Holy place, Mariejois!

"Fufufu, regarding the matter related to red hair, you will still come as expected, Hawkeye."

Doflamingo walked as if he didn't recognize his relatives, with a gangster-like smile on his face, looking at the eagle-eyed monster who had just arrived and said with a smile.

Seven Warlords of the Sea, affiliated with the World government,

Even if the World Government authorized Marine to issue a compulsory summons order, the gathering place would be the Holy Land of Mariejois, where the World Government is located.

With the technology currently mastered by the World Government, it only takes a very short time to get from the Holy Land Mariejois to the Naval Headquarters.

"I came here just for the title of Shichibukai and to avoid the trouble of being chased by Marine."

Hawkeye glanced at Doflamingo and said calmly.

"Fufufu, these words are not like what you, once known as the 'Marine Hunter', would say, Hawkeye.

Doflamingo smiled strangely.

"What you said is a bit too much, Doflamingo."

The eagle-like eyes condensed slightly, and the corners of his mouth slowly curved.

"You, on the other hand, came here not only because you want to keep the title of the Seventh Sea, right?"

Hawkeye's words made the smile on Doflamingo's face gradually disappear.

“During the last Shichibukai meeting, I was targeted by Portcas D. Ace, Doflamingo.

With your strength, if you were to face that man, your escape rate would be 0%.

Does coming here, under the protection of World government and Naval Headquarters, give you peace of mind? Doflamingo.

Hawkeye smiled lightly.

Doflamingo's face looked uglier than ever before, his fists were clenched, and the veins on his forehead were bulging.

Hawkeye's words were like a sharp knife, peeling off his disguise.

That's right, when he arrived at Mariejois, he actually felt relieved.

After all, there is Naval Headquarters here! And there is World government!

Here, he doesn't need to face that man alone, Portgas·D·Ace!

Although I don’t want to admit it, during Mariejois’s last Shichibukai meeting,

That man, the terrifying Conqueror's Haki released by Portcas D. Ace, had planted a seed called fear in his heart.

And this seed, as he began to work hard to improve his strength, was gradually suppressed by him.

However, what happened next caused this seed to sprout uncontrollably again.

Injure Aokiji, destroy Enies Lobby, defeat Buster Call...

Such strength is completely different from his.

Just like Hawkeye said, if he faced Portgas·D·Ace, his chance of survival would be infinitely close to 0!

This huge gap in strength brought about a sense of powerlessness and despair that I had never experienced even with Kaido.

After all, Kaido is still in a state of cooperation with him.

Judging from Portcas D. Ace's overbearing behavior, Bellamy's provocation of Portcas D. Ace,

Behind the scenes, I am afraid that I have already been sentenced to death by Portcas D. Ace.

Every time he thinks of this, Doflamingo feels his soul trembling.

This is not only because of the difference in strength, but also because of the influence of Portcas D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki.

The fear of Portkas D. Ace, because of Portkas D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki, completely took root in his heart.

If you want to eliminate this fear, there are only a few ways:

First, enter Tao Botcas D. Ace head-on!

This method is the most direct and thorough, and can eradicate the fear of Portgas·D·Ace.

Eliminate the influence of Portkas.D. Ace, the former Conqueror's Haki, on himself.

Moreover, the previous fear will be turned into nourishment, so that one's own Haki will be greatly improved.

But how is this possible?

If we could defeat Portgas·D·Ace head-on,

How could he become a Shichibukai and provide Kaido with artificial Devil Fruit ‘SMILE’ to gain Kaido’s protection?

I have already become Four Emperors myself!

He Doflamingo doesn't become Four Emperors, is it because he doesn't want to?

Another way is to master the power of standing at the top of this sea, Conqueror's Haki entanglement!

Although it is not as direct and complete as defeating Portcas D. Ace head-on,

But once you master the power of Conqueror's Haki, you can at least suppress this influence strongly.

But as the top power in this sea, once fully mastered, Conqueror's Haki can dominate the sea like an emperor. How can it be so easy to master?

What makes Doflamingo even more desperate is that because he knew the terrible deeds of Portcas D. Ace later,

After the seeds influenced by Portcas D. Ace Conqueror's Haki completely took root and sprouted,

His Haki, could no longer sleep.

Unless this impact is resolved.

Haki, can't even improve, let alone master the extremely difficult power of Conqueror's Haki-entanglement.

With this approach, he hit a dead end.

Then, there is only one last resort.

That is, waiting for Portgas·D·Ace to be destroyed by other powers.

