Navigation: Comprehension Heaven-Defying, The Opening Deduces Cremation With A Knife

Chapter 118: The Highest Combat Power Is Assembled! The Clouds Of War!

Naval Headquarters, Marineford!

At this moment, the largest violent organization on the sea is making a huge noise.

Like migratory birds returning to their nests, countless warships, from various branches of the Grand Line and even various branches of the New World, all converged on the place that controls the justice of the sea, the Naval Headquarters!

One by one, the generals, exuding astonishing murderous aura and covered with battle scars, stepped off the warship.

Every one of them is wearing a coat with justice written on it.

The most elite and backbone force of Naval Headquarters, the generals of Naval Headquarters.

At this moment, people from all over the sea are gathering crazily towards the Naval Headquarters.

Seeing many of their colleagues whom they had not seen for a long time, the generals at Naval Headquarters did not feel the slightest joy, and their faces were full of solemnity.

Just because Naval Headquarters issued a summons order.

All Naval Headquarters generals who do not have the most urgent tasks must quickly assemble at Naval Headquarters!

What is the most urgent task? That is the Naval Headquarters general who is already fighting with the pirates and cannot escape.

All other Naval Headquarters generals are deemed to have no urgent mission!

Assemble towards Naval Headquarters!


The reception guards at Naval Headquarters, who were responsible for guiding the gathered generals, swallowed hard when they felt the terrifying momentum coming from these generals who had killed countless enemies.

Naval Headquarters, as the center of justice for the entire sea, maintains a peaceful and tranquil scene on weekdays.

Most of the generals in the Naval Headquarters are also hunting down pirates and upholding justice in every corner of the sea.

This department has never had so many generals gather at the same time.

At least during their time as guards, they had never seen so many generals gathering.

"Hey! Those warships are!"

Some guards looked at the behemoth sailing in the distance in horror.


Several giants tens of meters tall, wearing the Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, stepped onto the Naval Headquarters port.


The huge sound even caused some weak guards to fall to the ground with horrifying expressions.

Naval Headquarters, giant Vice Admirals!

"Even the giant Vice Admirals have gathered here?"

Many generals who gathered at Naval Headquarters had shadows on their faces.

Although full mobilization has not yet taken place, the power gathered in Naval Headquarters has reached an unprecedented level.

Obviously, something big happened on the sea.

This kind of major incident has reached a point where even the usual garrison strength of Naval Headquarters cannot solve it.

A summons order needs to be issued to summon the various Marine elites in the Grand Line.

And the only thing that can make this happen, except during the World Summit, is:


153 and now, obviously not during the World Summit.

Is the war sweeping the sea about to begin?

Looking at countless colleagues, many Naval Headquarters generals gathered towards the headquarters with gloomy expressions.

"Hey, hey, what an exaggerated call, what happened, Hina."

On a warship, Smoker slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, looked at the stern-faced Hina at the port, and said.

"Even the giant Vice Admiral came so many."

Smoker, who had been promoted to Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, looked gloomy as he watched the giant Vice Admirals walking towards the room specially prepared for giants under the guidance of the guards.

"The matter involves the highest level. Hina doesn't know everything. The little information she only knows is also strictly blocked and cannot be told to you.


Hina lit a lady's cigarette, her pretty face full of solemnity.

She knew a little bit about the Buster Call incident in the headquarters.

However, this matter has been blocked by Marine senior officials and treated as confidential.

But after all, she was in the headquarters and was promoted to Rear Admiral. Hina still heard some rumors.

"It must be related to the fifth emperor on the sea.

The whole sea started to riot because of him. "

Hina exhaled a puff of smoke and said solemnly with a pretty face.

Hina's words made Si Ge clenched his fists fiercely.

The fifth emperor, Portcas D. Ace.

There is also the ‘Fallen Swordsman’ Tashigi who has completely joined the Entei Pirates.

Are you going to start a war with the Entei Pirates?

Smoker walked into the headquarters with a gloomy expression.

"Admiral, everyone is waiting for you inside, we'd better hurry up."

A Naval Headquarters Commodore looked at the tall figure walking slowly aside and said with sweat on his face.

"It's so scary. A summons order was issued. Something really big has happened."

A tall man wearing a coat of justice, a yellow and white striped suit, and sunglasses with a vulgar look on his face tilted his mouth and spoke in a very slow tone.

Admiral of Headquarters, Logia Sparkling Fruit, Sparkling Man, Kizaru, Porusalino!

Although he was urged, Kizaru's pace was still leisurely.


The door of the conference room was slowly opened.

Kizaru walked in, his eyes slightly raised under his sunglasses.

"Kizaru! It's too slow. Did it take you so long to come from Mariejois?"

Sengoku sat on the marshal's seat and said solemnly.

Under the Sengoku, there are three seats.

