Sabaody Archipelago, GR-1 to 29.

This place was originally a place that provided various services to the Celestial Dragons. The population auction house and the slave yard were opened here in a grand manner.

Under the privilege of Celestial Dragons, these activities that are explicitly prohibited by the World Government can be said to be unimpeded here.

In addition to the places that provide various services to Celestial Dragons, it is also a lawless zone.

At the end of the first half of the Grand Line, pirates who want to enter the New World will gather here to prepare for entering the New World.

At this moment, after experiencing an attack initiated by the Admiral of the Entei Pirate Ship Group and the fifth emperor of the sea, Portcas D. Ace,

The public execution of three Celestial Dragons sparked an all-out war with the Naval Headquarters, Shichibukai, and the entire World government.

All the buildings here have long since been reduced to ashes.

Even the huge roots of the Argine mangrove, the largest in the world, extending out of the sea and forming the Sabaody Archipelago, were broken numerous times.

In the center, there was a huge cavity, and everything inside was destroyed.

And in the few remaining places where they can stay, the three forces are standing silently.

The three leaders are:

Four Emperors, Captain Red Hair Pirates, the former most Haki man in the world, red-haired Shanks!

Four Emperors, Beasts Pirates, the strongest creature in the world, Kaido of the Beasts!

And, the fifth emperor on the sea, whose power is greater than the Four Emperors,

Admiral of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet, Captain of the Entei Pirates, Entei Portgas·D·Ace!

These three, standing at the highest peak of the sea, can trigger the waves of the sea by stamping their feet. Like emperors, the men who rule the sea,

At this moment, we are in a triangular position, standing opposite each other,

The three men lowered their heads slightly and could not clearly see the 400 expressions on their faces.

Behind the red-haired Shanks are all the officers of the Red Hair Pirates, led by the Red Hair Pirates vice-captain, Benn Beckman!

The Red Hair Pirates, these famous cadres in the New World, also lowered their heads slightly at this moment, and could not clearly see the expressions on their faces.

The cigarette that Beckman lit continued to burn, but this man, who is said to have one of the highest IQs in the sea, did not take a bite at this moment.

And behind the Admiral of the Entei Pirate Fleet, Entei, Portgas·D·Ace,

It’s the officers of the Entei Pirates’ own ship, headed by ‘Little Thief Cat’ Nami, the chief officer of the Entei Pirates!

These officers of the Entei Pirates, who are famous in the sea for their beauty and powerful strength, their beautiful faces are restrained at this moment, their little heads are slightly lowered [standing behind Entei and the little thieving cat.

And on the left and right sides of the officers of the Entei Pirates' main ship,

It was during the great incident of Entei that shocked the world that he became famous far and wide, and he was able to fight head-on with Admiral of Headquarters and Aokiji regardless of the outcome.

Captain of the Second Division of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet, laugh!

And, the former vice-captain of Roger Pirates, the right hand of Pirate King Gol. D. Roger, the legendary pirate,

‘Pluton’ Silver Rayleigh!

The three forces, with Emperor Yan, Red Hair, and Kaido as the core, stood in a Zigzag shape, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

"Hey, I said......"

At this time, standing at the pinnacle of this sea, the man whose power is higher than the Four Emperors, and whose strength is the most powerful in the sea of ​​this era,

Emperor Yan, Portcas D. Ace, lowered his head at the moment, unable to see his expression clearly, and spoke coldly.



The officers of the Entei Pirates' fleet and the officers of the Red Hair Pirates all raised their eyes slightly, their eyes flashing with a frightening red light.

The captain of the second division of the Entei pirate fleet smiled and slightly unsheathed his staff and sword.

The ability of the heavy fruit wraps the unsheathed part of the staff and sword, exuding astonishing fluctuations.

"Ta! Ta!"

Red Hair Pirates Vice Captain, Benn Beckman,

The leader of Entei Pirates' fleet, "Little Thieving Cat" Nami, stepped forward at the same time,

Walked up to Shanks and Ace.

Ace, Shanks, raised their hands at the same time.

Kaido also stretched out his giant hand behind him.

"There's a party!"

Ace raised his head suddenly, grabbed Laki's secret wine that Nami brought, and laughed loudly.



Shanks grabbed the wine that Beckman brought. After Kaido stood up, Beckman also gave him a portion of the wine and laughed loudly at the same time.

Three wine glasses collided together, making a crisp sound.


The officers of the Red Hair Pirates and the Entei Pirates' fleet all held up their glasses of wine and laughed loudly.