Although this method is very passive and has hidden dangers, preventing him from reaching the highest peak,

But at least, as time goes by, there is still room for improvement in his Haki and strength.

Therefore, Doflamingo, who originally needed to continuously provide Kaido with the real-time coordinates of Portgas·D·Ace, needed the title of Shichibukai and continued to provide Kaido with the title of artificial Devil Fruit ‘SMILE’.

And the reason why the power under his command is not enough to monitor Portcas D. Ace who has a powerful Observation Haki,

Came to Mariejois.

He wants to witness the demise of Portcas D. Ace here.

This kind of escape also contains despicable thoughts, which are ruthlessly exposed by Hawkeye.

Even Doflamingo, who calls himself the ‘Sea Rogue’, has a bit of a look on his face at this moment.

Hawkeye looked at Doflamingo, who had an ugly face and bulging veins on his forehead, and the corners of his mouth curled up with some sarcasm.

It seems that Doflamingo has been completely frightened by Portgas·D·Ace.

Obviously, we haven’t fought each other yet,

He was already crushed in front of Portgas·D·Ace's Conqueror's Haki and Portgas·D·Ace's impressive record.

Doflamingo has completely withdrawn from the center of this era.

"What a nice view!!!"

When Hawkeye was about to cross Doflamingo and walk towards the lounge prepared for them by Mariejois,

A commotion broke out in the port behind them.

"This is the most beautiful woman in the world, the Pirate Empress!"

At the port, the sailors on duty could not control their emotions at this moment, and looked excitedly at a warship that had just docked at the port.

At the very front of the warship, a beautiful and suffocating figure stood there proudly.

"What a stomach-churning place."

Hancock frowned slightly, his pretty face cold.

“The power to put away the sweet fruit, Boa Hancock.

Behind him, Momousagi walked up to Hancock with long legs and looked at Hancock with his beautiful eyes.

"This is Mariejois. If the sailors here are turned into stone statues, it will not be as simple as being deprived of their Shichibukai title."

Momousagi said solemnly.

This woman's ability is really too dangerous.

She was responsible for bringing Boa Hancock to Mariejois, which was extremely unsatisfactory.

As soon as she opened her mouth to explain her purpose, the sailors she brought over were all turned to stone by the sweet fruit's power.

If it weren't for her powerful Haki, even the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral might not be able to resist this petrification.

But even so, it was still a hard fight,

No matter what she said, being deprived of the Shichibukai, Boa Hancock and Kuji would face being annihilated by Marine.

And how the former emperors of Nine Snakes persuaded them,

This woman is like crazy, constantly launching terrible attacks,

As expected, the woman with Conqueror's Haki, known as the Pirate Empress, is even more powerful than her Admiral candidate.

Although Conqueror's Haki has not yet reached the level of being able to entangle, Devil Fruit's abilities, as well as Haki, are already extremely powerful.

Especially the sweet fruit, coupled with its astonishing beauty, even she, a woman, was somewhat affected.

At the end of the battle, her arms were even turned to stone, and she was almost cornered.

As a result, this woman actually stopped her attack when she learned that the Naval Headquarters had been summoned to face the upcoming collision between Kaido, Red Hair, and Entei.

After muttering the unknown invitation of 'Fire Emperor', and amid the incredible exclamations of her two sisters, she lifted the petrification of her subordinates and agreed to follow her to Mariejois

Is this woman's target Portcas D Ace?

Momousagi looked at Hancock's breathtakingly beautiful face and frowned slightly.

As far as she knew, Portgas·D·Ace should have no connection with the Pirate Empress.

Why, this woman who goes crazy when she hears Mariejois, (bbeb), came here because of Portgas·D·Ace.

Completely, I have no idea what this woman is thinking.

"Do you want to say that these people are like this because of the ability of the sweet fruit?"

Hancock glanced at Momousagi, his red lips slightly raised.

"I don't have the ability to use sweet fruits. The reason for all this is because I am so beautiful."

Hancock looked at Momousagi proudly.


The sailors below fell instantly.

"What a narcissistic woman."

Momousagi looked at the turbulent port and Hancock's pretty face twitched slightly.

"Hehehehe, I didn't expect the Pirate Empress to come too. It's really strange.

Along with a high-pitched laughter, two huge figures appeared at the port.

"'Bartholomew the Tyrant,' Gekko Moria."

Momousagi looked at the two people who appeared at the same time, and his pretty face sank.

Did they arrive together using the power of the meat ball fruit?


Eagle Eyes stared at Moria who was carrying a giant long knife.

"Have you picked up the sword again? The pirate who once challenged Kaido, Moria."

