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Chapter 103 The Battle Between The Top Swordsmen, A Tsunami-Like Attack! (Please Subscribe)


Hawkeye slashed with his sword, and at the same time rotated his body, creating a super large flying slash that rotated 360 degrees and shot through the air.

The slashes were like tornadoes, roaring back and forth, causing ripples in the space.

All the laser rays shot down were wrapped up in the tornado slash, and finally exploded and shattered, or were deflected.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The scattered laser rays hit the sea, causing a series of big explosions.

Fireballs exploded on the sea surface, splashing water jets.

The sea level was shaking violently, and huge waves were coming and going, but they couldn't shake Eagle Eye at all.

His coffin boat was drifting in the waves, as if it might capsize at any time, but it remained as stable as a mountain and unharmed.

"Sure enough, it's a bit fanciful to want to kill Hawkeye with just a few swarm drones."

"With his strength, he can defeat them one by one."

"Long Yi, go and take a look yourself."

In the palace, Reynold gave the order after seeing Hawkeye destroying the swarm drone offensive.

"As you command, Master!"

Long Yi respectfully accepted the order, and just as he was about to leave, he heard the voice of Eagle Eye.

"Reynold, I have no intention of becoming your enemy. I just came to you to learn swordsmanship. I hope you can meet the challenge of a swordsman."

Hawkeye stood on the coffin boat, looking at the swarm of drones overhead and shouting.

He knew that Reynolds must be looking at him at this moment, and he must be able to hear what he said.

"You want me to compete with you?"

Reynolds rolled his eyes and was speechless.

This Hawkeye is indeed a swordsmaniac. When he is bored, he would go around the world to compete with swordsmen, or he would kill some unscrupulous little pirates to kill time.

Because he is bored and has nothing to do, he can even hunt down low-class little pirates from the Grand Line to all over the world.

In Seven Warlords of the Sea, Hawkeye must have killed the most pirates among the seven - 597.

When it comes to performance at the end of the year, Hawkeye must be the well-deserved strongest player.

A swarm drone broke away from the battle sequence, fell from the sky, and hovered in front of Eagle Eye. Hawkeye did not launch an attack, but just looked at the swarm drone quietly.

The next second, the high-definition camera of the swarm drone emits blue light and projects a three-dimensional projection of Reynold.

"Reynold Parritt!"

"Hawkeye, Dracule Mihawk!"

When both of them call out each other's name, they are considered acquainted.

"Reynold, I'm here to compete with you. As a swordsman, you shouldn't refuse another swordsman's challenge, right?"

The eagle's eyes looked sharply at Reynolds' three-dimensional projection, with high fighting spirit.

To put it bluntly, he has been invincible for too long.

After standing at the pinnacle of swordsmanship for too many years, he could hardly find an opponent, so his days became more and more boring.

In the past, he could occasionally compete with the red-haired Shanks, but since Shanks' left arm was broken, Hawkeye rarely competed with Shanks.

Reynold looked at Hawkeye and smiled slightly, "Hawkeye, if you want to test swordsmanship, you are probably looking for the wrong person. I am not a pure swordsman."

Reynold positions himself as a weapons dealer and king. For him, any means that can enhance his strength is acceptable.

His strongest means are also various high-tech weapons.

So he is not a pure swordsman, and he doesn't care about the glory of the swordsman at all.

Hawkeye looked at Reynold and said solemnly: "The last time you fought with Admiral Akainu and Kaido, the powerful sword skills you displayed opened my eyes."

"Please fight with me and fulfill my request!"

Reynold shook his head slightly and said expressionlessly: "You are no match for me, go back."

"To be honest, even if I stand in front of you and let (cbdh) you chop me, you won't be able to hurt a single hair on my head."

"If you take one more step forward, you will definitely die!"

Hawkeye smiled ferociously, "To die in the hands of a stronger swordsman may not be the best destination for me."

"I have made up my mind and will not leave easily."

A hero of the sea like Hawkeye is naturally not afraid of death. What he is afraid of is having no opponent.

In the past, the red-haired Shanks was Hawkeye's valued opponent, but now this opponent has become Reynolds.

Reynold looked at Hawkeye, shook his head and said: "I never do business at a loss, and I don't do anything that is not beneficial.

"There is no benefit to me in a sword duel with you, so why should I agree to your challenge?"

Eagle Eye said: "No matter what conditions you have, I can agree to it, as long as you agree to compete with me.

Reynold smiled playfully, "Even if I ask you to be my subordinate, are you willing?"

As soon as these words came out, Hawkeye's pupils suddenly tightened.

Nowadays, Reynold's ambition is well known to everyone. If he joins Reynold's command, he will definitely face off against the Naval Headquarters and the world's government in the future.

The consequences...

Although the consequences were very serious, Hawkeye only thought about it for less than two seconds before decisively agreeing.

For him, nothing is more important than pursuing the peak of swordsmanship.

"I promise you, as long as you compete with me in sword competition and defeat me, I will join your army because of your experience."

Hawkeye looked at Reynolds and said in a sonorous tone.

"Okay, then I promise you that in this competition, I will not wear alloy armor or use high-tech weapons. I will fight you with only my physical body and sword skills!"

