Above the sea, a Marine warship set sail and galloped out into the distance.

On the deck, two generals wearing Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral coats looked into the distance with distorted expressions.

And the next moment!

"Click! Click! Click!"

The terrifying freezing air exploded instantly on the sea,

In just an instant, the sea here was instantly frozen by the terrible freezing air.

The sailing Naval Headquarters warship also instantly fell into the endless sea of ​​ice and was unable to move.

"Why?! Why are you quitting Marine?! Aokiji! Zephyr!"

Smoker looked at the figure on a ship on the ice in the distance and roared angrily.

Aokiji's philosophy is recognized by Smoker.

Although the two are not Marines of the same era, they both learned from Zephyr and have a very good relationship.

It's not an exaggeration to say they are friends.

Zephyr was his mentor and played an important role in his Marine career.

But today, Aokiji and Zephyr quit Marine at the same time,

This was completely unacceptable to Smoker. He ignored the orders of his superiors and robbed Hina's warship and came to pursue him.

"Ah la la, have you actually arrived here?"

On the deck of a ship in the distance, Aokiji exhaled a cold breath.

At this time, Aokiji, no, Kuzan, took off his Admiral of Headquarters military uniform and put on casual clothes and sunglasses.

Kuzan had serious burns on his body, but they were far less serious than in the original work, and his legs were not broken.

After issuing a new bounty order for the Entei Pirate Ship and finishing some internal work within Marine,

Naval Headquarters Marshal, Sengoku, resigned to World Government Commander-in-Chief, ‘Kong’ Kong.

This resignation was different from the resignation after the battle in the original work. "July 13" went very smoothly, and even Kong Xi didn't say much.

During the Entei Incident, Sengoku overwhelmed all of Marshal Marine.

Although the final defeat was a helpless move, after all, no matter how strong Naval Headquarters was, they could not face three emperors at the same time, as well as top combat forces such as ‘Pluton’ Rayleigh.

The most important thing is that what Naval Headquarters is facing is the most terrifying man on the sea of ​​this era.

The one with strength, Haki, and skill that is superior to the Four Emperors, Entei, Portcas.D. Ace!

After all, even if all the Five Elders arrive in the end, under the layout and power of Emperor Yan, they can only choose to compromise.

Even the Buster Call, which represents the absolute justice of the world government, is unprecedentedly correct.

Facing such an opponent, Sengoku cannot be blamed for the defeat of Naval Headquarters.

But a failure is a failure, and someone must take responsibility.

Besides, if Sengoku is still Marine Marshal for one day, then the entire Naval Headquarters, and all Marines, will be overwhelmed by the failure in the Entei incident.

In such a situation, changing the coach is the best option.

However, facing the powerful combat power of Sengoku, Kong and the World Government naturally do not want it to completely retire.

After all, the Yandi pirate fleet is still active on the sea.

The strongest, most Haki, and most terrifying man in the world today, Entei, is brewing the next wave of unknown offensive.

During the Yan Emperor incident, the Five Elders clearly knew the ambition in this man's heart.

What this man has in mind is the world!

He wants to completely overthrow their world government and overthrow the Throne of Sky!

What is even more frightening is that after the war, Sengoku analyzed the information about Entei on the battlefield through the power of the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast-Big Buddha form,

The information that the so-called Emperor Yan had a wrong perspective on the world was reported to Wu Laowu.

Such information makes even the Five Elders, who hold the highest power in the world, feel a bit chilly.

During the Yan Emperor incident, they felt something was very wrong.

Yandi, Portkas D. Ace, controlled the situation too perfectly.

This kind of perfection makes all five of them have no choice but to be led by this man.

In the end, with this man's skill and strength, he chose to compromise.

But when they returned to the holy land of Mariejois, the more they thought about this situation, the more something was wrong.

They have thoroughly investigated the situation of Portcas D. Ace.

Gol D. Roger's wife, Portcas D. Rouge, in order to avoid the pursuit and search by the World Government and Marine,

The original pregnancy was delayed from ten months to twenty months, and she died immediately after giving birth to Portgas·D·Ace.

Portkas D. Ace was entrusted to Garp by Gol D. Roger.

