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Chapter 106 Seven Warlords Of The Sea Meeting, All-Out War Breaks Out! (Please Subscribe)

"Dongliang, he...he...he is Reynold, the king of arms, Reynold.

One of his subordinates shouted these words tremblingly, with extreme panic in his voice.

"Is he famous?"

Qingjiao's face instantly darkened.

He knew that the person who could scare his men into this state must be something special.

"Famous, very famous."

One of his subordinates nodded repeatedly, "Reynold recently killed Marine Admiral Akainu and Four Emperors Kaido, and publicly executed Celestial Dragons, one by one, one by one, he...

Later, the subordinates told Qingjiao a series of Reynolds' achievements.

As time passed, Qingjiao's face became more and more ugly and gloomy, and finally it was almost so black that water could drip from it.

His mood became increasingly heavy.

"Kid, I really underestimate you."

"I didn't expect that you look so young, but you are so powerful?!!!"

Qingjiao no longer dares to underestimate Reynolds.

After listening to Reynold's series of achievements, he knew that Reynold's strength was extremely terrifying.

Not to mention his now greatly reduced strength, even at his peak, he was definitely no match for Reynolds.

And with such an enemy eyeing Baoyu Ice Bed, how could Qingjiao not be desperate?

"Now that you know it's me, you should know you can't stop me."

Reynold looked at Qingjiao expressionlessly, waved his hand and said, "Now I'll give you a chance to live, let's go."

"Ah ho ho, I won't leave."

Qingjiao laughed loudly, "Although I am no longer a pirate, I have no intention of giving away my treasure to others."

"If you want to get the treasure, kill me first!"

Qingjiao 21 let out a long roar, clasped his hands together, his cold eyes suddenly stared, and an invisible aura spewed out.

It was Qingjiao's Conqueror's Haki. The moment it exploded, it knocked out all the dozen men behind him.

"Why seek death?"

"Since you've retired and lived in seclusion, wouldn't it be better to live until you die of old age?"

"Why do you have to seek death?"

Reynolds shook his head.

Qingjiao's Conqueror's Haki is not very powerful, maybe because he is old and his realm has declined.

Or maybe Qingjiao has been hit hard for so many years, and Haki, who is self-centered, is no longer as good as he was when he was young.

In short, this level of Conqueror's Haki is like a breath of fresh air for Reynold.

Not only is it not oppressive, it is actually quite comfortable.

"Stop talking nonsense and get started."

"Eight Chong Fist·Bu Tou!"

Green Pepper jumped into the air, swooped down with his feet up and his head down, and used his head as a weapon to hit Reynolds.

Although the cone head is gone, Qingjiao's moves remain unchanged.

Compared to his fists and kicks, the head move is still the most powerful.

"Forget it, I'll make it happen for you!"

Reynold clenched his right hand into a fist, and the high-density Armament Haki instantly covered the entire arm, disappeared in place with a whoosh, and moved into the air instantly.


Reynold punched Qingjiao's head hard, and with one punch, Qingjiao's head did not explode, but instead suddenly protruded an extra-long cone head.

The cone head is extremely sharp, and the top end is like a needle point.

Qingjiao's eyes bulged, almost flying out of his sockets. He felt dizzy and his consciousness disappeared for a moment.

Then, Qingjiao's body fell weakly into the sky, still head down.

Only this time he had a cone head. The sharp cone head was still covering Armament Haki, and he plunged into the Baoyu ice bed.

Rumble, a shocking loud noise spread in all directions.

The hard jade ice bed was directly pierced by the conical head of the green pepper, causing a huge crack. The crack extended forward, eventually forming a huge crack.

Compared to the entire Baoyu Ice Bed, this crack is like a door.

"So that's how Green Pepper opened its doors."

Reynold grinned, fell from the sky, and landed safely.

That's right, Reynold showed mercy, otherwise the punch just now would have caused blood and flesh to fly everywhere, leaving no bones left.

The green peppers fell heavily among the massive treasures, like taking a bath with endless gold coins.

He touched the gold in his palm and tears flowed from his eyes.

"Treasure, treasure that circles the sky."

"After so many years, I finally entered the Baoyu Ice Bed again."

"And I have my cone head."

Qingjiao couldn't wait to grab her own awl, stroke it back and forth, up and down, over and over again, almost catching fire from the friction, she was extremely excited and excited.

"Ah ho ho, my husband's cone head is back again."

At this moment, Qingjiao was in high spirits and felt twenty years younger.

"Thank you for all this, Qingjiao."

Reynolds came behind Qingjiao and said calmly.

"Ah, that's right."

Qingjiao looked back at Reynolds and said with a smile: "Although I used to be a pirate, I am also very benevolent and righteous."

"You have done me a great favor, no matter what you want, you can do it."

"You can take all the treasures here. Even my eight-treasure navy can join you."

"Reynold, right? Tufu would like to ask you to be the new pillar of the Babao Navy.

After saying that, Qingjiao bent down and bowed to Reynolds.

Reynold did not pretend to refuse, and said calmly: "Since your attitude is so sincere, then I will be disrespectful."