Reynolds also made a promise.

"That's the best!"

Hawkeye didn't refuse.

Obviously he also knew that Reynold's alloy armor had unparalleled defense and could withstand the full-force attacks of Admiral Akainu and Kaido without getting hurt.

If Reynold really wears alloy armor, he has absolutely no chance of winning.

Reynold said: "The battlefield is set in Kucusar, not far from you. The swarm drones will take you there. I will wait for you in Kucusar.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Hawkeye nodded.

The call ended and Reynolds' three-dimensional projection disappeared.

The swarm drones then took Hawkeye to Cukusar.

Kukusar is an uninhabited desert island in the waters of the Kingdom of Custer, very close to where Hawkeye is.

At his speed, it can be reached in less than half an hour.

In Custer's palace, Reynold drank the red wine from the glass and grinned.

"This is a real surprise."

"I didn't expect Hawkeye to come to my door."

It is basically impossible for a top powerhouse like Hawkeye to conquer him by force and bring him under his command.

But if you bind Hawkeye with a promise, Hawkeye will never break the promise.

From Reynold's point of view, Hawkeye can no longer escape his grasp.

After drinking the red wine in the glass, Reynolds jumped from the palace balcony, and the alloy armor automatically emerged, covering his whole body.


Blue flames erupted, Reynold soared into the sky, and soon disappeared into the clouds.

In the blink of an eye, Reynold had arrived at South Nansal Island.

Within the 3,000-kilometer radius of the Custer Kingdom, there are many uninhabited islands, but more than 99% of them have no names.

The island of Cukusar is named because it is very unique.

There are more than a hundred volcanoes on this island.

Half of these more than 100 volcanoes are in the dormant stage, and the remaining half are all in the active eruption stage.

Volcanoes in dormant and active phases will continue to change state. In short, on the Kukusar Island, volcanic eruptions will not stop for a moment.

One volcano after another erupts magma day and night, and the huge roar can be heard for dozens of miles.

Volcanic ash rises into the sky, forming a huge black cloud over the Kukusar Island all year round.

The air on the island has long been polluted and full of poisonous gases such as sulfide.

The soil is also polluted, almost no living creatures survive, and there are very few plants.

Ordinary people, let alone landing on the island, will become dizzy and eventually die from poison as long as they get close to Kukusar.

Therefore, the sea area within a radius of thirty miles from Kucusar is an absolutely forbidden area, and ordinary people dare not approach it at all.

Of course, this poisonous gas is nothing to a strong person.

In the center of Kukusar Island, eight volcanoes form a circle, with a vast plain in the middle.

Because it is surrounded by eight volcanoes, the soil and water here have long been polluted, so there is no grass growing, only bare rocks and continuously flowing magma that has not been completely cooled.

Reynold stood on the plain, arms folded, waiting patiently.

In less than half an hour, the scent of eagle eye appeared on the coastline of Junjun Sal Island.

On the coffin boat, Hawkeye looked up at the Kukusar Island in front of him. Observation Haki swept past and locked onto Reynold in the center of the island.

With a flash of his body, Hawkeye teleported directly from the coffin boat to the beach on the coast, then slowly moved forward, finally arriving at the plain in the center of the island.

On the plain, Reynold and Hawkeye stood facing each other, about thirty meters apart.

The two looked at each other in silence, only looking at each other with cold eyes.

Hawkeye slowly pulled out the black knife behind him, while Reynolds pulled out the Adamantium alloy sword behind him.

"Are you ready?"

Reynold smiled ferociously.

"bring it on!"

Hawkeye's face was expressionless, but his fighting spirit was high and his eyes were extremely hot.

Even before the war started, he already felt his blood boiling.

This is the pleasure that can only be felt when fighting Shanks. This kind of pleasure has not been felt for a long time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, a tall volcano erupted with a loud roar.

The moment the volcano erupted, Reynold and Hawkeye regarded it as a signal to start a war, and the two disappeared instantly.


The next second, Reynold and Hawkeye were already facing each other. The Adamantium sword and the black sword collided with each other, and countless sparks scattered all over the ground.

Whether it is an Adamantium sword or a black blade, the blades are all pitch black, obviously covered with high-density Armament Haki.

The hurricane caused by the collision of the two swords raged around them. The rocky ground beneath their feet collapsed inch by inch, became dented, and was instantly covered with spider web cracks.

The shock wave spread out and flew away the flowing magma.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two were separated at the first touch, and then fought with each other.

In the blink of an eye, Reynolds and Hawkeye had slashed each other dozens of times.

On the surface, it looked like they were evenly matched, but in fact Reynolds didn't even show 30% of his strength.

Eagle Eye obviously knew this, so he stopped testing. After a collision, Eagle Eye flew back, holding Hei Daoye with both hands, and slashed horizontally.


The sword light roared out like a black torrent, penetrating the sky, leaving a long-lasting trajectory.

Reynold's body swayed and disappeared instantly, dodging Hawkeye's flying slash.

The slash hit a volcano with a height of more than 200 meters behind Reynold. The sword light passed through it, like cutting through a piece of tofu, cutting the volcano in half. .

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