Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 149 Killing all directions, rat corpses everywhere

The same thing was discovered by the mice.

The rats stopped attacking the survivors. They all looked at the RV with red eyes and ran towards the RV.

Their goal is clear, it is the four people from Nanci.

Seeing the army of rats getting closer and closer, Nan Ci not only did not have the slightest fear, but became even more excited.

She is that these mice are always running around, delaying her shooting.

Now these mice are running towards him in a single brain, almost no different from the prey he sent to the door.

The crossbow has to keep loading arrows, but the speed is still a bit slow, so Nanci simply changed the gun.

With a gun, a burst of chugs, one shot at a mouse, the speed doubled directly.

The mice fell to the ground one by one, and soon died.

Although these mice have mutated, it does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

As more and more mice died, they all stopped, looked at the RV with hatred, and finally turned their heads together, and ran away in the direction they came from.

Of course, Nanci couldn't just let them go and continue shooting at them.

The range of the bullets was much farther than that of the crossbow bolts, and dozens of mice died before they escaped Nanci's sight.

Nanci didn't stop until he could no longer see a living mouse as far as he could see.

Mu Qianqian, who was tense, also put down the crossbow arrow in his hand, and let out a long breath.

"These rats are really disgusting."

After a pause, Mu Qianqian frowned and said another sentence.

"What's even more disgusting is that I have to take back the arrows that were shot at them in a while."

When Mu Qianqian said the first sentence, Nan Ci didn't feel anything yet.

But after hearing the second sentence, Nan Ci was in a bad mood.

After thinking about it, Nan Ci said, "It's not like we have to get it ourselves."

Mu Qianqian was a little confused, "Nanci, what do you mean by that?"

"Those people outside should be happy to help us remove the arrows and clean them up."


"Because they should really want the rat meat."

Supplies are now scarce and food is in short supply.

Although these rats are big and disgusting, they are solid meat.

Every mouse is so fat, weighing at least twenty kilograms. Even after cleaning, there will be more than ten kilograms left, enough to last for a long time.

Mu Qianqian moved her mouth, obviously wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say a word.

Even if Mu Qianqian didn't say a word, Nan Ci could guess what she wanted to say.

Mu Qianqian probably wanted to say that rat meat is so disgusting, how could it be eaten.

But before she said it, she also realized that for people who have no food and may starve to death at any time, they still have to eat rat meat no matter how disgusting it is.

Nan Ci stopped talking to Mu Qianqian and opened the window directly.

As soon as he looked outside, Nan Ci's eyes froze.

The people outside had actually begun to snatch the rat's body.

It turned out that the food in their hands now was less than Nan Ci expected.

Of course, it's also possible that they were prepared for any eventuality.

Nan Ci did not speak, but raised the gun in his hand again, took off the silencer, and fired into the sky.

With the sound of a gunshot, all the people who were fighting for the mouse's corpse stopped, and looked towards Nanci with some horror.

There was no expression on Nanci's face, he just looked at these people coldly.

"These rats were all killed by us. Have you obtained our consent to snatch the corpses of these rats?"

Everyone was silent.

After a while, only one person dared to speak.

"So much... so much rat meat, you can't finish it. Besides, you still have so many supplies..."

Nan Ci sneered, "How much supplies we have is our business. Whether we eat or not is our business. What does this have to do with you snatching my spoils without my consent?"

Nanci's words made these people speechless, but their eyes could not help but glance around.

Although they wanted to grab the rat meat and run away, their speed was not as fast as the rat's. If they dared to grab the mouse and ran away, they would definitely be shot to death by Nanci.

Seeing that they were all fearful, some even put the rat meat in their hands on the ground and backed away quietly, Nanci was very satisfied.

Nanci glanced at everyone, "Whoever removes the arrow from the mouse and cleans it up, and brings it to me, can take away a mouse.

If it was shot by a bullet, remove the bullet and clean it for me, and you can also take a mouse away.

I'll give you two hours, don't wait. "

There are a lot of rats all over the place, but there are also a lot of people.

Coupled with their desperate need for rat meat, it must be faster to do things.

Nanci gave them two hours, which was more than enough.

After Nanci finished speaking, seeing that everyone hadn't moved, he raised his eyebrows at them, "What? None of you intend to ask for it. If that's the case, then I—"

Before they could finish speaking, those who were still standing still started to move.

The hurried look didn't look like dealing with a mouse carcass, but like packing up treasure.

Nan Ci didn't move, just looked at it. The gun was placed on the window, the black muzzle pointed at these people.

With the coercion of guns, these people dare not play any tricks, one is more honest than the other, and the work is faster than the other.

Two hours later, Nan Ci collected all the arrows and bullets that had been shot, and the rat meat was naturally distributed.

Now there is a world of ice and snow everywhere. There is not much of anything, but there is a lot of snow.

There was snow, and these arrows and bullets were all cleaned and shiny, even reflecting light, and there was not even a trace of bloody smell.

Mu Qianqian gasped in admiration, "Nanci, you're smart enough to think of such a good idea."

With that said, Mu Qianqian looked out the window.

"They must be very grateful to you for taking so much rat meat from you and having so much food to eat."

Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, Nan Ci laughed out loud, "Qianqian, I always feel that you have grown up a lot, how come you are still so simple sometimes?"

Mu Qianqian puffed up her cheeks angrily, "What innocence? You're clearly calling me stupid. Why am I stupid?"

"Don't you know what Sheng Mi En fights Mi Qiu? Not to mention that I just threatened them with a gun to do these things. They will only think that I am cruel and heartless. It would be good not to curse me to death. How is it possible? Will be grateful to me."

The old Taoist priest continued, "To be precise, they already hated us when they saw us sitting in the RV."

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