Admiral of Headquarters, Aokiji, Akainu, is sitting there.

The remaining seat was empty, and it obviously belonged to Kizaru.

On the left and right sides of the three seats, there are two rows of Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals standing with ferocious faces and exuding astonishing evil aura!

In front of all Vice Admirals, there are two special seats.

Naval Headquarters Chief of Staff, Crane.

Marine Hero, Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Garp, was sitting there.

Almost all the high-level combat forces of Naval Headquarters are gathered here!

"Really, Marshal, didn't you want me to report to the Five Elders urgently? Regarding your request, Marshal, the Five Elders have already agreed."

Kizaru said slowly, looking at Aokiji sitting on the far left with his eyes under his sunglasses.

"Hey, Aokiji, you're back. Really, it was supposed to be God's turn for a holiday.

Kizaru tilted his mouth, looked at Aokiji, and said slowly.

"Don't think about the holiday. Come back to your seat quickly."

Sengoku has long been used to Kizaru's lack of tone and said in a deep voice.

"It's so scary. All three of us are here."

Kizaru took steps and slowly sat in the last position of the three seats.

As Kizaru sat down.

Even the Vice Admirals of the Naval Headquarters who have gone through countless fierce battles, many feel their throats are a little dry.

The highest record of Naval Headquarters, three Admiral of Headquarters, gather!

"Everyone, I think you all have some guesses as to why you are summoned here.

Sengoku raised his head, looked at the elite forces of Naval Headquarters gathered together, and said in a deep voice.

"The Four Emperors of the New World, the Red Hair Pirates, left their station and headed to the first half of the Grand Line.

"The Four Emperors of the New World, Kaido of the Beasts, transformed into the form of Azure Dragon Beast alone and headed to the first half of the Grand Line."

Sengoku's words made all the Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals present look extremely horrified.

The two Four Emperors of the New World went to the first half of the Grand Line at the same time?!

Among them, there is also the pirate group known as the Iron Wall, the entire Red Hair Pirates group?

In the first half, what could attract two New World Four Emperors to leave their territory and go there at the same time?

Suddenly, some Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral seemed to think of something, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

"After intelligence confirmation, Kaido of the Beasts and Red Hair Pirates have the same target!"


Sengoku raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of solemnity.

"The fifth emperor of the sea, the Five Emperors, the Entei Pirates!"

All Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral's pupils shrank suddenly.

The whole group of Red Hair Pirates, the target of Kaido of the Beasts,

It is the fifth emperor of this sea, Emperor Yan! Portcas D. Ace!

After the battle of Enies Lobby, the name completely spread across the sea.

In particular, many Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals [already know the terrifying strength of Portcas... Ace.

With one blow, the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, Huoshaoshan, Momousagi, and Tea Dolphin were defeated together.

Ghost Spider died on the spot, Flying Squirrel, Huo Shaoshan, and are still recovering in the hospital.

Although Momousagi and the tea dolphin are able to move, they are also seriously injured.

This kind of strength is already comparable to the four emperors who stand at the top of this sea.

The Entei Pirates under his command even have Sand-Sand Fruit, one of the former Shichibukai, Sand Crocodile, which is also considered powerful in Logia.

On top of the Logia Devil Fruit, Lava-Lava Fruit, Sparkling Fruit, and Frozen Fruit owned by the three highest combat powers in their Naval Headquarters,

Thunder Fruit is known as one of the invincible abilities!

Also, it has the same level as the Four Emperors Kaido, the reason why it is called the strongest creature in the world, the fish fruit-phantom beast species-blue dragon form,

The evil (aiab) demon fruit that stands at the top of all devil fruits, the bird fruit phantom beast species - Suzaku form!

Plus Portcas D. Ace himself,

Such a force is undoubtedly comparable to that of almost the entire Four Emperors pirate group!

Portcas D. Ace is already the undisputed fifth emperor on this sea.

Two of the five emperors on the sea were heading towards another emperor.

The three emperors, for unknown reasons, are about to meet in the first half of the Grand Line!

No wonder, the headquarters will summon so many combat forces here,

Even the three most powerful people gathered here at the same time.

Standing at the front of all the Vice Admirals, Momousagi and Otaku, who were still slightly injured, had a shadow on their faces.

Portcas D. Ace's strength is terrifying, and they know it all too well.

They didn't even use the power of Mera-mera Fruit, relying only on martial arts and Conqueror's Haki, leaving them powerless.

If one-on-one, one strike is enough to kill them!

Especially Momousagi, there is still deep unwillingness and uneasiness in his heart.

At that time, because she wanted to preserve the power of justice, she brought out Vice Admiral Garp and gave it a face in Portcas D. Ace.

Only with the loss of only Ghost Spider, Buster Call was brought back to the headquarters.

