"call out!"

In the shocked eyes of the whole world,

There was cold sweat on Sengoku's forehead and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

The strongest combat force in the world government, Admiral of Headquarters Kizaru, ~ just appeared,

He was chopped down by the two men with knives and turned into a ray of yellow light, setting off a terrifying explosion in the ground that had turned into sand.


"'Pluton', Silver."

The dust that filled the air from the explosion slowly dissipated. Kizaru looked at the two people who appeared, and cold sweat began to flow from his forehead.


The whole world exploded instantly.

The legendary pirate, the right hand of the Pirate King, ‘Pluton’ Silver Rayleigh?!

Countless newspaper offices began to rush to print newspapers like crazy.

This legendary pirate actually appeared!

"Damn it!"

Sengoku looked at the two people on the screen holding knives against Kizaru, and the veins on his forehead swelled.

That was, ‘Pluton’, Silver Rayleigh, whom he had interacted with countless times when he was the Admiral of Headquarters!

Sure enough, in the Sabaody Archipelago?

Wouldn't it be better for an old guy who has retired to become a legend? Why should he take action?!

Sengoku gritted his teeth and sweat continued to flow from his forehead.

Recently, Sengoku has been a little exhausted with too many things.

My mind is filled with all about Entei, red hair and Kaido,

I actually forgot that there was a piece of information that said that Rayleigh once appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago and sold himself as a slave.

However, Marine did not pursue the legend who had retired.

Although it would be of great benefit to Marine if the Pirate King's vice-captain could be captured,

But equally, Marine will surely pay a terrible price.

Marine's power still needs to be reserved to deal with the Four Emperors and other big pirates on the sea who are doing whatever they want.

Moreover, it is not easy to catch such a legendary pirate, so sufficient preparations must be made.

By the time they are ready, who knows if Rayleigh is still in Sabaody Archipelago.

After all, Sengoku knew that Rayleigh was a man who could cross the Calm Belt with his physical body.

It is not surprising for such a man to appear anywhere in the sea.

Therefore, after this piece of information, Sengoku no longer paid attention to Rayleigh's related news.

Who knew, Rayleigh, was still in Sabaody Archipelago,

It seems that Sabaody Archipelago is Rayleigh's retreat.

Bastard! Taking action under the eyes of the world, is this guy Rayleigh about to go out?

Sengoku's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his eyes were shaking constantly.

Originally, what Sengoku was worried about when the bloodline of Portgas·D·Ace Pirate King was exposed was whether he could cut off this evil bloodline in front of the whole world today.

But now it seems that there was some miscalculation.

‘Pluton’ Rayleigh actually chose to take action with the whole world watching, almost announcing his reappearance.

"Why?! Silver Rayleigh! The blood of Portgas·D·Ace shouldn't be enough for you to take action in front of the world! Why!"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and his eyes were bloodshot.

Sengoku, who has fought countless battles with the Roger Pirates, knows Rayleigh and the others very well.

Rayleigh and the others, what they value more than blood, is the inheritance of will.

Rayleigh and the others couldn't possibly choose to take action just because Portgas·D·Ace was of Roger's blood.

Unless, Rayleigh confirms that Portcas D. Ace is not only Roger's bloodline, but also has some kind of will.

Could it be said that it is "ID"?

Sengoku gritted his teeth. As Marine Marshal, he didn't know much about D's will. He only knew that D was a will that the World Government could not tolerate at all.

This is the great secret hidden by world government.

Even if he is Marine Marshal, he has no right to know.

If D appears, it will be erased by the World government.

For example, the former Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, under the control of the World Government, spread his name to Goldo Roger.

Portcas D. Ace's bounty order was spread without being confirmed by the World government, which once made the Five Elders furious.

The level of rage at that time was far greater than the death of Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai.

If Portcas D. Ace really inherited this will,

Then will the old members of the Roger Pirates reappear because of Portgas·D·Ace?

There are a lot of troublesome guys there.

Damn it! Just one Entei Pirates group has already given their Marine a huge headache.

If the old members of the Roger Pirates were also absorbed by Portgas D Ace, we would really be in big trouble!

Sengoku gritted his teeth and stared at the screen.

In other words, the trouble is already big!

At least this war, ‘Pluton’ Silver. Rayleigh, has joined!

