Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 158: All Members Of The Fire Emperor Pirate Ship Group Are Assembled!

"Bah! Boom!"

Violent black and purple lightning, the crazy roar of the atmosphere above the Sabaody Archipelago.

The violent black and purple lightning roaring in the atmosphere seemed to be divided into three camps.

Among them was a violent black-purple lightning centered on Feng Xun, a huge wild boar with four tusks.

Being strangled together by two other even more terrifying black and purple lightning bolts!

The Conqueror's Haki's roar, which was enough to cause widespread damage to reality, was suppressed by two stronger Conqueror's Haki forces!

Under the gaze of Saint Vauchuuri's ugly pig face, his Conqueror's Haki roar was continuously strangled and annihilated in the atmosphere,

Finally, it dissipates!

"Red hair!"

Saint Wuchuli gritted his teeth as he looked at the red force ship appearing on the sea in the distance.

A man who can defeat him on Conqueror's Haki.

To make matters worse, here now is another man, Conqueror's Haki, the most powerful man of his generation.


Watching his Conqueror's Haki roar being jointly strangled by the redhead and Portcas.D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki,

Saint Wuchuli looked ugly, but there was nothing he could do.

The two of them, each of the Conqueror's Haki, were above him.

Alone, he had difficulty performing Conqueror's Haki collision.

Under the joint strangulation, his Conqueror's Haki had no resistance at all.

It can only be strangled to death in an instant.

But the two Conqueror's Haki that strangled his Conqueror's Haki's roar did not stop at all, but became more and more violent.

Over the Sabaody Archipelago, a joint roar erupted!

Double, Conqueror's Haki, wow!


Two men standing at the top of this sea, Conqueror's Haki, the most outstanding men of this era,

Red hair! Emperor Yan!

With this Conqueror's Haki standing at the top of the sea, let out a joint roar!

"Buzz! Boom!!!"

The terrifying momentum is constantly interweaving in the sky above Sabaody Archipelago,

With its violent momentum, Conqueror's Haki, the champion of this era, has caused real damage to reality on a large scale!

The numerous fruit abilities that were controlled by Yixiao were all controlled by the cannonballs above the Sabaody Archipelago. They exploded instantly, and terrifying air waves swept across the entire sky above the Sabaody Archipelago.

The huge tree roots of the Sabaody Archipelago extending from the mangroves of the Archipelago to the sea broke numerous times in an instant under the roar of the double Conqueror's Haki.

Countless buildings were turned into wreckage under the roar of the double Conqueror's Haki, surging crazily in the atmosphere,

Then it was torn apart in the waves of destruction that filled the sky!

There are more than 150 Marine warships along the coast. These were built by the Capital of Seven Waters and are the most indestructible in the world.

With these warships, Marine even conquered the Calm Belt,

And this is a maritime behemoth that represents the most cutting-edge shipbuilding capabilities in the world.

At this moment, under the roar of these double Conqueror's Haki, dozens of ships were instantly broken!

"Buzz! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The countless Marine soldiers on the Marine battleship fainted to death under the terrifying momentum of the roaring.

Even the backbone combat forces in the Marine Corps, the Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, who are famous on the sea,

Under these two roaring Conqueror's Haki, they couldn't hold on at all,

Those who are weak will fall into coma in an instant,

Even if you are able to participate in the Buster Call, the most powerful senior Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals among many Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals,

Under this violent and roaring Conqueror's Haki, he also knelt down on one knee, sweating profusely, and lost all ability to move.

These are two men who stand at the pinnacle of this era, Conqueror's Haki, the two men who are the best of this era!

In this era, the two most haki men on the sea are red-haired and Zhan!

Joint Release, Conqueror's Haki, Roar!!!


The human-faced, snake-bodyed, bird-winged Izu Shinten rose into the sky and headed towards Laki, who had transformed into a red bird form.

Being hit by the black-purple lightning roaring wildly in the atmosphere, and the terrifying Haki attack, Mazsei, who transformed into Izu Shinten, was unable to maintain his ability to fly.

Falling from the sky in the roar of the double entwined Conqueror's Haki.

On the battlefield of the Ten Trillion Death Burial Formation, Nasshouro Seiye, who had a humanoid upper body and a horse bone lower body, used his terrifying maneuverability to suppress Crocodile and Enel, his expression changed.

In this double intertwined Conqueror's Haki roar, the skeleton horse hooves of Saint Nasushiro also stopped, looking at the black-purple lightning that struck him with an ugly expression.

Mobility is, completely, taken away by the dual Conqueror's Haki Roar.

"Damn it!"

