."

"Even if a thousand ordinary Marines come together, they can't stand up to the firepower of five Terminators."

"Even if you kill the Terminators, it will be useless. They will self-destruct. The power of self-destruction is much stronger than bullets. Marine Rear Admiral will be injured accidentally."

"Marine is risking people's lives, trying to kill Reynolds."

"But this is impossible. If things continue like this, Marine will not be able to kill Reynold if he comes with one million more troops. Instead, he will be killed by Reynold."

"After this battle, all Marine elites were wiped out, and the sea can no longer be suppressed."

Among the many pirates, Fire Fist Ace had a complicated expression because Garp, who raised him, was on the battlefield at the moment.

Garp has tried his best and seems to be inseparable from the Devil Terminator.

But as time goes by, the probability of Garp's defeat will become greater and greater.

Because Garp is human, and he is old and his physical strength is no longer what it used to be.

As physical strength is depleted, Garp's combat power will become weaker and weaker.

On the other hand, the Devil's Terminator carries sixty-four hydrogen batteries in his body, which has endless energy and keeps his combat power at its peak.

Under this situation, Garp will definitely lose.

The same is true for Sengoku.

The world live broadcast screen is divided into many parts, with multiple angles playing simultaneously.

For example, looking down from the sky, from four angles, front, back, left, and right, and close-ups on the battlefield.

The battles between Marshal Sengoku, Hero Garp, and Marine Admiral are all close-ups, and there are dedicated live broadcasts to ensure that people all over the world can watch the entire battle process.

"Look, Marshal Sengoku has been beaten away!"

Someone exclaimed, and everyone's eyes were on the battle scene between Marshal Sengoku and the Devil Terminator.

I saw blue flames erupting from the feet of the Devil Terminator, and the whole person was like a missile flying at full speed, hitting the chest of the Buddha heavily.

The sharp alloy sword broke through the Buddha's defense, penetrated deep into the flesh and blood, penetrated the chest and exited the back, bringing out large swaths of blood.

Moreover, the huge impact force smashed the giant Buddha into the air, and it flew dozens of meters before falling heavily.

"Marshal Sengoku!!!"

"Your Excellency Marshal!!!"

Seeing Sengoku being beaten away, some Marine elite Vice Admirals all roared, feeling extremely worried.

At this moment, the second wave of attacks from the Devil's Terminator had arrived.

I saw the Devil Terminator flying into the sky, the surface of its body deforming, revealing densely packed ferocious muzzles.

Countless laser rays were fired from the Devil Terminator, instantly hitting the ruined minister where Sengoku was.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The laser rays triggered a series of large explosions, instantly turning the ruins where Sengoku was located into a sea of ​​flames.

The power of each laser beam can easily destroy a Marine's highest standard warship.

Such dense fire coverage is enough to make people feel frightened and chilled physically and mentally just by looking at it.

The Devil Terminator's attack did not stop, but continued to attack Sengoku with firepower.

The ground exploded inch by inch and was blown to pieces.

The raging fires gathered together to form a huge sea of ​​​​fire that spread in all directions.

The shock wave spread, blowing up all the nearby Marine soldiers.

"Go and save Marshal Sengoku!"

"Damn monster, stop it."

"Fire, everyone fire together, knock down that machine monster!"

Several Marine generals roared with eyes wide open.

The Marine soldiers obeyed the order and fired at the Terminator, but their shells had no effect on the Terminator.

At this moment, a huge roar sounded, and a Marine Vice Admiral appeared behind the Devil Terminator.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

It was Vice Admiral, a giant race. His tall body was full of oppression, and he used a huge ax to strike at the Devil Terminator.

The Devil Terminator stopped attacking and grabbed the ax struck by the giant Vice Admiral with his backhand.

No matter how strong the giant is, the ax cannot move forward even half a minute.

"No, it's impossible!"

"There are actually people whose power can surpass that of the giants."

Vice Admiral, the giant clan, looked incredulous.

At this moment, a slight click sounded.

The giant Vice Admiral saw that the surface of his ax was full of cracks, and was eventually crushed into pieces by the Devil Terminator.

call out!

Then a thick laser shot out from the mouth of the Devil Terminator and instantly penetrated the head of the giant Vice Admiral.

With a bang, the giant Vice Admiral's head exploded, and the tall headless corpse collapsed, completely dead.

A giant, Vice Admiral, couldn't even catch a single move and was instantly killed by the Devil Terminator!

The surrounding Marine generals all gasped when they saw this, and a surge of electricity rushed from the tailbone to the Tianling Gai, making them shiver.

Horrible, terrible.