With the addition of such a legendary combat power, the balance of war has changed again.

And it's not just Silver Rayleigh.

Sengoku's cheeks twitched as he looked at the burly, blind, middle-aged man standing next to Rayleigh.

Admiral level combat power!

Although it was only a single shot, the strength displayed by this middle-aged man was definitely Admiral-level combat power!

They, Marine, had no information about this blind middle-aged man.

An Admiral-level combat power seemed to appear out of thin air.

What’s even more frightening is that this Admiral-class combat force, together with Rayleigh, joined Portgas·D·Ace’s side in this war!

Portcas D. Ace's side has two terrifying warriors added at once!

Now, it's really bad. Is Marine's power enough to hunt them down?

Sengoku's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

What's worse is that Kizaru and Akainu are in a dangerous situation!

"Hurry to Sabaody Archipelago, hurry up! And Shichibukai, urge them to hurry up!"

Sengoku roared angrily.

Portcas D. Ace, Silver Rayleigh, and the blind middle-aged man,

Now on the Sabaody Archipelago, Portgas·D·Ace's side has at least three terrifying combatants standing on the top of the sea.

Also, all members of the Entei Pirates!

As for Sabaody Archipelago, there are only two people, Akainu and Kizaru, and some Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral.

The balance of combat power had been broken the moment Silver Rayleigh and the blind middle-aged man took action!

"Tell Kizaru to use his speed to hold those two down and wait for us to arrive!"

Sengoku took out a phone and called one of Kizaru's subordinates on his waist.

Sengoku felt like he was going crazy at this point.

A good encirclement and suppression battle, and now they are almost ready to launch a rescue battle with Marine.

Garp and Aokiji on the side were also a little silent.

They somewhat knew why Rayleigh wanted to take action.

I'm afraid it has something to do with Ace's declaration that he wants to become the king of the world and create a world where "everyone can have enough to eat and everyone can have a party."

But for the blind middle-aged man, Garp and Aokiji, they have no clue.

But, this time, I'm afraid I really have to take action.

The balance of combat power has been broken.

Garp and Aokiji's eyes were a little complicated.

On the Shichibukai warship, Hancock looked at Rayleigh who appeared on the screen, his beautiful eyes flashing.

Rayleigh, did you even take action?

It seems that my decision was correct.

"Using speed to involve two top combat forces, Marshal, have you misunderstood something?"

Kizaru received the phone bug message from Sengoku. He squatted half-crouched, with a little blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, and a lot of cold blood dripping from his forehead.

"Bah! Boom! Boom!!!"

Accompanied by a flash of thunder, there was a terrifying roar that resounded across the sky!

“Logia’s, Thunder Fruit.

Kizaru sweated more on his forehead.

This fruit ability is very troublesome. The speed is not much slower than his Sparkling fruit.

The attack power far exceeds Sparkling Fruit and is infinitely close to Sakazuki's Lava-Lava Fruit.

The overall ability is definitely above his Sparkling fruit and Lava-Lava Fruit.

What makes Kizaru even more frightened is that his Observation Haki sensed,

Although the strength of this girl who appeared is not as good as mine, she is definitely strong enough to reach the threshold of Admiral!

Bastard! I’ve never heard of such a thing! In addition to Portgas·D·Ace, does the Entei Pirates have another Admiral-level fighter?

Plus ‘Pluton’ Rayleigh, and this blind man who I don’t know but also has Admiral level combat power,

and Thunder Fruit, which can contain its own speed.

Myself, one against three?

Kizaru's face turned a little green.

"Your name is Mei, right?"

Looking at the girl appearing next to him, Rayleigh also had a smile on his face.

At such a young age, Thunder Fruit has been developed to such an extent that it possesses Admiral-level combat power.

Ace has so many talents under his command.

"Well, Uncle Rayleigh."

Nami looked at Rayleigh and smiled playfully.


Rayleigh looked at Nami, and her eyes suddenly widened.

"That's right, you are the vice-captain of the Roger Pirates and the right hand of the Pirate King.

Isn't he Ace's uncle? I called him, so there's no problem.

…………Please give me flowers…………

Nami's smile became sweeter and sweeter.

Rayleigh was stunned for a moment and reacted immediately.

