"You used the field of understanding to strengthen the desire in Marshall.D. Teach's heart, and Dark Fruit was attracted to it.

"Dark Fruit noticed that the power of 'Nika' in Marshall.D. Teach has been hidden."

Two lines of text appeared in Ace's mind, making Ace laugh out loud and found it very interesting.

Marshall.D. Teach is the most suitable carrier for Dark Fruit in this era.

Its bloodline, its ambition, its power, and the determination that has been lurking on the Whitebeard Pirates' ship for more than twenty years are all what Dark Fruit has been looking for.

Just as Ace expected, after using the field of understanding to strengthen the desire in Teach's heart, Dark Fruit was indeed attracted to Teach in the depths of the sea.

But what makes Ace find it interesting is that Dark Fruit noticed the power of 'Nika' and hid.

The field of understanding is Ace's heaven-defying understanding, combined with the 'Nika' obtained from the human fruit-phantom beast species-Nika form in his brother, Monkey.D. Luffy's body, which gives the ability user's exclusive imagination. And the power of birth.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an enhanced version of Nika's power.

The Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form is called the most ridiculous ability. The rubber-like body obtained by the ability user is just a symbol.

Its real ability is to give its users the exclusive imagination to fight as they wish.

With this imagination, the ability user 06 who has awakened the Nika form can grasp thunder and lightning, create flashes of light, create things out of thin air, and accomplish any incredible thing.

As long as you have enough imagination, it's not an exaggeration to say that Nika can use or control all Devil Fruit's abilities to help him fight.

It is precisely because of this that Ace is able to use the field of understanding that is actually a combination of the power of 'Nika' and his own heaven-defying understanding, and use some of the devil factors popped up by the meat ball fruit, including the Devil Fruit ability.

And now, Dark Fruit, because he is aware of the power of 'Nika' in the field of understanding, chooses to hide.

This completely verified Ace's judgment.

Dark Fruit, this is the most vicious ability in history that can deprive all Devil Fruit abilities and give the esper the ability to hunt Devil Fruit.

It is the natural opposite of the Nika form, the human fruit that can grant omnipotent imagination to those with abilities.

No wonder Luffy and Blackbeard in the original book on Gaya Island were like natural enemies. They liked completely opposite things and were inexplicably unhappy with each other.

This is their fate as carriers of Dark Fruit and Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form in the sea of ​​this era.

As completely opposite existences, Dark Fruit and Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form appear on the sea of ​​an era, and they will definitely fight to the death.

Dark Fruit will not appear in front of the awakened calendar.

Faced with the power of 'Nika' that he mastered, this Devil Fruit, which is said to have the most vicious ability in history, chose to hide.

But what makes Ace most interesting is that Dark Fruit noticed the fluctuation of Nika's power from Teach.

In the sea of ​​this era, will Dark Fruit still choose mail?

Looking at Teach, who looked a little dazed, Ace's mouth curved in an interesting way.

"Why, nothing happened?"

Teach watched blankly as the mysterious light that shrouded him gradually dissipated, and swallowed.

If the man in front of him hadn't been the overlord of the sea in this era, the Flame Emperor Portcas D. Ace,

Teach even suspected that someone was making fun of him.

But precisely because the man in front of him was Portgas·D·Ace, the Emperor of Fire, Teach felt an intuitive burning sensation in his heart.

I'm afraid, something terrible happened that was beyond his control.

"What happened, Ace?"

Shanks looked at Ace, looking slightly suspicious.

Ace takes action and never misses.

In this great incident of Emperor Yan, which can be called an epic war,

In terms of strength, Ace has demonstrated terrifying power that overwhelms the Four Emperors and is the best in the continent at this time!

In terms of wisdom, Ace defeated the ultimate person who gained Buddha-like wisdom from the form of the Human Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - the Great Buddha, Marshal Marine, Sengoku of the Buddha.

In terms of skill and decisiveness, Ace completely checked the Five Elders, forcing the Buster Call, which was regarded as absolutely just by the World Government, to an unprecedented halt.

Strength, wisdom, Republic of China skills...

Ace's comprehensive strength demonstrated in this Yandi incident makes him truly the strongest man in the world in this era.

After such a man took action, Teach did not attract any Devil Fruit abilities.

"What happened, little boy?

