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Chapter 112 Reynold Declares The World And Kills All The Celestial Dragons, Leaving No One Behind! (

Revolutionary Army Headquarters, White Earth Island, Baldigo.

"The commotion is getting bigger and bigger. How long has it been since the last public execution of Celestial Dragons?"

Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, looked at the bombed Mariejois and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

"But this is also our opportunity."

Sabo said with some excitement: "While the Naval Headquarters and the world government are restrained by Reynold, our revolutionary army can take this opportunity to expand our influence and help the oppressed civilians to overthrow the rule of those brutal kings."

"The ten-nation revolution, I believe that after this battle, the flame of revolution will burn throughout the world."

Sabo's eyes were shining with light, as if a blazing fire was burning.

"Sabo is right, chief, we are ready."

"The revolution in the ten countries should be carried out sooner rather than later, and now is the best opportunity."

"Give me the order, chief."

Many cadres of the revolutionary army all looked at Long, waiting for his order.

"Okay, let's officially start."

Long turned around, looked at the many revolutionary army cadres, and issued an order with a wave of his hand, "Let the revolutionary army soldiers of the ten countries take action immediately to seize the power of the ten countries as quickly as possible.

"Remember, we must reduce bloodshed and casualties as much as possible and protect civilian lives and property as much as possible."

"As you command!"

Many revolutionary soldiers shouted in unison, full of fighting spirit.

Mariejois, Sengoku looked at the holy land filled with flames and listened to the screams and wails in his ears. Observation Haki felt the life breath disappearing one by one, and his face was so gloomy that he could shed water.

"How about this? You should be very satisfied with this gift, right?"

Reynold grinned and said lazily: "Isn't this great? The tortured slaves are finally free, and they can finally take revenge blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

"They can take the pain they have endured and not inflict it on the perpetrator."

"This is justice in the world."


"Do you know what your behavior means?"

Sengoku roared and roared.

"What does it mean?"

Reynold raised his eyebrows, looked at Sengoku coldly, and asked sarcastically: "Did I do anything wrong?"

"I saved more than 100,000 innocent slaves and set them free. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"What mistake did they make? What unforgivable sin did they need to be imprisoned in Mariejois and tortured inhumanely by the Celestial Dragons?"

"Even if those pirates deserved their death, what about the civilians?"

"Those fishmen, mermaids, hand tribes, foot tribes, giant tribes, fur tribes and children, what unforgivable sin did they commit? To be tortured like this by Celestial Dragons?"

"Can you answer me? Sengoku!!!"

Reynold's roar echoed in Sengoku's ears, and his mind went blank.

Sengoku's face was pale, his eyes were blank, he staggered back a few steps, and was speechless for a moment.

Irrefutable, speechless, this is Sengoku at this moment.

Reynold looked at Mariejois, who was in flames outside, expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice: "These are what Marine should have done, and they are the justice that Marine should uphold."

"But what are Marines doing? They're working for the tigers, they're deceiving themselves, they're acting as lackeys for the Celestial Dragons, they're bullying the weak, they're wiping the dragons' butts.

"Now Marine is still massacring tortured innocent slaves. The most ridiculous thing is that he is doing it in the name of justice."

"Don't you think this is ridiculous and disgusting?"

"You, Marshal Marine, are so hypocritical that it makes me sick."

Reynold looked at Marshal Sengoku condescendingly, his eyes full of sarcasm and disdain, "What qualifications do you have to stand here and accuse me? Who are you, an executioner with your hands stained with the blood of innocents?"

"You are just a lackey of the Celestial Dragons, a pathetic loser who betrayed justice and dignity."

"Since you Marine won't do it, then let me do it and save people."

"Wouldn't it be great now? The suffering slaves are freed, and the evil-doing Celestial Dragons get their comeuppance.'

"Fairness has been thoroughly implemented, and this is true justice!!!"

At some point, the world live broadcast had shifted to the conference room.

Therefore, Reynolds' words and Marshal Sengoku's various reactions all fell into the eyes of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

"Yes, this is justice."

"Only Reynold is qualified to administer justice.

"Marshal Marine? He's just an executioner with bloody hands."

"Marine actually has the nerve to talk about justice, and they are still killing slaves!"

"What crime did those slaves commit? Why were they tortured by the Celestial Dragons? Why did Marine massacre them?"

"If the slaughter of innocent slaves is justice, then the slaughter of Celestial Dragons is the justice of justice.

"Marine is just a lackey of the Celestial Dragons. They are all a bunch of executioners, a bunch of disgusting bastards!"

Hundreds of millions of people around the world are scolding Marine. Marine has completely lost the hearts of the world.

In the past, Marine could use various means to cover up the news, frame the crimes committed by the Celestial Dragons on the pirates, and use various means to control public opinion and control the cognition of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

But Reynold's world live broadcast directly broke the shackles of public opinion between Marine and the world government.

Public opinion is now in his hands.

When the truth is revealed, the evil that has been buried for many years will burst out in an instant.

