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Chapter 10 Instant Kill Of Marine Rear Admiral! (Please Collect, Please Send Flowers)

"Iron Body!!!"

Seeing the incoming Devil Terminator, Candace looked horrified, and immediately performed the six-position Iron Body, with the muscles all over her body tense like steel.

At the same time, he used Armament Haki to form an armor to protect his chest, but it was still a step too late.

Long Yi had already punched him in the chest, and the powerful shock wave of the punch instantly penetrated his chest.

Rear Admiral Candace's Iron Body and Armament Haki defenses had no effect at all and were easily breached.

With a bang, Rear Admiral Candace's body exploded, turning into flesh and blood splattering all over the sky!

He was directly punched by Long Yi!

There are a total of sixty-four hydrogen batteries in Long Yi's body, which can provide sufficient mobility, coupled with the jet propulsion engine on his body and the strong hardness of Adaman alloy.

The force of the punch was so terrifying that it couldn't be described in words.

Even a big mountain can be destroyed by one punch!

Not to mention just a Marine Rear Admiral, not even the Marine Elite Vice Admiral could stop Long Yi's fist.


As time passed, the sound of gunfire in the royal capital gradually subsided, which meant that the war to destroy the country had ended.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, the process did not take more than an hour.

A Terminator holding a Vulcan Gatling searched for the remaining guards in the capital.

The civilians hiding in the corner looked at them with fearful eyes, curled up, and shivered in fear.

Fortunately the Terminators did not attack civilians.

Even if there are civilians passing by the Terminator, the Terminator will pretend not to see them.

In this battle to destroy the country, 99% of the people who died were Guards soldiers.

Very few civilians were unlucky enough to be affected by the fighting and died.

Tania Palace is still magnificent and magnificent.

The dragon in the palace fired a laser cannon, and the damage was very small, so 99% of the palace remained the same.

After the battle, Reynold naturally began to search for loot.

The reason why they chose to attack the Kingdom of Tania this time was because the two countries were adjacent and had wars and blood feuds in history.

There is another key reason, that is, the Kingdom of Tania is very rich in minerals.

Although there are no gold mines, the Kingdom of Tania has large reserves of iron ore and copper ore.

Building an arsenal here can quickly expand Reynold's arms production and earn even more money.

"Is that all you have?"

In the palace vault, Reynolds looked at the gold and cash in front of him and was speechless.

Just because all the treasures in the treasury are only worth seven billion beli, which is far less than he expected.

The Kingdom of Tania is not an agricultural country and is completely different from Dressrosa.

Back then, King Riku of Dressrosa was blackmailed by Doflamingo for 10 billion Beli, but he couldn't get it back.

That's because Dressrosa is an agricultural country and the country is poor. In addition, King Riku cares about his people and taxes are very low, so the country's treasury is short of money.

But the Kingdom of Tania is not an agricultural country. The industry here is very developed and the business is also good.

Moreover, King Tania is not a good king who loves his people like his own son, and taxes his people very high.

Logically speaking, such an extravagant, cruel, and greedy king should be very rich, but the final result was beyond Reynold's expectation.

He ransacked the entire palace and found only seven billion beri.

"These royal families won't spend all the money they collected, right?"

Reynold has long heard about the extravagance of the Tania royal family. They spend money like water on weekdays, all for enjoyment.

Now that I saw the empty treasure house, I realized that the rumors were not groundless.

"I hope the money collected from various noble families can be more."

Reynold shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

While Reynold was plundering the palace treasury, his Terminator soldiers were plundering the wealth of the nobles of the Kingdom of Tania.

Time passed and the sun set in the west. Five warships appeared at the coastal port of the Kingdom of Tania. Reynold's fleet finally arrived.

"Your Majesty the King, Julius has led the first fleet to the Kingdom of Tania, please give instructions."

On the bow of the warship, Julius was holding a phone bug and talking to Reynold.

"Immediately lead the soldiers to take over the Kingdom of Tania. From today on, this place will be officially included in the territory of the Kingdom of Custer."

"Also, when taking over, don't massacre civilians for no reason."

"Of course, if someone takes the initiative to attack you, there is no need to show mercy."

Reynolds' voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Yes, I obey!"

Julius accepted the order respectfully and looked excited.

The officers and soldiers at all levels behind him also showed excitement.

The expansion of territory is a sign of a kingdom's strength, but it is a pity that they did not personally participate in this war.

Although Julius arrived as quickly as possible, it was still too late.

The speed of a warship can never be compared with the speed of flying in the sky.

"Quick, everyone lands ashore and takes over the Tania Kingdom."

Julius gave the order using a telephone bug, and the sound was amplified and reached the ears of ten thousand soldiers on five warships.

Large numbers of soldiers lined up to land in the Kingdom of Tania, and flags representing the Kingdom of Custer were planted on this land. This kingdom that had been established for more than 150 years officially announced that it had changed its owner.


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