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Chapter 117 The Hydrogen Bomb Explodes With Terrifying Power That Destroys The World! (Please Subscr

Under the explosion of the propulsion system and because of the low air resistance, the speed of the intercontinental nuclear missile quickly soared to more than 50 times the speed of sound.

However, because the intercontinental nuclear missile could not change its flight direction at will like the Terminator, it could not avoid the large-scale laser attack of Uranus, and the intercontinental nuclear missile was soon successfully intercepted.


The moment the laser beam hit, the intercontinental nuclear missile automatically detonated.

A giant Great Fireball with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers exploded, and the hot high-temperature flames rushed in all directions. There was also a terrible shock wave wrapped in the flames and roared out, sweeping a range of 150 to 200 kilometers, and continued to spread further.

The laser beam shot by Uranus was defeated by the terrifying power of the hydrogen bomb explosion, and the sky instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Reynold and others stood below, looking up at the sky, only to see that the sky had turned red, stretching for thousands of miles, as if there was no end.

The light released by the hydrogen bomb explosion at this moment covered the sunlight and covered a range of hundreds of kilometers.

People in this sea area can see the red sky as long as they look up, which means the end of the world is coming.

"Hey, hey, hey, look at the sky, what's going on?"

"Sun, there are two suns in the sky."

"It's so dazzling, my tears are flowing."

"What happened? Is the world going to be destroyed?"

Countless people looked at the sky and talked about it. Many parents held their children in their arms with a nervous look on their faces.

Everyone couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts.

Humans are born with fear of unknown things.

Little did they know that this was because they were lucky.

Fortunately, the explosion location of the hydrogen bomb was in outer space hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the ground. Because the distance was far enough, the power of the strong light stimulation was greatly weakened.

Otherwise, the strong light generated by the hydrogen bomb explosion alone would be enough to completely burn the cornea of ​​ordinary humans and eventually blind them.

Moreover, after the explosion of a hydrogen bomb with a yield of 100 million tons, the killing range of the shock wave exceeded hundreds of kilometers.

Ordinary humans within this range would be instantly killed by the shock wave.

Unfortunately, the place where the hydrogen bomb exploded was too far from the ground, and the atmosphere was too thin, so the spectacular mushroom cloud could not be seen on the ground.

The shock wave generated by the hydrogen bomb explosion directly covered the entire world and spread to every corner of the world.

Ordinary humans in the distance could not feel it, but some of the world's top powerhouses could sense it.

Whitebeard and Red Hair from New World were the first to feel the Yin shock wave again.

But this time the shock wave did not come from underground, but from the sky.

Not only that, this time, even ordinary people could see the changes in the sky with their naked eyes.

"What happened? Why did the sky suddenly turn red?"

The Moby Dick stopped in the middle of the sea, and all the pirates looked up and looked at the sky in the distance.

The sky was red, like a sea of ​​fire, and rolling red clouds could be vaguely seen in it.

In the center of the red clouds, there was a small sun emitting dazzling light, and even the sun seen on weekdays was covered by its brilliance.

"Something must have happened!"

"If I'm not mistaken about that direction, it should be the sea area controlled by Reynold."

"Yes, the Kingdom of Custer is in that direction."

"Then there is no mistake, it must be Reynold's doing."

"No one else can make such a big noise except him."

"Is Reynold going to poke a big hole in the sky?"

Above the clouds, Reynold stood on the head of the steel dragon, looking at the virtual screen in front of him.

Time passed, the light dissipated, and Uranus was still floating in outer space, unscathed.

"Sure enough, the distance is too far, it is impossible to attack Uranus from below. "

Reynold thought secretly in his heart.

There are too many super laser cannons under Uranus, which are not only powerful, but also have a long range and a large attack range.

Shinigami intercontinental nuclear missiles cannot dodge as flexibly as the Terminator, and are intercepted by Uranus' super laser cannons before they get close.

Even the Terminator cannot break through Uranus' laser blockade when it gets close enough to Uranus.

Because at that distance, the laser beams are almost everywhere, and the Terminator can't dodge them even if he wants to.

"Failed, Uranus is really not that easy to deal with. "

"What should we do next, Your Majesty?"

Robin looked at Reynold with a serious expression.

Reynold sneered and said lightly: "Who said that my attack is only this wave?"

Before he finished speaking, nine virtual screens appeared in front of Reynold, which were the images sent back by the nine Devil Terminators.

This time, the nine Terminators attacked from nine different directions, and they did not attack from the bottom, but bypassed the laser defense net at the bottom of Uranus and attacked from the side and the top of Uranus.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The nine Devil Terminators flew at high speed with hydrogen bombs, leaving long flame tails behind them, like nine flying fire dragons!

Uranus discovered the arrival of the nine Devil Terminators at the first time and immediately launched a laser cannon to intercept them.

