Natural Disaster: After stocking up hundreds of millions of supplies, I won.

Chapter 147 Are all snakes, insects, rats and ants extinct?

Nan Ci stared at the driver's seat and co-pilot in front for a while, then turned to look at Mu Qianqian.

Mu Qianqian was currently studying the projector on the RV.

A USB flash drive was plugged into the projector, and there were not only movies, TV dramas, but also various variety shows in it. Mu Qianqian was dazzled by watching it directly.

Before the end of the world, no one would take a second look at such a USB flash drive.

After all, in the Internet age, anything you want to watch can be found online, and there are all kinds of resources. There is no need to buy such a large USB flash drive and store everything in it.

But after going through the last few months of the apocalypse, Mu Qianqian had already forgotten how long she hadn't seen these things, how could she not be excited?

In Mu Qianqian's eyes at this time, Zhou Ziyang, a boyfriend who can be seen at any time, is of course not as attractive as a projector.

Mu Qianqian obviously suffered from difficulty in choosing, so she hesitated for a long time to choose, and I finally chose a favorite movie.

However, at the moment of opening, Mu Qianqian pressed pause again, and looked at Nanci nervously.

"Nanci, how much oil do we have? Is it enough?"

Although RVs are nice, they also consume a lot of fuel when driving.

There was still a lot of fuel that they had obtained with Li Chuang before, and when they went to throw supplies downstairs, they also threw them down.

For some time now, the fuel has been piled in a corner and has not been used at all.

I used to think that there was a lot of fuel, it took up space and was of no use.

But now that he had such a RV, Mu Qianqian instantly felt that the pile of fuel had become very low and there was not enough at all.

Nan Ci was not surprised when he heard Mu Qianqian's question.

After experiencing the apocalypse for such a long time, Mu Qianqian is also very worried.

Living in an RV is enjoyable, but you can’t just enjoy it temporarily.

Nan Ci gave Mu Qianqian a reassuring look, "Don't worry, the fuel tank of this car has been modified. When full of fuel, it can run more than a thousand kilometers. Now the fuel tank in the mailbox is full.

This car is charged while driving. It only takes two hours to drive and it can be fully charged, enough for the four of us to use for ten days without worry.

We have plenty of fuel left, enough to refuel several times. Besides, aren't we going to the base now? Other places will be short of fuel, but the base will certainly not be.

After arriving at the base, we can always find a way to change the oil. "

As soon as Nan Ci said these words, Mu Qianqian let out a long sigh of relief.

"With your words, then I can rest assured."

As she said that, Mu Qianqian opened the movie.

Not only Mu Qianqian, but also Nan Ci, who ate and slept with the three of them, had not seen a movie for a long time.

Watching the movie at this time, I actually felt a little sour in my heart.

It's a bit frustrating to have such a big space and prepare so many supplies, but you can't even watch movies at will.

But that was all in the past, and it will definitely not happen in the future!

Nan Ci and Mu Qianqian didn't stay in the back enjoying it. After the movie was over, Mu Qianqian excitedly came to the front and asked to switch places with Zhou Ziyang, and she wanted to drive.

"Can you drive?" Nanci asked a little worriedly.

You can't do things like driving, especially in this kind of icy and snowy place, let alone mess around.

Mu Qianqian glanced at Nan Ci angrily, "Nan Ci, don't underestimate me. I got my driver's license when I was just an adult. After I went to work, I drove for my boss every day. During the morning and evening rush hours, I can drive a sneaky car, and I have already developed my driving skills."

Hearing Mu Qianqian's words, Nan Ci couldn't help laughing.

Driving skills are learned by driving for the leader. This sounds a little sad, but it makes people want to laugh.

But unfortunately, this is something that many young people have to go through after they graduate and enter the society.

Zhou Ziyang was the one who knew Mu Qianqian's driving skills best among them. He slowly stabilized the car and gave up the driver's seat to Mu Qianqian.

"Qianqian, the road is slippery in snowy weather. Although it is equipped with snow chains, it is still quite dangerous. Don't drive so fast."

Mu Qianqian nodded, and assured her earnestly, "I definitely won't drive that fast."

Nanci also went to the co-pilot seat and sat down, "I'll watch him, you go to the back."

As early as the car stopped, the old Taoist could not wait to run behind.

The most comfortable thing in the RV is of course not the driver's seat and the co-pilot, but the cabin.

In addition, this caravan has been remodeled by Nanci, so the rear is not generally comfortable.

All along, Zhou Ziyang has been very calm, very unlike a person of his age.

But in fact, he is just a big boy in his twenties. It is only because he has experienced a lot and takes the responsibility on himself that he behaves unusually calmly.

Now that he had food and drink, personal safety was guaranteed, and such a good RV, Zhou Ziyang also looked like a big boy. As soon as he arrived at the back, he couldn't wait to start playing with the projector and the game console next to him.

Even though the old Taoist priest was in his forties or fifties, more than half a hundred years old, and half of his body was buried in the ground, he was still very interested in the game and started playing with it.

Not long after, the sound of the game came to mind.

Nan Ci looked at everything behind him from the rearview mirror, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It seemed that it was only now that she finally lived the life of her dreams in the last days.

Mu Qianqian's driving skills were as good as she said. Nan Ci was a little worried at first, but after observing for a while, she was completely relieved and no longer stared at Mu Qianqian, but looked outside. .

Driving in an RV is completely different from riding on the back of a little turtle.

There was no wind and snow blowing against the windproof glasses, and the field of vision was not a little better.

But it's useless to have a good field of vision. Looking around, there is a vast expanse of white everywhere, and there is nothing else to be seen except snow.

People and animals that used to be everywhere have now become rare creatures and cannot be seen at all.

Mu Qianqian had been driving quietly until she suddenly let out a sigh.

"Nan Ci, do you think snakes, insects, rats, and ants are all extinct?"

Hearing such a question suddenly, Nan Ci didn't know how to answer it.

Whether it was the previous life or the present life, she had never thought about this question.

I didn't pay attention to these animals and insects.

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems that after the extreme cold came, I never saw snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Could it be that it is really extinct as Mu Qianqian said?

Although such an idea popped up in his heart, Nan Ci was not so sure.

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