Li Chuang smiled bitterly, his eyes full of envy, "You still have the ability! The weekend has been so long, and you can still have such a good time, and you can even find an RV. If I had known this, I might as well not have come to the base in the first place. Maybe I can live a better life with you by my side."

Listening to Li Chuang's words, no one from Nan Ci said a word.

The most taboo thing among people is to communicate with each other briefly and deeply.

They were not very familiar with each other, but Li Chuang's words made it seem as if they had a good relationship.

Even if Li Chuang didn't take his family to the base, Nan Ci wouldn't have taken them with him, so what he said was simply untrue.

Although Nan Ci and the other three remained silent, Li Chuang did not show any embarrassment on his face and still looked at them with a smile.

"You have just arrived at the base. Are you not familiar with the situation there? I can tell you a little bit."

Just listening to Li Chuang's words, you know that he is also a smart person.

Seeing that playing the emotional card was of no use, they started to exchange benefits instead.

Compared with playing the emotional card, Nan Ci preferred this method. This time he nodded, "Then please tell us."

Li Chuang thought for a moment, "You should know that the base is divided into an aboveground city and an underground city. The people in power of the base, as well as those with power, all live in the underground city.

In addition to these people, ordinary survivors who want to enter the underground base must pay a sum of supplies.

The entrance fee alone is 50 kilograms of food per person. No one is allowed to walk around outside in the underground city after dark, and no one is allowed to sleep outside. Therefore, in addition to the entry fee, you must also prepare enough rent. Otherwise, walk around inside and come out before dark. "

Hearing this, Mu Qianqian couldn't help but ask a question, "What if I don't come out before dark?"

Li Chuang was silent, "If you don't come out before dark and don't find a place to live, you will be arrested and do hard labor. Unless you pay a large ransom, you will never have personal freedom in this life." .”

Mu Qianqian's eyes widened in shock, "Is this... too much? How come there is such an outrageous rule?"

As soon as Mu Qianqian finished saying this, Li Chuang's expression suddenly changed. He looked around with great vigilance. After making sure that there was no one around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this case, I advise you not to say anything in the future. I was overheard by people in the base, and you will be arrested immediately. You will also be charged with a crime."

"What crime?"

"It may be to disrupt the order of the base, or it may be to disturb the security of the base, or to damage the reputation of the base...I can't be sure of the specific charges. But once you are charged with these crimes, even if you have supplies, you will not be able to redeem yourself. In the future. It’s a complete lack of freedom and human rights.”

Li Chuang's eyes moved around Mu Qianqian's body, "A person like you shouldn't be forced to do hard labor, but the end will definitely be worse than doing hard labor."

Although Li Chuang didn't say it explicitly, just by listening to these words, one can guess what he meant.

Mu Qianqian's face darkened instantly, "If what you said is true, then where is this base? What's the difference between it and the wolf's den?"

Li Chuang suddenly laughed, his laughter was low and mixed with many complicated meanings, "Do you still think that the base is really the same as the world before the apocalypse? How is that possible?"

Nan Ci stopped Mu Qianqian from continuing to ask with his eyes, and asked a question himself, "Do you know what life is like in the underground city?"

Li Chuang shook his head, "I have never been in, but I heard that the building inside is like a building, it is a big place and has many floors.

Although it's underground, it's as bright as day inside.

It is clean and very warm inside, and there is electricity and hot water for free use. There are even shops and restaurants, and the lives of the people inside are no different from before the apocalypse. "

When talking about this, Li Chuang's face showed endless yearning.

"If I hadn't lost a lot of supplies due to the earthquake, I could have lived down there with my family. If I could have lived down there, my family wouldn't have to suffer, and I wouldn't be as thin as I am now."

After Li Chuang muttered to himself for a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Nan Ci and the four of them, "You have so many supplies, let alone paying the entrance fee, even if you rent a luxurious house there, I guess there won’t be any burden. From now on, you won’t have to worry anymore, and you won’t have to suffer from hunger and cold anymore. It’s great!”

It can be seen that Li Chuang is really envious.

Regarding Li Chuang's sigh, Nan Ci just smiled slightly and then asked, "What about the underground city?"

"Underground city?" Li Chuang was stunned for a moment, a little confused, "What are you doing in the underground city? Do you want to live here forever? What's so good about this?"

"Okay, you tell me first, then we can know."

"Okay." Li Chuang was a little helpless, "The underground city is what you see now. All the buildings in the underground city are made of ice bricks. Only the general frame can be made of ice bricks, such as doors and windows. It really doesn't work, I can only find a way on my own.

Even if you manage to get the doors and windows, they are not foolproof from now on. Someone must keep an eye on the doors and windows of their home all day long, otherwise it is very likely that when they go out or wake up after sleeping, they will find that the doors and windows are missing.

Fighting is not prohibited in the base, and no one cares whether you steal or not. As long as you are not rebelling, the people in the base will not bother to care about you at all. "According to what you said, the underground city only provides everyone with a house made of ice bricks, and everything else depends on the survivors themselves?" "

"Yes, that's it. There are a lot of mutant animals outside. Some mutant animals are very ferocious and will actively attack people. The base has high walls and is guarded. Compared to the outside, the base is very safe inside.

So even if the life above ground is not that good and they have to spend money on renting a house, not many people are willing to leave the base.

There is no need to rent a house to live outside, but life safety is not guaranteed.

Comparing the two, everyone knows which one to choose. "

It was true that Nan Ci agreed in his heart.

Compared with the materials and life safety required for renting a house, the latter is of course more important.

Now that he almost understood the information about the base, Nan Ci didn't continue to talk nonsense.

She turned around and entered the RV. After a while, she walked out carrying a two-pound bag of vacuum-packed millet and walked straight to Li Chuang.

"Thank you for telling us this. This is for you."

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