Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 144: Let Me Give You A Reference Value. I Am Yours, Ten Times!



Accompanied by a burning sound that made one's teeth feel sore,

The terrifying pain made Akainu, the Admiral of Headquarters who was always known for his iron-bloodedness, unable to help but let out a low roar of pain.

There are ten levels of pain classification by Blue Star Medical.

But there is a kind of pain that is above the tenth level of pain, and that is the severe pain of being burned alive.

And the residual fire style - East - Rising Sun, brings horrific pain, which is twice as severe as the pain of being burned alive!

The terrible pain that comes in an instant will cause a person's brain to collapse completely.

If it weren't for Akainu's monster-level physique and will, he would have fallen into a coma under this terrible pain.

However, at this moment, Akainu, even if he suffered such severe pain, immediately gritted his teeth until blood dripped from his teeth, forcing himself to maintain control of his body.

Because of his Observation Haki, he felt the extreme terror that erupted from the traces of terror!

"This, this is!!!"

Akainu's pupils were full of pain and horror at this moment.


"Gulu! Gulu!"

Akainu roared,

His whole body turned into hot lava.

The next second.

"Whoo! Bang!"

It's like a breeze blowing on your face, like a pair of invisible big hands gently wiping it,

The earth, sand, and giant trees around Akainu...

All traces of everything were instantly erased!


"call out!"

Akainu, who was at the center of the explosion of terrifying power, turned his body into a broken red shadow and flew out upside down!

The spitting blood, as soon as it appeared in the atmosphere, was like hot lava, emitting terrifying high temperatures, and then evaporated instantly.

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The broken red shadow transformed by Akainu hit the Sabaody Archipelago, a giant tree that had existed for countless years,

The giant trees and buildings that had stood on the Sabaody Archipelago for countless years were shattered in countless pieces in an instant.

There was terrifying lava flowing down from the fracture of the broken giant tree branch, and then everyone was burned alive by this terrifying lava!

And these buildings that existed on Sabaody ArchipelagoGR1 and were specially built for the enjoyment of Celestial Dragons also quickly sank into the terrifying sea of ​​lava.

Burned alive!

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Under the horrified gaze of countless people around the world, countless giant trees standing on the Sabaody Archipelago were all destroyed and burned.

The entire Sabaody ArchipelagoGR-1 turned into a sea of ​​lava and flames.

Akainu's broken red figure hit a huge root hard.

"Bang! Gollum! Gollum!"

The entire rhizome, the surrounding earth, the resin of Sabaody Archipelago, and the buildings all turned into terrifying magma at this moment.

The entire space seemed to have turned into an active volcano that could swallow everything and destroy everything, which was daunting.

"Gulu! Gulu!"

Countless lava was flowing and boiling, like a ferocious beast that chose people to devour, but there was no movement at all.


Seeing how just one attack caused such a terrifying, hell-like scene, Kizaru couldn't help but let out a low roar.

"Hey, Kizaru, are you distracted?"

Rayleigh's eyes suddenly condensed, and Conqueror's Haki roared violently.


Cold sweat broke out on Kizaru's forehead.

"One hundred million volts! Razer! Black Mamba!"

In Nami's beautiful eyes, terrifying lightning flashed suddenly, and the weather stick in his hand was pointed at Hirozaru.

"Boom! Boom boom!!!"

Along with the terrifying roar, a terrifying giant snake made entirely of thunder and lightning opened its thunderous mouth and let out a roar.

This is the roar of thunder!

The entire thunder body is at an extremely weird attack angle, just like a black mamba snake that launches a fatal attack on its prey.

At a terrifying speed, he opened his thunderous mouth and bit Kizaru fiercely.


Kizaru, who was distracted and did not have time to fully transform into an element, let out a low roar of pain.

There was a look of extreme horror in his pupils,

Even worse than the pain caused by Thunder Fruit is the terrifying paralysis effect brought by Thunder Fruit!

With the Entei Pirates' little thief cat, which relies entirely on Devil Fruit ability to attack, it is impossible to give him a fatal blow to this Sparkling Fruit ability user.

However, he is also besieged by the extremely terrifying Conqueror's Haki, 'Pluton', Rayleigh!

"Shua! Poof!"

The long sword wrapped around Conqueror's Haki swung violently.

Along with the blood, a shocking knife mark appeared on Kizaru's abdomen.

"Cough! Cough! Poof!"

Coughing out blood, Kizaru, who was severely injured, suddenly fell to one knee.


With a smile and eyes focused, the power of the fruit quickly suppressed Kizaru.

