Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 162: The Sun Shines On Madara! The Man I Fear From The Bottom Of My Heart!

"Remnant Fire Style-North-The world is completely ashes!"

"Hoo! Boom!!!"

The power of residual fire burst out instantly at this moment,

In this space, the violent flames that turned the environment into a temperature even more terrifying than the center of the earth gathered at one point in an instant, and then exploded violently.

It's like the sun's rays completely erupted in Madara!

There is only one color left in the entire space.

That is, the color of the sun!

Even Observation Haki, at this moment, completely failed in this space!

These strong men who stand at the top of the sea and can even use Observation Haki, who have cultivated to the Ultimate level, to 'see' the short-term future.

At this moment, he seemed to be an ordinary person without Observation Haki, covering his eyes to resist the strong light that burst out like the sun.

Haki even covered his whole body to resist this terrifying flame explosion!

The most powerful damage of flames is not the burning caused by the temperature alone, but the terrifying power produced by the violent flames bursting instantly!

Just like the surface of the sun, explosions occur all the time to release such a terrifying energy zone.

The flames with temperatures as hot as the sun can produce explosive power that can devour everything in the world and turn everything into nothingness.

This is the power that can destroy the world!

At this moment, the temperature of the flames gathered in the residual fire style - North - the ashes of the sky and the earth, exceeded the upper limit again with the help of the explosion of the flames.

The temperature reached an astonishing over 50,000 degrees Celsius!

Looking from a distance, this place at this moment is really like a small sun, exploding in an instant.

Even the sky turned bright white!

This is the color of the sun!

"Fire Torch!"

Kaido noticed that at this moment, his Observation Haki completely failed in this space.

This terrifying flame explosion actually completely neutralized his Observation Haki.

As powerful as he is, Observation Haki's release and control have already become instinctive, and he can understand everything happening around him at every moment.

At this moment, Observation Haki failed instantly, and in this terrifying explosion of flames, he temporarily lost his vision. Even he was extremely angry.

Although he lost Observation Haki, and even temporarily lost his vision in the bursting flames, his strong instinct as one of the strongest in this sea is still there!

The ability of the fish fruit-phantom beast species-blue dragon form was not retained at this moment, and it completely exploded in an instant.

Manipulating the fire element in the natural elements, he formed a flame armor and covered his body.

With the blessing of the green dragon form and the human-animal form, the temperature of this flame armor is even more terrifying than the flames in nature.

It's ironic, although it's not Logia, but the phantom beast species in Zoan,

But the fish fruit-phantom beast species-blue dragon form gives the esper the ability to control the power of nature, because this phantom beast species can give the esper a monster-like and almost immortal blue dragon-like physique.

The flames and power that can be commanded by the esper using the body transformed into a blue dragon are still on top of the Mera-mera Fruit.

This is also the reason why Blue Star, in his previous life, ridiculed Mera-mera Fruit as a Devil Fruit that even dogs would not eat.

This is not because Mera-mera Fruit’s fire ability is not strong,

Kaido's strongest power is the move that combines Conqueror's Haki with the power of fire that his Blue Dragon form gives him control over.

In the hands of Kaido, the strongest creature that can control the power of nature because he ate the fish fruit-the phantom beast species-the blue dragon form.

The power of fire is greater than thunder, lightning and wind! It is Kaido's strongest attack method!

The reason why it is said that even dogs cannot eat Mera-mera Fruit,

Really, there are too many top-level abilities and the power of fire that can be exerted, beyond Mera-mera Fruit.

But at this moment, even if the ability of the Fish Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Azure Dragon form is used to Ultimate, the flame far beyond the limit of supernormal flames is transformed into flame armor to cover the body of the azure dragon.

At this moment, Kaido felt a wave of scorching heat. The body of the Azure Dragon, which he was called the strongest creature and no one could kill him, felt a terrifying burning pain.

The dragon scales transformed into green dragons were actually melting under the terrifying bursting flames.

"Fire Eight Trigrams!!~"!"

Kaido roared angrily, and Conqueror's Haki roared out without any reservation at this moment,

Under the control of Kaido, it represents one of the strongest creatures standing at the top of this sea.

Four Emperors Kaido's terrifying Conqueror's Haki didn't hold back at all, and instantly wrapped around his body, forming a purple-black film on his body like a fire dragon.

The terrifying power of Conqueror's Haki was instantly superimposed on the power of the Fish Fruit - Phantasmal Beast Species - Azure Dragon Form. Four Emperors, Kaido, the strongest creature, exerted the strongest power he could exert at this moment in Azure Dragon Form and Human Beast Form. strength!

"Don't underestimate Laozi! Emperor Yan!!!"

Kaido roared angrily, and actually made a gesture that looked like a wild collision in the form of a green dragon or a human-animal form.

Defense? He Kaido of the Beasts doesn’t need that kind of thing! He has never practiced it at all!

He Kaido can only attack!

What about a flame that can burn everything and is less terrifying than the center of the earth?

Why should he be afraid of Kaido?!


Kaido let out a roar that sounded like a dragon's roar, and Conqueror's Haki completely wrapped around the dragon's horns that transformed into a blue dragon, in human-animal form.

Like a bull charging, Kaido kicked the ground with both feet and launched an impact towards the flames in front of him!

"Rising Dragon Flame Eight Trigrams!!!"

The terrifying power exploded instantly at this moment.


The terrifying collision between the Remnant Fire Style - North - The Ashes of Heaven and Earth, and the Eight Trigrams of Rising Dragon Flame instantly formed a small mushroom cloud in this area.

The scorching terrifying energy like the sun swallowed up everything in the mushroom cloud.

The dazzling bright white light temporarily deprived everyone in the area of ​​vision.

