Sabaody Archipelago,【Shaky's Rip-off Bar】,

In front of the bar, the former emperor of Amazon Lily and the previous captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, Shakky,

Shakky, who had just finished teaching a few pirates who wanted to cause trouble here, was wiping his wine glass.


Shakky's eyes suddenly froze and he looked up at the door of the bar.


I saw the door handle of the bar spinning on its own in broad daylight, and the door slowly opened.

And outside the open door, there was only a piece of air.

"Observation Haki cannot capture the slightest breath, sound, trace, breath. Everything is silent, as if it does not exist in this space. This ability is

Shakky looked at the open door with a solemn expression.


The atmosphere in front of the bar fluctuated, and figures transformed by transparent fruits slowly appeared.

"Sure enough, is this silent power that even Observation Haki cannot capture, a user with the ability of Paramecia - the transparent fruit?"

Shakky looked at Tashigi who was wrapped in a strange light, his eyes flickering.

After the transparency is lifted, her Observation Haki can immediately detect who activated the ability.


Tashigi exhaled heavily, a look of exhaustion on his pretty face.

We will make all employees transparent and completely shield ourselves from Observation Haki’s investigation.

Even with the help of Ace's understanding field, Voschi's physical strength is almost reaching its limit.

"Thank you, Tashigi."

Ace touched Tashigi's little head and praised it.

Tashigi's pretty face was slightly red, and a happy smile appeared on her cute little face.

“A really big shot has arrived.

The fifth emperor of the sea, Emperor Yan, Potcas.D. Ace. "

Shakky looked at Ace, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he chuckled.

"Speaking of big shots, you are not bad at all, the former emperor of Amazon Lily, the former captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates, Xia "460" Qi."

Ace looked at Shakky, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and smiled.

"The Emperor of Amazon Lily?"

Vivi looked at Shakky and whispered.

"Vivi, do you know this country?"

Kaya looked at Vivi curiously.

"Well, it's an island in the Grand Line Calm Belt where only women live. Every emperor will form an all-female Kuja Pirates group belonging to Amazon Lily.

Famous on the sea,

The current emperor of Amazon Lily, the ‘Pirate Empress’, is also one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. "

Vivi nodded.

"A pirate group composed entirely of women? That's awesome."

Kaya covered her red lips and exclaimed softly.

Although the Entei Pirates, except Ace, are all women,

But that's because Ace's understanding field is there,

Without Ace's realm of understanding, she wouldn't even be able to travel far away, and could only cultivate in an empty villa.

Even if he eats the healing fruit, without Ace's help, he would never be able to achieve what he is today.

The same is true for Vivi, Conis, Laki, Nokia and others.

It's all because of Ace that they are able to bloom like they are today.

However, the Kuja Pirates do not have the same level of understanding as Ace. However, the Kuja Pirates, whose members are all female, are still able to achieve a high reputation on the sea. They are indeed very powerful.

"You are not bad either. Except for the captain, Entei, and Portgas·D·Ace, the Entei Pirates are all female.

And your reputation is much stronger than that of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

You are now a super pirate group comparable to the Four Emperors pirate group. "

Shakky looked at the girls and marveled, with some kindness and nostalgia in his eyes.

Obviously, Shakky also remembered his past career at sea as the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

Hearing Shakky's words, the Nami girls looked at each other, with a proud smile on their pretty faces.

Of course they must have such strength to be worthy of their captain.

"I didn't expect that the famous Emperor Yan on the sea would actually know my insignificant identity.

But I gave up the job a long time ago, please sit down, do you want something to drink?"

Breaking away from the memories, Shakky made a gesture of invitation and chuckled.

Decades of experience on the sea told Shakky that the fifth emperor, Emperor Yan, who was famous on the sea, had no ill intentions when he came here this time.

And even if she has bad intentions, she can't do anything.

After all, she had almost no power to fight back against this man who was one of the top figures in this new era.

Even if Rayleigh is here, he can't handle a complete Four Emperors level pirate group.

Not to mention, Rayleigh isn't here at all right now.

“Let’s have a drink at the most unique bar, hahaha.”

Ace started ordering like an ordinary customer.


Soon, Shakky brought the specialty wine that Ace ordered.


"Ha! It tastes good, very distinctive.

Ace drank the wine Shakky served in one gulp and praised.

"Of course, the wine prepared for Emperor Yan naturally requires some real skills.

This is a unique specialty of Nine Snakes, a fine wine made from it.

Shakky chuckled.

"So, the sea turned upside down and attracted two Four Emperors, Kaido of the Beasts and the red-haired Shanks,

The big shot that Naval Headquarters is waiting for, Yandi,

What’s the point of coming here to me, a weak woman who has been eliminated by the times?”