The idea of ​​letting him escape as an element again completely came to nothing.

"call out!"

‘Pluton’ Rayleigh’s long sword was pointed at Kizaru’s throat.

"Kizaru, you can just stay here."

The corners of Rayleigh's mouth curved into a hint of Haki.

"It's so scary, 'Pluton'"

Kizaru raised his head with difficulty, looked at the long sword in front of him that emitted an astonishing cold light, and showed an ugly smile. His forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Then, slowly, he raised his hands.

The whole world looked at the picture in horror.

In front of the whole world,

The highest combat power in the world government, Admiral of Headquarters Kizaru, was defeated!

"Gulu! Gulu!"

Countless magma is constantly surging, and sulfur-smelling gas is rising continuously.


Ace's figure suddenly appeared,

The dark red eyes like the blazing sun are constantly surging.

"Stop pretending to be dead, Akainu, come out and watch the dance again."

The corners of Ace's mouth were slightly raised, and on his handsome face, there was a dark red crack that revealed Haki in its beauty, and it fluctuated with it, exuding an amazing Haki.

Akainu, in the original work, is called a blood cow.

After suffering so many full-force attacks from Whitebeard, he was still able to pursue Luffy and his ability to withstand attacks was considered a rival in the world of pirates.

In terms of ability to withstand attacks, probably only Kaido, who is known as the strongest creature after eating the fish fruit - phantom beast species - blue dragon form, can compete with Akainu.

At this time, the magma that is constantly surging like an active volcano is the manifestation of the awakening of Lava-Lava Fruit's ability.

In Lava-Lava Fruit, the top Devil Fruit, which releases the traces of awakening, even Observation Haki, who has practiced to the limit, cannot directly penetrate the Devil Fruit's ability to accurately observe Chitian's specific movements.

However, it is still possible to lock the core location of Devil Fruit's ability release, which is the location of Akainu.

Akainu, after awakening with the Lava-Lava Fruit, uses the naturally assimilated magma to restore his physical strength.

"Gulu! Gulu!"

After Ace finished speaking, a completely molten arm slowly stretched out from the countless surging magma.


Akainu's body at this moment completely turned into flowing lava, with countless lava surging, and his whole person exuded an extremely terrifying aura.


The molten hand firmly grasped the flowing magma and exerted force.


Like an evil ghost crawling out of the lava hell!

Lava-Lava Fruit ability, fully released!


Even if the entire body, even the head, has completely turned into flowing lava,

At this moment, Akainu's face still showed pain.

He was breathing heavily, his eyes filled with horror.

Well, what a terrible attack!

Just that, a gentle touch like a fist bump between old friends, even with Haki and Lava-Lava Fruit abilities to defend,

Still hit hard!

No, the ability of Lava-Lava Fruit has no ability to defend against that power.

Only Haki could defend him against the power of Portcas D. Ace's terrifying attack.

This feeling was just like the blazing flames released by Portgas·D·Ace using his Mera-mera Fruit ability before he encountered his Lava-Lava Fruit.

It’s a complete, restrained relationship!

But now, this restraint has been completely reversed!

Transformed into Portgas·D·Ace's Devil Fruit ability, completely suppressing his Lava-Lava Fruit ability!

His Lava-Lava Fruit ability was severely damaged by Portgas D. Ace's Mera-mera Fruit ability!

This horrible pain of being burned was something he had never experienced since he ate Lava-Lava Fruit.

What was even more difficult for Akainu to accept was that Kizaru had been defeated due to distraction due to the heavy injuries he suffered from Portgas·D·Ace.

Captured alive by ‘Pluton’ Rayleigh, ‘Little Thieving Cat’ Nami and the blind middle-aged man.

The world's strongest combat force, the Admiral of Headquarters, was defeated in front of the world!

This is unacceptable to Akainu who upholds absolute justice!

Gritting his teeth, Akainu's eyes that had turned into flowing lava were staring at Ace's demon-like body.

Kizaru has been defeated. In front of the world, he, Akainu, must not fail!


Akainu's entire body suddenly stretched like flowing lava.

Master Lava-Lava Fruit to Ultimate, and your entire body can turn into flowing magma!

"Phew! Phew!"

His fists completely transformed into flowing lava, fiercely attacking Ace,

The most terrifying attack of Lava-Lava Fruit alone is not the high temperature possessed by the magma, but the terrifying explosive power like a volcanic eruption.


Ace watched Akainu's entire body turn into flowing lava, a terrifying attack spreading towards him, and punched out with his right fist.

