Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 156: The Captain Of The Second Team Joins In With A Smile! All Members Of Five Elders Are He

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The harsh sound of signal broadcasting resounded throughout the Sabaody Archipelago.

This is a signal that means sending the signal out to the area for indiscriminate destruction!


On the back of Laki, who had transformed into a Suzaku form, Robin's beautiful eyes flashed slightly when he heard the harsh and familiar sound of the signal broadcast.

This is already the third Buster Call she has experienced.

The first time was in Ohara. Because of the one hundred years of research blank, the entire existence of Ohara was erased from history.

If Aokiji hadn't been entrusted by her first friend, Saul, she would definitely have died in Ohara.

At that time, Buster Call brought her only deep despair and powerlessness.

The second Buster Call I experienced was at Enies Lobby.

That is, in order to let her get rid of the shadow of the past, Ace used the golden phone bug in Spandam's hand to launch a Buster Call.

This organization, authorized by the World Government and established by the Naval Headquarters, will send out a signal to destroy everything in the area. It symbolizes the absolute power of justice of the World Government and is completely controlled by Ace.

With one blow, the five Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals who launched the Buster Call were defeated, causing one death and four injuries.

The entire Enies Lobby, also under Ace's control, was turned into history by Buster Call.

Since then, the shadow in her heart has been completely erased by Ace.

And now, it's her third Buster Call.

Initiated by the world's highest authority, Jaygo Lucia Satan, one of the Five Elders, the Super Buster Call is many times more powerful than the normal Buster Call.

But even so, facing such a Buster Call, she only had calmness and confidence in her heart, without any fear or flinching.

Because, she is now a member of the Entei Pirates [the historian of Entei Portcas D. Ace.

Yes, Ace's woman...

Robin looked at the figure that was not tall compared to Satan's monster body, but in her eyes, it was as reassuring as a mountain, and her red lips slightly raised.

As long as Ace is here, even if it's facing Naval Headquarters, Five Elders, or the entire Naval Headquarters, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Robin's red lips had a beautiful curve.



Accompanied by a sandstorm and thunder and lightning.

Enel, Crocodile, Ghost Spider, and Momousagi, who used Moonwalk to fly into the sky, appeared in front of the girls.

"Nico Robin, I leave this woman to you. She wants to meet Emperor Yan."

Crocodile looked at Robin with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Huh? You, you are, Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, Admiral Alternate Momousagi?"

Nami looked at this familiar figure, Zhou.

In Enies Lobby's Buster Call, Momousagi is one of the Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, and is also the leader.

For the sake of Buster Call's 10,000 Marine soldiers, he said "please pray to you" to Ace,

Nami was deeply impressed by Momousagi.

"Why does Momousagi Vice Admiral want to meet Ace?"

Tashigi looked at Momousagi, covered his red lips and said in disbelief.

As one of the few female Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals, and also an Admiral candidate, Momousagi is hailed as the future and is likely to become a rare female Admiral of Headquarters in history.

Among Marines, especially female Marines, they are extremely popular.

And Momousagi is also a master swordsman, using the famous sword 'Kinpira'.

When Tashigi was in Marine, he really wanted to learn kendo from Momousagi.

But at that time, she was just a captain, and Momousagi was simply an unreachable big shot to her.

When I faced Momousagi at Enies Lobby,

Tashigi's biggest regret was, of course, that he was not able to fight against the female Naval Headquarters general he once longed for because of his lack of strength.

But now, this woman, Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, Admiral candidate, is not here to fight, but to meet Ace?

"She was in Enies Lobby and was influenced by Entei's Conqueror's Haki. I'll let her tell you the specific information herself, hahahaha!"

After Crocodile laughed, he took Enel and the ghost spider back to the battlefield.

They are the fierce ghosts summoned by Emperor Yan from the underworld.

As long as Emperor Yan doesn't give an order for them to dissipate, they will fight until their souls are extinguished.

"The Buster Call is activated! It's the Buster Call initiated by the Five Elders, Saint Satan!"

