"Ace, I'm stronger now.

Vivi activated the Sand-Sand Fruit ability, and her delicate body instantly transformed into sand, appearing next to Ace. Then she instantly came into contact with elements, and she threw herself into Ace's arms with a coquettish smile, acting coquettishly.

"Well done, Vivi."

Ace touched Vivi's little head and smiled softly.

Kaya is the most attached to Ace, while Vivi is the most coquettish.

Although Vivi was able to take huge risks and sneak into Baroque Studio as an undercover agent for Alabasta, she is also a strong girl at heart.

But after all, Vivi is still a seventeen-year-old girl, and she still likes to act coquettishly in front of her lover.


Hearing Ace's praise and feeling Ace's touch, Vivi's beautiful eyes narrowed into a crescent shape.

"But Nami is so powerful that it was very difficult for the three of us to resist her attacks head-on.

Conqueror's Haki - The power of the combination of entanglement and Thunder Fruit ability is really overbearing. "

Laki and Nami also walked over slowly, Laki said helplessly.

Now they have gone through Ace's unique training, combined with Amazon Lily, the Haki training method created for women's characteristics,

Under Ace's understanding field, their Haki has experienced a huge improvement.

Laki and Vivi, during the Entei incident, faced the same problem as Nami.

That's Haki's strength, which is seriously unable to keep up with the strength of Devil Fruit's ability.

The gap between Haki and Devil Fruit's abilities is too big. Even if they wrap Armament Haki around Devil Fruit's abilities, the increase in actual combat power will be almost negligible.

But even relying on the pure Devil Fruit ability, Laki relied on the Bird Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Suzaku form,

Relying on the Sand-Sand Fruit ability after awakening, Vivi's combat power is only one step away from the peak combat power of this sea, the threshold of Admiral level combat power.

Now, they can be said to have the best training conditions in the world on this uninhabited island.

The Haki training method used is Amazon. Lily has stood in the sea for many years, and is specifically designed for female Haki training.

What he eats is the meat of the giant Sea Kings, which are the most nutritious in the sea.

In addition, there is the healing fruit ability of Kaya after awakening, and the medicinal bath specially developed by Kaya to assist.

And the one who teaches them is the most haki man in this sea, Ace.

Plus Ace’s realm of understanding,

Even the true elites of the Celestial Dragons, the Knights of God, one of the trump cards of the World Government, will never be able to enjoy such a training treatment of 700.

And in conjunction with their improved abilities after experiencing the Yan Emperor incident,

Rayleigh was amazed by the speed at which the girls Armament Haki improved.

The strength of Vivi's Armament Haki has been raised to the level of the Senior Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters.

The strength of Laki's Armament Haki, due to the bird fruit-phantom beast species-suzaku form, has been upgraded to the level of the Admiral candidate, that is, the emperor's deputy in the Four Emperors group.

Coupled with their respective Devil Fruit abilities, their combat prowess has reached the peak of this sea's combat power, the threshold of Admiral-level combat power.

Although they alone cannot truly compete on an equal footing with the three Admiral-level experts in Naval Headquarters today,

But if they work together, they can definitely defeat an Admiral of Headquarters.

The one that has made the fastest progress in the Haki field is Kaya.

Kaya's Armament Haki is the strongest among the girls.

Before the Entei incident, Marine's description of Kaya was "a strong taijutsu expert who uses the Six Styles and Haki".

During the Entei incident, Kaya's healing fruit ability was awakened. This Devil Fruit, which even surpassed the Op-Op Fruit in terms of simple recovery and healing capabilities, truly showed its power.

With the cooperation of the realm of understanding, Kaya's muscles, bones, and even internal organs can recover at an even faster rate than after awakening the Zoan Demon fruit power.

Relying on this terrible recovery ability, combined with hell training, and the nutrition brought by the huge Sea Kings of Calm Belt,

Kaya's physical strength and the speed of improvement can only be described in human terms.

Armament Haki, of course, is also improving rapidly.

Today, Kaya can easily harden Armament Haki's entire body to form a Haki armor with no dead ends.

And because of the power awakened by the healing fruit, Kaya can maintain the state of the Haki armor for a long time and fight with the enemy.

