"The power of the Gate Fruit..."

Shanks looked at the ugly faces of the Five Elders and the atmospheric door that appeared out of thin air, and his eyes were filled with shock.

Shanks found it incredible at the previous public execution.

The ability to pop out the memories of Celestial Dragons is clearly the flesh ball fruit ability of Bartholomew in Shichibukai!

There is also the former Shichibukai Crocodile who will die at his hands, as well as the suspected former Thunder Fruit ability user, the self-proclaimed god Enel, and the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, the ability summoned by the soul of the ghost spider,

Much like the underworld fruit ability in Paramecia,

Moreover, it is an advanced version of the Underworld Fruit ability. After all, the Underworld Fruit ability is introduced in the Devil Fruit illustrated book.

After the person with the ability dies, he can be resurrected once, allowing the soul to return from the underworld, and gain the ability to control the abilities related to the soul.

But there is absolutely no way that other souls can be summoned from the underworld and used to control such BUG-level terrifying abilities.

Otherwise, this Devil Fruit, like the Meat Ball Fruit and Kaido's Fish Fruit - Phantasmal Beast Species - Blue Dragon Form, would have been collected by the World Government.

Combined with Ace's ability to merge Mera-mera Fruit, it has evolved in the direction of the sun,

It can only mean that Ace has used the power of the underworld fruit in an advanced version.

Coupled with the current Menmen fruit ability!

There are also Sand-Sand Fruit abilities and Thunder Fruit abilities given to Crocodile and Enel summoned from the underworld.

A public execution, plus Ace's own Mera-mera Fruit ability, Ace used a total of six Devil Fruit abilities!

Moreover, these Devil Fruit abilities, except for the underworld fruit that is still unclear, are all under the condition that the original ability user survives and can still use his own abilities.

Finished using these Devil Fruit abilities!

Although it is unbelievable, this public execution has proved that Ace is not only capable of hunting Devil Fruit,

It is also suspected that he can use all Devil Fruit abilities!

Could it be said that any ability hunted by Ace can be used by him?

Gate Fruit, Sand-Sand Fruit, Thunder Fruit, these three Devil Fruits are all hunted by Ace.

Sand-Sand Fruit's former esper, Crocodile, and Thunder Fruit's former esper, Enel, were even driven by Ace's souls using the power of the underworld fruit.

The former esper of the Gate Fruit is CP9's Blueno. Because his strength was too poor, Ace didn't notice him, so he didn't use his soul.

Because the possessor of the Underworld Fruit is unknown, it is not possible to confirm whether Ace has the ability to hunt, and there are no underworld users with the Underworld Fruit's ability under Ace.

But even those with the Underworld Fruit ability are hunted by Ace. It’s not unreasonable for the Bear’s Meat Ball Fruit ability!

The bear is still alive and well, and the power of the meat ball fruit is still in the bear.

At least the bears are currently not being hunted by Ace.

However, Ace is able to use the power of the meat ball fruit. What on earth is going on?

Originally, Shanks crossed the New World and came to the first half of the Grand Line to meet Ace.

What he cares about the most is Ace's ability to hunt Devil Fruit.

Shanks wants to figure out why, as a Mera-mera Fruit user, Ace has the power to hunt Devil Fruit.

This ability did exist on this ocean,

That is what is called the most vicious ability in history, the most special Devil Fruit in Logia, Dark Fruit.

But Ace, who is obviously not a Dark Fruit user, but a Mera-mera Fruit user, has the ability to hunt Devil Fruit.

Such a thing has never happened on the sea.

Shanks, just want to confirm the truth of this matter.

Together with Ace, in just one year at sea, this sea, which was balanced by the three major forces, Four Emperors, Shichibukai, and Naval Headquarters, turned upside down.

Before the Sabaody Archipelago incident, Marine evaluated Ace's Conqueror's Haki as being comparable to his fellow Four Emperors.

Although it is a bit boastful, the one-wheeled Conqueror's Haki, he, the red-haired Shanks, is the best in this sea!