"Now this island has been deemed a threat to the world government and an obstacle to justice!"

"All fleets, fire towards the Sabaody Archipelago!"

"Destroy it completely!"

At this time, there were hundreds of warships surrounding the Sabaody Archipelago.

After the Buster Call signal was activated, the Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals brought by Saint Sartan from the Holy Land Mariejois issued orders one after another.

The Holy Land Mariejois has an Admiral of Headquarters stationed all year round, and some Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals are stationed at the World Government's disposal at any time.

These Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral were brought by Saint Sartan to the Sabaody Archipelago from the Holy Land Mariejois.

Buster Call, as a destructive force established by the Naval Headquarters authorized by the World government,

The power that the Admiral of Headquarters can mobilize is composed of ten warships built by the Seven Waters, the largest and strongest warships in the world.

It is led by five Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals and has a powerful force of 10,000 Naval Headquarters elite soldiers.

But if it is the Buster Call launched by the Five Elders who hold the highest power in the world,

Then, there will be no upper limit to the power that can be mobilized!

Naval Headquarters, including warships mobilized directly by the World Government, will all be devoted to the destruction of Buster Call.

Now, the force invested in this Buster Call is more than 150 Marine warships!

And the entire combat power of Naval Headquarters!

It is dozens of times more powerful than ordinary Buster Call!

The goal is to completely destroy the Sabaody Archipelago!

"Fire! Destroy the Sabaody Archipelago!"


"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Along with the roar of countless warship guns, countless cannonballs poured on the Sabaody Archipelago.

The roots of countless Yarkman mangroves stretching over the sea were destroyed by cannonballs and turned into fragments. They were stirred up by the air waves from the bombardment.

Buildings that had existed in the Sabaody Archipelago for an unknown number of years were mercilessly devoured by artillery fire under the bombardment of more than 150 Naval Headquarters warships.

Tons of artillery shells exploded on the Sabaody Archipelago at the same time. The terrifying power made the entire island tremble like an earthquake.

Sabaody Archipelago, all instantly turned into hell on earth and became a sea of ​​fire.

"Buster Call?! Why! There are so many people up there!"

Yixiao watched the countless shells falling, extending towards the residential area, his face became extremely livid, and he roared angrily.

From the looks of it, Marine wants to completely destroy everything on the Sabaody Archipelago.

In this case, those people will completely become the dust of history.

This kind of method that completely ignores the casualties of the people is unacceptable!

This cruel method is even more cruel than pirates.

Aokiji stood there, looking silent after hearing Yixiao's words.

This is how world government works.

Once it is deemed harmful to the world government and affects the rule of the world government,

Even the Sabaody Archipelago, an island that has existed for who knows how many years, is naturally formed by the roots of the Argman mangrove tree, and is also the territory of the Celestial Dragons, will be completely destroyed.

Although this huge Alqiman mangrove cannot be destroyed, the naturally formed islands on the tree roots extending out of the sea, as well as all the buildings and people on them, will be completely wiped out.

Aokiji has been through this before.

That was Ohara many years ago.

Even friends, even ordinary innocent civilians, once the Buster Call is launched, will be reduced to the dust of history under the ruthless artillery fire of the world government.

In the words of world government, this is called extinguishing history [by an inconspicuous lamp].

But Aokiji, couldn't accept it!

Obviously, we only need to arrest the researchers involved in the blank for a hundred years.

However, even the escape boats used by the people to escape were ruthlessly destroyed.

The person who did that was Sakazuki, who was the Vice Admiral of the Naval Headquarters with him at the time.

Because he could not accept this method, and because he also had the Naval Headquarters giant Vice Admiral, Saul's plea, he spared Nico Robin's life.

Wanted to take a look, a possibility.

It was also after the Ohara incident that he began to implement lazy justice.

Later, I met Portgas·D·Ace.

After the battle with Portkas D. Ace, especially after the Enies Lobby incident, and after drinking with that man in the Seven Waters Capital,

He saw that Nico Robin had found his home, and he also saw another possibility.

