Soon, after docking the Melly, Ace and others set foot on the desert country, Alabasta.


Just as everyone was preparing to head to the port city, Vivi suddenly stopped and mustered up her courage.


Everyone stopped and Nami and the others looked at Vivi who looked confused.

"Thank you very much for sending me back to Alabasta. Let's say goodbye here.

Vivi raised her pretty face, her eyes filled with tears.


Vivi covered her painful forehead and looked at Nami who was a little angry.

"What are you talking about? Do you want to defeat Crocodile and Baroque Studio on your own?"

Nami said.

"But, the original agreement was just to send me back to Alabasta..."

Vivi covered her forehead, feeling a little aggrieved.

"Why are you still talking about this now? Don't you regard us as partners? Vivi.

Nami smiled when she heard this and looked at Vivi with eyes full of love.

Even though the country is in such a big crisis, why don't you still want to drag them into Uzumaki?

Really, it's exactly the same as before.

Nami recalled that time and looked at Ace unconsciously.

Just rely on the captain, okay...


Vivi looked at Nami and everyone with affirmative smiles, and was deeply moved.

"Besides! If I don't solve your problem, how can I get that generous reward? You think so, Vivi.

Nami suddenly showed a devilish smile, pulled Vivi and said.


Vivi, who was frightened by Nami's aura, nodded repeatedly.

"Then let's go and purchase some supplies."

Ace looked at Vivi who was taken care of by Nami, smiled, and walked forward at the lead.

Everyone quickly followed, and ahead was the port city of Alabasta.

After Vivi gave a letter about Clark Dar and his conspiracy to Karu, and asked him to rush back to the royal capital of Alabasta as quickly as possible and hand it over to her father, King Kobra of Alabasta,

Everyone stepped into the port city of Alabasta.

As soon as you enter the city, the enthusiasm of the desert city hits you.


Seeing the exotic scenery that was completely different from East Blue, Kaya exclaimed with excitement on her pretty face.

"Ace, look, that's awesome."

Kaya hugged Ace's arm and pointed at an acrobat and said excitedly.

"Oh? It looks pretty good, these foods."

Ace looked at the various barbecues on the street and suddenly became interested.

"We also need to buy some supplies, especially fresh water.

The weather here is so hot. "

Nuo Qi slapped her collar high.

“I want to see Alabasta’s jewelry.

Nami stretched out her hand and said excitedly.

“I wonder if Alabasta has a famous sword.

Tashigi pushed up his glasses and thought silently.

"Let's buy some local clothes first? This way we can avoid attracting the attention of the Baroque Studio."

Vivi looked at the excited crowd and smiled, then suggested.

Nami's children thought about it and agreed.

Although Ace thinks this is unnecessary, after all, Crocodile has been operating in Alabasta for so many years, and this port city is the focus of his business.

I'm afraid the information appeared in Crocodile's hands the moment they arrived at Alabasta.

However, Ace did not refuse this. After all, Alabasta's clothes are full of exotic style.

The corners of Ace's mouth quirked up slightly.

Outside a clothing store.

Ace simply bought a few pieces of windproof and sand-proof clothes, waited for the girls outside, and tasted the local barbecue specialties.

The barbecue in Alabasta, a desert country, really tastes special.


"How? Ace!"

Nami opened the curtain, took Nokigao's hand and walked out.

I saw Nami and Noqigao wearing local costumes, full of exotic style.

Especially Noqigao, Alabasta's clothes match her skin color, giving people a different kind of charm.

"It suits you very well, Nami,"

Ace's eyes lit up and he praised.


Nami and Nokigao looked at each other and smiled, then put Ace's arms around their hearts.

Ace was shocked by the touch on his arm.

"This is an exclusive benefit."

Nuoqi's tall red lips were slightly raised, and she breathed out orchid.

"But I have to pay here, one hundred thousand beli.

Nami smiled playfully.

"Don't I have all my money with you?"

Ace looked at Nami lovingly and smiled.

"That won't work! You must give me another hundred thousand beli."

Nami doesn't want the money, but enjoys the fight with Ace.

Looking at Ace coquettishly.

"Okay, okay."

Ace smiled helplessly.

"Woo! Bang!"

At this time, one of the curtains opened, and Tashigi stepped on her skirt and fell towards the ground.


Just when Tashigi thought he was going to fall to the ground, he fell into a warm embrace.

"Don't be in such a hurry, take your time."