The cadre of the Entei Pirates' fleet and the captain of the second division Yixiao suddenly unsheathed his sword.

"Buzz! Phew!"

A terrifying gravity wave suddenly flew across the sky, broke through the shackles of the atmosphere, and disappeared without a trace.

"Boom! Boom!!!"

The next moment, a huge extraterrestrial meteorite produced a terrifying high-temperature flame due to the terrible friction caused by flying into the atmosphere from outside.

Heading towards Sabaody ArchipelagoGR-1.

Ace looked at the huge falling meteorite and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In his eyes, a terrifying black-purple color flashed violently.

Physical power, Conqueror's Haki's crazy surge, all wrapped around Ace's right fist!


"Boom! Boom!!!"

With a wave of Ace's right fist, the violent black and purple lightning formed a thin film, wrapping the terrifying shock wave.

Heading towards the huge meteorite falling from the sky.

"Phew! Phew!"

Around the meteorite, the terrible flames (acfg) burning due to the terrible friction generated by falling into the atmosphere from outside the atmosphere dissipated instantly under the shock wave.

The huge meteorite stagnated in mid-air, motionless.

next moment!


The huge meteorite shattered into countless pieces and fell towards the Sabaody Archipelago.


The leader of the Entei Pirates' fleet, the 'Desert Princess' Vivi raised her slender hand slightly, and Sand-Sand Fruit's ability fully exploded.

The terrible sandstorm lifted up the falling meteorite fragments,

Under Vivi's control, these meteorite fragments accurately filled the gaps where Sabaody ArchipelagoGR-1 to 29 collapsed due to the war.


The extra parts of the uneven meteorite fragments were quickly transformed into sand by Vivi's Sand-Sand Fruit ability.

Soon, an extremely neat banquet venue was completed.

"Hey, can you even make a meteorite fall? You are such a monster, hahaha!"

Yasopp put his arm around Yixiao's shoulders because of the connection.

"I'm an old man, but he is the captain of the second division of the Emperor Yan Pirates' fleet, under the command of Emperor Yan."

He had always smiled modestly, but now his lips widened, revealing a slightly proud smile.

"You will also show such a proud smile when you smile, hahaha, drink!"

Rayleigh looked at the smiling face, with a slightly proud smile, and laughed again and again.

"Hahaha, what a delicious wine!"

Kaido drank all the wine in the glass and smiled continuously.

"How about it? Is the wine specially made by my chef Laki the best in the world?"

Ace looked at Kaido and Shanks and laughed.

"Hahaha, it is indeed unique, but Lachi Lu's wine is also very good!

Ace, come on, try it!"

Shanks first praised, and then also stood up for his chef.

"Well, it is indeed unique. This taste is a bit familiar. This taste is..."

Ace drank it all in one gulp and his eyes lit up.

“Hahaha, it’s brewed with ingredients from East Blue and tastes like Windmill Village.

Shanks laughed, his eyes full of nostalgia.

"Windmill Village, that brat Luffy should be going to sea soon."

The corner of Ace's mouth curled up slightly, and he held the glass of Windmill Village-flavored wine with a nostalgic look on his face.

I haven’t seen my idiot brother for a year.

Ace, I miss you very much too.

"Luffy, I really miss you, hahaha!"

Shanks immediately became interested when he heard what Ace said. He laughed and discussed with Ace how Luffy behaved after they left.

The more Ace and Shanks chatted, the more they became more and more speculative. In the end, they were arm-in-arms with each other, and they didn't look like emperors lording over the sea.

"Would you like to exchange the formula, Laki.

Ace, I also like the taste. "

Seeing the captains on both sides drinking happily, Laki Lu found Laki, took a bite of the meat in his hand, and smiled.


Laki looked at the Red Hair Pirates chef and responded with a smile.

The recipe from the chef of the Four Emperors Pirates will definitely bring her a lot of cooking inspiration.

The dream she made when she left Sky Island has come true.

She has seen the splendor of the real sea, and has grown into a strong person who can protect Sandia.

However, Laki also had a new dream at this time,

That is, to make dishes that satisfy Ace for a lifetime!

The atmosphere of the banquet was getting better and better, with countless delicious food and wines being consumed by everyone.

"Hey, Entei, the one you smashed the meteorite just now was Hakoku from the giant clan, right? Why can you learn this move and release Hakoku by yourself?"

Kaido was drinking in high spirits at this time, looked at Ace and laughed.

There was something inexplicable in Kaido's eyes at this time.

After the war, he still stayed here and held a banquet with Emperor Yan and Hongfa, but he had other purposes. .

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