·Request flowers 00

"call out!"

At this time, Akainu's body, which had completely turned into flowing magma, surged violently, dodging Ace's fist in a strange posture.

But the price was that Akainu's body of fluidized magma was hit hard by Ace's left fist.

"Ahem! Poof!"

He frowned in pain and spat out a mouthful of molten blood, but an iron-blooded smile appeared on Akainu's face, which had completely transformed into flowing magma.

"It's true, your most terrifying attacks are all focused on your right fist!

As long as I don't get hit by your right fist, it's fine!

Although I am still at a disadvantage, my combat experience is enough to fight with you!


Akainu wrapped Haki completely around his fists and let out a roar.

Then, he launched a fierce attack on Ace.

Ace heard this, his expression remained calm, he raised his fists and attacked Akainu.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Lava-Lava Fruit

The ability, Haki, is being used to the ultimate level by Akainu at this moment,

Although in order not to be hit by Ace's right fist, Akainu had to keep turning into flowing lava to dodge, so that he was constantly hit by Ace's left fist, and was constantly injured.

However, relying on the profound and terrifying combat experience and the ability to resist blows like a blood cow, Akainu just kept using his body to catch Ace's left fist,

Use Lava-Lava Fruit's magmatization to get entangled with Ace's right fist.


After receiving another left punch from Ace, Akainu drew a trace on the ground that turned into lava, and countless magma splashed.

"I see, regardless of physical strength, I turned my entire body into flowing lava and used Devil Fruit's ability to block my Observation Haki's detection.

Do you want to rely on your combat experience and anti-attack ability to deal with me and wait for the support from Naval Headquarters to arrive?

It’s really ugly, Akainu, do you already want to hold me back until I get support from Naval Headquarters?”

Ace looked at Akainu, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Haki and Devil Fruit abilities are both a kind of power and have no restraint relationship.

Observation Haki has cultivated to Ultimate and can see the future briefly.

But if you encounter someone like Akainu, who uses Lava-Lava Fruit's ability to its Ultimate regardless of physical strength, his body and even his eyes will turn into flowing magma.

Then Observation Haki cannot accurately penetrate Devil Fruit's ability and accurately capture Akainu's specific movements.

After that, using his combat experience, his body turned into flowing lava at any time to avoid the attack of his right fist and the residual fire style - East - Rising Sun.

Then he used his body to catch his other attacks.

He is worthy of being the top figure in Marine's current combat capabilities. His combat experience and on-the-spot reaction speed are truly amazing.

But this method consumes a lot of physical strength. It can be said that even Akainu, who is as bloody as a bull, uses this fighting method.

Even if the awakened power of the Logia Devil Fruit can restore physical strength, it will never last for half a day!

It can be seen that Akainu at this time has completely given up on defeating himself, and just wants to hold himself back and wait for the support of Naval Headquarters to arrive.

"Huh, what's the use of fighting with words? As long as we win, it belongs to us in the end!"

Akainu said coldly.

Akainu likes to use words to attack the enemy in battle,

But if he encounters the enemy's verbal attack, then he will remain unmoved just like his ability to resist attacks.

Iron-blooded, regardless of the consequences, no matter the means to maintain the so-called absolute justice, this is Akainu!

"The thickness of your skin is indeed extraordinary, but can you really hold me back?"

Ace turned into eyes surging with blazing sun, burning fiercely!



Under Akainu's unbelievable gaze, countless terrifying flames roared out from Ace's body,

Then, it turned into clothing of the blazing sun and covered Ace's body.


Countless terrifying flames, crazy burning, cliffs.

In the center is the figure of Ace, who is like the sun, wearing the clothes of the blazing sun.

"Since there is east, there is naturally west."

"Remnant Fire Style-West-Scorching Sun Prison Clothes!"

Ace, wearing the clothes of the blazing sun, was in the center of the terrifying sea of ​​fire and said calmly.

"This, this temperature...

Akainu's pupils tightened, and even though he was transformed into lava, he could still feel the heat wave coming from the pavement.

This, this is not the flame of Logia, Mera-mera Fruit!

"Aren't you always proud of the temperature and destructive power of Lava-Lava Fruit?"

Ace looked at the inexplicably horrified Akainu, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Let me give you a reference value."

Ace, slowly moved towards Akainu, stretched out his palm and spread his fingers.

"Your Lava-Lava Fruit temperature limit [is] 1,400 degrees Celsius."

Ace stretched out his finger, and the curve of the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

"And the temperature of my flame right now is ten times that of yours!"


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