Killing Marine Vice Admiral with the Devil Terminator is like killing an ant.


At this moment, a powerful shock wave suddenly erupted in the sea of ​​​​fire, and all the flames were blown away.

A giant Buddha climbed up from the ruins, its golden light had dimmed, its body was dripping with blood, and its skin was torn.

In particular, there was a bloody hole in the abdomen, which penetrated from front to back, and blood kept gushing out.

"Damn it, I'm really old too."

Sengoku covered the bloody hole in his abdomen with an ugly face and lamented that time is not forgiving.

If he had been twenty years younger, he would never have been seriously injured so quickly.


At this moment, there was another loud roar on the battlefield.

As a fireball exploded, Garp was also punched away.

He flew hundreds of meters upside down and smashed into more than a dozen tall buildings before finally coming to a stop.

"This can't go on like this."

"Marine will be wiped out!"

Marshal Sengoku's Observation Haki enveloped the entire battlefield. Under his perception, elite Marine soldiers were being killed continuously.

There were originally 200,000 elites, but now there are not even 120,000 left...

The war started only for a short time, but there were 80,000 casualties. Such huge losses made Sengoku heartbroken and bleeding.

The war situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to Marine, making Sengoku more and more desperate.

"Looks like Marine is at the end of his rope."

"Yeah, Marine is hopeless."

"Marshal Sengoku was seriously injured, Vice Admiral Garp was also knocked away, and Marine Three | Admiral were all suppressed.

"If the current situation continues, Marine will be completely wiped out in less than an hour.

"Don't forget, everyone, the Devil Terminator in Reynold's hands is not just Wutai, he still has troops that haven't shown up yet.

Hundreds of millions of people around the world seemed to have seen the scene of the entire Marine army being annihilated. At this moment, all pirates around the world were cheering.

"Die well, let Marine and all the others die."

"Kill more, Reynolds, and kill all the Marines."

"Those lackeys of the Celestial Dragons, the lackeys of the government, are finally going to be completely destroyed."

"From now on, the sea is our era."

"Jie hahaha, little ones who have gone to sea, the treasure of the Pirate King is calling us.

"The next Pirate King must be me!!!"

Pirates in the world are rioting, and they think they have seen a free and lawless future era.

Little did they know that after Reynold destroyed Marine and the World Government, the next one to be destroyed was the pirates.

This group of scum on the sea commits murder and arson, commits many evil deeds, and will not regret their death.

"It seems that you are no longer able to survive."

The giant steel dragon was suspended high in the sky. Reynold was sitting on the throne, looking down at Marine Marshal Sengoku with an indifferent smile.

"In this case, I will add fuel to your fire."

Before he finished speaking, he saw five black shadows suddenly jumping out from behind Reynolds.

The black shadow flashed away and arrived on the Red Harbor battlefield in an instant. It was the Wutai Devil Terminator.

A total of ten Devil Terminators were used against Sengoku, Garp and Marine Three|Admiral, all of which were two against one. The two of them combined to form a front-to-back pincer attack.

"Damn bastard!"

Sengoku covered the bloody hole in his abdomen, looking at the Devil Terminator in front of him with a gloomy expression, and at the same time glanced at the Devil Terminator behind him.

One machine only hit him with a serious injury of 0.8. How could he have any chance of winning if another machine was added?

The same was true on Garp's side. They were flanked by two Devil Terminators, and the pressure increased sharply.

"This is going to be difficult."

A few drops of cold sweat flowed from Admiral Aokiji's forehead. Just when he was about to launch an attack, his abdomen was penetrated by a punch from the Devil Terminator, and then his head was blown open by another Devil Terminator.

Admiral Fujitora said nothing, holding a staff knife and using gravity to cover the surrounding area, and the ground was sunk and shattered inch by inch.

However, the Devil's Terminator is not affected by the slightest shadow and can still move freely in the gravity area.

"It's really scary, Terminator."

"Is it too late for me to surrender now?"

Admiral Kizaru raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

To be honest, among the five of them, Kizaru has faced the least pressure and is still unscathed to this day.

Just because Kizaru can fight the Devil Terminator with his extremely fast speed.

Although it cannot hurt the Terminator at all, Kizaru is focused on fighting and only escapes, so it is difficult for the Terminator to hurt him.

Moreover, Kizaru has the last trump card to save his life, which is to use the clone to escape from his awakening ultimate move.

As long as he creates hundreds of flash clones at the same time and flees in all directions at the same time, no matter how strong Nord is, he can't kill him.

With no worries about his life, Kizaru is naturally less stressed.

Although I feel sorry for Marine, now Kizaru can't save Marine, he can only save himself. .

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