"Starting today, the Babao Navy is officially integrated into the Custer Kingdom's arms transport fleet."

Most of Reynold's arms business is in the New World, with a small part in the first half of the Grand Line, and relatively few in the four seas. After all, the journey is long and there are Marine interceptions along the way.

If the Babao Navy is conquered, Reynolds' arms business in West Blue will be almost unimpeded.

With the strength of Qingjiao and Babao Navy, they are almost unbeatable in West Blue.

With the help of Qingjiao and Babao's navy, he can quickly expand his arms business and occupy the entire West Blue arms market.

In addition to the overt arms expansion, Reynolds will also secretly seize the power of various kingdoms in West Blue. Soon, "Reynold will be counting the entire West Blue.

"System, scan the treasures here."

Reynold looked at the treasure at his feet and ordered in his heart.

The system's golden light emerged and all the treasures were scanned.

"Ding, the scan is completed and it is confirmed that the treasure in the Baoyu Ice Bed is worth 208,700 billion beli.

"Recharge the balance to 70 trillion beli."

With a command, golden light appeared in the system, and the treasures disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye wherever they went, leaving only a little bit in the end.

"Ding, the recharge is completed, the system balance is 70 trillion beli."

Reynold did not take all the treasures with him, but left a little bit for Qingjiao.

After all, Qingjiao is now his subordinate, and the Babao Navy also needs funds to operate outside.

Moreover, this old man has been guarding the Baoyu Ice Bed for so many years and always leaves some soup for others.

After taking away the treasure, Reynolds turned back to Qingjiao and said, "Qingjiao, you go back immediately to integrate the Eight Treasure Navy and be ready to dispatch at any time."

As he spoke, he threw out a small piece of paper with Reynold's phone number on it.

"If there are any subsequent tasks, I will contact you."

"If you encounter a situation, you can also report it to me."

"Yes, I know."

Qingjiao will call the bug number, and I will buy it.

"In that case, we'll see you later."

After Reynold finished speaking, blue flames erupted from the soles of the armor's feet, rising into the sky, and soon disappeared into the clouds with Long Wu.

Qingjiao looked at the remaining treasure, and although he felt a little distressed, when he thought that his cone head was back, the distress completely disappeared.

Lost treasures can be earned back, but his push is unique.

Without Reynold, he wouldn't be able to find Cone Head, and he wouldn't be worthy of the name "Cone of Green Peppers."

"Ah ho ho, the green pepper of the cone has returned to the sea."

"Garp, just wait, I will definitely seek revenge on you, and I will definitely kill all your blood.

Qingjiao looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar spread to every corner of the water continent.

Time passes, and it has already entered Sea Circle Calendar 1520 without realizing it.

On this day, many messenger bats flew out from the holy land Mariejois, and their targets were the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

New World, Dressrosa, stands out.

Doflamingo received the compulsory summons order from the messenger bat and grinned ferociously.

"Is it finally starting?"

"An unprecedented war for hegemony."

"This war will determine the future direction and who will be the master of the future world."

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, that's so funny.

Doflamingo laughed wildly as always173. He walked to the window and opened it. A sea breeze suddenly broke through the window and blew his flamingo coat loudly.

Calm Belt, Snake Island.

"My dear sister, my dear sister, it's not good, the world government's compulsory summons order has come."

The brown-haired sister Marigold took a compulsory summons order and ran into the Nine Snake Island Palace in a panic.

Empress Hancock dismissed this and focused all her attention on Reynold's reward order.

It can be seen that Hancock's bedroom has been completely renovated. The walls and even the ceiling of the room are covered with Reynold's reward orders.

Since the public execution of Celestial Dragons, Hancock has become Reynold's number one crush and super fan.

If anyone has the most bounty orders for Reynold, apart from the Printing Factory and Naval Headquarters, it is the Pirate Empress Hancock.

"What is the forced summons? It has nothing to do with me. I don't want to go to Mariejois."

At the mention of Mariejois, Hannanke showed disgust and hatred.

Although Reynold publicly executed Reynold, Hancock's fear of Celestial Dragons dissipated for the most part.

But she still hated the dirty place of Mariejois.

Even if he dies, Hancock doesn't want to set foot on that sinful place again.

"But sister, this is a forced summons from the world's government. The Marine warship has been parked in the sea outside Jiu She Island and is waiting."

Marigold, the brown-haired sister, said worriedly: "If we don't go, Marine won't be indifferent, right?"

"That's right, Snake Princess, Marine will never remain indifferent."

Granny New walked into the palace on crutches, looked at Hancock and said: "This is the moment that determines the life and death of Nine Snakes Island. This is not the time for you to be willful, Snake Princess."

"Humph, what does it matter? I just don't want to go anyway."

"Even if Nine Snakes Island is destroyed because of this, everyone will forgive me because I am so beautiful."

Hancock made a seductive gesture, which made his two sisters and Granny New feel love in their eyes.

But Granny New soon came to her senses and said with a serious expression: "If I guessed correctly, the world government forcibly summoned the Shichibukai this time in order to eliminate Reynolds."

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