What a good boy! He’s very capable of what he does!

Uncle, this is a really good title.

Rayleigh looked at Nami with a smile on her lips.

"Uncle, let's knock this guy down first. My Haki is not strong enough, so I have to rely on you, uncle, to complete the final blow.

Uncle, that knife you just struck was so powerful, was it Haki entanglement? Can you teach me how to do it?"

Nami said "uncle" on the left and "uncle" on the right, with a sweet voice and pretty face.

The smile on the corner of Rayleigh's mouth could not be suppressed.

"Okay! Just smile! Let's go together!"

Rayleigh swung the knife around.

"Buzz! Clang!"

Under Kizaru's sweat-dropping gaze, Conqueror's Haki fiercely wrapped the sword around him.


The terrifying Conqueror's Haki caused the sky and the earth to tremble.

“Pluton’ Rayleigh, for real!

"Can't we just leave Marine Admiral alone and not affect Mr. Ace?"

A few drops of cold sweat flowed from Yixiao's forehead.

Just now, Mr. Rayleigh was saying, just let Kizaru be good.

Now, why do you look like you're going to hack Kizaru to death?

Want to kill an Admiral of Headquarters here?

Yixiao couldn't make up his mind about such a thing.

After all, although there are many moths in Marine, in general, they are still protecting

justice on the sea,

Pirates are not just men worthy of admiration like Mr. Ace,

Most of them are extremely vicious people.

Here, if an Admiral of Headquarters is really killed, the people on the sea will definitely be affected a lot.

"What are you talking about? As an elder, of course you have to show your skills to the younger generation.

Moreover, didn’t you just take action?”

Rayleigh looked at Haki and smiled, his eyes becoming thicker and thicker.

"Mr. Ace's philosophy deeply moved me.

Although he may not have completely made up his mind, the knife has already been unsheathed subconsciously.

I have no regrets about this move.

There will always be a moment in a person's life when he subconsciously wants to draw a sword. "

Yixiao said in a deep voice.

"I drew my sword subconsciously. That's very well said."

The Haki in Rayleigh's eyes became thicker and full of admiration.

But just like Roger’s free-spirited style,

I am very happy now! Of course I have to draw the sword!

"Then stop talking nonsense and capture Kizaru first!"

Rayleigh has made up her mind to give Kizaru as a meeting gift to Nami.

"If you don't take action, I can't guarantee whether Kizaru will survive, Yixiao."

The smile on the corner of Rayleigh's mouth became even more Haki.

When Kizaru's Sparkling Fruit meets Nami's Thunder Fruit, the speed advantage can be said to be smoothed out to the greatest extent.

Without an absolute speed advantage, he and himself, plus a Nami with Admiral-level combat power, were fighting at the same time.

Failure is just a matter of time.

However, Kizaru's life is nothing in Rayleigh's eyes.

This man, with his smile, is what Rayleigh values.

Strong and upright!

Taking this opportunity to help your juniors and completely tie this upright and powerful fighting force to the chariot is a good meeting gift for your juniors.

After all, he is his uncle.

The smile on the corner of Rayleigh's mouth was so intense that even the warship couldn't hold it back.

"Okay, let's capture him then. Lao Chan is a gravity man with many fruits. His Sparkling Fruit speed can be suppressed by Lao Chan to the greatest extent.

Yixiao's cheeks twitched, and then he sighed as if he was resigned to his fate.

Although it is subconscious, if you take action, you will take action.

I have already boarded a pirate ship.


The gravity of the heavy fruit suddenly wrapped Yixiao's knife.

"You, you guys!"

Kizaru's face turned green at this time.

Forget a Thunder Fruit, how about a Gravity Fruit?!

Isn’t this going to kill you?

What made Kizaru want to curse even more was, is this bastard Rayleigh too excited?!!!

Looking at Rayleigh, who was laughing and having Conqueror's Haki fully wrapped around him, slashing at him crazily, Kizaru's face turned completely green.

Marshal! Save, save,...

"Bah! Boom! Boom!!!"


Thunder Fruit ability, multiple fruit abilities, explode at the same time.

Kizaru was instantly in dire straits.


At this time, Ace, who used Observation Haki to capture everything, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Not far away, Akainu's face turned completely dark at this moment. .

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