Wang Miaomiao was a little confused by Nan Ci's questions one after another, and it took a while to clear her mind.

"If you don't want to lend me hot water, just say so. There's no need to mince words."

When she said this, Wang Miaomiao had tears in her eyes and was very pitiful.

Nan Ci smiled and said, "You know I don't want to lend it to you? Now that you know it, just leave quickly!"

This time, Wang Miaomiao was really surprised.

She originally thought that Nan Ci would be a little uncomfortable after being exposed, but now it seems that she is overthinking.

Not only did Nan Ci not feel any discomfort, he even asked her to leave quickly.

Wang Miaomiao gritted her teeth thinking of what she would face after leaving.

Seeing Wang Miaomiao about to kneel down again, Nan Ci raised his eyebrows, "You're not going to kneel down again, are you? Kneel further away, it's a bit annoying. Remember to kneel down a little longer. I really want to see such weather. , if you kneel outside for a long time, your legs will become useless."

Nan Ci spoke seriously, like a curious baby.

But when these words fell in Wang Miaomiao's ears, Wang Miaomiao completely turned pale. She stood there stupidly, not knowing what to do next.

At this moment, a series of footsteps approached from far away, and several people appeared behind Wang Miaomiao.

One of them, who was slightly shorter but wrapped the thickest, spoke first.

"You little girl, why are you so mean in what you say and do? Children are begging you so much, why don't you agree?"

The people nearby agreed.

"That's right. You look so clean and well-dressed, but why do you have such a vicious heart?"

"My child just wants to borrow some hot water, and he's not trying to kill you. How could you say such vicious words?"

"Compared to a person like this, how can he live in a car and have so many supplies?"

"You still have to ask? The things must have been stolen! Now that the disaster is about to end, people like her will definitely be punished."

Listening to everyone talking incessantly, it did not affect Nan Ci at all.

When everyone stopped talking, Nan Ci glanced at everyone and said calmly, "Have you said enough? If you haven't said enough, I will move a stool and sit here and listen to you.

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard so many people talking. It feels pretty good, and it’s quite human. "

Nan Ci's attitude angered everyone present.

The thickly wrapped old lady was particularly angry. She pointed at Sunan Ci and yelled, "You! Don't be arrogant! I'm waiting to see what happens when you are liquidated!"

Nan Ci squinted his eyes and looked her up and down, "Then you have to try to live a few more days, otherwise you probably won't be able to see it."

"You damn girl, you have a mother but no father to support you. How dare you talk to me like this? Do you believe me or not -"

Before she could finish her words, Nan Ci had already quickened his pace and walked towards her.

Nan Ci was extremely fast and arrived in front of her in just a moment.

The aunt looked at Nan Ci who suddenly appeared in front of her, and subconsciously stepped back, her face full of panic, "What are you going to do? I can tell you, this is the base, if you dare to do anything, the base will not let you go. .”

Nan Ci raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly, "Don't be nervous. I just think you are good at talking. You have a really good tongue. I want to borrow it to take a closer look at how it grows."

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