And in front of Ace, the two Five Elders who were fighting against Ace at the same time,

Saint Satan, who transformed into Gyūki, and Saint Pit, who transformed into a sandworm, even faced Ace's Conqueror's Haki roar.

Countless black and purple lightning pierced the monster bodies of Gyūki and Sandworm, making them unable to move at all.

"The terrifying Haki, even my long-dormant warrior soul has begun to boil."

The eagle's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, looking at the black and purple lightning roaring crazily in the atmosphere, also setting off waves of turmoil.

The two Conqueror's Haki, the most powerful man in this sea, the Entei, the red-haired man, joined forces to roar the Conqueror's Haki,

Even he can't avoid the influence.


"Damn it!"

Doflamingo, who had fled in embarrassment from the Hawkeye sword, was now kneeling on one knee, with cold sweat on his face and breathing heavily.

The eyes under the sunglasses were full of bloodshot eyes, filled with unwillingness and anger.

There is also a deep hidden fear.

He had been affected by Portgas·D·Ace Conqueror's Haki before and became a shadow in his heart.

Under the roar of this man's Conqueror's Haki, who became stronger, he had no power to resist at all.

The king's gift in his body, his Conqueror's Haki, actually shrank under the roar of Portgas·D·Ace's Conqueror's Haki.

His Conqueror's Haki was completely penetrated by Portgas·D·Ace's Conqueror's Haki!

The current Portkas D. Ace has brought a greater shadow to his heart than Kaido of the Beasts from Four Emperors.

"This Conqueror's Haki, concubine, is here..."

Hancock covered his heart and looked at Ace's figure in the distance, his beautiful eyes a little misty.

I really want to go to that man.

I really want to be close to that man.

What's wrong with me?

Hancock bit his red lips lightly, his beautiful eyes filled with mist.

"Coming? Shanks."

Rayleigh looked at the Red Force from a distance, passing through the Marine fleet that had no combat effectiveness, and began to dock, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Long time no see, Shanks.

"Four Emperors, red-haired Shanks."

Nami looked at the red force ship that started to dock, and her tense pretty face softened slightly.

Regarding these Four Emperors, Ace introduced them to them before planning the public execution of Sabaody Archipelago.

It is Ace's younger brother, Monkey.D. Luffy who leads the way to become a pirate.

Ace, I have always wanted to meet this man.

The red-haired Shanks was a former intern of the Roger Pirates and had a close relationship with Uncle Rayleigh.

Regarding the red-haired Shanks, Ace's analysis is "temporarily, not an enemy."

Moreover, before initiating the public execution of Sabaody Archipelago, Ace told them,

If the red-haired Shanks arrives, it means that this war is coming to an end.

It's exactly the same as what Ace said,

This public execution, as well as the subsequent direction, were all predicted by Ace.

Nami and the girls looked at the battlefield and became completely silent as Ace and the red-haired Conqueror's Haki roared, their beautiful eyes twinkling.

World government, Naval Headquarters, Four Emperors, and the whole world,

In this public execution initiated by their captain, Portcas D. Ace, everything was running according to Ace's script.

The world is completely controlled by Ace.

As expected of them, Ai Tie.

Looking at that, releasing the earth-shattering Conqueror's Haki, joining forces with the red hair, bringing the entire battlefield to a standstill,

The Five Elders were unable to move, and they could only control Conqueror's Haki accurately to avoid affecting their Ace.

The red lips of the girls formed a beautiful curve. (chee) Even in front of the whole world, he launched this public execution that shocked the world and affected the entire world.

He started a full-scale war with the Naval Headquarters, and even the entire World Government, and the Emperor Yan shocked the sea.

Treating them is still so gentle.

For Ace like this, what can he do if he becomes the enemy of the whole world?

The beautiful eyes of the girls were constantly flashing.

"Red hair! Do you also want to break the balance on the sea?"

Under the constraints of countless black and purple lightnings, Saint Satan twisted his neck with difficulty, looked at the red power ship docked on the shore in the distance, and made a low voice.

Two men who are the best in this era and this sea, Red Hair and Entei, join forces to release Conqueror's Haki Roar,

During the release of Conqueror's Haki, even the Five Elders could not move as long as they became the center point where Conqueror's Haki intertwined between these two people.

However, the release of Conqueror's Haki also requires the consumption of the king's spirit.

Haki, is not infinite.

Even in this era, how long can the two men in this sea, Red Hair and Entei, restrain their actions simply by relying on Conqueror's Haki's roar?

The red-haired guy should be using this to stop the two parties fighting together and negotiate with them, right?

