"Marshall.D. Teach…………

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed.

Teach, who was on his boat when he was very young,

At that time, the red hair was still an intern of Roger Pirates.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, Teach is inconspicuous. His favorite thing every day is to eat Sakura peach pie alone.

The only special thing is that Teach, as if he doesn’t need to sleep,

However, in the Whitebeard Pirates, all members are the sons of Edward Newgate.

Whitebeard has always been very tolerant towards his son.

Moreover, it is very normal for a son to hide some things from his father.

But before Roger died, during the drinking session with him, he learned the meaning of "0" from Roger's mouth.

So Whitebeard, for a while, focused his attention on this originally inconspicuous son.

But many years have passed since Roger died,

Teach, still has that optimistic style. As the oldest member of the Whitebeard Pirates, he has no interest in becoming the captain.

But no matter whether he is mediocre or excellent, whether he is ambitious or optimistic, he is the son of Whitebeard Edward Newgate.

But now, Teach's name appeared in Ace's mouth,

This reminded Whitebeard of the conversation he had with Roger.

There is also a "D" in Ace's name.

And this man, now on the sea, is truly at the top.

As proud as Whitebeard, he has to admit that the title of the strongest man in the world now probably belongs to Ace.

Although the Entei Pirates' fleet under his command is not large in number, in terms of cutting-edge combat power, it is already above his Whitebeard Pirates.

Among the Admiral-level warriors under his command, Ace’s Entei Pirates’ fleet includes the ‘Little Thieving Cat’ Nami.

And the "Ranger" who can fight head-on with the strongest Naval Headquarters Three Admiral, regardless of the outcome.

There is also Rayleigh coming out.

And he is only one step away from the Admiral threshold, and it is almost certain that he will become an Admiral-level powerhouse in the future.

There is also ‘Desert Princess’ Vivi and ‘Firebird’ Laki.

And what Whitebeard is most optimistic about is that although Devil Fruit's ability is not as good as the previous ones, Haki and his physique are the strongest among the Entei Pirates, the "fallen doctor" Kaya.

Also under his command is the giant pirate group composed of the roughest giants from the Elbaf Warrior Village.

In addition, Flame Emperor Ace has a terrible experience that is unparalleled in the sea of ​​this era.

The Entei Pirate Ship Group is already the strongest pirate group in this era in terms of combat power!

It can also be seen from this public execution that before the Red Hair Pirates and Five Elders came,

The Entei Pirates' large fleet, but from the front, the Naval Headquarters has been cleared!

Ingenuity, strength, and skill, Entei Ace uses his terrifying comprehensive ability to surpass the ultimate man Sengoku,

Completely defeat Naval Headquarters, the strongest of the three major forces on the sea.

This is something that no single Four Emperors pirate group, including his Whitebeard pirate group, can do.

What's even more frightening is that Ace is still on the rise in strength.

No one in this sea can know what height Ace can reach in the future.

But what Whitebeard can be sure of is that Ace's strength in the future will definitely exceed that of Roger and him at his peak.

He may become the strongest person that has never appeared in this sea.

And judging from the circumstances of this public execution, Ace, like Red Hair, probably knows some secrets in this world that ordinary people don't know.

Such a man, when Teach's name was suddenly mentioned, even if it was Whitebeard, he couldn't help but think a little too much.

"Yes, Teach, he is my son."

His thoughts tumbled for a moment before Whitebeard looked at Ace and nodded.

Although I don't know what Ace wants from Teach, his attitude is very clear.

All members of the Whitebeard Pirates are his Whitebeard's sons.

And in his life, he traveled across the sea and obtained the most precious treasures, which were his sons.

Family is his greatest treasure.

Whitebeard also wants to find out what Ace wants from Teach.

After all, this man single-handedly planned the Yan Emperor incident that shocked the world.

Even the Naval Headquarters and World Government were defeated and retreated respectively due to Ace's methods.

His wisdom is even superior to his old rival, Sengoku. In a battle of wits, he defeated the Buddha's Sengoku head-on.

It is not without reason that a man with such wisdom and means suddenly mentioned Teach.

But no matter what, even if Ace is of Roger's blood, I have come to support Ace because of this.

It's still Ace, who already possesses a powerful strength that is unparalleled in the sea of ​​this era.

Whitebeard will always stand firmly on his son's side.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just somewhat interested in him."

Looking at Whitebeard's expression, Ace waved his hand and said with a smile.

For Teach, who later became Blackbeard, got the Dark Fruit, and killed Whitebeard, got his Shock Fruit ability, and became the only dual-fruit ability user in this sea.

