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Chapter 181: The Person With The Ability To Destroy The World! Giant Corps!

"Born in East Blue! Sister of Black Rose Nochigo!

Entei Pirates, Navigators!

The strongest among the members of the Entei Pirates! One of the most powerful Demon Fruit Powers in the world!

In the Entei incident, relying solely on the Devil Fruit ability, he showed more terrifying strength than the Admiral of Headquarters!

Possessing one of the invincible abilities in Logia!

After Devil Fruit awakens, he can create a terrifying endless sea of ​​thunder with just a wave of his hand!

Possess the same power as the Four Emperors, Whitebeard, and Edward Newgate, capable of destroying the world!

Entei Pirates, one of the three Logia capable users!

The leader of the Entei Pirates!!! The person who awakened the power of Thunder Fruit!

Demon fruit power that can destroy the world!

In the future, she is most likely to become the second woman to rule the sea after Four Emperors and BIG-MOM! ‘Little Thieving Cat’, Nami!

Bounty: 2 billion Baileys!!!”

Pointing at Nami's latest reward order, Zailan yelled.

All the Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals looked at this man with cold sweat on their faces,

The strongest leader of the Entei Pirates,

The leader of the Entei Pirates!

During the Entei incident, he showed terrifying strength in front of the world and participated in the siege of Admiral of Headquarters and Kizaru.

At the critical moment, he used his Thunder Fruit ability to deliver a fatal blow to Admiral Kizaru. Admiral Kizaru was paralyzed due to Thunder Fruit's terrifying ability, and was quickly defeated and captured!

The pure Demon Fruit ability, destructive power, speed, and comprehensive combination ability stand at the pinnacle of all Demon Fruit powers on the sea.

After the Yan Emperor incident, he became a super strong man who became famous throughout the sea.

The leader of Entei Pirates! ‘Little Thief Cat’ Nami!

Many Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals looked at this reward order with cold sweat on their faces.

After Thunder Fruit awakens, this leader of the Entei Pirates can create a terrifying endless sea of ​​thunder with just a wave of his hand.

Thunder and lightning have been a natural disaster that humans have feared since ancient times, and they are even called the power of ‘gods’!

Because of the Thunder Fruit ability, it can transform the clouds in the sky into terrifying thunderclouds.

It is easy to completely cover an island or even a country!

The scope of the damage caused is far greater than that of Lava-Lava Fruit, which is also a natural disaster and is rated as having the strongest attack power in the Devil Fruit illustrated book!

This is the super offensive Devil Fruit ability that is comparable to Four Emperors Whitebeard in terms of destructive power and scope. It can cause sea tremors, earthquakes and air quakes, and is called the ability to destroy the world "Shock Fruit!"

Demon fruit power that can destroy the world!

This is Marine's evaluation of this leader of the Entei Pirates' fleet!

In front of the world, he gave them a fatal blow from the Admiral of Headquarters, Sparkling Fruit ability user, causing them to be paralyzed [unable to use the Sparkling Fruit ability to avoid King’ Silver Rayleigh’s slashing attack.

It was the main factor that caused the defeat of Kizaru, the Admiral of Headquarters who possesses the fastest Devil Fruit ability in the sea, the sparkling fruit ability user!

Marine's bounty for this leader, who possesses Admiral of Headquarters-level terrifying combat power, is 2 billion beli!

Many Naval Headquarters generals swallowed hard.

A terrifying powerhouse who can rival the Admiral of Headquarters!

Even because of the existence of Thunder Fruit, this leader of the Entei Pirates' fleet is less lethal to non-Admiral level experts.

Even scarier than Akainu, the fishiest of the three Admirals in Naval Headquarters!

After all, although magma is terrifying, its speed and range of influence are far inferior to thunder and lightning!

While the speed of Sparkling Fruit is comparable to that of Thunder Fruit, its destructive power is far inferior to that of Thunder Fruit!

Even more powerful than Shock Fruit, which also claims to be able to destroy the world!

After all, in the face of shock, you can still survive if you are lucky.

But facing a natural disaster like thunder and lightning, if Haki is hit, he will almost certainly die as long as he is penetrated!

Nami, the 'Little Thieving Cat' who has mastered the Thunder Fruit ability to Ultimate, can kill many Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals with a wave of his hand using that terrifying ability.

The only one who can fight with it is the most powerful person in the world government, the Admiral of Headquarters!

Among the Four Emperors pirates, only Ben, Beckman, can compete with this leader of the Entei Pirates' fleet.

The combat experience of the other lieutenants of the Four Emperors pirate group cannot match them.

What's even more frightening is that this is still a senior leader of the Entei Pirates' fleet. He is still young and his Haki skills are mediocre.

What is used is pure Devil Fruit ability!

However, for this man, the strongest leader of the Entei Pirates, the first person under the command of Entei in the Entei Pirates, during the Entei incident,

While Entei is fighting with many of the strongest combat forces in their Naval Headquarters, the top cadres of the Entei Pirates' fleet, who can command all the Entei Pirates' cadres,

No one will doubt that her Haki will definitely stand at the top of the sea from now on!

For this reason, the leader of the Entei Pirates' fleet, the 'Little Thief Cat' Nami, is evaluated as the woman most likely to rule the sea in the future after Big-Mom!

Just relying on the reputation after the Yan Emperor incident can make countless strong men in the sea fear!

The most frightening thing is that this big cadre is not the strongest among the Entei Pirates' fleet!