He also clarified his new goals, wanting to become Marine Marshal, reform Marine, and strive to create a world where "everyone can have enough to eat and everyone can have a banquet" as Ace said.


"Crunch! Crunch!"

Aokiji's fists were clenched suddenly, and his expression became extremely sad.

What's the difference between now and the original Ohara?!

What a world where ‘everyone can have enough to eat and everyone can have a party’,

All he hears now are the people wailing under Marine fire!

Obviously at the banquet held by Ace in the Capital of Seven Waters, the people were all laughing and laughing.

But on this island ruled by Celestial Dragons, facing Marine's warships, the people howled under the gunfire.

Is there something wrong with this world?!

"You are very sad, sir."

He looked at the Admiral of Headquarters with a smile and said in a deep voice.

His Observation Haki, captures Aokiji's emotions.

"Ah, how sad."

Aokiji gritted his teeth, eyes, and shed tears. Under the power of Frozen Fruit, they were frozen and turned into little ice chips that dissipated in the atmosphere.

The Admiral of Headquarters is not even qualified to cry on such an occasion.

"Destroy all the escaping ships and don't let any escape."

Akainu, who had recovered some strength, was on the coast, watching the Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals retreating from the central battlefield, and gave cold orders.

This island has hindered justice.

Then, it will be completely eliminated!


Hearing these familiar words, Aokiji looked up sharply.

"Click! Click!"

Most of the body was instantly transformed into elements! It turned into ice exuding terrifying freezing energy.

"Whoosh! Bang!"

The moment Aokiji took a step, Sengoku's figure suddenly appeared and pushed Aokiji's head to the ground.

"What are you going to do! Kuzan! Are you crazy?!"

Sengoku looked at 723 Aokiji and growled.

"Just, just hold me down, Marshal.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will kill Sakazuki. "

trembling voice

passed into Sengoku's ears.

Sengoku watched with emotion, his head was pressed to the ground by himself, his shoulders kept shrugging, and his tall body kept shaking,

But what extends below are tears that turn into ice chips.

The Admiral of Headquarters cannot cry in front of the Marine soldiers.

"Kuzan, you idiot."

Sengoku looked at this man, the man he was most optimistic about becoming the next Marshal of Naval Headquarters, with sadness on his face.

How cruel.

Kuzan has experienced it again. The scale of the previous Ohara was even larger than the original Ohara.

However, this is the price that needs to be borne to uphold justice.

There are too many things on this island that need to be erased.

The most important thing is that as long as this island exists, it will show the world government's loss of face in front of the world.

The existence of this island must be erased.

No one, Gouzheng.


Ace stood high in the sky, watching the magic circle begin to surge, and slowly looked towards Yixiao.

"Mr. Ace?"

Yixiao suddenly raised his head and looked at the smile on Ace's face.

"Do what you want to do and bear my name on your back."

"The captain of the second division of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet, the Japanese doctor.


A mysterious light shrouded a smile.

"This, this is..."

Yixiao felt the terrifying power erupting from his body in disbelief, and his expression suddenly became firm.


A smiling figure appeared high in the sky, looking at the cannonballs hitting the sky, and let out a low roar.

"Gravity field!"


Numerous fruits exploded violently with the blessing of the realm of understanding.

A huge gravity field covers the entire Sabaody Archipelago.

The countless cannonballs stagnated in mid-air under this gravity field.

"Captain of the Second Division of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet, smile and be correct!"

Yixiao used the power of many fruits to stand high in the sky, facing more than 150 Marine warships, and issued a declaration.

Aokiji's trembling body suddenly stopped.

The faces buried on the ground are full of mixed colors.


"As a pirate, why do you want to do such a disgusting trick to save the people!"

"Bah! Boom!!!"

At this time, in the center of the exploding Haki, the huge magic circle glowing with terrifying black flames and thunder suddenly exploded.

Five monster figures wrapped in black flame clouds roared suddenly.

Five Elders, all members, appear!

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