Tashigi raised his head and saw Ace's gentle smile.

Tashigi's face suddenly turned red.

My heart seemed to be beating out of my chest.

Growing up, her hands and feet were clumsy. When she was very young, she would even fall down unconsciously while walking.

Tashigi has heard the word "idiot" called "idiot" so many times since he was a child.

This was the first time that after committing something stupid, someone so gently asked her to take her time...

"What, Ace, even though you only enjoyed half of the service, you still have to pay me the full price!"

Seeing Tashigi blushing so hard that he almost fainted, Nami shouted from behind.

Interrupted by Nami, Tashigi ran out of Ace's arms like a frightened rabbit and hid behind Nokigao.

Nokigao looked at Tashigi hiding behind him and smiled.

It seems that there will be one more person in Ace's special training staff soon.

"You've all changed."

At this time Vivi came out and looked at Ace and others with a smile.

Although it is not easy to detect, there is still a look of expectation hidden in her beautiful eyes.

"As expected of a princess, it suits you very well, Vivi."

Nami looked at Vivi and said in surprise.

"Yeah, no."

Vivi smiled and said.

But a trace of disappointment flashed through her beautiful eyes.

"Ace, my zipper is a bit hard to zip up. Can you help me unzip it?"

Kaya opened the curtain and pointed at the zipper on the back that was not fully closed.

"Huh? Everyone has changed!"

Kaya saw everyone had changed their clothes and showed a sweet smile to everyone.

"God, angel......"

Nami, Vivi, Nokigao, and Tashigi looked at Kaya with a smile on her face.

"It suits you perfectly, Kaya.

Ace walked up to Kaya, gently helped Kaya zipper, and scratched Kaya's little nose lovingly.


Kaya smiled, her beautiful eyes narrowed, and she was so happy.

"We've changed our clothes, let's go."

Watching Nami pay the bill, Ace turned around and said.


The girls walked out of the clothing store together, chattering.

Vivi came to the end, her expression a little unnatural.


Vivi's eyes widened and she stared blankly as Ace came closer to her ear.

"It suits you very well, my princess."

Ace smiled brightly at Vivi.

Vivi's pretty face quickly turned red. Under the teasing gazes of Nami and others, Vivi ran to Nami and the others.

"Hey, Vivi, your face is so red. What did Ace say to you?"

Nami smiled.

"Yes, Vivi, this is the first time I have seen your face so red."

Nuo Qigao followed suit and laughed.

"Vivi looks so pretty when she blushes."

Kaya covered her mouth and chuckled.

"No, it's nothing!"

Vivi quickly got rid of Nami and the others and ran forward.

The red lips were slightly raised, revealing a shy smile.

Ace said to me, where is my princess...


At this moment, there was a sudden explosion on the street ahead.

"What, what's wrong?!"

The girls looked over quickly.

"Uncle, what happened in front of me?"

Vivi stopped a panicked uncle and asked anxiously.

"Country, the King's Army! It was the King's Army that did it! In the past few days, the King's Army has been looting everywhere in the name of searching for rebels. If you don't follow the rules, you will be labeled as a rebel.

You should leave here quickly, don't be regarded as rebels. "

After the middle-aged uncle finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Vivi froze on the spot, at a loss.

"It can't be the King's Army! Father would never give such an order!"

Vivi gritted her teeth and said.

"It seems Crocodile's plans are ahead of schedule."

Ace walked over and said thoughtfully.

Vivi bit her red lips.

"Guys from Baroque Studio, do you still want to run away after finishing your work?"

Ace raised his head slightly and his eyes suddenly focused.


Invisible fluctuations spread quickly with Ace as the core.

"Bang! Bang!"

Along with the sound of falling to the ground, dozens of people on the roofs, beside the streets, and in shops where explosions occurred in the distance rolled their eyes and fell to the ground one after another.

Some of them were dressed as bounty hunters, some were dressed as ordinary people, and some were dressed as the king's army.

But the only thing they have in common is that they all have Baroque Studio patterns tattooed on their bodies.

Vivi stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

This is the same as it was at Whiskey Peak.

Vivi looked at Ace subconsciously.

What greeted Vivi was a pair of warm hands.

Vivi felt the warmth coming from her forehead and pursed her red lips.

Ace's hand is so warm.

It feels so safe...

"Let's go, I'm asking for information."

Ace stroked Vivi's long blue hair.

Vivi nodded heavily.