In the end, Marine and the world government lost everyone's hearts.

Although in this world of heaven-defying military power, the power of the heart may not be as heavenly as imagined.

But at certain times, this power is also extremely terrifying.

That's why Marine and the world government often cover up the truth and fool the world.

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Sengoku is not there, led by Admiral Aokiji, Fujitora, Kizaru and Vice Admiral Garp.

When watching the world live broadcast, Admiral Kizaru rushed to Marineford as soon as possible, and Admiral Aokiji also set off with the team after receiving Sengoku's order.

Only Admiral Fujitora, Vice Admiral Garp and others stayed at the headquarters.

In the Marine conference room, many Marine executives looked at the continuous explosions in Mariejois, all of them pale, cold in their hearts, and their bodies were as cold as ice cellars.

Reynold's audacity refreshed their cognition again and again.

The public execution of Celestial Dragons was heaven-defying enough, and now Reynold dared to actively invade Mariejois and bomb the Holy Land. This was beyond their imagination.

"Do we really not need to send more troops to the Holy Land? If the Holy Land is attacked, there won't be enough manpower, right?"

Marine Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel asked.

"No, everyone, please sit down in the conference room. Don't leave."

Vice Admiral Garp looked serious, crossed his arms, and said in a low voice: "Now that Sengoku is not here, Kizaru and Aokiji are gone, the headquarters is empty of troops and needs us to guard it."

"If we all leave, who will protect the headquarters? Who will be responsible if something happens?"

"Also, what can you do in the Holy Land?"

Sengoku looked at the many Marine executives in the conference room and said coldly: "Reynold didn't show up in person, and you can only massacre innocent slaves in the Holy Land."

"What? Are you going to kill people too?"

Garp showed an unprecedented serious expression, his eyes were extremely cold, emitting cold light, like two sharp knives, piercing the hearts of many Marine executives.

All the Marine executives lowered their heads when they were swept by Garp's eyes, and dared not look at Garp.

The only one who didn't react was the blind Admiral Fujitora.

"Justice in the world needs to be enforced, and Marine also needs to be completely transformed."

"The evil Celestial Dragons should indeed be annihilated without a single one left alive!"

Vice Admiral Garp looked at the video screen expressionlessly, whispering in his heart, with murderous intent looming in his heart.

Decades ago, he had seen through the evil nature of Celestial Dragons.

In order not to be a lackey of Celestial Dragons, he refused to be promoted to Admiral many times.

This behavior also saved Garp from having to clean up the mess for Celestial Dragons many times.

But this is essentially self-deception.

Because the evil of Celestial Dragons has not changed, and no one is going to stop their evil.

If he doesn't do it, there are others who will do it.

And the appearance of Reynold made Garp see another way.

He felt that Marine should be completely transformed.

If you want to thoroughly enforce justice, you can no longer be a lackey of Celestial Dragons.

This matter must be discussed with Sengoku, I think he has the same idea as me. "

Garp thought silently in his heart.

In the holy land of Mariejois, the massacre continues.

Reynold's roar suddenly sounded, spreading to every corner of Mariejois, and also spread to the whole world through the world live broadcast.

"Release the anger in your hearts, it's time for revenge!"

"Kill them, kill the Tianren people!"

"Kill them all, don't leave any alive!"

As soon as these words came out, the slaves of Mariejois became even more angry, roaring and fighting with Marine more fiercely.

The slaves' pursuit, coupled with the Celestial Dragons bombs that were still exploding, caused the number of Celestial Dragons casualties to continue to increase.

According to some people's continuous records, the number of Celestial Dragons bombs that have exploded has exceeded two hundred.

Sengoku saw this scene, his eyes were bloodshot, and he suddenly (money is good) roared, and disappeared on the balcony in a flash. The next second, he appeared in the conference room and smashed the mechanical Den Den Mushi with one punch.

The mechanical Den Den Mushi was destroyed, and Reynold's three-dimensional projection naturally disappeared.

Sengoku can't let Reynold continued to speak. Although he knew that some of Reynold's words were right, he could not let the situation get out of control.

This world is not perfect. There is no absolute justice and evil. It is not black and white.

The world needs stability, so the world government cannot fail.

However, at this time, Reynold's voice sounded again, coming from the T1000 Terminator.

"Why are you so angry? Sengoku."

"Even if you want to stop me, it's too late.

"The anger in people's hearts has been ignited, and you or Marine alone cannot completely extinguish it."

"Besides, it's not Marine who died, but a bunch of vile, shameless and evil Celestial Dragons."

"If one more of these rubbish dies, the sea will be cleaner."

"If all Celestial Dragons die, then the sea will be completely clean."

"You Marines, you should be happy too!"

"Shut up!"

Sengoku punched the T1000 Terminator in the chest, and it went straight through the Terminator's chest.

With a bang, the T1000 Terminator's body exploded, turning into several fragments that flew around.

But soon, the fragments turned into liquid silver metal, trying to gather together again.

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