Although Kaya's Haki and physical skills are not comparable to the "Black Arm" Zephyr who once relied on martial arts and Armament Haki to become the Admiral of Headquarters at his peak,

But his strength has reached the Admiral candidate level, which is the level of the emperor's deputy in the Four Emperors pirate group.

However, unlike the mediocre Zephyr who only relies on martial arts and Armament Haki, even if you look at the history of Naval Headquarters, its strength belongs to Zephyr, who is at the bottom of the Admiral of Headquarters.

Kaya has her own trump card.

That is, because of the medical knowledge inherited from One Piece's ship doctor, Crocus, plus the understanding and exploration of medical knowledge in the field of understanding,

Kaya's current medical theory is the strongest in the ocean.

With this theory, Kaya's control over her own body is almost 100%!

The human body has a protective mechanism and cannot exert its full physical strength.

Because once all the physical strength is used, the muscles, internal organs and bones cannot withstand such force and will tear and collapse.

But Kaya has the ability to heal the fruit, a simple recovery ability, even above the Zoan Demon fruit power after awakening.

The physical power exploded completely in an instant. The terrifying force even caused Kaya's muscles, bones and internal organs to tear and collapse.

Of course, the healing fruit's ability will be restored immediately, and it only takes a moment for Kaya to regain her fighting ability.

Combined with Kaya's powerful Armament Haki, a terrifying attack can be launched instantly!

Such a truly life-threatening attack can even allow Kaya to exert its Admiral-level power.

Of course, this power also has side effects,

That is, despite the physical damage, the healing fruit ability after awakening can help Kaya recover quickly.

But at that moment, Kaya had to bear the pain of tearing and collapse of muscles, bones and internal organs due to the use of physical strength that exceeded the limit of endurance.

Even with Kaya's current fortitude, she can only endure such pain three times at most.

Although he loves Kaya, Ace will not stop her.

After all, Kaya worked so hard for herself, and Ace would not deny this feeling.

And Ace also gave Kaya a famous name for this move,

【Black Flash】!

The combination of Armament Haki and the physical power at the cost of tearing the flesh, the power produced is far superior to the ultimate secret of the six moves, the terrifying move of the Six Kings Spear!

Even if it's old man Garp's iron fist, if both sides are entangled with Armament Haki of the same strength,

The power of Black Flash is also above that of Iron Fist.

In terms of pure power of moves, Black Flash is at the pinnacle of all martial arts.

After all, this is a terrifying move performed in an instant at the cost of causing the body to collapse.

Even the Hakoku that Ace understood through the Comprehension Field, which can mobilize the physical power in the cells and materialize it, is far inferior.

Moreover, this is a move that only Kaya can perform.

Although Zoan Demon fruit power will have an inhuman body recovery speed after awakening, and it can fully bear the side effects caused by the black flash,

But they can't do it.

If you want to avoid the body's self-protection mechanism, exert the power to collapse the body, and also be able to completely control this power,

Only Kaya, "the strongest medical theorist of this era, can do it."

This is a martial arts move unique to Kaya, and the power it exerts is no less than those of the top offensive Devil Fruit abilities.

The ultimate secret of martial arts, [Black Flash]!

Ace named her move, which made Kaya happy for several days and made her practice harder.

She wants (bjag) to use the move Ace named for her in the next battle.

Although Kaya doesn't care about the title of "Fallen Doctor", she doesn't like it either.

After all, how can you be called degenerate by following Ace?

It is the world government that is depraved!

Kaya, wants to change her title to [Black Flash] Kaya.

Taking the move named after Ace as a title and establishing a reputation as a leader of the Entei Pirates' fleet is one of Huiya's goals now.

"Ace, I feel like I'm about to wake up."

Laki walked to Ace's side, his pretty face full of wildness, and he was a little excited at this time.

Laki, who was born in Shandia, has a wild nature in her bones, which is something engraved in the genes of the Shandi people.

The wildness in the genes is also incomparable with the phantom beast species in Zoan.

Under the influence of the realm of understanding, Laki mastered the form of the bird fruit - the phantom beast - the Suzaku form extremely quickly.

And in this Calm Belt, an uninhabited island full of land beast overlords, Laki mastered the speed of this top phantom beast species, Devil Fruit, even faster.