The laser muzzle at the bottom of Uranus can change direction and fire directly horizontally, but they were all avoided by the Devil Terminator.

When the Devil Terminator rushed to the same height as Uranus, The laser cannon at the bottom of Uranus could no longer attack the Terminator.

However, at this moment, the side and top of Uranus deformed, the hull opened, and countless gun barrels appeared from the hull.

The same laser beam burst out again, this time with all-round firepower coverage.

Uranus is like a hedgehog curled up into a ball, with every part of its body being a weapon and capable of launching attacks.

Thick laser beams cut through the sky, and some even penetrated the atmosphere and hit the sea, causing violent explosions on the sea, leaving large holes.

Some of them hit uninhabited desert islands and directly penetrated them, causing fires.

Several laser rays hit islands inhabited by humans, destroying cities and causing huge casualties.

The power of each of Uranus's laser beams is extremely terrifying.

A laser beam cannot destroy an island or a country, but it is more than enough to destroy a small town.

"Run, run, the end is coming."

"Everyone ran overseas and escaped from the town."

"Father, mother, where are you?"

"Help, is there anyone? Come and save me.

"Don't leave me behind, take me with you."

In a small town burning with fire, cries and screams of fear arose one after another.

The residents of the town were running away in panic. The father held his daughter and the mother held her son. After falling down, they got up as soon as possible and continued to run away.

A little child stood crying in the rubble. His parents were buried under the rubble next to him.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, Uranus's indiscriminate attack is too powerful.

"Hey hey hey, what happened?"

"Isn't this too scary?"

On the Moby Dick, many members of the Whitebeard Pirates all looked up at the sky and saw streaks of red laser rays piercing the sky.

Some laser rays hit extremely far away places, but a few laser rays landed in the sea not far from them.

The horrific explosion produced a huge fireball and triggered a tsunami and huge waves.

Although these aftermaths could not hurt them, this situation was shocking enough.

"These are laser rays."

"The power is far greater than Kizaru's laser, and the range is super long."

"Look, those laser rays have all flown to the end of the sea."

"Who could launch such a horrific attack?"

.No, I don’t think it was started by humans, it was some kind of weapon?”

"Is it Reynold? Is this a weapon he developed?"

In today's world, whenever weapons are mentioned, people will think of Reynolds.

Reynold is undoubtedly synonymous with high-tech weapons and is known as the super weapon expert who changed the era.

"Is Reynold crazy? He actually invented such a terrifyingly powerful weapon! Is he going to destroy the world?"

"Moreover, this kind of weapon is used to carry out indiscriminate fire strikes. How many casualties will this cause?"

The pirates looked horrified, with cold sweat covering their faces.

As members of the Whitebeard Pirates, they are all powerful pirates who have experienced hundreds of battles and have long been accustomed to death and killing.

However, their killing methods are nothing compared to the laser rays seen now.


At this moment, a laser beam fell from the sky and hit the sea a kilometer behind the Moby Dick at lightning speed.


A huge fireball soared into the sky from the sea, and the scorching high-temperature flames spread, carrying powerful shock waves and rushing in all directions.

The Mobydick bore the brunt of the attack and was just within the killing range.

Air shock!

Whitebeard took the lead, shattering the atmosphere with an air shock and canceling out the shock wave generated by the explosion.

However, the Moby Dick was still shaking violently in the vast ocean. Some pirates were still frightened and their legs were weak from fear.

"Dad, this sea area is too dangerous, we must stay away."

Fire Fist Ace shouted.

"It's useless, where can we run to now?"

The only ones who can keep calm are the ten men named Youhu.

He looked up at the sky, his expression extremely solemn.

The other pirates also instantly understood what Whitebeard said. The attack range of these laser rays was too far and the coverage area was too large.

There was no way they could escape.

"Damn Reynold, what exactly does he want to do? Does he want to completely destroy New World at once?"

Diamond Jozi couldn't help scolding Reynolds angrily, and the other pirates also began to curse in low voices.

"I don't think this is Reynold's handiwork."

Marco flapped his wings and fell from the sky, landed on the mast, and said: "As we all know, although Reynold is domineering and ruthless, he is not the kind of person who will massacre civilians at will, especially those who launch indiscriminate massacres on a large scale."

"The current movement seems like someone is fighting in the sky.

"The battle in the sky? Marco, did you see it?"

Foil Bista asked nervously.


Marco shook his head, "I only saw laser rays falling from outer space. It was too high and I couldn't fly up.

Although Marco has the ability to fly, he is only human after all.

As long as we are human, we have to breathe and need oxygen.

With his monster-like physique, it is already very difficult to fly to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

If he goes up any further, Marco will die of suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

But in outer space, which is tens of thousands of meters away and hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the difference is really too far. .

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