Hawkeye said calmly.

"Hehehehe, Hawkeye? I am completely changed now. Do you want to compete with me?"

Moria pointed the knife at Hawkeye and let out a high-pitched laugh.

"Right now, you don't have the desire to let me draw the sword.

Hawkeye said calmly.

"You guy!"

Although Moria knew that she was no match for Hawkeye, she was just being tough.

But after hearing what Hawkeye said, he immediately became angry.

He is ready and has the consciousness to become stronger again.

"call out!"

Invisible threads immediately bound Moria's hands and feet.


Moria immediately understood who did it, looked at Doflamingo and screamed angrily.

"Moria, you didn't come to Mariejois to fight.

I heard that you encountered Portgas·D·Ace. How could a guy of your level survive that man?

Was it the bear's ability that helped you escape from that man?

Did you feel any stimulation when you picked up the old knife? Moria.

Furofurafur. "

Doflamingo's fingers shook slightly, making Moria unable to move at all, and laughed.

At this time, Moria has a twisted mentality that she wants to recover some of her shattered self-esteem from Moria.


Hearing Doflamingo's words, Hancock's small ears on the warship twitched slightly.

“Don’t compare Laozi to you, Doflamingo!

It's true that I lost to Ace, but I wasn't scared.

You guy, everyone knew about the fact that you were scared to death by Ace's Conqueror's Haki at the Shichibukai Conference, hehehehe!"

Moria's high-pitched laughter was extremely harsh.

Moria looked at Doflamingo without any psychological burden on what she said.

He was not frightened by Ace in the first place. After all, his daughter Perona has become Ace's crew member.

Moria even secretly made up her mind to become stronger, to the point where Ace would be impressed.

Then he joined the so-called Entei pirate fleet and became a Senbu.

In this case, we can better protect Perona.

"How dare you speak nonsense after losing Haki!"

Doflamingo suddenly lost control when he heard Moria's words.

Hawkeye said there was nothing he could do to him.

Who is Moria? A loser who failed to challenge Kaido and even lost Haki, dare to mock herself?!

"call out!"

The out-of-control Doflamingo stabbed his finger fiercely, entangled Armament Haki's thread, and shot out instantly.



Accompanied by a terrifying sonic boom, Doflamingo's body drew a deep mark in the port, resolving the atmospheric pressure.


Doflamingo suddenly raised his head and looked at the bear's outstretched right paw, looking directly at the fleshy pad that looked like a bear's paw.

"Why help Moria! Bear!"

Doflamingo's cheek twitched, feeling that something happened that he didn't know.

"This is not a place for you to mess around, Brother Tulaming."

The bear looked at Doflamingo expressionlessly.

Why? Very simple, because Moria is also a father who loves his daughter.

And the daughter is still on Ace's boat.

"Hehehehe, I lost Haki?"

Moria let out a high-pitched laugh, and the thick black material wrapped around the huge knife.


Swinging the giant sword suddenly, the invisible thread controlling Moria suddenly broke.


Doflamingo's cheeks twitched.

Hawkeye also stared.

"Your Haki, is back?"

Doflamingo looked at Moria with an ugly expression.

Why? All of Moria's confidence should have been shattered by Kaido.

Why can we rebuild this confidence and get Haki back?

But my own Haki cannot improve because of Portgas·D·Ace.

What happened when you met Portcas D. Ace?

"Hehehehe, don't underestimate Laozi, Laozi is Moria!"

Moria screamed.

“It’s really lively, the Shichibukai is more popular than ever before.”

"call out!"

In the sea water of the port, a figure jumped up from the sea.

"'Sea Hero' Jinbei."

Seeing the fishman appear, Momousagi also jumped off the warship.

"Now that we are all here, please go to the lounge to rest. This is Mariejois, not a place for you to mess around.

If something happens here, you will not be able to bear the consequences. "

Momousagi said solemnly.

"call out!"

"The consequences of the trouble? Portkas D. Ace once used Conqueror's Haki to turn this place upside down, right?"

Hancock jumped off the warship, raised his red lips slightly, and said with a faint smile.

"Boa·Hancock! You!"

Momousagi's expression changed when he was told the truth about this slap in the face of Marine and the World Government.

"It seems to be true."

Hancock's beautiful eyes flashed slightly and he walked towards the lounge.

The rest of the people also walked to the lounge.


Looking at the disappearing figures of the Shichibukai, Jumping Rabbit looked suspicious.

Many people in Shichibukai have entanglements with Portcas D. Ace.

This man is, indeed, the center of Uzumaki. .

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