Later, Portcas D. Ace grew up in Garp's hometown and then went to sea.

After going to sea for just one year, he continuously planned and launched the Alabasta incident, the Enies Lobby incident, and now the Yandi incident.

He is the absolute mastermind behind the current riots in the sea!

It can be said that they know the world government well about Portcas D. Ace's action trajectory and growth experience.

With such a simple trajectory of actions and growth experience, how did Portgas·D·Ace learn so many secrets.

Even the Five Elders felt that their appearance, transformed forms, and immortality were all expected by this man.

Although after they arrived on the battlefield, Portgas·D·Ace had already completed the transformation of residual fire.

Their Observation Haki [cannot get close to Portgas·D·Ace in that state.

The Devil Fruit power in Entei's body is so terrifying that their Observation Haki cannot even get close.

But their eyes were extremely sharp and could easily capture Yan Emperor's facial expressions.

When they transformed, and even the characteristics of immortality appeared, the man's expression didn't even show any signs of change.

It seems that everything is under his control.

This is simply abnormal!

Their transformed forms and immortality are one of the biggest secrets in this world.

Even many members of the Knights of God don't know this secret.

After learning that Sengoku used the power of the Renren Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - Big Buddha form to analyze the information about Entei's incorrect perspective on the world,

Even the Five Elders felt a little numb.

Entei, Portgas·D·Ace, is undoubtedly the bloodline of the deceased Pirate King Gol D. Roger.

Why is the perspective of looking at the world so weird, as if it is omniscient and omnipotent?

They have accomplished all the things they have done since the founding of the world government eight hundred years ago, no, even in the history before the war with the huge kingdom.

Never happened either.

It can use all the abilities of Devil Fruit, and can also exert the power of Devil Fruit beyond the limits of Devil Fruit.

Moreover, you can also know their secrets.

There is definitely a huge secret hidden in Flame Emperor, Portkas, D. Ace.

The most important thing is that the Five Elders have no idea how far this man's limits and secrets are.

However, one thing can be confirmed, that is, in this era, the major enemy that the world government has to face is no longer "Chenka" and "Qiyiboi"

It's Entei, Portgas·D·Ace!

To engage in the final battle with this terrible man, and to completely eliminate this man, their World Government also needs to make adequate preparations and prepare for the worst.

For example, create another blank hundred years! Completely erase this period of history!

In order to correct the chaos in the sea caused by Emperor Yan, they need more and more sufficient combat power.

Therefore, the Five Elders instructed the commander-in-chief of the entire army, Kong, to accept Marine Marshal Sengoku's resignation, but not accept Sengoku's request for complete retirement.

Appoint Sengoku to the position of Naval Headquarters' Inspector General', that is, Marine's chief inspector.

Sengoku thought for a moment and took the position without hesitation.

After all, what Naval Headquarters has to face now is a pirate group that is more terrifying than the Four Emperors.

The Entei pirate fleet is led by the strongest man in the world today, the most terrifying man, Entei, Portgas·D·Ace.

If he completely retires at this time, then with the current combat power of Naval Headquarters, it will be impossible to protect justice on the sea.

After Sengoku resigned from the position of Marine Marshal and took up the position of Naval Headquarters Inspector General, Marine also immediately selected the Marshal's successor.

Aokiji, Akainu, are the two candidates.

Although Akainu was defeated in the Entei Incident, Aokiji is now the most suitable candidate to take over as Marshal of Naval Headquarters.

And Sengoku strongly recommended Aokiji to succeed Marine Marshal,

However, the Five Elders still support Akainu to become Marine Marshal for the benefit of the World government.

After all, although Akainu was defeated, the defeat in that battle was fought by Sengoku alone, minimizing the impact.

The most important thing is that Marine's face is nothing compared to the interests of the World government.

What was even more unexpected to Sengoku was that Aokiji actually took the initiative to launch a battle of Yuanshi against Bed University.

Whoever wins will be the next marshal.

This battle lasted for five days and five nights. No one knew what happened on the island where they became two people.

But under the power of the Devil Fruit of the two people, it turned into an island of ice and fire.

After Aokiji came out, he announced Akainu's victory and announced his withdrawal from Marine...