The man who defeated the Whitebeard Pirates led by Marco and lost Whitebeard, seized all the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, and became the new Four Emperors.

Ace had no intention of warning Whitebeard.

Ace knows exactly who Whitebeard is.

Even Blackbeard, after killing Thatch to take the Dark Fruit, and capturing Ace in the original book and giving it to Marine in exchange for the position of Shichibukai,

After Blackbeard called out "Daddy", Whitebeard was able to show mercy to Blackbeard.

Before Blackbeard reveals his ambition, warn Whitebeard about Blackbeard?

What kind of stupid person would do that? It would immediately push Whitebeard to his own opposition.

There is a saying that is called ‘give up helping others and respect the fate of others’.

The greatest treasure in Whitebeard's life is the sons he harvested during his decades of crossing the sea.

Likewise, these sons have become Whitebeard's biggest weakness.

Even if there is no Blackbeard, there is no Ace in the original work,

Whitebeard, too, will die sooner or later because of his sons.

In this sea, a king who stands at the top has a weakness that everyone knows.

Especially this king, who is still getting older and weaker.

Whitebeard's ending has already been determined.

"Teach, come here."

When Whitebeard heard this, he didn't say much and spoke loudly to Teach in the distance.

Since Ace has no ill intentions, Whitebeard still has to give him this face.

"Dad, Captain Marco."

Teach heard Whitebeard's call, and there was nothing strange on the surface. He bared his teeth with many gaps and greeted Whitebeard and Marco optimistically.

"Hey, Teach, Ace mentioned you and is very interested in you.

Being noticed by the most Haki man in the world, you are amazing. "

Marco, who had recovered from Whitebeard's injury, looked at Teach, laughed and spoke.

At this time, even if he still had some turmoil in his heart, he couldn't show it at all. He was even more happy and active than usual.

Marco didn't want to worry his father because of his affairs.

"Mr. Ace is interested in me? I'm so flattered."

Teach looked at Ace, his face full of excitement.

"Marshall. D. Teach."

Ace looked at this, the man who later stood at the top of this sea and became the new generation of Four Emperors, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

If he didn't know the plot, even Ace wouldn't be able to figure it out.

This man who could even be said to be ugly, and dressed in extremely ordinary clothes, with a face filled with desire and no desire, actually hid such a huge ambition.

Even Observation Haki, who has reached the Ultimate level in Ace's training and can "see the future briefly," is completely unable to notice that Teach has any other emotions.

Completely, he is an optimist with no desires or desires.

It is absolutely impossible to make mistakes with your own Observation Haki,

Then it can only mean that there is another thought in Marshall.D. Teach’s body.

That other thought is completely independent from the thought shown by Teach at this time.

This is probably the reason why Naoqi begged for the ability of two Devil Fruits.

And Teach, after eating two Devil Fruit abilities, is still looking for Devil Fruit abilities, and is suspected of being able to eat the third Devil Fruit ability.

It is very likely that he is a freak with three or more thoughts in his body.

"Teach, I haven't seen you for a long time."

At this time, Shanks looked at Teach, something was obviously wrong, and his tone became sharp.

"Shanks, long time no see. We fought against each other when we were both interns.

Now, I am still an ordinary crew member, and you have become the Four Emperors and the big shots on this sea.

Teach looked at Shanks and smiled brightly.

"Teach, if you want, you can become the captain of the second team, right?" (That's okay)

Marco looked at Teach and said with a smile.

"I don't have that kind of ambition, hahaha."

Teach rubbed the back of his head and laughed like an optimist.

Shanks looked at this picture of Teach, who seemed to have no desires and desires, with a slightly dazed look in his eyes.

When Shanks saw Teach, he felt a dull pain in the three scars on his eyes.

This scar was left by Teach on him, and when he fought against Teach at that time, he showed no mercy.

The emotions and strength shown by Teach at that time were not at all like this optimist. It was as if he had become a completely different person.

From the pirate flag pattern he used as the Red Hair Pirates, the most conspicuous symbol is not his red hair, but the three scars on his eye sockets.

It can also be seen how much psychological pressure the battle with Teach put on him.

In Shanks' opinion, the thing on board the Whitebeard Pirates that deserves his attention most is not Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world.

But this ugly-looking, optimist with no desires or pursuits,

Marshall. D. Teach.

But Shanks didn't say much about it.

Shanks also knows Whitebeard's character very well,

Before Teach is exposed, no matter what he says, Whitebeard will not believe it, and he will fall out with Whitebeard because of Teach.

But what Ace said next made Teach, who looked like a happy-go-lucky person, start to have strange mood swings. .

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