Otherwise, he would not have the ability to eat the top Devil Fruit like the other three Four Emperors.

Relying on Conqueror's Haki and Kendo, it ranks at the top of the Four Emperors.

When it comes to swordsmanship, Hawkeye's swordsmanship is actually better than his own. As a left-handed swordsman, he has his dominant left hand pressed against Luffy's body and can only use his non-dominant right hand to swing the sword. .

He is able to reach the top of the Four Emperors mainly because of Conqueror's Haki, who dominates the sea.

In less than a year after going to sea, Conqueror's Haki is comparable to him in Marine's evaluation. The ambition and size of such a man are really difficult to fathom.

Shanks also wanted to confirm what Ace's ambition is and what impact it will have on the sea.

But before he could see Ace, Ace launched the shocking Sabaody Archipelago and publicly executed the Celestial Dragons.

It even triggered an all-out war with the Naval Headquarters and even the World Government!

And everything that happened next made Shanks realize that what he wanted to confirm before was not worth mentioning.

Ace's Conqueror's Haki, after being publicly executed, reached the level of the captain he admired most when he was a trainee, the Pirate King Gol D. Roger!

Ace, was able to evolve Conqueror's Haki using the public execution of the Celestial Dragons as food!

In addition, the ability of the Mera-mera Fruit eaten will evolve towards the ability of the sun,

Ace's strength has surpassed the limits of the Four Emperors and is moving towards a higher level of power.

That would be a true overlord-level power that would completely surpass the sea of ​​an era.

What's more, in a public execution, up to six Devil Fruit abilities were used!

Devil Fruit can give the person who eats it incredible abilities. A top-notch Devil Fruit ability can even instantly create a strong person at least Shichibukai level.

There is no doubt about the power of Devil Fruit. The top Devil Fruit, such as Thunder Fruit, Fish Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Blue Dragon Form,

Even without Haki, as long as the power of Devil Fruit is awakened and fully mastered, the pure Devil Fruit ability can reach the threshold of Admiral level.

But if you are greedy and want to eat one more Devil Fruit, then the demon factors in the Devil Fruit will collide with each other in the body of the esper, causing the body of the esper who eats multiple Devil Fruits to collapse and die.

However, as far as Shanks knows, there is indeed a special bloodline in this sea that can eat multiple Devil Fruits without exploding to death.

But even with that special bloodline, it is absolutely impossible to possess six Devil Fruit abilities at the same time.

Besides, Ace didn't eat multiple Devil Fruits at all, he only ate one Mera-mera Fruit.

However, as a Mera-mera Fruit user, he can use the abilities of other Devil Fruits.

Judging from the current situation, Ace even has the potential to use all Devil Fruit's abilities!

And judging from Ace's use of the Yellow Springs Fruit and the Mera-mera Fruit he ate,

Ace's use of Devil Fruit's abilities can even exceed the limits of Devil Fruit itself!

Such a thing is really terrible,

That means that Ace alone is a walking legion of superpowers!

Not the man-made demon fruit power army that Kaido is building for war,

That's just a half-baked Demon fruit power army composed of man-made Zoan Devil Fruit abilities, and their strength is also uneven.

And what Ace uses is the Devil Fruit ability that stands at the top of this ocean!

Moreover, Ace can also use these Devil Fruit abilities to exert power beyond the limits of Devil Fruit abilities.

Devil Fruit also depends on who uses it.

Just like Ace's previous conversation with the Five Elders, the "Black Rose" Nokigao under his Entei Pirates, if she were to use the door fruit ability,

So it is simply impossible to sneak into the Holy Land and complete the large-scale massacre of Celestial Dragons.

Just the Haki impact of Five Elders can completely disable Nokigao's Gate Fruit ability.

But if now, Portgas·D·Ace, whose strength can be said to be unparalleled in the sea of ​​this era, uses the power of the Gate Fruit,

Then even the Five Elders and the power hidden in the Holy Land cannot stop Ace from sneaking into the Holy Land and launching a super massacre of the Celestial Dragons!