And Akainu, who won the victory, didn't look good either.

Only Akainu, who fought with Aokiji, knew that Aokiji didn't want to become a Marine Master at all.

This guy regards this battle with him as a tool for cutting between this guy and Marine, as well as the dove generals in Marine.

But facing Aokiji with such a plan, Akainu had no choice.

Relying on the power of Lava-Lava Fruit, he is indeed stronger than Aokiji.

But if Aokiji only wants to escape from the battlefield, Akainu can't stop Aokiji.

He could only watch Aokiji leave the battlefield, declare his defeat, and quit Marine.

At the same time, the vacant position of Seven Warlords of the Sea was also filled.

Edward Weeble, who calls himself Whitebeard II.

And this person was the pirate who attacked the Zephyr recruit ship and caused the death of many Zephyr students.

Such a situation completely shattered Zephyr's faith, and he announced his withdrawal from Marine on the same day.

Kuzan, after learning the news, came to Zephyr's ship and wanted to communicate with him.

At this time, Smoker's warship arrived, causing the current situation.

"Go back, Smoker, we are no longer the same person.

Now, I am a pirate. "

Kuzan looked at Smoker and Hina in the distance and said calmly.

"Pirate?! You?!!!"

Smoker looked at Kuzan in shock,

Hina on the side also looked at Kuzan in disbelief.

Aokiji Admiral left Marine to become a pirate?!

When Zephyr on the ship heard this, he also raised his eyebrows and looked at Aokiji with cold eyes.

Although he quit Marine, he did not want to become a pirate, but to establish a new Marine and use his own way to end the era of great pirates.

This proud student of his is going to become a pirate?!


Are you going to betray justice? Kuzan!”

Smoker looked at Kuzan with an ugly expression and roared angrily.

"Betraying justice? No, where I want to go is justice."

Kuzan looked at Smoker and said calmly.

"Where are you going? Kuzan!"

Hina on the side couldn't hold back and said loudly.

"So, let me introduce myself again.

Kuzan straightened his body, his back straight, there was no trace of laziness on his face, and his eyes under his sunglasses were sharp.

"I'm the captain of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet, Kuzan."

Kuzan said.


Smoker, Hina, all the Marines, as well as Zephyr, Ain and others next to Kuzan all shrank their pupils and looked at Kuzan in disbelief.

Entei Pirates Grand Fleet, Captain of the Japanese Squadron?!!!

Kuzan, the former World Government's highest combat power, Admiral of Headquarters, is going to go to the man who defeated their Naval Headquarters in the Entei incident, under the command of Entei? 2.5!

"Are you kidding?! Kuzan!!!"

Smoker's eyes suddenly turned blood red.


Half of his body instantly turned into smoke, and he rushed towards Kuzan with ten seastone hands in his hands.

"Ah la la, if you attack me, it will be considered a war with the Entei Pirates' fleet, Smoker.

Kuzan looked at the sprinting Smoker, his eyes did not waver at all, and said calmly.

"Stop! Smoker! We don't have the authority to attack the pirate group that is above the Four Emperors!"

Hina shouted anxiously.

Any member of the Entei pirate fleet, if Marine wants to take action against them at this time, must obtain authorization from the highest level of World Government.

The world's strongest pirate group, superior to the Four Emperors, today's Marine has no authority to attack its members privately.

Besides, what kind of strength is Kuzan? If Smoker takes action, he will be almost as dead as me.

Kuzan, it was because of his relationship with Smoker and her in the past that he said so much.

Otherwise, just use the power of Frozen Fruit and they will all become ice sculptures on the sea.


Smoker's body stopped in mid-air for an instant, looking at Kuzan with blood-red eyes.

Kuzan's expression remained completely unchanged and he stared at Smoker silently.

"Bulu Bulu!"

"Bulu Bulu!"

At this time, the phone in Kuzan's arms suddenly rang.


Kuzan picked up the phone.

"Kuzan, where are you? Now it's the captain's orders."

A loud laugh came from the phone bug.


Smoker, Hina, Zephyr, and Zephyr's students all tightened their pupils at the same time when they heard this voice.

Emperor Yan!

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