He could only use Haki to wrap his whole body, struggling to resist the scorching bursting energy of the solar panel.

"It's unbelievable. Is this the power that Mera-mera Fruit can exert? There is not even a little bit of Haki in this scorching bursting energy like the sun.

This is completely the power of flame explosion!

My Observation Haki actually failed instantly and could not be extended at all.

It’s just like the sun!”

In Red Hair Pirates, the simple Observation Haki, Yasopp, who is second only to Shanks, covered his eyes and covered his whole body with Haki to resist the bright white dazzling light like the sun, while shouting loudly.

Haki and Devil Fruit abilities are both components of a strong person’s power.

There is no restraint between them.

The powerful Haki, with the ability to crush Devil Fruit,

The more powerful Devil Fruit ability can also crush Haki's power!

At this time, his Observation Haki completely failed, which can only explain one thing,

The Devil Fruit power erupting here at this time has far surpassed his Observation Haki!

"Stop talking about you, my Observation Haki is completely unable to extend."

The red-haired man said in a deep voice, his eyes filled with shock.

His Observation Haki is definitely among the top three in this ocean, not to mention the best in the ocean.

But at this moment, his Observation Haki was shattered by the simple power of Devil Fruit.

In front of the bursting flames, his Observation Haki performance, although better than Yasopp's, could cover the whole body, but it still couldn't extend in an environment like the explosion of Madara.

The Devil Fruit power that erupted there has already surpassed his Observation Haki.

"It's unbelievable. Such a power cannot be explained by Devil Fruit's power.

Nothing like this has ever happened in this sea.

Ace has a secret that has never appeared in this sea. "

Beckman covered his whole body with the powerful Haki, looking at the terrifying scene, his eyes were full of shock.

In this sea, those who can reach the top must not have only one kind of ultimate strength.

Devil Fruit, martial arts, kendo, and Haki are the most important components of a strong man's strength in this sea.

Those who can become Admiral-level experts must have at least two kinds of power, standing at the top of this sea, in addition to a small number of extremely powerful Devil Fruit abilities.

For example, Nami, the navigator and leader of the Entei Pirates, has the Thunder Fruit, which is one of the invincible abilities among all Devil Fruits. After awakening, he entered the Admiral level. threshold,

But because Haki is not strong, he cannot go further and can only be at the bottom of the Admiral level.

As for the leader and combatant of the Entei Pirates, the ‘Desert Princess’ Vivi, although the Sand-Sand Fruit is considered the top Logia Devil Fruit among all Devil Fruits, she has awakened.

But because Sand-Sand Fruit is not as powerful as Thunder Fruit after all, and Haki is not strong enough, he cannot step into the Admiral level.

Unable to participate in the battle between generals and emperors.

The reason why the Four Emperors are so powerful is not only due to the power of Conqueror's Haki-entangling.

BIG-MOM, Kaido, Whitebeard, in addition to Conqueror's Haki-winding power, Devil Fruit ability, are also top-notch!

BIG-MOM also has the physique of a natural monster. If he hadn't become obsessed with having children and having tea parties after becoming the Four Emperors, not practicing at all, and his body was extremely bloated, BIG-MOM's strength should be far stronger than it is now.

Not to mention Kaido, who possesses the Fish Fruit-Phantom Beast Species-Azure Dragon form, one of the top abilities among all Devil Fruits, and has a body like an azure dragon that no one can kill.

Although Whitebeard is old, the power of Shock Fruit can still give him the power to destroy the world.

And his captain, the only red-haired Shanks among the Four Emperors who has not eaten the Devil Fruit, followed the same route as the Pirate King Gol D. Roger, Conqueror's Haki, superimposing the power of kendo!

Only by cultivating two or more powers to the top can one become the truly top overlord in this sea!

But at this moment, Ace relied solely on the power of Devil Fruit, without any hint of Haki's attack, and it actually exceeded the limit of the Four Emperors level!

It exceeds the full power of the Four Emperors, or the power of Haki stacked with Devil Fruit, or the power of Haki stacked with swordsmanship!

Such an incredible thing has never happened in this sea.

Relying on the pure power of Devil Fruit, you can achieve the terrifying history of an era.

What if, if added, Ace is even better than his captain, the red-haired Shanks, and the Conqueror's Haki who is the best in this era?

Is this man's limit really the sky?!

"||Fortunately, he is Luffy's brother."

The corners of the red-haired mouth raised slightly.

"Yeah, luckily he is Luffy's brother."

Beckman was stunned for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

At least at this moment, they are in the same camp.



The rising bright white mushroom cloud gradually dissipated under the influence of time and air currents.

The sight inside was revealed, making everyone's pupils tremble.

I saw a black hole that was constantly surging in the mushroom cloud area!

The huge tree roots extending over the sea from the world's largest mangrove, the Archipelago mangrove, were completely wiped out in that area!

A huge hole appeared there,

The sea water that existed there, together with the huge roots of the Arqi mangrove tree, were instantly evaporated by the terrifying power of the sun's Madara!

A daunting cavity is formed!

Everyone looked at the figure standing on the edge of the cavity who had created all this, and their eyes were constantly shaking.

“He is truly a man that makes people fear him from the bottom of his heart.

The eagle eyes looked at the huge cavity and the sea water that still could not pour back despite the remaining power. His eyes looked at Doflamingo, whose face was covered in cold sweat. Even with sunglasses, he could not hide the look of fear on his face.

"Really? Doflamingo than.

Hawkeye said calmly.


The cold sweat on Doflamingo's face continued to drop, but when faced with Hawkeye's words, Doflamingo not only did not refute, but even lowered his head.

Acknowledging the words of Hawkeye,

Portgas·D·Ace is truly a man that makes people fear him from the bottom of his heart!


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