Whether it can even prevent Ace from leaving is a big question mark. .....***..........

After all, Ace's final display of residual fire-style ultimate power was too terrifying.

It can actually cause terrifying destructive power like the sun's Madara. When the terrifying Devil Fruit power explodes,

Even the top Observation Haki in this sea will be completely ineffective.

I can't keep track of Ace's whereabouts at all.

In addition to Ace himself, the Conqueror's Haki who dominates the sea of ​​this era, it is impossible to stop Ace with Haki impact.

Ace, during this period, can easily activate the Gate Fruit's ability.

This is the terrifying effect created by the combination of multiple Devil Fruit abilities.

Different Devil Fruit abilities make up for each other's shortcomings, making it an invincible super Demon fruit power with no shortcomings.

Although the Rumen Fruit is an extremely rare space-based ability in the ocean, its shortcomings are also extremely obvious.

That is, there is almost no direct increase in the combat effectiveness of ability users.

People with abilities need to rely on Haki and other means to carry out direct attacks.

There are also other weird Devil Fruit abilities, such as regression fruit, childlike fruit, etc.

These Devil Fruits are very strange, but their destructive power to the ability user in a head-on fight has almost no increase.

As long as you encounter Haki, a strong person who is superior to those with abilities, these abilities will become ineffective.


But in Ace's hands, these abilities can be used as auxiliary abilities.

After all, Ace now possesses the Mera-mera Fruit, which has evolved towards the power of the sun. It can be said that it possesses terrifying destructive power that has never been seen in the history of this sea!

Even the destructive power and attack power of Lava-Lava Fruit and Shock Fruit, which are at the top of all Devil Fruit abilities, cannot be compared to Ace's Devil Fruit abilities at this time.

Shock Fruit is said to have the power to destroy the world.

But now Ace's existence itself represents destruction!

The Mera-mera Fruit ability evolved towards the solar ability is used as the main attack method, and other weird Devil Fruit abilities are used as auxiliary means.

Ace alone is now an army with super Devil Fruit abilities walking on the sea!

If I had to describe Shanks in one word,


It's a 'walking, humanoid Ancient Weapon!

The destructive power that Ace can now cause is comparable to the three legendary Ancient Weapons, Uranus. Uranus, Poseidon. Poseidon and Pluton. Pluto!

Moreover, it is suspected that the power of being able to use all Devil Fruit's abilities will make Ace's whereabouts extremely unpredictable.

Devil Fruits that can increase the mobility of espers include door fruits, teleportation fruits, etc.

And the door fruit ability has been obtained by Ace.

This means that unless Ace is exhausted, no one in this sea can stop what Ace wants to do.

And physical strength is the most indispensable thing after the Logia Demon fruit power awakens.

Logia Devil Fruit's ability to transform naturally after awakening, and then replenish physical strength. In the hands of other Logia Demon Fruit powers, it is just a way to increase combat endurance.

It cannot increase the upper limit of combat power of an ability user.

But in Ace's hands, it became as terrifying a force as the Ancient Weapon!

If you want to exhaust Ace's physical strength, I'm afraid that there are countless islands and cities in this sea that have been completely wiped off the map by Ace!

Such a terrifying deterrent like the Ancient Weapon, no wonder even the Five Elders felt a little scared.

Fortunately, Ace is Luffy's brother.

Fortunately, Ace is such a man.

Shanks and Beckman looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing such a man, even they feel a little scared.

If Ace really wants to destroy the world,

The terrible impact it would cause would be infinitely more terrifying than that of Rocks.D.

At this time, the Five Elders' thoughts and Shanks' thoughts were exactly the same.

Portcas D. Ace is simply a humanoid Ancient Weapon walking on the sea!

The five monsters looked at Ace with extremely ugly expressions.

Why compromise?

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation, sharing_95.214.235.210! (emperoryefeng)


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