"Next, in the Entei Pirates incident, the newcomers confirmed to join the Entei Pirates, as well as the most special one of the Entei Pirates,

Both of these two people are related to one of the Shichibukai, ‘Moonlight’ Moria. "

After introducing the former members of the Entei Pirates, Brannew took out two bounty orders and placed them on the bounty list.

"First of all! It's one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea," former cadre of Gekko Moria,

Now, it is confirmed that he will join the Entei Pirates!

A strange Demon fruit power that can use its ability to make opponents lose their resistance and sink into depression.

With its cute and exquisite appearance like a Barbie doll, it was loved by Emperor Yan.

Born in West Blue, the mascot of the Entei Pirates,

The user with the spirit fruit ability, ‘Princess Mononoke’ Perona!

Bounty: 420 million Baileys!”

Brannew pointed at Perona's reward order with a strange tone.

Kizaru sat opposite Aokiji, his cheeks twitching.

After the defeat, he was unable to use Haki's defense and elementalization. This spiritual fruit was a torment.

If this ability cannot be resisted by Haki who is stronger than its Devil Fruit ability, then the resistance will be instantly lost.

In other words, as long as Haki and Devil Fruit have lower abilities than this Princess Mononoke, they will have no resistance in front of them.

It can be called a bug-level Devil Fruit ability.

In addition, he, the Admiral of Headquarters, kept saying low-pitched words in front of the whole world and lost face.

Marine also marked a bounty of more than 400 million Baileys for him.

"Finally, he is the most special one among the Entei Pirates.

Confirmed to be the person with the ability to capture the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the 'Moonlight' Moria Devil Fruit due to Entei,

The main ship of the Entei Pirates, the ship spirit of the Merry!

Under Entei's unknown ability, he became a ship spirit who ate the Devil Fruit!

The user with shadow fruit ability, "Ship Elf", Merry!

Bounty: 1,000 Baileys. "

Brannew pointed at Melly's reward order with a strange expression.

With Merry's shadow body as the main body, behind him is the main ship of the Entei Pirates, the Merry.

This is the first time that a bounty has been placed on a ship elf.

The key is that they don't know how to catch this ship elf.

During the Entei Incident, they confirmed that this ship spirit could be separated from the ship itself. The Merry, the main ship of the Entei Pirates, was not in the Sabaody Archipelago at all.

Unless the Entei Pirates' main ship, the Merry, is destroyed, Marine doesn't know how to capture the ship spirit.

But if the ship's body is destroyed, no one can tell whether this ship spirit, which is special because of Emperor Yan, will die.

Faced with a ship elf who didn't know how to capture it, Marine also offered a symbolic bounty of 1,000 beli.

Many Naval Headquarters generals also looked a little strange.

The ship elves can all become demon fruit power. It's really a strange thing due to the sea.

But if it was that man, then everything would make sense.

"The reward order for the leaders of the Yandi Pirates has been announced.

Next, are the captains of the Entei Pirates’ fleet!”

Brannew shouted loudly, causing all the Marine generals to look shocked.

"First of all! They are two rough warriors born in the giant warrior village of Elbaf who put a bounty of 100 million beli on their heads a hundred years ago.

Now, under the name of the Entei Pirates Grand Fleet, we are setting sail again.

And after the Entei incident, three days ago, they attacked the World Government's agent ship and flew the flag of the Fourth Division of the Entei Pirates.

Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet, two captains of the fourth division!

‘Blue Ogre’ Dorry, Red Brogy!

The fourth division of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet is a giant regiment composed of Elbaf's rough giants!

The 843 bounty for both of them is: 600 million Baileys!”

Brannew pointed at Dorry and Brogy's brand new bounty orders and yelled.

After the Yan Emperor incident, Ace also talked on the phone with Dorry and Brogy.

And the title of the Fourth Division was given to the Giant Corps led by the two men.

Three days ago, Dorry and Brogy also attacked the World Government's agent ship, under the banner of the Fourth Division of the Entei Pirate Ship Group.

The Fourth Division, also known as the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet, is a very special division with two division captains.

All the Naval Headquarters generals looked at the bounty order with solemn expressions.

Giant Corps, Entei Pirate Ship Group, Division 4!

Or, they all came from the famous warrior village, the barbaric giants of Elbaf!

The giants are also divided into different factions.

Those who join Marine are almost all moderates from the giant race.

And those savage giants didn't even bother to be inferior to others.

The Four Emperors, BIG-MOM, have always hoped to unite with Elbaf to create a world with all races, but they have been unable to do so.

Even so, BIG-MOM, which will destroy its territory if it cannot hand over the ingredients for making desserts, is just trying to win over Elba's giants.

It can be seen how amazing the overall strength of these barbaric giants is.

They Marine, to the moderate giants who join the Marine, immediately grant the rank of Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, also hoping to attract some barbaric giants from the Elbaf warrior village.

The combat prowess of the barbarian giant and the moderate soldier are not at the same level at all.

The fourth division of the Entei Pirates' fleet turned out to be a giant corps composed of savage giants!

How terrifying! Emperor Yan, what method did he use to make these barbaric giants follow him?

This is something that even their Naval Headquarters has not experienced.

"The next two people are truly the most powerful men standing on the sea!

Any one of them is a terrifying force capable of changing the situation in the sea!

Yandi's pirate fleet, the two most powerful people under Yandi's command!

Captain of the Zero Division! Captain of the Second Division!"


Seeing the reward notice posted, many Marine generals looked shocked.

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