Shakky's expression gradually became serious. He looked at this young man and said,

But he has become as big a figure as an emperor on this sea,

A terrifying man who single-handedly caused almost the entire sea to riot.

If it weren't for the fact that the man in front of me was exactly the same as the one in the reward order,

Shakky couldn't believe that this handsome man with a gentle smile on his face was actually the core of the riots that started in the sea today.

Why would such a big shot come to live with her, the retired captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates?

Not to mention her who has retired to seclusion, even the entire Amazon Lily can only tremble in front of this man.

This man is one of the most important figures standing at the top of this sea in this era.

What is the purpose of such a big shot coming here...

Shakky's face was extremely solemn.


When Ace heard Shakky's words, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and then turned into a laugh.

“I just want to taste a glass of wine made by the former Amazon Lily Emperor himself, that’s all.

I was not disappointed. "

Ace looked at the wine glass in his hand in admiration.

"Just, that's it?"

Shakky's expression gradually became dull, and he looked at Ace blankly.

"Of course, I just wanted to have a glass of wine, so I came here. Is there any other reason?"

Ace laughed.

"It is indeed very unique. It is indeed a wine made by the emperor who went to Amazon Lily before.

The Nami girls looked at each other, covered their mouths and chuckled.

Then he started tasting the wine made by Shakky, and the whole bar was filled with laughter.

Their captain is such a person.

When you are hungry, you have to eat,

If you want to drink, you have to drink.

It's so simple, so free.

Shakky looked at Ace, who was laughing, and the girls who were smiling coquettishly, and pursed his red lips. Then, the curvature of the corners of his mouth became wider and wider, and he laughed.

"Hahaha, he is indeed the legendary Emperor Yan. No wonder, no wonder..."

Looking at Ace, Shakky laughed loudly.

Four Emperors, Kaido, the redhead, is heading towards the Sabaody Archipelago,

Naval Headquarters has assembled almost all its combat power and is ready.

Sabaody Archipelago, as well as the surrounding sea area, the depressive atmosphere before the war, even she, a retired person, can clearly feel it.

The outcome could trigger the most horrific war since the Naval Headquarters, Shichibukai, and Four Emperors balanced the sea.

Let Marine's tight security network be in vain, treat Four Emperors Kaido, red hair as nothing,

Came here just because I wanted to have a drink.

Shakky laughed loudly and looked at Ace with eyes filled with wonder.

This freedom, this consideration, once, there was also a person who passed through it.

That one sentence made Rayleigh follow the man her whole life,

Pirate King D. Roger!

Indescribable capacity, a free mind and body that nothing can limit,

No, even D. Roger has never had this kind of tolerance and freedom at this age.

What an amazing man, Portcas D. Ace.

"As for the title, can I call you Ace?"

Shakky held his chin up and smiled.

For such a free man, calling him Emperor Yan really made her feel a little awkward.

"It's just a title, you can call me whatever you want, but I haven't had enough of this glass of wine yet."

Ace laughed loudly and raised his glass.

"As long as your wallet is thick enough."

The corners of Shakky's mouth raised slightly, as if he was joking with a friend.

"Hahaha, let's see if [Shaky's Rip-off Bar] can take away all my money, hahaha."

Ace laughed.

With a thick smile on his face, Shakky prepared cup after cup of wine for Ace.

Ace welcomed everyone who came and drank almost all of Shakky's wine inventory.

"Well, I enjoyed my drink today."

Ace put the wine glass down and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

With Ace's current complete absorption, alcohol can be metabolized at the fastest speed.

"After drinking this last drink, we have to say goodbye."

Ace looked at Shakky and smiled lightly.

"You're such a good drinker, little Ace. It's a pity that Lao Lei isn't here. He would definitely want to meet a man like you."

Shakky chuckled.

"Lao Lei? There is an extraordinary person on this island."

Ace looked at Shakky, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Then, he glanced at Nami.


Nami's red lips curled up slightly, and her eyes suddenly focused.


Shakky looked up suddenly, stunned.

"Amazing ability, the whole sky above Sabaody Archipelago seems to be covered with a layer of static electricity.

This ability is one of the invincible abilities even in Logia, Thunder Fruit, right?

Unexpectedly, it has reached this point. "

Shakky looked at Nami and exclaimed....

"Relying on the ability of my lovely navigator, all those annoying warning nets were solved."

The corners of Ace's mouth quirked up slightly.

After Thunder Fruit completed its awakening, the coverage and accuracy of Nami's Observation Haki reached a terrifying point.