But after that day, Momousagi made some shocking discoveries.

In her heart, she gave in to Portcas D. Ace.

In other words, he surrendered to Portcas D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki.

This kind of surrender cannot be completely washed away even by the influence of the washing fruit of her sister, Crane Vice Admiral.

The impact of Portcas D. Ace Conqueror's Haki is on top of the fruit-washing ability.

Obviously, the tea dolphin, fire mountain, and flying squirrel that also suffered the impact of Portcas.D. Ace Conqueror's Haki did not have this situation.

It's because I was in Portcas.D.Ai

During the impact of Conqueror's Haki, did he say the words "please pray to you?"

But I have never heard of the consequences of saying similar words under the impact of Conqueror's Haki.

If you simply can't bear Conqueror's Haki, the best you can do is faint.

But this time, there was obviously a serious problem.

The most important thing is that she doesn't know what kind of terrible consequences this kind of problem will cause.

But in her mind, she simulated the scene where Portcas D. Ace gave her some instructions.

She turned out to be flat.

Although it was just some uncritical instructions, Momousagi didn't dare to try them at all.

But this has proven that Portcas D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki has had some influence on her behavior.

How could there be such a ridiculous thing!

Portcas.D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki, there's a problem!

Momousagi's pretty face was filled with uneasiness.

"It's so scary when three emperors meet. What terrible things will happen?"

Kizaru spoke slowly, but his eyes under the sunglasses also flashed with a deep look of solemnity.

"Hmph, it would be best if the three of us die together, so that the sea can be quieter."

Akainu raised his head with a look of panic.

"A war in the first half is no joke.

Don't forget, the Entei Pirates are heading to the Sabaody Archipelago.

Aokiji said slowly.

These words made everyone present suddenly change their expressions.

Sabaody Archipelago is the first half of the Grand Line and the only way to the New World.

If you want to go from the first half of the Grand Line to the second half of the New World, there are only two ways:

One is to make a request to the World government, and then go directly through Mariejois, the holy land at the top of the Red Line,

Another way is to use the Sabaody Archipelago to wrap the boat with Argman mangrove resin, dive 10,000 meters, and pass through a huge hole under the Red Line.

Undersea line” The fish men island reaches New World.

So in Sabaody Archipelago, there are many pirates, businessmen and bounty hunters gathered.

But this is not the point. The point is Sabaody Archipelago, which is very close to Naval Headquarters.

And the rulers of the Sabaody Archipelago are the real nobles of this world, the Celestial Dragons!

If three Four Emperors turn the Sabaody Archipelago into a battlefield, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"If Kaido, Red Hair, and Entei start a war in the Sabaody Archipelago, we at Naval Headquarters will not be able to escape."

Sengoku stood up with a stern look on his face.

Even though he is a Marine marshal, there are some things that he can't avoid just by thinking about it.

Once the Sabaody Archipelago becomes a battlefield, Naval Headquarters can only attack!

After all, the rulers of the Sabaody Archipelago are the Celestial Dragons.

This is also the reason why Sengoku issued an emergency call.

War is somewhat inevitable!

"Intelligence department, pay close attention to the movements of the Entei Pirates, Red Hair Pirates, and Kaido of the Beasts."

"Issue a call for Shichibukai and tell them that if they don't want to be deprived of their Shichibukai qualifications, they should all come to Mariejois!"

"Kizaru, prepare for the attack of our science unit.

Sengoku looked solemn as he issued instructions one after another.

Summoning Shichibukai, otherwise depriving Shichibukai of qualifications, means that he wants Kizaru to return to the Five Elders' demands.

Naval Headquarters, facing three emperors directly, the pressure is really too great.

Moreover, no one knows what this sea will turn into because of this incident.

"Everyone, enter a state of war preparation!"

"Everyone, get ready for war.

In the worst case scenario, we may have to face three emperors this time!"

"Don't be lazy, otherwise we may be the ones defeated in the end!"

The Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral was present, and his expressions were extremely solemn.

Garp sat in his seat with his head lowered so that no one could see his expression.

Aokiji's expression is cold, but his eyes have complex colors.

Akainu's eyes flashed fiercely, like a ferocious beast that chooses and devours people.

The cynicism on Kizaru's face also disappeared, and the color of his sunglasses deepened.

"Justice will prevail!"

Sengoku yelled at last.

"Justice will prevail!"

All Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals roared in unison.

Naval Headquarters is assembled!

Seven Warlords of the Sea summons, issued!

The second of the three major forces on the sea will face the three emperors on the sea.

Four Emperors, the strongest creatures in the world, beasts! Kaido!

Four Emperors, Redhead! Shanks!

And, the fifth emperor of the sea [Fire Emperor Portcas... Ace!

At this time, the Entei Pirates entered a sea of ​​shadows. .

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