At this time, Laki had a very magical feeling, that is, she felt the will contained in the devil fruit she ate.

Zoan Devil Fruit contains unknown will, which is also the biggest risk for the awakening of Zoan Demon Fruit power.

If you are swallowed up by this will while awakening, you will be completely reduced to a beast with only instincts, and will never be able to return to human form.

Among Zoan, it is also the rarest species of phantom beast, and its will is even more powerful.

What Laki ate was at the top level among all the Phantom Beast Devil Fruits, second only to the top Devil Fruit in the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form.

It is very difficult to awaken smoothly.

This is also the reason why Ace has not let Laki touch Awakening before.

Even with the help of the field of understanding, the risk for Laki's previous awakening was very high.

But now, Laki's strength and Haki have been greatly improved, and they can start preparing for their awakening.

"Become stronger, and when your Haki and physical strength reach the Admiral threshold, I will help you awaken.

Ace felt it with Observation Haki and said.

The reason why Devil Fruit, the top phantom beast species, is so powerful is not only the special ability it gives to the esper, "it also gives the esper powerful physical growth."

As the top phantom beast Devil Fruit that is as famous as the fish fruit that Kaido ate - the phantom beast - the blue dragon form,

The bird fruit-phantom beast species-suzaku form is also helping Laki to quickly and powerfully become a physical body.

This is why, in the same training environment, Vivi’s Armament Haki can only be promoted to the Naval Headquarters Senior Vice Admiral level.

The reason why Laki's Armament Haki has been promoted to the level of Admiral candidate.

This top-notch phantom beast, Devil Fruit, can help people with abilities to upgrade their bodies to a terrifying level. Based on this physical strength,

General's armed color

Haki's promotion to the Admiral level threshold is a matter of course.

This is also the reason why, once the top phantom beast species, Devil Fruit, is fully mastered, even without Conqueror's Haki, an ability user can possess the peak combat power of this sea.


After hearing what Ace said, Qi Tong ordered it.

"Compared with Nami, we are not strong enough and we have to work harder.'"

Kaya clenched her little fists and had high fighting spirit.

"It's not that you are not strong enough, it's that Nami is too strong.

Rayleigh covered her head helplessly when she heard Kaya's words.

If you are not strong enough to reach the Admiral level threshold, then there will be few in this sea who can be called strong.

It's actually Nami, because she is too powerful.

Ace also looked at Nami who had a fake smile on her face.

Although it was expected,

But the power of Conqueror's Haki-entanglement, combined with Thunder Fruit's ability, was beyond Ace's expectations.

In this sea, the most violent Conqueror's Haki, combined with the thunder that represents destruction, has a power that can simply be described as destroying the world.

Ace, who had a head-to-head fight with Akainu Lava-Lava Fruit before he learned the residual fire style, also learned this Devil Fruit, which is called the most powerful attacking Devil Fruit in the Devil Fruit illustrated book.


But the devastating destructive power of the combination of Conqueror's Haki-Entangle and Thunder Fruit abilities, and the combined power of Akainu's Lava-Lava Fruit and Armament Haki, can be beaten like a dog!

If Nami's Conqueror's Haki is enough, it will be extremely easy to destroy an island.

This is the power that can truly destroy the world.

Laki, Vivi, are now able to exert their Admiral-level power,

Kaya can also perform Admiral-level attacks with her black flash.

But the three people's combined attack was able to equal Nami's attack.

Combining the power of Conqueror's Haki allowed Ace and Rayleigh to deeply understand,

Why can Thunder Fruit be called one of the invincible abilities!

The tyranny of thunder can only be fully unleashed when combined with Conqueror's Haki-entanglement.


At this time, in the distant sea, Hancock stood on the deck of the Perfume Serpent, waving to Ace constantly, his pretty face full of happiness.

As the emperor of Amazon Lily, Hancock still needs to return to the Nine Snakes City Palace from time to time, and he also needs to bring various supplies to Ace and the others.

"Hey, Snake Girl, don't just think about Ace, Marine, but something big happened.

Grandma Ye on the side was holding a stack of newspapers in her hand, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her eyes were full of disbelief. .

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