Teach, can’t you attract Devil Fruit?”

Whitebeard also narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

Nothing happened. This situation made Whitebeard tense.

He did not doubt Ace's words and power. Ace had already proven his strength and ability during the Yan Emperor incident.

What made Whitebeard nervous was wondering whether something happened to Teach, which caused him to be unable to attract Devil Fruit even with the power of Entei Kid.

"No, the attraction was successful, and it also attracted a Devil Fruit, which can be called one of the two strongest Devil Fruits in this sea.

Ace looked at Teach, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.


Teach, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body trembled violently.

"One of the two strongest Devil Fruits?"

Whitebeard and Shanks' pupils froze at the same time.

Kaido, who was drinking and watching a show in the distance, had a serious look on his face.

The first person in history to use Devil Fruit's ability in this sea commented like this. The power of that Devil Fruit is absolutely terrifying.

The top-level Devil Fruit ability allows an esper to reach the Admiral level just by relying on the Devil Fruit ability.

Although rare, there are still some Devil Fruits like this.

For example, Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, 'Little Thieving Cat' Nami's Thunder Fruit, Kaido's Fish Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - Blue Dragon Form, 'Firebird' Laki's Bird Fruit - Phantom Beast Species - Suzaku Form, and in In the Entei incident, the Lava-Lava Fruit eaten by Admiral of Headquarters Akainu, who was defeated by Ace,

These are the truly top-level Devil Fruit abilities standing on this sea.

But among these Devil Fruit abilities, it is completely impossible to rank which one is stronger. It can only be said that each has its own advantages.

Shock Fruit, which can give people with abilities the power to destroy the world, Lava-Lava Fruit, which can give people with abilities the strongest attack power in the Devil Fruit illustration,

Thunder Fruit has the strongest balance, allowing ability users to become the ultimate combination of speed and strength.

The Fish Fruit - Phantasmal Beast Species - Blue Dragon Form, in addition to allowing the ability user to control the power of nature, it also allows the ability user to have the terrifying blue dragon body.

Although these top-level Devil Fruits are powerful, they are definitely not the strongest.

Being able to call it the strongest Devil Fruit means that the terrifying power it exerts is one level higher than the abilities of these top Devil Fruits.

With that kind of ability, there are only...

Shanks' pupils shrank and he had a guess in his mind.

Regarding the strongest Devil Fruit ability, if Shanks were asked to choose now, he would probably choose Ace's Mera-mera Fruit ability, which has evolved towards the sun.

Being able to exert power beyond the level of the Four Emperors with just the power of the Devil Fruit is something that has never happened before in this ocean.

Even the one that made him press his left arm into the New 080 Era, the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast-Nika form that Luffy had eaten, couldn't do it at all.

But rather than saying that Mera-mera Fruit is powerful, it is better to say that Ace gave Mera-mera Fruit its power.

The power of the Mera-mera Fruit itself is slightly stronger than the Sand-Sand Fruit, but definitely weaker than the Thunder Fruit. Thunder Quan has these top-notch Devil Fruit abilities.

The strongest Devil Fruit that Ace said must have had his abilities removed.

Then the two strongest Devil Fruits,

One of them must be the Renren Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Nika form that Luffy ate.

Could it be that the remaining Devil Fruit ability is...

Shanks, his pupils shrank.

"The most special ability in Logia, Dark Fruit.

Ace looked at Teach, the corners of his mouth raised.

He said words that made Teach tremble all over.

"Sure enough! It's the most vicious ability in history, Dark Fruit! Strange.

Shanks looked at the sweaty Teach with sharp eyes.

"Dark Fruit? Hey, this is no joke, Whitebeard.

Kaido walked over, looked at Whitebeard, and said in a deep voice.

He looked at the humble-looking Teach.

How could this unknown little person attract Dark Fruit?

"Then why didn't Dark Fruit show up? Why?!"

Teach was completely out of control at this time, watching Ace trembling and growling.

The Dark Fruit that he has been dreaming of for more than 20 years!

Why didn't it show up?!

"Because it was scared away by my ability, which is naturally opposed to it, the power of 'Nika'.

Ace looked at Teach who was out of control, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and smiled lightly.


Shanks, Whitebeard, and Kaido's pupils shrank to Ultimate at the same time.


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