However, when things have reached this point, they, the Five Elders, cannot accept negotiation as an option!

There are really too many things that threaten their rule on this island.

Once the Buster Call is launched, the place where the signal was sent must be absolutely erased.

This represents the absolute justice of World government!

Absolutely, no compromise!

"I would like to ask, are you so afraid of the coming of a new era?"

"Tah! Tah! Tah! Tah!"

The red-haired feet stepped onto this battlefield, and terrifying black-purple lightning was continuously released from the red-haired body.

The officers of the Red Hair Pirates also followed behind the red hair.

Red Hair Pirates Vice Captain, Ben Baker Ministries

Red Hair Pirates sniper, Yasopp!

Red Hair Pirates chef, Lachie Lu!

Red Hair Pirates ship’s doctor, hometown!

Red Hair Pirates Navigator, Bendik Snake!

Red Hair Pirates, Benk Punch and Monkey King!

Red Hair Pirates combatant, Jones!

Red Hair Pirates combatant, Roar Gabu!

Four Emperors, Red Hair Pirates, all cadres have arrived!

"All of them, the leaders of the famous Red Hair Pirates in the New World. Are all the leaders of the Red Hair Pirates here?"

The tea dolphin can still stay awake amidst the roar of this double Conqueror's Haki and watch the Red Hair Pirates

, countless cold sweats were shed on his forehead.

Another emperor came to this battlefield.

Or, the Red Hair Pirates are famous for their officers and are known as the most balanced Iron Wall Pirates!


Laki, who transformed into a Suzaku, made a strange chirping sound.

At a speed that was almost impossible to reach with the naked eye, he arrived behind Ace.

Laki turned into a human-animal form and landed behind Ace.

"Bah! Boom!"

With a burst of thunder, Nami's figure appeared at the top of Ace's right hand, throwing the weather stick out into a beautiful stick shadow, with a confident smile on his pretty face.

To Ace's left is Kaya, who has an angelic face, but at this moment has an unparalleled heroic spirit.

Behind Nami, Kaya,

Nokigao, Vivi, Robin, Laki, Tashigi, Conis, Perona, and Meili stood in sequence.

In her beautiful eyes, the black color representing Armament Haki is constantly fluctuating. Standing behind Ace, she proudly looks at the Red Hair Pirates in the distance.

All members of the Entei Pirates, assemble!

"call out!"

In the sky, the ability to lift heavy fruits with a smile fell lightly from the sky, landing behind Ace and to the right of the Entei Pirates.

Although he can't see anything, Haki is exuding terror. Not even the Five Elders can ignore this Admiral-level strongman!

The Entei Pirate Grand Fleet, the captain of the second division, the user with multiple fruit abilities, the ranger, smile!

"This war, I am also fighting."


Accompanied by the harsh sound of electricity, Rayleigh's figure, wrapped in Conqueror's Haki, stood behind Ace and to the right of the Entei Pirates.

His eyes were filled with thick black-purple color, staring at the battlefield.

‘Pluton’ Silver Rayleigh!

All members of the Entei Pirate Ship Group, except for the giant cadre, Blue Ogre Dorry, and Red Oni Brogy, assemble!

"It's unbelievable! The strength of the Entei Pirates' assembled cadres can already overwhelm the Red Hair Pirates!

So scary, the Entei Pirates. "

Cha Dou looked at the assembled cadres of the Entei Pirates' fleet with a pale face.

He looked at him with an extremely complicated expression. He did not belong to the Entei Pirates' fleet, but stood at the end of the Entei Pirates' fleet, trying to redress his injustice.

Why, go there, Momousagi!

The tea dolphin's eyes were full of pain.


Looking at the figure standing proudly at the end of the Entei Pirates,

Moria's demonic eyes also became moist.

It's amazing, Perona was recognized by Portkas D. Ace and became a member of the Entei Pirates' fleet.

As expected of her, his daughter.

I have to continue to be strong.

Moria's eyes looked towards Yixiao's position.

The captain of the second division of the Entei Pirates?

Moria wants the captain of the third division!

The bear beside him also felt Moria's mood. No one could see it. His eyes under his sunglasses were extremely gentle.

With Ace's help, we can meet again soon, right?


"I've always wanted to meet you, Portgas·D·Ace."

The red-haired man looked at the assembled Entei pirate fleet and the figure at the front, with a hint of Haki's curvature at the corner of his mouth.

"I also want to meet you, redhead, Shanks."

The corner of Ace's mouth also curved into a hint of "Haki."

Red Hair Pirates, Entei Pirates,

Two overlord-level forces on the sea met for the first time in the Sabaody Archipelago!.

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