Ace will not show any mercy when it comes to interrogating these people in Baroque Studio.

After witnessing a few people screaming and being burned alive, the remaining people wanted to cut open their stomachs to prove that they had told everything.

However, they are not digital agents after all, and they do not know the core secrets.

But it also gave some useful information.

For example, under the encouragement of various members of the Baroque Studio, the people were completely convinced that it was the king who used

Because of the dancing fans, this country has no place except the royal capital.

The conflict between the king's army and the rebels was provoked, and it has begun to evolve into a large-scale war.

After they finished talking, Ace also gave them a happy one.

"Why, how could this happen?"

Vivi bit her red lips, her pretty face full of pain.


Nami, Kaya, and Nuoqi looked at Vivi distressedly.

Tashigi's pretty face turned pale.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea under the government are actually doing this kind of thing.

Where's Marine? Where's the government? It doesn't care about the lives of the people of Alabasta.

Is this approach still just?

"I want to stop this rebellion!"

Vivi raised her head, with a serious look on her face, and took out a map of Alabasta.

"This is the headquarters of the rebels. The leader there is my childhood friend. I want to go there and make it clear to the leader there."

Vivi pointed to the name of a city and said.

"Okay! Then let's set off right away.

As soon as Nami was about to leave, she was stopped.

"We shouldn't go to that place."

Nuo Qigao looked at Vivi's shocked eyes and lightly opened her red lips.

"No, No Qi Gao? Why?"

Nami's eyes widened.

"Even if you go and persuade your so-called childhood friends, are the rebels really a piece of metal and no one wants to overthrow the king and become a new noble?

Also, Vivi, you should know that Crocodile did all of this. If you don't defeat him, it will all be in vain. "

Nuo Qigao said seriously.

"But if I don't go and it turns into a war, many people will die!"

Vivi said loudly.

"This is a conspiracy that Shichibukai has been planning for so many years. Do you want to solve this incident without any sacrifice?"

This is, 440 impossible.

Nami, you should understand too, right?"

Nuo Qigao said expressionlessly.

Nami bit her red lips and acquiesced.

Facing Arlong, who was just a pirate from East Blue with a bounty of 20 million beli, the surrounding villages had to make huge sacrifices to survive.

And now, we are facing Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai who has been planning for so many years and has built a huge criminal organization.

It is simply impossible to sacrifice no one.

"If you don't want to go, then I'll go by myself! I'm not from your pirate group!"

Vivi closed her eyes because she shouted.


Vivi covered her cheek and looked at the person who hit her in disbelief.


Nami, Nuo Qigao, and Yin Siqi looked at Ya in a daze.

Kaya, who has always been so good-tempered, always so gentle, like an angel, whose smile can heal people's hearts, is now so angry and serious on her angelic face.


"You are not allowed to say such things, Vivi, you should not say such things in front of Ace!"

Kaya looked at Vivi and scolded.


Vivi's eyes turned red and she looked at Ace.

Yes, how could I say such a thing?

Ace, but escorted him all the way back to Alabasta. If it weren't for Ace, he would have died at the hands of the killer sent by Baroque Studio.

It was Ace who was willing to face Crocodile directly after escorting him back to Alabasta, but Ace could have ignored this.

"But, but I have no choice, what else can I do?"

Vivi fell weakly to the ground.


Vivi touched Ace's hat on her head and raised her head in disbelief. What she saw was Ace's warm smile without any reproach for what she said before.

"Then, how about relying on the captain for a while?"

Ace smiled softly.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Vivi's eyes were sore and she couldn't hold back the tears anymore. She threw herself into Ace's arms and broke down crying.

"I'm sorry, Ace, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that, oooooo!"

Vivi raised her pretty face, full of tears.

Ace pulled Vivi up and rubbed Vivi's little head vigorously.

"What did you just say? I have forgotten it a long time ago."

"I only remember one thing."

Ace gave a Haki smile.

"My crew was made to cry."

Ace walked up to Nami and the others and said loudly.

"Entei Pirates, let's go! Kill Crocodile as quickly as possible!"

Nami, Kaya, Nuoqi raised her hands high and said with a fighting spirit.

Tashigi didn't speak, but silently stroked the hilt of the sword in his hand.


Vivi covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

"Rely on our captain, our captain never fails."

Nokigao smiled slightly.

Nami and Kaya also smiled sweetly.

They were all saved by Ace. .

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