It is also because of this that Marine emerged from the Devil's Triangle

To the Sabaody Archipelago, countless efforts were spent on laying a huge and complex warning network.

That would be solved so easily.

"Found it! What an amazing smell!"

Nami suddenly opened her beautiful eyes and sighed.

"In the auction house, this kind of aura is even better than that of Aokiji. Shakky, this person is the Lao Lei you mentioned, right?"

Nami looked at Shakky, her beautiful eyes shaking.

"Stronger than Aokiji?"

Vivi, Robin and the other girls' beautiful eyes narrowed.

Although Aokiji is not Ace's opponent now,

But it is still the Admiral of Headquarters, one of the most powerful combat forces on this sea.

Actually, is it stronger than Aokiji?

"It's really impossible to hide in front of Thunder Fruit."

The corners of Shakky's mouth curled up slightly.

Thunder Fruit can amplify Observation Haki. This is clear to Shakky who has been crossing the sea for decades and now has a secret intelligence network.

But being able to find Rayleigh in the Sabaody Archipelago so quickly and accurately, this girl's Thunder Fruit may have developed to the point of awakening.

Thunder Fruit is one of the invincible abilities in Logia. It stands at the top of all Devil Fruits.

Once the awakening is completed, even without Haki, just relying on the Devil Fruit ability can be compared to the ordinary Admiral in the history of Marine.

How could such a young girl develop Thunder Fruit to such an extent?

What an amazing pirate group.

"his name……………

"'Pluton', Silver‧ Rayleigh."

“I’ve long heard that Sabaody Archipelago has a very skilled coating craftsman here, it’s the former Pirate King’s right hand, Silver.

Ace didn't wait for Shakky to finish speaking, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he smiled lightly.

"One Piece Vice Captain?"

The girls exclaimed.

Even the Entei Pirates have become a Four Emperors-level pirate ship.

Ace also became the fifth emperor on the sea,

But this kind of legendary level pirate is still like thunder.

"I can't hide anything from you, little Ace.

Yes, Rayleigh, he liked to gamble when he had nothing to do. He owed a lot of debts, and after he had no money to pay back, he sold himself as a slave in a human trafficking auction house.

If someone buys Rayleigh, they may get a lot of money from them. "

The corners of Shakky's mouth curled up slightly.

Rayleigh's scandal was exposed without mercy.

Facing such a free man, of course I have to share this kind of thing with little Ace.

"The legendary Pluton, does he still have this kind of hobby? Is it true that people standing at the top of this sea like to do weird things?"

Nami looked at Ace helplessly.

Obviously, I was reminded of those quarrelsome group relationships that Ace had in the past.

"Hahaha, it's not a strange thing, right? Human trafficking shouldn't exist.

It just so happens that I also want to go find the human trafficking auction house here to find something to do. "

Ace laughed at the end, and the corners of his mouth curved into a cruel arc.

Ace, who traveled from the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom, hated human trafficking.

Human traffickers should all die.

Shakky looked at Ace and moved slightly.

Human trafficking shouldn’t exist, right?

"Huh? Ace! Not far from Rayleigh, there is another aura, not under Aokiji either."

At this time, Nami's beautiful eyes narrowed and she looked at Ace.

Shakky's eyes hardened.

As powerful as the Admiral of Headquarters? By Rayleigh's side?

"Oh? It looks really lively, now the Sabaody Archipelago."

When Ace heard this, his eyes moved.

"Nami, where are those Celestial Dragons idiots?"

Ace looked at Nami.

"Also at the human trafficking auction."

Nami heard this and said immediately.

"Oh? Are we all gathered together? It saves trouble."

The corners of Ace's mouth quirked up slightly.

"Thanks for the wine, Shakky, please wait until we get back to pay."

Ace stood up, smiling.

"Celestial Dragons, little Ace, you guys?"

When Shakky heard this, his eyes were shocked.

"Remember, turn on the video phone.

The world, after today, will change. "

Ace laughed and walked out of the bar.

Human Trafficking Auction House.

In a dark prison.

An old man with long curly hair, silver beard and hair, wearing glasses, and a straight scar on his right eye is sitting here in shackles.

Both eyes, but exudes amazing Haki.

Pluton, Silver Rayleigh!

"Ta! Ta!"

There was a sound of stepping on the ground, and Rayleigh slowly raised his head.

"Want to take a gamble?"

A man with short black hair and a beard around his mouth,

There is an "X" shaped scar on the left side of his forehead, and the scar extends to both eyes, the blind man said in a deep voice.


Rayleigh raised the corners of her mouth and smiled lightly. .

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